
عرض المشاركات من فبراير, 2020

RT @chesaboudin: Thank you for your support, @ACLU_NorCal! https://t.co/FpGkg0AOdI

RT @RoKhanna: I was honored to chat with ⁦@RevJJackson⁩ on our flight down to Columbia, SC. I told him ⁦⁦@BernieSanders⁩ campaign was inspired by his effort to build a multicultural, multiracial coalition for economic justice, racial healing, and peace. https://t.co/RYenLKoWqQ

RT @704afge: Today @704afge announces we are endorsing @BernieSanders in the #2020PresidentialElectiion Join Bernie & #EPA unionized scientists in our struggle to #ProtectEPA & the planet by signing the #EPA workers Bill of Rights at https://t.co/mFcODYzMSn #GreenNewDeal #ScientistsforBernie

RT @BernieSanders: I'm honored to receive the support of the members of @704afge who are under attack from a climate change-denying president. Together, we will lead the fight against the global emergency of climate change and protect the future of our planet for our children and grandchildren. https://t.co/gDdD8cb0GS

RT @BernieSanders: This campaign is not just about me. It's about building a new generation of voters, activists and leaders everywhere. That's how we win California, that's how we win the primary, that's how we beat Trump, that's how we transform the country. https://t.co/1zAad0Tkb4

RT @BernieSanders: Mayor @ChokweALumumba is a strong advocate for progressive change and deeply dedicated to justice and community empowerment. I'm honored to receive this endorsement. Together, we'll build a movement all across this country for justice for all. https://t.co/fDzgiXypPm

RT @jhutch1992: Marching for Bernie! Thank you UCSB for the amazing turnout! #Bernie2020 #gotv #studentsforBernie @UCSB4Bernie https://t.co/9fVzR9VHgs

RT @BernieSanders: The South Carolina primary is tomorrow and Super Tuesday is in four days. The only way we'll win is together. Can you help make calls to voters tonight? https://t.co/YcvS3sejCJ

RT @BernieSanders: This is disgraceful. All workers deserve the right to bargain and strike for better wages and benefits. To Janet Napolitano and @UCSC: stop this outrageous union busting and negotiate in good faith. https://t.co/oaQGTovOdW

RT @BernieSanders: When we care about each other, when we create what Dr. King called a community of love, we become better human beings. Our movement of love and justice will defeat Trump’s hate and greed. Live from Springfield, MA: https://t.co/vuFzUkIiyw

RT @lawcrimenews: Elizabeth Warren Super PAC Run by Former ‘Oil Advocacy Group’ Frontman https://t.co/Tt3JJp7U11 https://t.co/TzFNNYvDNd

RT @nkulw: “All together, Warren — who has made the corrupting influence of dark money central to her candidacy — now has the biggest Super PAC advertising in the Super Tuesday states.” https://t.co/w1VmAcAqr1

RT @alex_sammon: Haven’t seen a single Warren person even raise an eyebrow about Persist PAC and I’m wondering how many other signature policy convictions she could drop without a peep from supporters.

RT @RobGalbraithLS: It’s significant that Warren’s Super PAC is being run by the former head of an oil lobbying group given that Warren has pointed to @sunrisemvmt’s endorsement of Sanders as justification for reneging on her promise to reject Super PAC support https://t.co/CkfGHWQxkm

RT @WalkerBragman: Warren described this super PAC as “a group of women” who “got together” to support her because all of her opponents had outside help. Disingenuous to an almost comical degree. https://t.co/Oo4NIN3yjr

RT @aishaismad: Liz Warren's Super PAC is run by members of the military-industrial complex and the fossil fuel industry https://t.co/zy6UTPsn8j

RT @Robillard: New: Elizabeth Warren Now Has The Largest Super PAC In The Democratic Primary Warren has called on Persist PAC to reveal its donors before Super Tuesday, but the group has no plans to do so. https://t.co/xrLn0vJd96

RT @RobGalbraithLS: Chris Koob, the treasurer of Persist PAC, the Super PAC that recently dropped $9 million on Elizabeth Warren ad buys, is the former COO of Securing America's Energy Future, a military + business led oil advocacy group https://t.co/FqgkLOvc30

A damn mess. https://t.co/3sb7xJp5mg

RT @shaunking: Wow. Did you see this? Elizabeth Warren now has the largest secret Super PAC in the Democratic field. A few hours ago, under pressure, she asked that they release their donor list. THEY JUST SAID NO. This is exactly what she spoke against FOR YEARS. https://t.co/cjWQf4EOJT

RT @Booker4KY: If you’re wondering whether Kentucky is ready to win our future, you can put that question to bed! @kftc, a people powered movement fighting to uplift all Kentuckians, has endorsed me for U.S. Senate!!! I believe in you. I’m standing with you. Go time.💪🏾 https://t.co/fp2wptE5YK https://t.co/3LTyXAH13A

HUGE!! https://t.co/51AUTrLmpX

I am deeply concerned about this man, Bill Conway, who is running for States Attorney in Cook County, Illinois. He is clearly working with Carlyle Group to militarize the States Attorneys Office. Watch this. https://t.co/W1g6FuHbyo

RT @ShahidForChange: When I was 16, my family lost our home due to foreclosure. This forced me into housing insecurity for years. We all know that Nancy's free market has worked well for a few at the top. Our generation can make housing a human right. Vote for Shahid Buttar on March 3! https://t.co/o6lSzVIxad

RT @AAIUSA: Mayor Bloomberg was finally asked about NYPD surveillance of the Arab & Muslim communities. His answer betrays systemic anti-Arab & anti-Muslim sentiment and has no place in credible policy discussions. Read our statement here: https://t.co/7hWT4bS9Pd

RT @RAICESACTION: "Rep. Henry Cuellar, a conservative Texas Democrat, has used his perch in Congress to push for funds for private prisons, drone surveillance, and increased border security enforcement." https://t.co/IYQ9tRkxQs #DontLookAway

RT @kai_newkirk: I know my friends working on & supporting the @ewarren campaign don't believe secret Big $ donors should have this kind of voice in our election. This Super PAC shouldn't exist period, but at the very least progressive values demand that its funders be made public immediately. https://t.co/OEDB7smJQg

RT @BernieSanders: I believe in democracy. That means one person, one. vote, not billionaires buying elections. Together we will restore our vibrant democracy and create a government that works for all. Join us live in Spartanburg, SC: https://t.co/04zexKrdgM

@SoliPhilander @JoeBiden Right!!

RT @FlipTheSenate: Those candidates are here and fighting for you! To remove @JohnCornyn vote @cristinafortx To remove @ThomTillis vote @EricaforUSSen20 To remove @CoryGardner caucus and vote @Romanoff2020 To remove @SteveDaines vote @CollinsWilmot To remove @senatemajldr vote @Booker4KY

RT @FlipTheSenate: If we want to change the pattern of gun violence in the US, we have to do it by electing candidates committed to common sense gun reforms and real legislative action. #FlipTheSenate graphics via @ soyouwanttotalkabout on Instagram https://t.co/oUrAMMxgxh

RT @srl: New: Alabama blocked a man from voting because he owed $4. Yes, $4. https://t.co/5r6gcMZUOR

RT @nwmalinowski: During its investigation, CCRB claims that NYPD officers in videos it reviewed used phrases like "I went Hollywood," "Green," "We're live," and "I'm hot" to warn fellow officers that their body cameras were on and recording. https://t.co/cS5RDLOMo2

RT @People4Bernie: "@evoespueblo did a very good in alleviating poverty and giving the indigenous people of Bolivia a voice that they never had before... At the end of the day,it was the military who intervened in that process. When the military intervenes... that's called a coup" #RealAmericaForum https://t.co/ZL0UkRVyUJ

RT @chrislhayes: "There does not seem to be a statistically significant difference in the margin before and after the halt of the preliminary vote. Instead, it is highly likely that Morales surpassed the 10-percentage-point margin in the first round." !!!!

RT @chrislhayes: Good lord. Given the fact the entire Morales government was toppled over accusations of election fraud, the OAS has *a lot* to answer for. https://t.co/q9cn0yDjoO

RT @broadcastben_: JUST IN—4,700 people attended the Bernie Sanders rally in #Richmond, a member of the campaign’s national advance team tells me. Super Tuesday is just days away. Tune in to #WRIC @8NEWS and visit https://t.co/iRREmnwuhW for more from today’s event in #RVA. https://t.co/aCj6zh1dXO

RT @lucydacus: how do you get a video as a tattoo? https://t.co/Oha7zTnkAC

😂😂😂🤪😂🤪😂🤪😂🤪😂 https://t.co/I0MlKladnX

Bernie rallies be like this. https://t.co/I0MlKladnX

RT @sarah_fong_tho: Watching the @BernieSanders rally in Winston-Salem at #WSSU today and Dr. Larry Little made me spit out my lunch! LMAO!!! “Bloomberg versus Trump is simple two cheeks off the same ass!” #Bernie2020 #Bernie #notMeUs #BernieBruh https://t.co/Ek4wrC19l9

@iPhilSomething 😂🤪🤪🤪😂🤪😂🤪🤪😭😭😭💥💥💥🤪😂🤪

RT @iPhilSomething: introducing....dr. Larry Little! https://t.co/ssB87HV8ID

RT @davidsirota: A few days ago “expert” @JamesCarville was on @JoeNBC and @morningmika’s MSNBC show insisting that @BernieSanders is a particularly weak general election candidate in Pennsylvania. Now we get this — am hoping Morning Joe mentions it as a follow up 👇🏻 https://t.co/Odn3Vs4pP5

RT @shaunking: Just learned the unthinkable. @JoeBiden has not campaigned in a single Super Tuesday state IN OVER A MONTH. I don’t even know what to say about that. It makes no sense. It’s a few days away. New bombshell article coming out on this. States can hardly believe it.

RT @PatTheBerner: Joe Biden isn't campaigning in a single Super Tuesday state. A vote for Biden is a waste. He's finished. https://t.co/TOCDN0j6ld

What a mess. https://t.co/ti6LQxEbkh

The official Trump War Room blasting @JoeBiden for his lies about being arrested in South Africa. https://t.co/tVSafqtMpK

RT @GottaBernNow: Joe Biden drops claim he was arrested seeing Mandela —- it’s a total fabrication https://t.co/35GOYu7oPV

RT @jennineak: Joe Biden claims he marched with Nelson Mandela during apartheid, which isn’t true. Can you ask him why he concocts stories like these? #demdebate #demdebates

RT @thetimes: Joe Biden is facing questions over claims that he was arrested by apartheid police in the 1970s while trying to visit Nelson Mandela in jail https://t.co/MdyAqkS5zu

RT @Harryslaststand: Joe Biden's biggest misconception that people have of him is that he was arrested in South Africa for protesting apartheid. #DemDebate

Again, this news is spreading across the world. https://t.co/lZp7wOcE3w

RT @YahooNews: Joe Biden campaign admits he did not get arrested for trying to visit Nelson Mandela in prison during apartheid https://t.co/FZXrd870MU https://t.co/lr86zxQJXo

RT @shaunking: After admitting tonight to the @WashingtonPost that he was never arrested in Apartheid South Africa, Joe Biden’s staff also admitted that he made up key details of the lie. 1. Nothing happened in Soweto. 2. He also lied about Mandela thanking him for being arrested. Gross. https://t.co/hGdQfJPbS0

International media now calling out @JoeBiden for lying on the campaign trail. https://t.co/Vj6rY8YEQ5

RT @jeremyscahill: Joe Biden has invented an entirely fictional story that he was arrested in apartheid South Africa with the US ambassador to the UN. That ambassador says it never happened. Biden has told the story numerous times recently. If Bernie did this, it would be all we would hear about.

RT @TheDailyShow: Joe Biden is saying he got arrested in apartheid South Africa I’m sorry WHAT https://t.co/ueSAJBWOep

We've reached a very disturbing point with @JoeBiden where he flat out lies right in our faces and we're just expected to accept it. It's going to be a MASSIVE liability against @realDonaldTrump that Biden tells outrageous lies on the campaign trail. I've lost count of them. https://t.co/hGdQfJPbS0

RT @danrolle: Quite possibly the most unsettling part of this video is the disturbing smile on his face when he says it. The sort of establishment disdain that says, “How dare you vote for anyone other than who we told you to.” It’s a look I know well. #NotMeUs https://t.co/XVBzHRao4m

RT @justicedems: “In that scenario, Biden was Barack’s right-wing. With Barack out, nothing left but the right-wing.” -@RevJJackson speaks out ahead of South Carolina primary. https://t.co/k69T081x1p

RT @MarkKersten: Seriously, Joe Biden? It boggles the mind why anyone would lie about being arrested in #Apartheid-era #SouthAfrica, let alone say that it happened in Soweto, on the way to see Mandela on Robben Island. They are some 750+ miles apart https://t.co/2WHZ5mzE9p #DemDebate #USpoli

RT @briticoyemo: "Joe Biden was not arrested in South Africa while trying to see Nelson Mandela, his campaign has conceded. The US presidential contender had repeatedly said he was arrested during a trip there in the 1970s, when South Africa was under apartheid" : https://t.co/5suuUFhgTs

RT @BBCNorthAmerica: Biden campaign plays down his South Africa 'arrest' https://t.co/hyb8uOt0Uv

RT @chris_m_will_: can you imagine the scandal if Bernie had lied about being arrested with MLK & it turned out he was just lost at the bus stop? https://t.co/yaLAKsNlzS (i'm aware last time a photo went around falsely claiming to show B behind MLK in a march. the campaign confirmed it wasn't him)

RT @smithie1: Drops claim he was arrested seeing Mandela? It’s both sad & disgusting that Biden is so desperate to win Black support in South Carolina that he would debase himself & falsely claim that he was ‘arrested’ in apartheid South Africa https://t.co/HrM6xaet0P

RT @angelaquintal: Joe Biden drops claim he was arrested seeing Mandela https://t.co/vbez8WCpoP

RT @lukehgomes: Can't get over this story tbh https://t.co/3F7g6g9ysm

RT @davidsirota: NEWS: @NinaTurner's new CNBC oped says @MikeBloomberg & @JoeBiden's past efforts to cut Social Security are a major concern as Mitch McConnell now says he aims to work with the next Democratic president to cut the program "Sanders has a different record" https://t.co/2XFbxPNjFs https://t.co/Ko1R21aoL1

RT @mehdirhasan: "Bernie hasn't passed much of anything," says Biden. In fact, just last year, Bernie helped pass a bipartisan bill in the Senate to end a brutal war in Yemen that Biden and Obama helped start. #justsayin #DemDebate

Everybody on stage is falling over themselves to attack @BernieSanders. They look and sound like fools.

RT @_waleedshahid: BREAKING: Moderate Candidates Attack Bernie Over Medicare For All https://t.co/KnpbfkfvTV

RT @BernieSanders: Bring it on. #DemDebate https://t.co/7iM9MUVRES

RT @shaunking: We love you @BernieSanders.

We love you @BernieSanders.

RT @MattxRed: Whoever defends this awful healthcare system is immoral. We have people rationing insulin people.

RT @BilldeBlasio: As the guy who actually ended the Stop + Frisk policy + settled the lawsuit + sent Bloomberg’s police commissioner packing, let me answer that question: YES, stop and frisk was racist! And @MikeBloomberg stood by it til last year. If he weren’t running for Pres, no apology

RT @AOC: Bloomberg did not “cut back” stop and frisk. He continues to lie about this, and it’s disturbing. A judge ruled stop and frisk unconstitutional. Bloomberg fought for *years* defending the policy, and only reversed course when he decided to run for president.

RT @shaunking: When running for office, @JoeBiden does not just have gaffes or embellishments, he creates wildly fictional storylines about his life and work that simply are not true. These are lies. And he tells them to get votes and build a rep he has not earned. https://t.co/FUjALdqA3C

RT @shaunking: For nearly 50 years, @JoeBiden has publicly pretended to have been a part of the Civil Rights Movement. He's not "exaggerating" or "embellishing," he is creating entire fictional storylines to impress white liberals & connect w/ Black voters. It must be confronted A thread...

RT @ChuckModi1: “My enrire career has been wrapped up in Civil Rights.” — Joe Biden at #DemDebate2020 Will any corporate media outlet discuss Biden’s well-documented history of lying? https://t.co/2nAIfgwtv2

RT @Bakari_Sellers: Fuck! You didn’t let it get out of control. IT was racist. The policy was racist.

RT @Dreamdefenders: Lol did Pete Buttigieg just claim that he should be president because he’s bland?

RT @Bakari_Sellers: Warren’s answer was a hot mess.

HILARIOUS. It's comical how much all of the candidates are now piling on @BernieSanders.

RT @BernieSanders: Looking forward to hearing more enthusiastic support from my opponents tonight. https://t.co/ZmuYx6qPyC

RT @mkraju: Sen. Patrick Leahy told me he doesn’t “recall” speaking with Bernie Sanders about a potential primary bid against Barack Obama. “Not that I recall. In fact, I was up during that time campaigning for him in Vermont. And I’m sure I would remember something like that.”

Last year, DA Kim Ogg said that black people should "put down your gun and pick up an employment application" at an NAACP town hall. She needs to be replaced. Help @AudiaForDA bring bold criminal legal reform to Houston — not more racist tropes: https://t.co/PZo4M9fooj https://t.co/VXfPYjVYgS

HUGE HUGE HUGE NEWS https://t.co/rzyNl98UAO

RT @theappeal: Increased cultural skepticism of the insanity defense makes it more likely that people who need help will be incarcerated instead. “What can accountability even mean when a person has no recollection of ever violating the law?” https://t.co/6UdthJ44K1

RT @fightdenial: NEW national poll from The Hill / Harris X has @BernieSanders surging into a larger lead post Nevada: (2/23-24 vs 2/14-15) (+6) Sanders — 28% (+1) Bloomberg — 19% (-2) Biden — 17% (+2) Buttigieg — 12% (-4) Warren — 8% (-2) Klobuchar — 3% (-) Steyer — 3% (+2) Gabbard — 2%

RT @LaLey_01: Not only is Reverend Gregory Anderson going to vote early for @BernieSanders but he is also going to take the people from his homeless mission to vote for him as well! This is how we win!! #TXforBernie #NotMeUs #Bernie2020 #BernieBros #BernieJourney #UnidosConBernie https://t.co/pLYdF3D8rs

RT @briebriejoy: I'm old enough to remember a full news cycle on an honest mistake I made and immediately corrected. I expect to see a similar level of outrage about this string of intentional outright lies from the Bloomberg camp. https://t.co/lzwEZ1JmXk

Bernie is the UNITY candidate. He now leads with Black, White, and Latino voters. https://t.co/rlt3XfvlAK

RT @justicedems: Bernie Sanders is now in first place among both black and Hispanic voters. https://t.co/lvQGk5ZaFY

RT @liz_franczak: theres a debate tomorrow, someone wanna ask Warren who these $5M donors are https://t.co/90uMMc0NOq

An important moment where Chris Matthews apologizes for comparing Bernie’s win in Nevada to Nazi’s storming France. https://t.co/TwrKBKdpQE

RT @BernForBernie20: Chris Matthews, @HardballChris, of MSNBC apologizes to Bernie Sanders for using a Nazi analogy to describe Bernie's victory in Nevada. https://t.co/rrZIwKk08q

RT @BernieSanders: "Let's really get the power back in the people's hands... Bernie refers to himself as the organizer-in-chief. That’s what we need, is to build a team." –Justin Vernon of @boniver https://t.co/eHEYxicyAP

RT @DrIbram: “Moderates can’t seem to reflect on the historical electability of their candidates, as they implore progressives to reflect on the historical electability of their candidates.” My latest @TheAtlantic continuing my essays highlighting the #OtherSwingVoter. https://t.co/dnk6IPhfEP

RT @anthonyvclark20: So we normalize a guy who suppressed & helped to cover up the murder of Laquan McDonald? Whose TIF districts were all diverted to wealthy areas? Who waged war against the homeless? Rahm STFU We don’t want the past or past strategies, we want a future without oppression! https://t.co/uBy4x1UgS4

RT @MaketheRoadAct: On #NevadaCaucus day, we said we'd knocked on 10,000 doors and make 10,000 calls to voters. Well, in our exhaustion & reverie, we made a mistake. In addition to 10K doors, we actually made more than 30,000 calls for @BernieSanders. We're sorry, & you're welcome! #Road2Bernie https://t.co/Gn0uYKAmBx

RT @jeremyscahill: Bernie Sanders came of age in an era where the CIA was being revealed as a criminal enterprise, overthrowing governments, backing death squads, actively spying on Americans, assassinating people. And he had the courage in real time to oppose it when it mattered.

RT @hollyotterbein: Watershed moment?: Chris Matthews apologizes to Bernie Sanders for comparing his NV win to Nazi invasion. “I’m sorry for comparing anything from that tragic era in which so many suffered, esp the Jewish people, to an electoral result in which you were the well-deserved winner.”

RT @thomaskaplan: Three times recently, Joe Biden has recalled getting arrested in South Africa while trying to see Nelson Mandela. A search of news accounts turned up no references to an arrest. With @katieglueck: https://t.co/fOdDzKoeVQ

RT @staceyhopkinsga: "Former civil rights activist and Georgia congressman Andrew Young, who was a US ambassador to the United Nations from 1977 to 1979 told The New York Times that he traveled to South Africa with Biden and did not recall an arrest." https://t.co/MevRRleodA

RT @DrDooleyMD: Joe Biden says he was arrested in South Africa on a visit to see Nelson Mandela. He has never mentioned the arrest before & the person who traveled with him doesn’t recall the arrest either. 🤔 🧐 https://t.co/nSDWpct9KU

South Africans are now widely cracking jokes about @JoeBiden’s lies. https://t.co/yRak7fQ3au

RT @JohanLorenzen: Morning South Africa Joe Biden has invented a story that he was arrested in Soweto (!) when he was trying to see Madiba (!!) on Robben Island (!!!). And that Madiba thanked him for it after his release. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. https://t.co/FrO7xcjoNF

RT @peterbakernyt: Biden claims he was arrested in South Africa years ago trying to visit Mandela in prison -- but no one else seems to recall that. ⁦@katieglueck⁩ ⁦@thomaskaplan⁩ https://t.co/EdmIC8P3xM

I told you all that this was going to be the week that @JoeBiden’s lies caught up with him. https://t.co/6JqJoSWsX0

RT @Castro4Congress: Has Joe Biden explained his comments yet about getting arrested in South Africa for Nelson Mandela? I hope someone will ask about it in the next debate.

RT @theappeal: NEWS: New polling from Data for Progress shows that majorities of both “very liberal” and “very conservative” voters support re-examining old sentences to give incarcerated people second chances. "Nearly two-thirds of Republican voters expressed support.” https://t.co/uQtsaC0nlh

RT @AnandWrites: Allow me to explain something to the billionaires. Every time you say something on the horizon would be bad for America, we have begun understanding that it would be bad for you and maybe great for us. So please keep these reverse-psychology endorsements coming.

RT @DavidShuster: For the 1st time in 2020 democratic presidential campaign, a nationwide poll shows @BernieSanders leading among African American voters. Among all democratic voters, Sanders is +13%, the biggest margin to date. https://t.co/IieBDzlyEf

RT @KumarRaoNYC: Bernie's commitment to Palestinian rights and standing up to powerful and ugly institutions such as AIPAC is, in large part, why I am supporting @BernieSanders. https://t.co/f3ABdlGLw6

عماره للبيع https://t.co/oSahVHYUjWعماره-للبيع

عماره للبيع https://t.co/oSahVHYUjWعماره-للبيع

@edgray1906 @dallasdemocrats Thanks for having me

عماره للبيع https://t.co/zDuKgAXpLVعماره-للبيع

عماره للبيع https://t.co/zDuKgAXpLVعماره-للبيع

RT @NoraNorqdo: Inject Marianne Williamson's speech into my arm! ❤❤ #NotMeUs https://t.co/wBibiBTd2G

I love this so much! https://t.co/LVEyLf2m18

RT @marwilliamson: One thing now clear: a 40 yr-old trend of capitalism without a conscience - corporate fat cats & their errand boys in government - have created the inevitable blowback in the form of a political revolution. It was slow getting here, but it’s arrived. And it will not be going away

RT @marwilliamson: :) https://t.co/2SEKtniLG2

@marwilliamson Thank you so much! We love you.

RT @People4Bernie: BREAKING: @marwilliamson has officially endorsed Bernie Sanders for President of the United States #NotMeUs #BernieForTX https://t.co/tglkt1ysqI

RT @marwilliamson: My statement of endorsement. https://t.co/Bm2JqCFQCd

RT @wpjenna: A big crowd gathered to see Bernie Sanders in Austin tonight... https://t.co/BN8i3vIlah

RT @GaryGrumbach: In a surprise twist to today’s @bernieSanders rally in Austin, TX, former presidential candidate @marwilliamson is on stage endorsing Sen. Bernie Sanders for president https://t.co/r0Ps3SGSr1

RT @KyleLovesBernie: HUGE BREAKING NEWS: Former 2020 Presidential Candidate Marianne Williamson has Just Endorsed Bernie Sanders for President at Bernie's Rally in Austin Texas, this is Huge!

RT @dansolomon: Marianne Williamson just dropped a surprise endorsement of Bernie Sanders at his Austin rally, the auras here are c l e a n s e d as hell

RT @johnddavidson: Some perspective on crowd size at Bernie Sanders rally in Austin TX. Set to start in about 30 min. https://t.co/RbQ53En63c

عماره استثماريه للبيع https://t.co/gkQe4erPNTعماره-استثماريه-للبيع

عماره استثماريه للبيع https://t.co/gkQe4erPNTعماره-استثماريه-للبيع

RT @BernieSanders: We won the popular vote in Iowa, we won the New Hampshire primary and we won the Nevada caucuses. Let's keep up the momentum! Join us live in Austin: https://t.co/S5QvxLiyfP

Here are the angry mentions WE care about. https://t.co/ubPgXGgpkH

RT @dianebullock: Re: Your angry mentions #MedicareForAll https://t.co/0Z5PqC0mp8

RT @wendellpotter: Tonight’s results in Nevada confirm something momentous that would have shocked me when I worked as a health insurance executive: Medicare for All is hugely popular & the winning position for Democrats. Between Iowa, New Hampshire and now Nevada, this is a fact. Here’s why: (1/5)

RT @krystalball: Pete taking his 2% with black voters to South Carolina and has the nerve to lecture about bringing together diverse coalitions. Amazing

RT @justicedems: https://t.co/pIUSjlZ68P https://t.co/6122F0rskx

RT @ariannaijones: big Not Me Us energy https://t.co/vJlVh84ygU

RT @YongJungC: Our team is so good https://t.co/GF4gXnXMC6

RT @BeccaRast: Being on a good team is... the best. https://t.co/EI9gZxwLRM

RT @HeatherGautney: .@BernieSanders: I am proud to stand with North Carolina educators to make high quality public education a right, not a privilege. https://t.co/Zc7K9wTIpc

RT @fshakir: Happy Nevada Caucus day A moment to reflect on one my favorite moments of our campaign... https://t.co/YYlMaBnJHq

RT @aimeeallison: Congratulations @BernieSanders, excellent organizing on the ground, engaging women of color voters and leaders and uplifting a political vision that inspires. #NevadaCaucus2020

RT @LolOverruled: 1/ I am FURIOUS right now. @MikeBloomberg needs to take down this ad IMMEDIATELY. Read the thread I'm about to make. He is PURPOSEFULLY SPREADING FALSE AND MISLEADING INFO. Half of these supporters are DONALD TRUMP ACCOUNTS https://t.co/uM7ZmbT8qD

RT @ryangrim: This thread is wild. Bloomberg should apologize and take down the ad. https://t.co/qcF9XV6CJ1

RT @ryangrim: There will be dissertations written about the last few hours of MSNBC. Historians will dissect it for years.

RT @franifio: Bernie has won the popular vote in the first 3 early primary states, something no one has ever done. Any pundit or politician still treating him as fringe or ‘not a Democrat’ is telling democratic voters that their voices don’t matter.

RT @BernieSanders: Breaking: We won Nevada! We are building an unprecedented grassroots movement, and together, there is nothing we cannot accomplish. Let’s take the next step and win it all. Chip in here: https://t.co/K75dGyYsR6 https://t.co/1sEuhgy9Kb

RT @BernieSanders: We just won the Nevada caucus. This grassroots movement is unstoppable. Together, let's win the Democratic nomination, defeat Trump and transform the country! Join us live in San Antonio: https://t.co/XB1Ua14x8m

RT @shaunking: It’s official!! @BernieSanders just won Nevada. It’s not even close. Thank you so much to the beautiful, colorful coalition of voters and volunteers and staffers who made this happen!! https://t.co/UIlrVUCXkr

It’s official!! @BernieSanders just won Nevada. It’s not even close. Thank you so much to the beautiful, colorful coalition of voters and volunteers and staffers who made this happen!! https://t.co/UIlrVUCXkr

RT @brookew_adams: UPDATE: we are now officially knocking one door per second in North Carolina

RT @kai_newkirk: All are welcome to join the #NotMeUs bandwagon. Truly. As @BernieSanders says, this is a movement of justice and compassion. We took many different roads to come together. Join us and let's win the America of our boldest dreams.

RT @iPhilSomething: celebrate every victory like we've been here before and we'll be here again. we win with grace.

RT @ChuckRocha: Fight for someone you don’t know. I’d fight for this guy anytime, anyplace! This is how you win! @BernieSanders #NotMeUs https://t.co/vEMYy1hgyZ

RT @kai_newkirk: All are welcome to join the #NotMeUs bandwagon. Truly. As @BernieSanders says, this is a movement of justice and compassion. We took many different roads to come together. Join us and let's win the America of our boldest dreams.

فله دورين للبيع سوبر لوكس مشطبه https://t.co/X72v5BdGdNفله-دورين-للبيع-سوبر-لوكس-مشطبه

RT @shaunking: A man asks @JoeBiden a simple question. Joe blows up and tells 6 lies in 60 seconds. It's a very important glimpse into how Biden will quickly and fancifully lie when under pressure. I'll break each lie down shortly. It's pathological. FULL STORY: https://t.co/vm18cq7OAa https://t.co/PXtYEdgplQ

RT @shaunking: When running for office, @JoeBiden does not just have gaffes or embellishments, he creates wildly fictional storylines about his life and work that simply are not true. These are lies. And he tells them to get votes and build a rep he has not earned. https://t.co/FUjALdqA3C

RT @shaunking: Just 3 weeks ago @JoeBiden lied to say he protested the Vietnam War. In 1987, he had to admit and apologize that he never protested it. Here he admits that during the war he “wore sports coats” and hated “flak jackets and tie dyed t-shirts” https://t.co/k47npB2PBi

RT @shaunking: An absolutely brutal moment where an entire panel @CNN laughs out loud at how @JoeBiden is trying to explain his lies about marching in the Civil Rights Movement. What’s REALLY wild is that he has restarted these lies again in South Carolina and Iowa. https://t.co/RsXXhovS1x

RT @shaunking: Dear @SymoneDSanders, Just saw you on TV with @JoyAnnReid. Is it your official position that @JoeBiden is telling the truth here? Because legendary civil rights activists in Delaware said he made up every single detail of this story. All of it. https://t.co/YKbCvqS1jE

RT @shaunking: Dear @TDucklo, Historians, civil rights legends in Delaware, and Joe Biden’s own autobiography say that your candidate made up every line he gave here about the Civil Rights Movement? What is the official response of your campaign? https://t.co/0jZ8OmUFqz

RT @shaunking: This is going to be a real problem for @JoeBiden. He admitted in 1987 that he never marched in the Civil Rights Movement. Now he says he did. And was trained in Black churches as a teen. Except he wasn’t. Full Story: https://t.co/mjHy3k22OH https://t.co/PUlC6NF0c6

In light of @JoeBiden being caught lying in South Carolina & Nevada about being arrested in Apartheid South Africa, him lying in the debate about being the one that stopped stop-and-frisk takes on a new light. @JoeBiden is a serial liar. https://t.co/yzNFRREt7z

RT @shaunking: DALLAS! Hope to see you TONIGHT as we organize together for @BernieSanders! We are not just fighting to WIN Texas, we are fighting to change this state for good from the inside out. SEE YOU THERE! https://t.co/wPVTromTof

@BernieSanders I will tell you the quiet part out loud. Black women help RUN Bernie's campaign all over the country. Senior leaders. State directors. Political directors. Grassroots organizers. Communications. Operations. College. Outreach. Admin. The CHAIR of his campaign.

I could not fit in one single tweet the love, admiration, and respect I have for ALL of the brilliant Black women working to elect @BernieSanders. I tell them myself regularly. They are the smartest, sharpest, hardest working, most determined human beings I know.

RT @Kanew: Maybe after this story about Biden‘s suspect claim about being arrested in South Africa: https://t.co/Vkx27AWfd1 People will think twice about ignoring @shaunking’s research on his likely repeated lies about his involvement in the civil rights movement: https://t.co/k23bI7Q2Tr

RT @JSCCounterPunch: How desperate is Biden? He's now serial lying about being arrested with Andrew Young in South Africa trying to visit Mandela on Robben Island... https://t.co/4i6iElEks2

RT @natemcdermott: Biden says he was arrested in South Africa in the 1970s with America's UN ambassador, Andrew Young, while they tried to visit Nelson Mandela. The only thing is Young is saying it never happened and Biden's campaign is refusing to clarify the discrepancy. https://t.co/eJhs2rFGjo

I just did 2 events for @BernieSanders in Houston today. About to do another tonight in Dallas. And just saw this damn foolishness. I am so disgusted by this man and his hate for the brilliant Black women working to elect @BernieSanders. It's utterly shameful. https://t.co/445RRgwTFf

RT @ninaturner: @CANCEL_SAM @DrJasonJohnson Wow, really? 😂😳. Please the next time you talk smack about us, have the decency to put some respect on our names!

RT @fshakir: I don't get outraged easily, but this is outrageous and ridiculous. https://t.co/pehGZMzfad

RT @mattyglesias: It’s weird how a day or two after Trump purged the DNI leadership of intelligence professionals in favor of political hacks that an anti-Sanders story leaked.

RT @People4Bernie: Today while Bernie is doing a rally in Santa Ana, one in Bakersfield, and Las Vegas - you should be dialing early states, knocking on doors, or texting friends to organize your next event. We’ve got 11 days until Super Tuesday! https://t.co/hg4MQuqS2y

RT @shaunking: BREAKING: The @NYTimes has now caught @JoeBiden lying 3 times this month about BEING ARRESTED in South Africa while trying visit Nelson Mandela during Apartheid. This is OUTRAGEOUS. This never happened. People who were there say it never happened. https://t.co/i17ZYXeEmL

RT @nidhiprakash: "'No, I was never arrested and I don’t think he was, either,' Mr. Young, now 87, said in a telephone interview." — via @katieglueck @thomaskaplan https://t.co/czvKIG0HAj

RT @LPDonovan: As with the Afghanistan stuff, it's easy to forgive Biden for conflating a few different events or even adding a literary flourish here and there. Where he gets in trouble is where these habits comes off as self-aggrandizing. This is bad. https://t.co/iuaFWxAabG https://t.co/dsCs15Z2zO

RT @blippoblappo: Biden suddenly making up, in an effort to win African-American voters, both (1) being arrested trying to see Mandela and (2) Mandela personally thanking him for it would be a campaign-ender in any other election. we'll see what happens here https://t.co/oGpN0wEnIv https://t.co/9ATbmmBacu

عماره للبيع https://t.co/9Oi8lmDkfNعماره-للبيع

عماره للبيع https://t.co/9Oi8lmDkfNعماره-للبيع

RT @ryanobles: NEW: ⁦@CNN⁩ Chief Medical Correspondent ⁦@drsanjaygupta⁩ weighs in on the information that ⁦@BernieSanders⁩ has released related to his health. https://t.co/nOwOURO6SG

RT @JumaaneWilliams: As a Bernie dude I may be the wrong one to ask: So can one of y'all ask all those (esp NYC Black leaders) jumping on the @MikeBloomberg bandwagon how they so quickly forgive ALL of his transgressions but found it hard to support @KamalaHarris w/MUCH less. https://t.co/gWoPHAtCdj

RT @thehill: Poll: Trump edges out every top Democratic candidate except Sanders in 2020 matchups https://t.co/CWwhu8eaYx https://t.co/ig3k8PUhmd

RT @briebriejoy: #OnlyBernie Beats Trump. Every moderate pundit crowing about "electability" and "socialism" on TV today is showing their hand in the face of these poll results. If you want to beat Trump, pick Bernie. If you back someone else, be honest about what your priorities really are. https://t.co/Ms75vR9VTD

RT @krystalball: Very interesting https://t.co/JTPbVEFZ6A

RT @ryanobles: NEW: ⁦@BernieSanders⁩ tells me he talks to ⁦@BarackObama⁩ on fairly regular basis. He said he is happy with the role Obama is playing in the primary and has “absolute confidence” Obama will fully support him should he become the nominee: https://t.co/0xisvwBykK

When you are losing your home state of Massachusetts to @BernieSanders, and have 4 other candidates within 3 points of overtaking you, the “gurus” start to tell you to go negative and take money from super-PACs. https://t.co/PcbUTbfrik https://t.co/CIY3nEA8Hy

When I think of the many times @BernieSanders has been asked to “go negative” on Warren, including on the elephant in the room, I take pride in his refusal to do so. It’s not he treats an ally. Campaigns reveal your character. And your “friends.” https://t.co/PcbUTbfrik

RT @theappeal: Laws banishing people convicted of sex offenses from designated places are politically popular. But there is little evidence that they accomplish the goal of enhancing public safety—and plenty of evidence that they harm this already-marginalized group. https://t.co/6gIbG7CNAq

RT @AOC: One major reason I support Bernie is his consistency when things are hard. Not only does Bernie reject corporate money in 2020, he’s also never taken corporate lobbyist money in his *entire political career.* He is a real one. And in politics, that is nearly impossible to find. https://t.co/GQba01HnEa

After coming in 3rd in Iowa and 4th in her neighboring state of New Hampshire, Elizabeth Warren has been advised to go negative on her “friend” @BernieSanders. She’s scheduled to be in 4th place in South Carolina and 3rd or 4th in Nevada. So she’s going negative. Sad to see. https://t.co/PcbUTbfrik

RT @JordanChariton: Here @ewarren lies 3 separate times that EVERY Dem candidate but her has a Super Pac Despite the corporate media's lies---@BernieSanders has no Super Pac. @OurRevolution does no TV or digital ads for Sanders https://t.co/8Y8qGPpDfr

RT @samstein: So the sequence here appears to be. 1. DNI gets intel that Russia is interfering again in the election 2. Acting DNI briefs lawmakers about the threat. 3. Trump finds out 4. Trump berates acting DNI 5. Trump replaces acting DNI with political stooge/ally

RT @maggieNYT: Trump was furious that briefers gave the House intel committee information, saying Schiff would weaponize it. https://t.co/ikpojUA5x0

RT @nytimes: Russia is aiding President Trump in the 2020 election, intelligence officials told lawmakers. Trump complained Democrats might exploit the news. https://t.co/Ej8lO5LJ9d

RT @kenklippenstein: A Bloomberg staffer sent me the campaign’s post-debate talking points. If you work for Bloomberg, you can text me at 202-510-1268 (use Signal) https://t.co/0KGth6MPm6

RT @DrRJKavanagh: .@jamaltrulove was prosecuted by then San Francisco DA Kamala Harrris, wrongfully convicted, and spent 7 years in prison. Between the ages of 11 and 22, he estimates he was stopped and frisked by San Francisco police over 60 times. https://t.co/MdrZSwGKRq

RT @Kadzis: NEW #Scrum podcast --> @MikeConnollyMA and @NikaElugardo explain to @reillyadam and me what makes the @BernieSanders movement tick. #mapoli via @wgbhnews. https://t.co/BZ6wD0lh5L

RT @MattxRed: Bernie Sanders is building an intersectional movement to end our gun violence epidemic. #NotMeUs https://t.co/wbw8azi1KJ

عماره للبيع https://t.co/m0LC8WiOHfعماره-للبيع

عماره للبيع https://t.co/m0LC8WiOHfعماره-للبيع

Where @MikeBloomberg calls Trump a great friend and a great person. This is AFTER @realDonaldTrump said for years on end that Obama was a secret Muslim who was not really born in the United States. https://t.co/YkV1BP7y7J

RT @mehdirhasan: “Mr Bloomberg, you once said that 'if women wanted to be appreciated for their brains, they’d go to the library instead of to Bloomingdale’s.' What would you like to say to Sen. Warren & Sen. Klobuchar tonight about that remark of yours?" https://t.co/1IqLdreZO7 #AskBloomberg 5/

RT @mehdirhasan: "You supported the Iraq war in 2003 & Bush's re-election in 2004. You have said you have no regrets. Tonight, in front of this audience of Democrats, will you say again you have no regrets for supporting Iraq & Bush?" https://t.co/S1zE6R6dbe #AskBloomberg #DemocraticDebate 3/

RT @mehdirhasan: "Mr Bloomberg, do you feel responsible for Brett Kavanaugh being on the Supreme Court given you helped Mitch McConnell keep the GOP majority in the Senate by funding Sen. Pat Toomey's narrow win in Pennsylvania in 2016?" https://t.co/Mu8MKHGOxn #AskBloomberg #DemocraticDebate 2/

RT @mehdirhasan: There are lots of obvious questions that moderators and Democratic candidates can #askBloomberg, especially on stop-and-frisk and Social Security cuts etc, but here are 5 I would love to see him asked tonight by someone (!) #thread #DemocraticDebate 1/

RT @EmGusk: Joe Biden's image as the most electable Democrat has evaporated https://t.co/qmZnf7HBrw https://t.co/kFJuBEZ7j3

RT @EmGusk: Sanders takes large lead in national Democratic support following Iowa and New Hampshire https://t.co/2XF7qo19Ku https://t.co/Nw1A5O5WaB

Bernie Sanders surges into national lead in new Post-ABC poll https://t.co/5dGPUJjdRd

RT @Indigenia: I heard “Ronnie, Bobby, Ricky, and MIKE!” when I read this. I apologize profusely. https://t.co/V68tdysq8d https://t.co/dWf0Z9U093

RT @shaunking: Rudy, Donnie, Mikey, and Billy. https://t.co/Cg8zUqZgXR

RT @shaunking: That time Mikey was the 3rd wheel. https://t.co/rE2A6zvMPD

RT @shaunking: This is when Bloomy was the guest speaker at the Trump family reunion. Jared loved it so much! https://t.co/dB7cRyQYXG

RT @shaunking: This is when Don Jon and Mikey went to have hot dogs together. https://t.co/24l3EWdcTQ

RT @shaunking: Mikey and DJ go WAY BACK before @realDonaldTrump did spray tan. https://t.co/4QXiu7cHpx

RT @shaunking: Here is @MikeBloomberg and @realDonaldTrump telling jokes about all of the women they’ve sexually harassed across the years. They can’t BUH-lieve how much they’ve gotten away with. https://t.co/67zDzL50Kz

RT @shaunking: A thread. It’s mighty rich (pun intended) and dishonest of @MikeBloomberg to call @BernieSanders a buddy of Donald Trump. Bloomberg & Trump are LIFELONG BUDDIES. Here they are holding hands. 😂 https://t.co/Rzm3steH5H

Remember this tonight. https://t.co/Rocsa6Qfkc

RT @shaunking: My latest video for @BernieSanders. Here I break down a few of Bernie’s competitive advantages over Trump. 1. Bernie will fight and win in states that Republicans won in 2016. 2. Trump is a proven liar and con man. Bernie exudes honesty & integrity. https://t.co/jnonXH0ail

RT @shaunking: Watch @MikeBloomberg stutter, stumble, and lie when asked why he won’t release his tax returns. Now gets straight Trump-ian and says he “doesn’t have them. Of course he does. https://t.co/GuY16DBbrR

RT @GunnelsWarren: Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Modeling & Analysis at Yale: Pete's "Medicare for All Who Want It" would cost $600 billion MORE than Bernie's #MedicareForAll & $175 billion more than the status quo. Question: Will the corporate media report this fact? #DemDebate https://t.co/yvPD4j5KV6

.@NewDayConway is being funded by a $223 billion private equity firm that profits from arms deals, militarized policing, and mass incarceration. @KimFoxxForSA is funded by the people who demand bold criminal legal reform. Chip in today: https://t.co/UwJPKVMpiX https://t.co/Nl8cmkJvSK

بيت للبيع https://t.co/Akg3ivMbRYبيت-للبيع

بيت للبيع https://t.co/Akg3ivMbRYبيت-للبيع

RT @shaunking: My latest video for @BernieSanders. Here I break down a few of Bernie’s competitive advantages over Trump. 1. Bernie will fight and win in states that Republicans won in 2016. 2. Trump is a proven liar and con man. Bernie exudes honesty & integrity. https://t.co/jnonXH0ail

RT @adrielhampton: Was talking to a friend today and learned that @shaunking's advocacy was directly responsible for the U.S.'s first private-prison free banking products. Big ups, Shaun.

Thanks my friend. We do most of our work without any PR or fanfare. https://t.co/q9YgYB5PNk

RT @sheistykhrist: I see a trend here https://t.co/U9Zfz8ePpH

مطلوب شقه للايجار في بيت بوس https://t.co/etuiKWErV3مطلوب-شقه-للايجار-في-بيت-بوس

مطلوب شقه للايجار في بيت بوس https://t.co/etuiKWErV3مطلوب-شقه-للايجار-في-بيت-بوس

Dear @JRubinBlogger, You got 4,000 retweets and 20,000 likes when you said you were going to ask @BernieSanders about his taxes “EVERY DAY” until he released them. He released them. Strange to see you not even care about billionaire @MikeBloomberg’s unreleased taxes. https://t.co/yR4gqX39Im https://t.co/4oabZV19wl

Watch @MikeBloomberg stutter, stumble, and lie when asked why he won’t release his tax returns. Now gets straight Trump-ian and says he “doesn’t have them. Of course he does. https://t.co/GuY16DBbrR

As a political organizer, @RobertJPeters fought to require Cook County to set affordable bail amounts. As a state senator, he has worked to ban for-profit detention centers. Help Robert end cash bail and mass incarceration in Chicago: https://t.co/yhMVLITPB4 https://t.co/tUUGy7pN74

RT @mzMichGarcia: The disrespect. https://t.co/FziuFgoEV3

RT @tomangell: Bloomberg on trans rights LESS THAN ONE YEAR AGO: “If your conversation during a presidential election is about some guy wearing a dress & whether he, she, or it can go to the locker room with their daughter, that’s not a winning formula for most people” https://t.co/klaVKtaUOO

RT @PaulBlu: The thing about all of the statements that Bloomberg has to apologize for or positions he must entirely reverse himself on is that he said them or held them... last year. These aren't 20-30-40 year old changes in opinion. Just one example: https://t.co/G6FOThhUCW

RT @broseph_stalin: Bloomberg called trans people “it” & “some guy wearing a dress” just last year. There are big name Bloomberg-stans who were literally calling for Bernie to drop out just weeks ago because he didnt disavow the endorsement of a transphobic guy with a podcast https://t.co/RFW8Qlb2oj

RT @onesarahjones: this is appalling https://t.co/l2ZwdYsHuK

RT @benpershing: "A newly uncovered video shows Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg in 2019 describing transgender people as an 'he, she, or it' and 'some guy in a dress' who enters girls’ locker rooms" https://t.co/EjUilnPEBp

RT @austin_walker: This video, which features these newly found transphobic comments from Bloomberg, also gives an extremely clear picture of his wider views, including bad drug & crime policies, and the belief that "search for natural resources" improved "the third world." https://t.co/DNznVPE9wn

RT @ryanlcooper: it could not be more obvious that Bloomberg's mouthing of all these progressive slogans is pure deception. the man is a committed bigot https://t.co/Vq3wrecFMB

This should disqualify him. https://t.co/2aCiqznXVY

RT @dominicholden: NEW: Mike Bloomberg Referred To Transgender People As “It” And “Some Guy Wearing A Dress” As Recently As Last Year https://t.co/ihrXvtV5yV

RT @LoopEmma: A newly uncovered video shows Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg in 2019 describing transgender people as an “he, she, or it” and “some guy in a dress” who enters girls’ locker rooms, @dominicholden reports. https://t.co/dEHDl1CdtN

RT @BernieSanders: Donald Trump is a fraud. We will expose his lies to the American people, defeat him, and create a country that works for all. https://t.co/DXtsMcXKTS

RT @BernieSanders: "I switched from the Biden campaign to the Sanders campaign because I want to see the kind of lines around the building that we saw in 2008." –@MyersDalhi https://t.co/apwMsga6aa

Wow. My @SpelmanCollege sister @MyersDalhi has switched from supporting Biden to supporting @BernieSanders! Bernie now leads all Black voters under 55 in South Carolina. https://t.co/e0CN05Mlxe

RT @komonews: A long line of people waiting to see Bernie Sanders formed early Monday afternoon outside the Tacoma Dome in anticipation for the rally. https://t.co/W1mhvXBiAT

RT @Jim_Brunner: At front of line for Bernie Sanders Tacoma rally: Remington Schroyer, 19, of Bellingham. He arrived at 9 a.m. - for 7 p.m. event. Doesn’t necessarily consider himself a Democrat. If Sanders not nominee he’d vote for Warren, but not Bloomberg or Buttigieg #waelex https://t.co/ucFDlwSXOg

RT @portugaltheman: We're pumped to open for another @BernieSanders rally! This one in Tacoma. Feeling the Bern, Still! If you haven't seen it, check out our endorsement of Bernie Sanders for President: https://t.co/x3wxogMDuK #Bernie2020 #NotMeUs https://t.co/AvF8RSO7Hc

RT @lala6177: What was that about "Bernie Bros" ? Natives Americans here to support @BernieSanders here in Tacoma. #bernieinwa https://t.co/63czjJYRrK

RT @caseyworks: In line to see Bernie Sanders at the Tacoma Dome. Lines to each entrance stretch multiple blocks and some people said they're worried they won't get in. #waelex https://t.co/hwawe19KnP

RT @People4Bernie: The campaign had originally planned to hold the rally in a space that could fit 5000 people Then volunteers did turnout Tonight 11,400 people showed up Join the text team to help force the advance team to get bigger venues: https://t.co/yiBnI61U1X https://t.co/gVsWXY4nKS

RT @EmmaKinery: Over ten-thousand people came to Bernie Sanders’ rally in Richmond, California. The fire marshal says 6,287 are people inside the building with 4,109 outside in overflow https://t.co/Lp9riHQyiY

RT @ebruenig: True, a multibillionaire with a disturbing political history and dozens of allegations of sexual misconduct against him is running for the highest office in the United States of America. On the other hand, a 19-year-old tweeted a peach emoji at me. Have to balance these things

RT @lhfang: Bloomberg campaign has now disclosed $400 million in broadcast, radio & cable ads, $42 million on Facebook ads, $36 million on Google ads, god knows how much on staff, research, & polling. Absolutely on its way to being a many-multi billion dollar effort at this pace.

RT @shaunking: Understand how this buddy movie goes. Bloomberg isn’t in this race to take down Trump. That’s his dude. He’s in this race to take down Bernie. https://t.co/Rocsa6Qfkc

Understand how this buddy movie goes. Bloomberg isn’t in this race to take down Trump. That’s his dude. He’s in this race to take down Bernie. https://t.co/Rocsa6Qfkc

RT @MikeSRegister: #BloombergIsTrump https://t.co/hRooHNvaw2

RT @GeniusWithNoJob: Some must-see pics in this thread lmao https://t.co/UtDQBHbsDz

RT @TamicaTroche: All this puts a bad taste in my mouth ;the mess is blatantly put in our faces . Who’s the clown us or them ? https://t.co/IsIx0O4zMN

RT @TippiGordon: An unsurprising thread. https://t.co/c3zRW2uVY8

RT @Whateva691: A damn good thread! https://t.co/UWL33YPO7R

RT @telluright: Bloomberg and Donald Trump Bromance! https://t.co/WZ2uM0vn0H

RT @SusanRigsby3: Yuck. Please people, don’t do it https://t.co/KXv4IQljUr

RT @ArleneGillo: They’re tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum. https://t.co/mtLs3aqdX9 https://t.co/NjZBmBmMpA

RT @QuicksticksQuid: IMPORTANT THREAD https://t.co/bGBbFzCiCL

RT @heqt1c: Bloomberg is the original Trump Bro. https://t.co/QhZQ8heu7I

RT @ShanekiaM: Wolf in sheeps clothing https://t.co/FZ6i1JX46D

RT @briebriejoy: I admit to being a part of the Bernie Sanders campaign and tweeting accurate criticisms of Michael Bloomberg. Guilty as charged. #thetweetsaregood #BernieBeatsTrump #BernieStandsWithUS https://t.co/jQYw5YUzFv

RT @ryangrim: I used to wonder if establishment Democrats were being disengenuous when they would compare Sanders to Corbyn, who lost, but not Obrador, who won. Turns out they just honestly don’t care about Mexico. https://t.co/xOa0bdDhQr

RT @the_vello: Going to be a good night in Denver with Bernie. https://t.co/0oKeqYyilC

RT @ninaturner: @CANCEL_SAM He acts like he is referring to garbage. Just a blatant disregard for Black people and our community!

RT @hartoutwest: Huge crowd here Sunday evening for ⁦@BernieSanders⁩ at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver #onassignment ⁦@CPRNews⁩ https://t.co/5FKa4uBWxU

RT @GaryGrumbach: I hate crowd counts, but I can safely report that quite a few people are here at the Denver Convention Center, ahead of tonight’s @BernieSanders rally. The last time Sanders was in Colorado was in September. https://t.co/HbcbFXqQtp

RT @JoeStGeorge: Three hours before @BernieSanders speaks in Denver - the line outside the convention center https://t.co/vZ4vJTZreN

RT @NBAonTNT: .@IAMJHUD delivers a powerful pregame performance to honor Kobe #NBAAllStar https://t.co/XwdSes5w97

RT @MarkRuffalo: Don’t fear Trump. Lean in. We’re going to kick his ass. https://t.co/SLejKufOim

14,400 and counting. https://t.co/seC9dzeQUi

RT @shaunking: I am going to campaign for @BernieSanders to win. I believe he will win. But I am not Bernie or bust. It's just that I draw the line at @MikeBloomberg. He caused real, direct, sustained harm and trauma to the people, families, and communities I know and love. https://t.co/seC9dzeQUi

RT @BernieSanders: I'm very proud to be Jewish and I look forward to becoming the first Jewish president in the history of this country. https://t.co/UOPvEomHNE


RT @BernieSanders: In 2015 Michael Bloomberg stated, "I, for example, am not in favor, have never been in favor, of raising the minimum wage." This is not a candidate who will defeat Donald Trump.

RT @KFILE: Sanders has in fact been pretty consistent in articulating his view on this since the 1970s. https://t.co/B1L0Gy83cS

RT @KFILE: For instance, the video people are responding to is edited with a false caption to cut his comments on Soviet Union's deficiencies in health care and not being democratic with the author of the tweet hiding replies linking to the full press conference. https://t.co/sQ1wasR3uB

RT @KFILE: One thing that would be helpful in discussing the nuances of his views on the Soviet Union & the international left would be a degree of literacy about them from commentators. For instance, he was always critical of authoritarianism in the Soviet Union. https://t.co/4hpoqcaDqT

RT @OrganizingPower: so the day after @nytimes broke the story of @amprog canning a report about Islamophobia in the NYPD after taking in millions from Bloomberg, it appears @TopherSpiro has deleted all his tweets and wiped any mention of @amprog in his bio. And his CAP bio page has been removed. https://t.co/Y6I8sSYFdL

RT @Analilia_Mejia: Just a few friends, hanging on a Sunday afternoon to deliver #NevadaCaucus for ⁦@BernieSanders⁩! Block by block canvassing, that’s how we win! ⁦@LasVegasDSA⁩ ⁦@amy4thepeople⁩ ⁦@CoriBush⁩ ⁦@keithellison⁩ ⁦@NationalNurses⁩ https://t.co/AOAY2ShyEZ

RT @GunnelsWarren: Your plan would impose a tax of about $7,000 for every uninsured American 40% don't have $400 to pay for an emergency. How will they come up with $7,000? "the Buttigieg campaign said that back-billing is a feature not a bug" A $7,000 feature for those who can least afford it https://t.co/EXR4rXqgJW https://t.co/NRVpl9Jic2

RT @GunnelsWarren: Yale study: 19% of women with breast cancer become unemployed within 4 months after receiving treatment Under our current system, when you lose your job you lose your health insurance Under #MedicareForAll, you'll always have health insurance - especially when you need it most https://t.co/sKXloUmbx7

RT @NBAonTNT: Dr. Dre delivers an epic tribute to Kobe Bryant. 🎥 @GibsonHazard | @Jackson_Bannon https://t.co/o0Id018aEs

RT @AymanM: You mean the same way those 2016 Republicans warned they would lose control of Congress & State Houses if voters elected an openly misogynistic, xenophobic, Islamophobic candidate? But the candidate praising a subway system and cultural programs will blow the Democrats’ chances? https://t.co/5pOplmF1PR

RT @karaturrentine: Nina Turner, Susan Sarandon and Danny Glover campaign for Bernie Sanders in Greenville https://t.co/m3J2XKNTGy via @greenvillenews @ninaturner @mrdannyglover @SusanSarandon @BernieSanders #SC #Bernie2020

RT @People4Bernie: This time we're going to win Michigan TWICE! https://t.co/Q2yo2MK1vi

RT @chrischudeleon: At the @BernieSanders San Antonio office opening - enjoying a mariachi band, screen printing, & art - we had: 286 people sign in. 235 people sign up to knock doors. 286 people ready to vote for Bernie. This is a movement in Texas & beyond, y'all. https://t.co/5h1uDf4Maa

RT @HeatherGautney: NEW STUDY: An A-team of epidemiologists found that Medicare for All will save Americans $450 billion and prevent 68,000 unnecessary deaths each and every year. https://t.co/mvAUWwtDLX

RT @GunnelsWarren: Best birthday present - ever! Thanks @cascamike It turns out that when you ask experts who don't rely on funding from the pharmaceutical and health insurance industry, they will tell you that #MedicareForAll saves $450 billion and prevents 68,000 unnecessary deaths - a year. https://t.co/FkI9mw2tBq

RT @karaturrentine: Our amazing volunteers worked until dark all over the state to spread the word about @BernieSanders. 🔥 🔥 🔥 Let’s DO this! #SC #SCforBernie #Bernie2020 https://t.co/7A3UrQ4nBh

9,000 and counting. https://t.co/seC9dzeQUi

RT @shaunking: MY NEW FAVORITE BERNIE MOMENT. In Dallas, Texas. "You know I was thinking I've never been to a rodeo in my life, but I do work in Washington D. C. and I do hear alot of bullshit, so bullshit is not anything that I am unfamiliar with" https://t.co/mPXOKSKw61

RT @cristinafortx: Incredible news: We just reached $1 million in total contributions since our campaign launch. We’re so grateful to each and every one of our grassroots supporters. Thanks to you, we’re heading into early vote with incredible momentum! https://t.co/agQ3kijpMF

ارضيه في .حده.العشاش 6لبن حر شارع 12 واجه 29 متر https://t.co/Nb1wbCtxOzارضيه-في-.حده.العشاش-6لبن-حر-شارع-12-واجه-29-متر

ارضيه في .حده.العشاش 6لبن حر شارع 12 واجه 29 متر https://t.co/Nb1wbCtxOzارضيه-في-.حده.العشاش-6لبن-حر-شارع-12-واجه-29-متر

8,000 and counting. https://t.co/seC9dzeQUi

RT @davidminpdx: The foundation I helped to run helped to fund the lawsuit and activism against stop and frisk. Bloomberg knew all of this at the time. Had it been white kids on the UES, he would have ended the policy immediately. The reason he didn't is he didn't see black kids as people https://t.co/aKcbwj2AF0

RT @People4Bernie: Remember when @MikeBloomberg , entirely on his own discretion, spent NYC taxpayer money to appeal a court decision granting #MarriageEquality for #LGBTQ New Yorkers? We do! https://t.co/C5wSexaHu4

Thread https://t.co/naw734ktMv

بيت للبيع https://t.co/8h7DHGX4g0بيت-للبيع

بيت للبيع https://t.co/8h7DHGX4g0بيت-للبيع

RT @ScottHech: Speaker of the NY Assembly @CarlHeastie is & continues to be an absolute boss on bail reforms unwilling to enter gain fearmongering & grandstanding for show. Thank you, Speaker, for your leadership. https://t.co/zIYtosq2WM

7,000 and counting. https://t.co/seC9dzeQUi

عماره للبيع https://t.co/9PxoA9V2Nwعماره-للبيع

عماره للبيع https://t.co/9PxoA9V2Nwعماره-للبيع

بيت دور واحد للبيع 2لبن وربع حر https://t.co/g1iLAMCAweبيت-دور-واحد-للبيع-2لبن-وربع-حر

RT @ESOP_STL: In today’s deplorable news. A 6-year-old girl was committed to a mental health facility w/o parent consent. She had a tantrum. A social worker had her committed, and officers escorted the child. Children as young as 2-yrs can be committed.https://t.co/JFTwAyK1kw via @nbcnews

بيت دور واحد للبيع 2لبن وربع حر https://t.co/g1iLAMCAweبيت-دور-واحد-للبيع-2لبن-وربع-حر

RT @KyleLovesBernie: HUGE LINE: Bernie Sanders Rally in Mesquite, Texas will be starting soon and look at the line to get in! A crowd size of roughly 5,000+ people are expected tonight. https://t.co/1gfpX4pnZT

RT @briebriejoy: Very interesting who some Democrats choose to let in to their "big tent." Apparently the issue isn't a person's values, but whether they can afford the admission fee. https://t.co/QLNLiJqLT3

RT @BernieSanders: We can't risk allowing private health insurance companies, whose primary goal is to make as much profit as possible, continue to rip off the American people and deny coverage to those who need it. We need Medicare for All. https://t.co/fBnUwNPJI5

RT @CaraKorte: Sen. @BernieSanders hasn’t campaigned in Texas since May 2019. Tonight, 5,374 came out in Mesquite. https://t.co/pPT501UDVV

RT @shaunking: MY NEW FAVORITE BERNIE MOMENT. In Dallas, Texas. "You know I was thinking I've never been to a rodeo in my life, but I do work in Washington D. C. and I do hear alot of bullshit, so bullshit is not anything that I am unfamiliar with" https://t.co/mPXOKSKw61

MY NEW FAVORITE BERNIE MOMENT. In Dallas, Texas. "You know I was thinking I've never been to a rodeo in my life, but I do work in Washington D. C. and I do hear alot of bullshit, so bullshit is not anything that I am unfamiliar with" https://t.co/mPXOKSKw61

RT @BernieSanders: I'm old fashioned. I believe in democracy: one person, one vote. Not billionaires buying elections.

RT @ryangrim: Bloomberg blamed Obama for sparking racial division https://t.co/05YDebY660

RT @_waleedshahid: "Bernie Sanders is not a Democrat...I want a Democrat to be my representative as President of the United States...I wouldn't allow a Republican to run as a Democrat." -Greg Meeks who just endorsed Bloomberg, a former Republican who registered as a Democrat just last year. https://t.co/24MSt2jAjx

RT @iPhilSomething: "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" what Democrats are going to stand up against Bloomberg and his money? tag one.

RT @BenGolliver: Pelicans’ Zion Williamson on his meeting with President Barack Obama: “He said I was playing great. I kind of zoned out after that. That’s all I needed to hear, to be honest.” https://t.co/EbJMGrw3K0

RT @FredTJoseph: For those who need more context about how devastatingly racist #stopandfrisk was and why no Black or brown people should support Mike Bloomberg, I’ll tell a personal story. I was in college during the height of stop and frisk in NYC...

Thread https://t.co/YLHBOjP73q

RT @The_KatBat: I was 14 and about to go down to the train when a cop pulled me aside. He asked what was I doing and where was I going. Then he patted me down which, as a female minor, was uncomfortable for many reasons #MyBloombergStory

RT @Sulliedsubjects: When I was 16 I was running home after getting off the subway cause I was late for curfew. A group of cops stopped me, threw me against the wall so hard that it bruised my face. Made fun of me for being poor when they saw my shitty wallet. Not first or last time #MyBloombergStory

RT @Shaniyat2020: At 17, I was walking home one night from the local mosque. Two police officers surrounded & interrogated me about a neighborhood robbery I knew nothing about. They told me I fit their description. That night, I was stripped of my identity. #MyBloombergStory

RT @shaunking: Oh hell yeah!! Let’s do this. Listen, this is a movement. @BernieSanders is the most honest, decent, focused, hopeful, man of integrity I’ve ever met. If you haven’t made up your mind, it’s time to join us. We want you on board. We will win. And we will beat Trump! https://t.co/Ji7U9H02Av

Check out this form to join our Twitter town hall! ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://t.co/GeGpdtba21

RT @FlipTheSenate: The #GND isn’t just necessary for our future, it’s good for jobs too. In #IA, a GND means keeping agriculture thriving and in the hands of local farmers, not polluting corporations. (1/ 2) https://t.co/J4XReLs5xz

RT @FlipTheSenate: In 2015 @SteveDaines wrote his support of the disastrous Keystone XL pipeline that leaked over 9k gallons of oil into MT’s wetlands. Time to support @CollinsWilmot to #FliptheSenate and protect the lands and people of Montana over corporate interests! https://t.co/S1FGpsNrVp

RT @BernieSanders: Mayor @BilldeBlasio knows that the only way we can defeat Trump is by uniting people from all backgrounds around an agenda that speaks to working families. I’m proud to have the support of a mayor fighting every day to improve the lives of New Yorkers. https://t.co/1gDzZAx9K2

Oh hell yeah!! Let’s do this. Listen, this is a movement. @BernieSanders is the most honest, decent, focused, hopeful, man of integrity I’ve ever met. If you haven’t made up your mind, it’s time to join us. We want you on board. We will win. And we will beat Trump! https://t.co/Ji7U9H02Av

Early voting starts in LESS THAN A WEEK and we need all hands on deck to elect @AudiaForDA! Help @RealJusticePAC knock on doors this weekend: 🚪 SATURDAY | East Houston/Harrisburg: https://t.co/Enu3Ps9tlP 🚪 SUNDAY | Northside Village: https://t.co/WzYN1nqzdi https://t.co/fgE0ysc2Vy

RT @CharlesMBlow: I wish I could transfer to u the terror of raising teenage boys in NYC city when Bloomberg was bragging abt xeroxing the description of minority boys & throwing them against walls. In the later years it overlapped with black live matter. They were being hunted. Death was possible

RT @SawyerHackett: Bloomberg defended stop-and-frisk for 20 years and then apologized SEVEN DAYS before announcing his run for president. He doesn’t care about the toll it took. https://t.co/BztM4NQsqg

RT @zina__pr: I spent the past week on the road with my fellow @BernieSanders surrogates @xiuhtezcatl & @iPhilSomething. We traveled to campuses across California and talked to thousands of students for Bernie. Y'all: I have no doubt we're gonna win California 🧵Here are a few reasons why: https://t.co/Ew4nIAgBje

RT @jackcalifano: ✊BIG ANNOUNCEMENT✊ Do you want to knock doors in your neighborhood for Bernie? Well... now you can! Visit https://t.co/vOCGychrsV to take our training and get a list of doors to knock today!

RT @krystalball: If you took money from Bloomberg and then endorsed him, you have no business talking about election interference or political corruption.

RT @phillipmbailey: NEW. @Booker4KY says national Democrats are trying to 'put their thumb on the scale’ in favor of @AmyMcGrathKY in what’s emerging as a blistering divide in the 2020 primary for U.S. Senate. https://t.co/BuPoQr3p70 #KYSen

RT @KyleKulinski: Bruh 😂😂😂 https://t.co/qT5q3kIonQ

RT @LukewSavage: The best endorsement you could ask for https://t.co/bcTN6uHauD

RT @advodude: Bloomberg seems to make bad choices a lot. *40 discrimination and harassment suits from 64 employees over the past two decades.* *Defended Charlie Rose* *Trying to justify 5 million stop and frisk assaults against young men of color. Then says oops.* https://t.co/vbwp9FBNgG

RT @AmberForIowa: As a survivor of #sexualharassment and #sexualassault, this matters to me. It matters very, very much. It devastates me that it matters so little to many I call friends. https://t.co/potAelPnhz

RT @choo_ek: “If the Dem Party wants to claim the moral high-ground on issues of misogyny & sexual harassment in the wake of the #MeToo movement, it has a moral obligation to reject as its highest leader a man who talks about women much in the same way Trump does.” https://t.co/seRceykO1r

RT @TheCompanyMan: Yeah... this guy ain’t beating Trump. Ain’t nobody voting for a less entertaining Trump. https://t.co/GU36F7CSbc

RT @Eugene_Scott: “Mike Bloomberg’s sexism has been prolific and well-documented, but for some reason, the stories about him don’t seem to have taken hold. He is still being embraced by the Democratic establishment as a viable option for its presidential nominee.” https://t.co/8d8Xi02Ygp

RT @HeatherGautney: .@Mimirocah1, does this make your skin crawl? https://t.co/ApqnQ98DGD via @gqmagazine

RT @traceyecorder: Mr Stop and Frisk also has a sexism problem. The only way we beat Trumpism is by making a moral case to the electorate, Mike Bloomberg CANNOT do that. https://t.co/s9snqDb5Rt

RT @SikhFeminist: A top aide said Bloomberg frequently remarked “nice tits” upon seeing attractive women. This is disgusting. Bloomberg should never get anywhere near the presidency. Shaun is right, he's the actual Democratic Trump. https://t.co/aZ6uKBm4w1

صنعاء _ الروضة https://t.co/y7A2IaDFr9صنعاء-_-الروضة

صنعاء _ الروضة https://t.co/y7A2IaDFr9صنعاء-_-الروضة

RT @WalkerBragman: In 2014, @MikeBloomberg was asked if Israel had gone too far after it bombed a school with thousands of Palestinian children inside. The Obama White House called the attack "indefensible." Bloomberg disagreed. "Israel cannot have a proportional response..." he said. https://t.co/7e8VOrvd7N

RT @SamarDJarrah: قدمت ٦٤ امرأة مختلفة ٤٠ دعوى قضائية ضد المرشح الديمقراطي الملياردير مايكل بلومبيرغ بتهمة مضايقات جنسية وتمييز. انه ترامب الديمقراطي https://t.co/6WX0YISSzE

RT @palesa_morudu: #BlackLivesMatter and #MeToo and the Democratic Party. https://t.co/aEtdg2nOkQ

RT @shaunking: BREAKING: 64 different women have filed 40 different lawsuits against @MikeBloomberg for sexual harassment and discrimination. He’s Trump. This, among so many other things, is immediately disqualifying. Essential work here by @LEBassett. https://t.co/ZtDiM6eUee

RT @theappeal: NEWS: Bernie Sanders has endorsed Audia Jones for Harris County DA. "Now is the moment to fundamentally transform our racist and broken criminal justice system by ending mass incarceration, the failed war on drugs and the criminalization of poverty.” https://t.co/6vtdbn8vjO

RT @shaunking: Here, @JoeBiden is speaking at the Democratic Convention of California and again he openly lies saying that he participated in sit-ins for restaurants and movie theaters during the Civil Rights Movement. He did neither. Never. Not once. FULL STORY: https://t.co/vm18cq7OAa https://t.co/bNnKyghgN6

AUSTIN: There's a film screening tonight followed by a discussion about why @ElectMargaret must #FreeRosa! This tragic story reminds us why we must elect @NicSelvera and @JosePGarza so that everyone in Travis County has an opportunity at justice. https://t.co/699HisjQvh

RT @shaunking: What I need you to understand is that the lies @JoeBiden told in 1987 THAT HE ADMITTED AND APOLOGIZED FOR, he has strangely started telling them again. Everything @JoeBiden says in this video is a complete fabrication. None of it happened. RECEIPTS: https://t.co/vm18cq7OAa https://t.co/13l6610r31

RT @shaunking: This is in Waterloo, Iowa where @JoeBiden again begins telling multiple lies about his work as a teenager in the Civil Rights Movement. He apologized for these lies in 1987. They are complete fabrications. It's sad to see him do this. RECEIPTS: https://t.co/vm18cq7OAa https://t.co/0jZ8OmUFqz

RT @shaunking: This is the moment where @JoeBiden admits that he lied about the times he repeatedly said he protested the War in Vietnam. "I wore sports coats. I'm a middle class guy. I'm not big on flack jackets and tie-dyed shirts. That's not me." FULL STORY: https://t.co/vm18cq7OAa https://t.co/k47npB2PBi

RT @shaunking: Watch this video of @JoeBiden from LAST WEEK completely lying at a Black church in South Carolina about working in the Civil Rights Movement as a teenager THEN read HIS OWN WORDS below from 1987 where he openly and clearly admitted that he NEVER did any such thing. https://t.co/4bugqaSuky https://t.co/YKbCvqS1jE

RT @shaunking: Watch this video of @JoeBiden from LAST MONTH lying and saying that as a 17 year old boy he “got his education” about the Civil Rights Movement in the Black church THEN go read HIS OWN BOOK below where he says he learned about it from newspapers and TV. https://t.co/0jZ8OmUFqz https://t.co/d1ZpL8TcwW

RT @shaunking: It's 1987. @JoeBiden is caught plagiarizing speeches from: Neil Kinnock in the UK Labour Party Robert Kennedy John F. Kennedy Hubert Humphrey. Here's what it sounded like on late night television from Johnny Carson. https://t.co/t84vl8N2KU

RT @shaunking: NEW CLIP. This is from 2014 when @JoeBiden was Vice President. He's speaking at the King Day Breakfast for @TheRevAl in DC. ALL OF THIS IS A FABRICATION. He did NOT register voters when he was a teenager at Black churches w/ Rev. Moyer. Again, ALL OF THIS is a LIE. https://t.co/f59RB0QtqB

RT @shaunking: @JoeBiden @BarackObama For nearly 18 year @JoeBiden told @DelawareOnline that helped lead a boycott at The Charcoal Pit, a restaurant in Wilmington, in 1960, when he was a 17 year old high school senior. EXCEPT THE LONE BLACK STUDENT CAME FORWARD IN 1987 and said @JoeBiden NEVER DID THIS. READ.... https://t.co/vEN5TSYDrM

RT @shaunking: Here's the article where Dr. Francis Hutchins, the only Black student on @JoeBiden's football team said Joe never boycotted the Charcoal Pit when they refused to serve him. In fact, he says Joe ate his whole meal, left the restaurant, & didn't even know what happened to Francis. https://t.co/3eceL1uZjP https://t.co/gfcrcabPDf

عماره 8 دور روعه للايجار منظمة https://t.co/xVzBRNOgJqعماره-8-دور-روعه-للايجار-منظمة

عماره 8 دور روعه للايجار منظمة https://t.co/xVzBRNOgJqعماره-8-دور-روعه-للايجار-منظمة

This took guts. It’s not perfect. Nothing is. But he admits the failures and owns many of them. https://t.co/wm2GBXimJR

RT @anthonyvclark20: Nothing has been more rewarding than my role as a public school teacher. Just had one of my sophomore students call & congratulate our team on receiving @Suntimes endorsement! impact of the endorsement of my students can never be replaced, I believe because they believe! ✊🏾👨🏾‍🏫

RT @ReenNahMean: There is no "broadly acceptable" rollback to the bail laws. Contrary to what the Post would have you believe, the reforms we got were in and of themselves rollbacks; compromises that, while historic, fell short of what was promised. We need more freedom, not less. https://t.co/AVV8fpFYel

RT @ScottHech: BREAKING: Can’t believe this. NY Senate *Democrats* are caving to the fear & racism of police, prosecutors, & White nationalists. To kill bail reform a month after it began. Their “compromise” is worse than what we had. Kalief Browder would still be jailed.https://t.co/PbCgaCR78c

RT @VanguardTNT: This is the state the @DNC should start their primary

RT @ryangrim: Not as strong as Klobo's 3% https://t.co/4x7Jx0mPSL

RT @Taniel: dear IDP: Instead of focusing on resignations, what about (and bear with me here) just starting with reporting the correct vote totals? Like, now? What about adding in results of missing precincts, adding the results sent to you, & fixing math nonsense? Would take seconds.

RT @brianneDMR: BREAKING: Iowa Democratic Party Chairman Troy Price is stepping down. https://t.co/wogOJcJkrk

RT @ScottHech: BREAKING NEWS! NY Democratic Assembly holding *strong* & not accepting the cowardice of Senate Dems on bail. Calling their effort racist. “We’re not about rolling back something that was a blemish on our society.” Thank you. We’re with you. Standing firm! https://t.co/ys735mUSKJ

RT @MDCNY: Last night something incredible happened, and it wasn’t just the #NHPrimary... We proudly endorsed, @BernieSanders to be our next President of the United States! We can’t wait to win New York! #NotMeUs #MuslimVote #MuslimDems https://t.co/LaMH7G6BGm

RT @JStein_WaPo: Wow @BernieSanders has overtaken @JoeBiden in the Morning Consult national poll. Sanders up 46-23 on Biden among young black voters https://t.co/FQJmuUnLXo

RT @mviser: BREAKING: Andrew Yang is dropping out. The math just wasn’t there.

BREAKING: Bernie Sanders has won New Hampshire.

I kid you not. On MSNBC, they just announced that @BernieSanders has taken a BIG lead in New Hampshire, but the panelists then started saying that even though he’s in 1st, that if you add up Pete and Amy together that they are in 1st. That’s actually NOT how elections work.

RT @kai_newkirk: “This is sort of a poll tax.” New Hampshire’s legislature passed a voter suppression bill targeting young people, the core base of @BernieSanders support and a Democratic governing majority. But our movement will overwhelm the barriers and win nonetheless. https://t.co/eI0M9yDMPB

RT @kenklippenstein: Bernie beat one candidate in NH in 2016. Now he’s beating five. https://t.co/O5V1zDlw6F

RT @LainaStebbinsMI: FUN REMINDER that a full week after the Iowa caucus, the Iowa Democratic Party still has not corrected numerous glaring errors in their precinct results. @Taniel has done the best job, out of any journalist I've seen, of meticulously documenting all the outstanding errors: https://t.co/Us4WpkjBtD

RT @shaunking: You are a fucking liar. You NEVER voluntarily cut back Stop & Frisk, a Jim Crow style policy. A judge ordered you to stop it - saying that it was unconstitutional and caused tremendous harm to Black & Brown people. You then lashed out at that judge. https://t.co/diEEUCDh6V

Watch all of this https://t.co/1TtVQ08gDL

RT @justicedems: New Hampshire voter says she voted for @BernieSanders today because of MSNBC. https://t.co/J5NL5zFbDH

They just flat out lie on @MSNBC about @BernieSanders. Just lies. @JoyAnnReid just said that Bernie has ZERO Black voters. A complete fabrication. She then said that she “heard” that “all” Black voters are going for Bloomberg if Biden loses. What? Utter nonsense.

You are a fucking liar. You NEVER voluntarily cut back Stop & Frisk, a Jim Crow style policy. A judge ordered you to stop it - saying that it was unconstitutional and caused tremendous harm to Black & Brown people. You then lashed out at that judge. https://t.co/diEEUCDh6V

RT @DanielDenvir: What a stupid, obvious lie. Bloomberg fought to protect stop and frisk. When a judge ruled against the program, he attacked her, calling it a “dangerous decision made by a judge who I think does not understand how policing works and what is compliant with the U.S. Constitution.” https://t.co/HtdLfbcXT6

@ArabsForBernie @AbdulElSayed Absolutely.

RT @shaunking: Dear @MikeBloomberg, Are you actually trying to claim that that is NOT your voice saying you want the NYPD to find Black children and "throw them against the walls" just to scare the living hell out of them? It's you. You know it's you. It's why you demanded nobody film it.

RT @NYSenatorRivera: Hey .@MikeBloomberg, did you forget how you treated The Exonerated Five? Cuz a bunch of us haven’t... https://t.co/4Hrv1pcpqB

@oldmanebro Absolutely.

@AbdulElSayed Damn right.

RT @AbdulElSayed: No. That’s not what happened, Habibi. Your money can buy a lot, but it can’t buy back history. You openly, actively, and incessantly defended #stopandfrisk throughout your tenure as mayor and thereafter. And then you decided to run for POTUS and...uh oh. https://t.co/PkScgxvB6h

Ask ANY member of the Central Park 5 how they were treated by @MikeBloomberg. He criminalized them every way he could and blocked every type of settlement they could receive from the city. They didn't get support until he left office. He doesn't want the nation to know that.

Dear @MikeBloomberg, Are you actually trying to claim that that is NOT your voice saying you want the NYPD to find Black children and "throw them against the walls" just to scare the living hell out of them? It's you. You know it's you. It's why you demanded nobody film it.

RT @justicedems: "58% of New Hampshire say they're perfectly fine with getting rid of private insurance. 67% support free tuition. We've heard a lot about how @BernieSanders is 'wildly out-of-touch' with the Democratic electorate. Well, that's not actually true." -@KirstenPowers with @CillizzaCNN https://t.co/gSOi9OCFlm

RT @shaunking: WOW. @JoeBiden canceled his party tonight in New Hampshire and left the state. It's embarrassing. It's not that people don't know Joe. People aren't voting for Joe Biden because they do know him. They know him well. He might come in 5th place tonight. He bailed.

RT @ChuckModi1: “Tonite in America 400K ppl are behind bars without having been convicted of anything. They are in jail cuz they can’t afford cash bail. We will end the cash bail system”. #EndCashBail #NewHampshire #NotMeUs #BernieSanders https://t.co/r7GKYv94VM

RT @shaunking: For nearly 50 years, @JoeBiden has publicly pretended to have been a part of the Civil Rights Movement. He's not "exaggerating" or "embellishing," he is creating entire fictional storylines to impress white liberals & connect w/ Black voters. It must be confronted A thread...

RT @RepRaulGrijalva: Remember when Trump threatened to blow up Iranian cultural sites? Looks like he set his sights on something closer to home. To build his racist wall, he's blowing up sacred Native American burial grounds without notifying local tribes. This is wrong. https://t.co/rmrVlaCAZu

RT @PeccaryNotPig: This is the top of "Monument Hill," a sacred site to multiple tribes, that @DHSgov is dynamiting right now to build the #borderwall. It's part of the historic homeland of the O'odham. Apache are buried here. Trump waived the Native American Graves Protection Act to allow this. https://t.co/NsFeLZTaMH

RT @People4Bernie: Cornel West backstage https://t.co/xubgyaoAPY https://t.co/eFROVjPTsI

RT @natbabou: My son and I support @SenSanders My son’s father is an Israeli Jew. I have Jewish family members. WE ARE NOT BROWNSHIRTS! @chucktodd needs to be fired immediately. @MSNBC #FireChuckTodd I’m sick to my stomach. This nonsense needs to stop. https://t.co/qgK86xfuR9

RT @fightdenial: Coming as no surprise to anyone who can see through his billionaire media blitz facade, Mike Bloomberg is a disgusting racist. You can’t stop and frisk this video, @MikeBloomberg. https://t.co/n0TsfeJogR

RT @hollyotterbein: Bernie Sanders takes the stage at the get-out-the-vote rally with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and The Strokes. “Woa!” he says. “In case you haven’t noticed, there are a lotta people here tonight.” https://t.co/ehG8pza2gQ

RT @shaunking: No other Democrat has had an event with 2,000 people in New Hampshire. Tonight @BernieSanders had 7,532 people. This is how we win. https://t.co/cozFLg7N4s

RT @People4Bernie: @AOC "When we look at what happened in that debate stage, who brings up Palestine? Senator Bernie Sanders... who stood up for women and gender nonconforming right to choose in the 90s?. Fast forward this campaign, who is the only candidate to call and break up ICE and CPB?" @AOC https://t.co/DZklMJb3ir

No other Democrat has had an event with 2,000 people in New Hampshire. Tonight @BernieSanders had 7,532 people. This is how we win. https://t.co/cozFLg7N4s

RT @RoKhanna: .@BernieSanders is an FDR Democrat. FDR is the most popular Democrat in American history. Of course Sanders can win! https://t.co/SqZnEwkg2N

RT @MeritLaw: “Chief why did you ignore the request of the family to NOT tamper with the car and instead your officers cleaned the seats off with bleach?!” https://t.co/QgRfzl6bqF

RT @BernieSanders: Tomorrow all eyes will be on New Hampshire and we are in position to win. Join us live now for our GOTV Concert Rally in Durham, NHwith @thestrokes, @aoc, @Sunflower_Bean, @CynthiaNixon and @CornelWest: https://t.co/ezBOjqCBuB

RT @BernieSanders: Tomorrow all eyes will be on New Hampshire and we are in position to win. Join us live now for our GOTV Concert Rally in Durham, NHwith @thestrokes, @aoc, @Sunflower_Bean, @CynthiaNixon and @CornelWest: https://t.co/ezBOjqCBuB

RT @briebriejoy: "Digital brown shirt brigade." That's how our Jewish candidate's supporters are being described on the MSM. The contempt shown for ordinary people is really something. https://t.co/Nu6CP9fAMq

RT @DavidShuster: You @chucktodd @MSNBC need to apologize. To cite an anti-Semitic column and liken @BernieSanders supporters to Nazi “brown shirts” is beyond the pale. You’ve also diminished the significance of the Holocaust. How could you do that? What is wrong with you? https://t.co/zuf9UR12s6

RT @BernieSanders: How is Trump proposing to pay for his tax breaks to the top 1%? With cuts to Medicare, to Social Security, to education, to affordable housing, to nutrition assistance and to retirement benefits. This is a budget of unbelievable cruelty, and together we are going to stop it.

Let’s GO!!!! https://t.co/v28lV90xM3

RT @FlipTheSenate: Across the country, elections are at risk. Not from foreign entities, but from our outdated (and often unjust) electoral system. If we #FliptheSenate we can get big money out of our elections, streamline the system, and make voting more accessible to all. https://t.co/Le3MtMsbEM

RT @tomaskenn: New Hampshire is on Tuesday! 🚨 ALL HANDS ON DECK FOR BERNIE🚨 Get on the phones and lets win! https://t.co/RosjA4HMqq

RT @RAICESTEXAS: Today we rallied in Las Vegas because ICE is a threat to public safety, not immigrants. And local and national leaders need to address their own enabling of ICE and trumpism. #ICEoutofLasVegas #EndComplicity https://t.co/kJUhbgTT7i

RT @kai_newkirk: Bloomberg could spend 5 TIMES THE TOTAL COST OF THE 2016 FEDERAL ELECTION (~$6.5B) to elect himself and STILL have a nearly $30 BILLION fortune. A system that allows that is a system of oligarchy. You can't believe in democracy and support his "right" to buy OUR election.

RT @shaunking: Proud to share this FULL VIDEO from the homie @YelloPain. It's called "My Vote Don't Count" and I think it's the single smartest, wittiest hip hop video ever made on the limits and challenges and hopes of democracy in America. It's why we started @FlipTheSenate. https://t.co/HgDgk1G929

RT @JordanChariton: Here is @cinematicjones, my freelance cameraman who was just doing his job when a @PeteButtigieg staffer came up to him, touched his jacket, yanked his name tag off (which we were given when we SIGNED IN AT PRESS DESK). https://t.co/tAhoDUI4Yh

RT @shaunking: This is one of the single most corrupt moments in modern presidential politics. It’s not just absurd, it’s wrong. It’s unethical. The party acknowledges that widespread errors of simple math exist in the count, but states that it’s illegal to fix them. https://t.co/HetxBCLvrL

The days are so long. This happened this morning. https://t.co/fykvsYoZx7

RT @RevDrBarber: Whether you agree w/ @BernieSanders or not, don’t get caught up in the lie that democratic socialism is anti-American. MLK was a democratic socialists. The corporate socialism of the Trump admin is the real danger to democracy. https://t.co/I2vFgnt2uF

RT @RepRaulGrijalva: I just got back from the border. This week, Trump blew up a sacred Native American hill on public land to build his racist wall. Watch my new update and join the growing movement to stop the wall. #NoBorderWall https://t.co/YgmS94vAwO

RT @kai_newkirk: The Iowa Dem Party has announced that Buttigieg will get 14 national delegates and Bernie will get 12. How does a Bernie 6000+ vote lead in the 1st rnd popular vote & 2500+ vote lead in 2nd rnd become a 564 - 562, .09% Pete lead in SDEs & then 14 to 12? That’s a broken system.

Brad Pitt just won his first Oscar ever as an actor.

RT @fshakir: Appreciate the concerns here. We've spoken with the Nevada party, which has assured us that this individual does not have decision-making authority over the caucus count. Pls know we are working hard with the party to get every assurance that mistakes of Iowa are not repeated. https://t.co/7KvOcEmEPy

YES!!!! DAYUMN!!! @JanelleMonae KILLED IT! Absolutely KILLED IT.

RT @shaunking: Proud to share this FULL VIDEO from the homie @YelloPain. It's called "My Vote Don't Count" and I think it's the single smartest, wittiest hip hop video ever made on the limits and challenges and hopes of democracy in America. It's why we started @FlipTheSenate. https://t.co/HgDgk1G929

RT @Taniel: 3) Washington-Roselle in Carroll County remains incorrect. Buttigieg is given an extra delegate that should go to Klobuchar. (This is 0.11 SDE) 4) There is still an extra delegate for Buttigieg in Guthrie Gold; it should go to Sanders. (It is "only" worth 0.0857 SDE.)

RT @Taniel: 2) "Des Moines 14". One of most glaring errors still wrong: IDP is doubling down on idea that 31 > 50: 31 votes earns you more delegates than 50 votes. Error costs Sanders 0.28 SDE. IDP says local sheet is off. This doesn't have to bound our independent reporting of results.

Proud to share this FULL VIDEO from the homie @YelloPain. It's called "My Vote Don't Count" and I think it's the single smartest, wittiest hip hop video ever made on the limits and challenges and hopes of democracy in America. It's why we started @FlipTheSenate. https://t.co/HgDgk1G929

RT @jackcalifano: Pretty cool watching the entire state of New York move to New Hampshire this weekend to canvass for Bernie Sanders 😎🔥

RT @Taniel: The IDP results are still riddled with errors. They are mathematically incoherent. In some cases they don't conform to what local precincts are reporting. They can claim what they want. Thankfully, the press isn't bound to just account. That's where we come in. Let's dig in.

RT @THR: Spike Lee pays tribute to Kobe Bryant with his #Oscars red carpet look https://t.co/BYOjau0Mir https://t.co/PQ1xxI1kzY

RT @RosemaryBoeglin: Biggest crowd to date in NH: just shy of 2,000 out to support @BernieSanders tonight in Keene https://t.co/mGpob0YgbU

RT @AriRabinHavt: Awesome to be joined by 1,981 close friends in Keene to see @BernieSanders https://t.co/MLypQ3E4m6

@JessLeeEsq @Redistrict I think misogyny runs super deep, yes.

Wow!! Largest event in New Hampshire this year! Thousands gathered RIGHT NOW. https://t.co/2EaaXdyM1n

RT @BernieSanders: Just four years ago, the establishment said our ideas were “too radical.” Now millions of people are standing together in the struggle for justice. Join us in Keene, NH with @twiddlemusic and @Sunflower_Bean: https://t.co/njfsYrm8zt

This is one of the single most corrupt moments in modern presidential politics. It’s not just absurd, it’s wrong. It’s unethical. The party acknowledges that widespread errors of simple math exist in the count, but states that it’s illegal to fix them. https://t.co/HetxBCLvrL

RT @Taniel: I think CNN, the NYT, and other media outlets should either pull the IDP results from their website, or entirely remove the "99/100%" indication, or at least immediately remove any duplicate results. This is a bigger mess than we thought. https://t.co/Co5B7Osy9L

Huge news out of Iowa. https://t.co/Oer2cEOjYG

RT @Taniel: @CoatsandLinen The chair of the Woodbury County Democratic Party (where Sioux City is located) is quoted in that newspaper saying that they have informed the IDP of this error. As of Saturday night, the IDP still shows the results of Sioux City 20 as tho it was Sioux City 5.

RT @Taniel: @CoatsandLinen more 🚨: Sioux City 20 is missing from the IDP results; instead Sioux City 5 is reported twice. (And incorrectly.) A local paper reported this yesterday. The real Sioux City 20, which is missing, "overwhelmingly voted for Bernie Sanders." https://t.co/UNDqLyLtDn https://t.co/2oDPDOUbJ0

RT @Taniel: 🚨 NEW SITUATION. There's now evidence that there are some precincts still fully missing from the IDP results. And that other precincts have been double counted. And this isn't just in Sioux City, @CoatsandLinen confirms. The IDP results are NOT "100% reporting." https://t.co/0esgvcEPLh

RT @Taniel: This might be single biggest mistake we've found so far in Iowa results. Sioux City 20 is missing from results. It's a 5 county-delegate district, which local press reported was won by Sanders. Unclear how many delegates he got. Each county del is worth 0.4133333330 SDE. https://t.co/m67Bo7NmZU

RT @Taniel: NEW: I obtained the results sheet of Dubuque 31. (That's where IDP is reporting an extra delegate than precinct was allocated: 12 vs 11.) Results card only allocated 11 delegates, not 12. IDP defense for not correcting errors was that it must stick by local sheets.

RT @iamhenrydavisjr: As a Councilman in #SouthBend, I know why @PeteButtigieg looked like a deer in headlights last night when talking about systemic racism in the South Bend Police. He tolerated it, he perpetuated it, and last night he lied to millions of Americans about it.

عمارة للبيع 4 دور https://t.co/DJ26BiGN0Yعمارة-للبيع-4-دور

عمارة للبيع 4 دور https://t.co/DJ26BiGN0Yعمارة-للبيع-4-دور

RT @iamhenrydavisjr: As a Councilman in #SouthBend, I know why @PeteButtigieg looked like a deer in headlights last night when talking about systemic racism in the South Bend Police. He tolerated it, he perpetuated it, and last night he lied to millions of Americans about it.

This tweet should literally be the end of Pete's campaign for President. He's had one job in public life as Mayor of South Bend, Indiana. This is a leading City Councilman in his city. https://t.co/4wMv2kmUGK

عماااااره استثماريه للبيع https://t.co/dN7bH4vi0xعماااااره-استثماريه-للبيع

عماااااره استثماريه للبيع https://t.co/dN7bH4vi0xعماااااره-استثماريه-للبيع

RT @Rob_Hoffman: Professional photographer here 🙋🏻‍♂️ this was not photoshopped. https://t.co/VGN2SwQNpn

RT @NikaElugardo: I was speaking on the power of people who may be invisible to the world to change that same world and to make truth and justice visible and tangible. This is their destiny. When I told them I was Team @BernieSanders there was an eruption of cheers. https://t.co/pmbEAZuniO

RT @NikaElugardo: I was at MCI-Norfolk today for a Black Ourstory Month celebration with the African American Coalition Committee, a powerhouse group of incacerated activists that helped get me and others elected.

RT @hollyotterbein: Fascinating moment this AM on the trail, when MSNBC host & former banking exec Stephanie Ruhle asked Bernie Sanders: “One might argue that Bernie Sanders does stand for that person who is struggling ... but what about that affluent person? Are they welcome in your modern family?" https://t.co/TmRVncyjul

Dude is going to be violent until the bitter end. https://t.co/owZDaiOldh

RT @robdelaney: @BernieSanders @LeftFlankVets My dad is there. 👍🏼

RT @BernieSanders: It’s not too late to head to New Hampshire and knock on doors for our campaign before the primary on Tuesday. Find a bus, carpool, or plan your own trip here: https://t.co/rpw8MCH57U

فله للبيع دورين https://t.co/Z1SjAuysRtفله-للبيع-دورين

فله للبيع دورين https://t.co/Z1SjAuysRtفله-للبيع-دورين

BAM! 🆘🔥‼️ https://t.co/vj5Adcp3sU

RT @MattBinder: *ahem* bernie sanders is NOT a democrat https://t.co/HUFR6OshRP

RT @MattBinder: one of the most annoying things to me are the people who say bernie sanders didn't campaign for hillary in 2016 so i found video from every single event he did for her, stamped each with a date and location, and edited it down to about a minute and a half https://t.co/tjRt98qlPI

This. All of this. https://t.co/HDZsbU0ZD4

RT @SPMiles42: Totally unacceptable from @PeteButtigieg. The @nytimes is out with a tremendously helpful questionnaire of where the candidates stand on foreign policy. See if you can notice the trend in Mayor Pete's answers. https://t.co/MEctZBKcGC

RT @KyleKulinski: They're saying Bernie can't work with Republicans but him and Mike Lee passed the bill that ends our support of genocide in Yemen. Not only does he work with them, but he gets them to agree with *his priorities*. #DemDebate

RT @BernieSanders: When I ran for Congress we won a seat that had been Republican for decades. I passed more amendments than any member from 1995 to 2007. #DemDebate https://t.co/aiRawyHu2t

RT @meaganmday: Pete Buttigieg tried to call Bernie divisive and Bernie absolutely eviscerated him by arguing that the way to unite people is around a shared agenda for ambitious reform to transform their lives, and then all Pete could do is list Bernie’s policies and promise he also likes them

RT @briebriejoy: TF when more billionaires support you than Black people. 💵🤔 #DemDebate #PetesBillionaires

RT @DrIbram: Mayor Pete projects himself as the candidate to bring the country together when few Black and Latinx voters support him. Mayor Pete projects himself as the future when his campaign is emblematic of the lily White past. #DemDebate

RT @AnaKasparian: This is who Pete Buttigieg is. Pretends to care about corruption when on CNN. But he'll keep taking bribes from billionaires. Something to consider as we head to New Hampshire. As Mike Singletary once said: "Cannot play with him. Cannot win with him. Can't do it." https://t.co/lMj3LPwM78

RT @KyleKulinski: Really can't be overstated how on fire Bernie is tonight. #BernieIsMyPresident #DemDebate

RT @PplsAction: "This country belongs to all of us, not a handful of special interests." - @BernieSanders #medicareforall #wegottatakeon https://t.co/g6iiAUXcbb

RT @krystalball: Billionaires have bought our political system and sucked our communities dry. Somehow it’s only class war when the working class fights back. https://t.co/GXPn4nashC

RT @shaunking: Bernie won the debate tonight.

Bernie won the debate tonight.

RT @People4Bernie: Its true, Donald Trump already told us which candidate he's afraid of most: Bernie Sanders. https://t.co/2489ci25iq https://t.co/0cRJoG2yzk