
عرض المشاركات من نوفمبر, 2019

ريد الصباحه https://t.co/Ms3lijo2xnريد-الصباحه

ريد الصباحه https://t.co/jmRw4HDZoeريد-الصباحه

ريد الصباحه https://t.co/jmRw4HDZoeريد-الصباحه

ريد الصباحه https://t.co/J36dtJ6Af0ريد-الصباحه

ريد الصباحه https://t.co/J36dtJ6Af0ريد-الصباحه

ارضيه https://t.co/7IWTC5VgG0ارضيه

ارضيه https://t.co/7IWTC5VgG0ارضيه

RT @davidminpdx: Worth pointing out: Orange County is the 6th largest county in the nation. And this is just the latest in a series of major scandals with its Sheriff and DA's Office. https://t.co/Wx7X4ypPWg

RT @davidminpdx: The scandal that's been unearthed at the Orange County Sheriff's Department & DA's Office is just mammoth. Evidence mishandled in 30,000+ police reports. Deputies lied, said they booked evidence that they never booked. 9,000 cases potentially mishandled. https://t.co/aOEQq8zqZv

فله 10لبن https://t.co/gsdUlXwUqrفله-10لبن

فله 10لبن https://t.co/gsdUlXwUqrفله-10لبن

RT @QasimRashid: The GOP woman challenging Rep @IlhanMN has been banned from twitter for calling for Ilhan’s lynching😳 She was also previously charged with felony theft So far I’ve heard 0 condemnations of her violence from GOP or WH. Please send links where they have. https://t.co/YyfbpeUXbf

@matthewferner How do we help make this happen?

RT @matthewferner: Thousands of cases in Orange County are tainted by sheriff’s deputies who mishandled evidence, never booked it, & lied about it. In a fair system, any convictions built on this deception would be reversed. OC criminal justice system is in profound crisis. https://t.co/OkDW7wzwEN

RT @JesseFFerguson: From new YouGov poll.... A Majority (53%) of Republicans think Donald Trump was a better President than Abraham Lincoln. https://t.co/CrsiYeLUdJ

RT @sahilkapur: Here’s an eye-popping statistic: 53% of Republicans say Donald Trump is a better president than Abraham Lincoln (47% say Lincoln was better). Among Americans overall, 75%-25% say Lincoln was better. 👆 via new Economist/YouGov poll

@DwyaneWade Thanks homie

RT @DwyaneWade: WoW! Your purpose is bigger https://t.co/zRx6LWV1Z8

RT @davidsirota: More @PeteButtigieg on why @BernieSanders should be president: “His stance on gun control led to NRA-organized media campaigns against him. Sanders has also shown creativity in organizing drug-shopping trips to Canada (to) call attention to inflated drug prices in the U.S.” https://t.co/olKPxGH2gF

RT @davidsirota: Before @PeteButtigieg raked in cash from billionaires and Wall Street moguls, Pete made one of the most powerful and compelling arguments for why @BernieSanders should be president. Read Pete here and retweet: https://t.co/3UJ6DMrH67 https://t.co/1vcueTsArN

RT @shaunking: That’s me. Exactly 15 years ago today. Over 400 stitches on my face. My eyes were swollen shut. Bottom lip sewn back on. Eyelid sewn back on. Almost all of my teeth were damaged/ruined. A horrible car crash on Black Friday in 2004 crushed our car, and me. Glad to be alive. https://t.co/TOvDF70fxT

عمارة للبيع https://t.co/xiSpzhqQXTعمارة-للبيع

عمارة للبيع https://t.co/xiSpzhqQXTعمارة-للبيع

RT @AOC: 3. When you start carving people out & adding asterisks to who can benefit from goods that should be available to all, cracks in the system develop. 4. Many children of the elite want to go to private, Ivyesque schools anyway, which aren’t covered by tuition-free public college!

RT @AOC: 1. Universal public systems are designed to benefit EVERYBODY! Everyone contributes & everyone enjoys. We don’t ban the rich from public schools, firefighters, or libraries bc they are public goods. 2. Universal systems that benefit everyone are stronger bc everyone’s invested!

RT @AOC: This is a GOP talking point used to dismantle public systems, & it’s sad to see a Dem candidate adopt it. Let’s talk about why Republicans are wrong on this. Just like rich kids can attend public school, they should be able to attend tuition-free public college. Here’s why. https://t.co/pWprP0qrhG

RT @YousefMunayyer: So the winning essay that seems to have helped Pete Buttigieg get into Harvard was about the unique political courage and integrity of.......Bernie Sanders..... https://t.co/l0AYGNKcZ4

عماره استثماريه لوووكس بقلب العاصمه بناء حديث https://t.co/4uLQZRrdvBعماره-استثماريه-لوووكس-بقلب-العاصمه-بناء-حديث

عماره استثماريه لوووكس بقلب العاصمه بناء حديث https://t.co/4uLQZRrdvBعماره-استثماريه-لوووكس-بقلب-العاصمه-بناء-حديث

بيت عرطة للبيع في المتضررين https://t.co/SQlbggyklaبيت-عرطة-للبيع-في-المتضررين

بيت عرطة للبيع في المتضررين https://t.co/SQlbggyklaبيت-عرطة-للبيع-في-المتضررين

فلة للبيع خلف سما مول شارع 14 وشارع 16 الى وجهها https://t.co/8uUFcF29Lrفلة-للبيع-خلف-سما-مول-شارع-14-وشارع-16-الى-وجهها

فلة للبيع خلف سما مول شارع 14 وشارع 16 الى وجهها https://t.co/8uUFcF29Lrفلة-للبيع-خلف-سما-مول-شارع-14-وشارع-16-الى-وجهها

منزل للبيع https://t.co/rhPpfdv2vtمنزل-للبيع

منزل للبيع https://t.co/rhPpfdv2vtمنزل-للبيع

RT @nychange: You cannot buy your way into the climate movement @MikeBloomberg.

RT @nychange: Please take this down @MikeBloomberg. You are not a part of our movement. https://t.co/iCDzMeXwjc

RT @ChatfieldKate: First Ventura County release (and on Thanksgiving) under @NancySkinnerCA's #sb1437. https://t.co/1Kowx9DPvA

RT @bshelburne: If mass incarceration makes us safer, why do states with the most crowded prisons also have the highest crime? Alabama should be one of the safest places in the world. https://t.co/Cv8EMVN2AY

مطلوب،ارضيه https://t.co/QTV5q60jYMمطلوب،ارضيه

مطلوب،ارضيه https://t.co/QTV5q60jYMمطلوب،ارضيه

RT @hvogell: I found more discrepancies between what Trump’s biz told a lender and what it told tax officials - this time at Trump Tower. https://t.co/ltukE1oqVH

RT @chrislhayes: Am I crazy or is this basically text-book fraud? https://t.co/CMFo0Pnr7E

RT @IlhanMN: Love these young people using their platforms in clever ways to raise awareness for the millions of Muslims who are put in camps in China and forgotten by the world ✊🏽https://t.co/yMbVefuRnZ

فله للبيع دورين https://t.co/CZh48lszdlفله-للبيع-دورين

فله للبيع دورين https://t.co/CZh48lszdlفله-للبيع-دورين

بيت دورين شعبي في الممداره https://t.co/NBSXvOw9jNبيت-دورين-شعبي-في-الممداره

بيت دورين شعبي في الممداره https://t.co/NBSXvOw9jNبيت-دورين-شعبي-في-الممداره

عمارة حجر ركنية ع شارعين https://t.co/E6AuxxoVvtعمارة-حجر-ركنية-ع-شارعين

عمارة حجر ركنية ع شارعين https://t.co/E6AuxxoVvtعمارة-حجر-ركنية-ع-شارعين

RT @matthewferner: She was incarcerated for 40+ years for a murder she says she didn’t commit. Less than 2 years after she was finally freed she died due to poor health that was exacerbated by decades spent behind bars & the poor health care she received, her family says https://t.co/YiMtNgvFks

عمارة استثمارية للبيع https://t.co/HRw8ceaLkpعمارة-استثمارية-للبيع

عمارة استثمارية للبيع https://t.co/HRw8ceaLkpعمارة-استثمارية-للبيع

عمارة للبيع https://t.co/JGP7ixzH2rعمارة-للبيع

عمارة للبيع https://t.co/JGP7ixzH2rعمارة-للبيع

RT @RevDrBarber: Four things I’m thankful for this #Thanksgiving, and one thing I’m asking for your support to do today: https://t.co/NJJp3rzXlu #OakFlat

RT @ezralevin: There's a movement in rural WV fighting to stop construction of a toxic, fossil fuel-powered @RockwoolNA factory right by a Title I school. It's a climate justice & democracy fight. I'm proud to join 100+ global leaders in solidarity. #boycottrockwool https://t.co/7Kwu7x1CLr

RT @evanasmith: A torpedo from the ousted Navy Secretary: “@POTUS @realDonaldTrump has very little understanding of what it means to be in the military, to fight ethically or to be governed by a uniform set of rules and practices” https://t.co/drEf69N4VD

RT @AOC: Earlier this year, Congress rushed to approve BILLIONS more $ for ICE + CBP. I saw members voting YES w/o even a summary of the bill. Nobody cared then how we’d pay for it. Now ICE is setting up fake universities to trap students. Yet we were called radical for opposing it.

RT @FreeRodneyReed: ⚖️ #RodneyReed update. https://t.co/UsP9G5T3UG

RT @helenprejean: Alfred Chestnut, Ransom Watkins, and Andrew Stewart were wrongfully convicted in 1983. Prosecutors now acknowledge that someone else committed the crime. The men served a combined 108 years in prison before they were released this week. https://t.co/JxOfuSVrSz

RT @MuslimAdvocates: Major congrats to PBS NewsHour correspondent @IAmAmnaNawaz who will be a co-moderator of the next Democratic primary debate in December!!! As we decide who will be our next president, it is critical that we hear from American Muslims and people of all backgrounds. https://t.co/dH5DrcNlsu

حول صنعاء https://t.co/POUWp4IqsTحول-صنعاء

حول صنعاء https://t.co/POUWp4IqsTحول-صنعاء

RT @PiperPerabo: I stand by @itsgabrielleu. I have seen her time and again stand up and speak out for what’s right. #AmericasGotTalent why would you do this? https://t.co/umRVyj0cx0

RT @jacobinmag: Barack Obama is using his post-presidency to attack the Left and protect the status quo. The historical myth believed by so many liberals that Obama was a progressive leader who was hemmed in by the presidency's political constraints is collapsing fast. https://t.co/bcxTYLwQ7W

Wild to see the entire United States government (House, Senate, Presidency) back protestors abroad in a way that they have NEVER backed them at home // Trump signs bill backing Hong Kong protesters into law https://t.co/lRp5LX06Kp

RT @theappeal: There is a growing push to reconsider extreme sentences that have contributed to the decades-long buildup in prison pops. Changes are needed that would allow consideration for release, based not on what ppl were sent to prison for, but on who they are now https://t.co/fHpYU641SW

RT @helenprejean: A California company sought to use Louisiana prisoners for a series of experiments designed to test a new opioid addiction drug: https://t.co/VE44y6WTt2

RT @skenigsberg: 69 days to Iowa

RT @theintercept: In the Brazilian Amazon, powerful ranchers view deforestation as the only path to economic prosperity. Dorothy Stang died defending a sustainable economic model for the forest — now her legacy is also in peril. https://t.co/vCZkWocQK1 https://t.co/l9EVRsCI13

RT @theintercept: The PDSs have always clashed with agricultural interests, who view Amazon deforestation as the only path to economic prosperity. Land-hungry ranchers emboldened by Bolsonaro’s rise are invading settlements and pushing to end Stang’s project altogether. https://t.co/eDqE8w7UBm https://t.co/kJyVdW6BZb

RT @theintercept: The situation for these PDS settlements has worsened under President Jair Bolsonaro, who has set about dismantling Brazil’s forest protection programs as part of an all-out assault on the environment. https://t.co/9yKsikaGhv

RT @theintercept: Stang created Sustainable Development Projects, or PDS, their Portuguese acronym — settlements set aside for poor families in the Amazon, giving them a guaranteed income so long as they preserved the forest.

RT @theintercept: Stang sought to create an alternative economic model to deforestation that also provided a livelihood to poor families. As deforestation accelerates under Bolsonaro, her legacy is now at risk of collapsing at the hands of Brazil’s government. https://t.co/V0zh1JTDyE

RT @theintercept: Dorothy Stang, a Catholic nun born in Dayton, Ohio, arrived in Brazil in 1966. The 73-year-old missionary had been receiving death threats for years for her work which challenged powerful agricultural interests in the Amazon. In 2005, she was gunned down on the side of the road. https://t.co/cjPihYaf9c

RT @MrMikeBlake: Yep, I said it! https://t.co/XLOf8DHg4L If you agree with me and wonder why the hell does #TuckerCarlson still have a job on Fox in the first place, join us at: https://t.co/FHXeQLRFSc

RT @PpollingNumbers: #NEW New Hampshire @EmersonPolling: Sanders 26% Buttigieg 22% Biden 14% Warren 14% Gabbard 6% Yang 5% Harris 4% Steyer 3% Klobuchar/Booker 2% https://t.co/ocQN8QdtOS https://t.co/wXsrLyndAM

RT @ninaturner: Hello Somebody! #Bernie2020 https://t.co/ttMheZghgB

بيت للبيع بسعر مغري صنعاء خط المطار الجديد جوار ش الخمسين بيت حلو جدا وتصميمه ورعه https://t.co/b5MAbpBjyJبيت-للبيع-بسعر-مغري-صنعاء-خط-المطار-الجديد-جوار-ش-الخمسين-بيت-حلو-جدا-وتصميمه-ورعه

بيت للبيع بسعر مغري صنعاء خط المطار الجديد جوار ش الخمسين بيت حلو جدا وتصميمه ورعه https://t.co/b5MAbpBjyJبيت-للبيع-بسعر-مغري-صنعاء-خط-المطار-الجديد-جوار-ش-الخمسين-بيت-حلو-جدا-وتصميمه-ورعه

RT @UNITEHERE30: “You are sending a signal that we will not be treated this way, that we will not have substandard wages, that we are not going to NOT have healthcare! Workers should be able to work #1Job & have life with dignity, ONE JOB!!" - @Rafael_Navar, CA State Director for @BernieSanders https://t.co/QUllYefkfG

RT @kai_newkirk: THREAD Yesterday we released the #BoycottRockwool statement of solidarity w/ the fight to stop @RockwoolNA in Jefferson Co WV, where I was raised. Signed by 100+ global leaders incl @BillMcKibben @NaomiAKlein @RevDrBarber @MarkRuffalo & @rosariodawson. https://t.co/afmhslg1zi

ابحث عن شقه في السنينه https://t.co/RHNzXKqMBMابحث-عن-شقه-في-السنينه

ابحث عن شقه في السنينه https://t.co/RHNzXKqMBMابحث-عن-شقه-في-السنينه

RT @sunrisemvmt: Big Us > Big Oil https://t.co/2yxY19wZ1i

RT @RobertJPeters: Honored to be in this fight with @BernieSanders. https://t.co/fLuJaSjNqS

RT @FallonTonight: Tonight on the show: Senator @BernieSanders is here! Plus, Katherine Langford and @garyvee! #FallonTonight https://t.co/NwB7ajwlV5

RT @BernieSanders: If you're worried about getting into an argument with your family this holiday, here's my advice for you. Listen to the full conversation at https://t.co/IT4uq2Md7w https://t.co/uKumYfj1OM

RT @altochulo: WOW. @AOC raised a jaw-dropping $1.4 million last quarter—more than Pelosi, & more than any other House Dem—with ZERO corporate backers. Why? Because people across her district, her state, & the country knows she stands for something. She stands for us. https://t.co/NdoGGaCfon

RT @NatashaBertrand: Could explain why Trump got so angry and said “no quid pro quo” unprompted to Sondland on that early September phone call. https://t.co/quUtUhx7kl

RT @kylegriffin1: Breaking via NYT: Trump had already been briefed on the whistleblower complaint about his dealings with Ukraine when he unfroze military aid for the country in September, according to two people familiar with the matter. https://t.co/Zpz7N1tsj5

RT @shaunking: . @MikeBloomberg is lifelong friends with @realDonaldTrump. They have been allies for decades.

مطلوب https://t.co/q4d8xEfmzSمطلوب

مطلوب https://t.co/q4d8xEfmzSمطلوب

@MikeBloomberg @realDonaldTrump I'll tell you what you won't see. A single fucking photo of Trump w/ @BernieSanders. ANYWHERE. ANYTIME.

@MikeBloomberg @realDonaldTrump Stop telling me these guys aren't good buddies. I've got a hundred more of these. @realDonaldTrump and @MikeBloomberg have been two peas in a pod for decades. https://t.co/RSceOyYluu

@AttorneyScruggs @MeritLaw

RT @PpollingNumbers: Iowa, NH, NV and SC @MorningConsult Post-Debate Poll: Biden 26% (-3 Since last week) Sanders 23% (+5) Warren 18% (+1) Steyer 9% (+1) Buttigieg 8% (-2) Yang 4% (+2) Harris 2% (-2) Bloomberg 2% (-1) Klobuchar 2% (-) https://t.co/4yvasP7L8F

RT @briebriejoy: Bernie is surging 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾 https://t.co/hoBEli09Y6

. @MikeBloomberg is lifelong friends with @realDonaldTrump. They have been allies for decades.

@AttorneyScruggs Hope I can help

RT @AttorneyScruggs: Hey @shaunking have you heard about this? https://t.co/CjRAXsCVz9

RT @stjbs: BREAKING: Harris County prosecutors will recommend a judge grant bail for Lydell Grant, sentenced to life in prison for 2010 Montrose murder. The move comes after DNA testing defense lawyers say ruled him out as a suspect & IDs the real culprit: https://t.co/mkTNVwWCAz

RT @stjbs: This is a pretty extraordinary story. Grant was convicted in 2012 of the murder of Aaron Scheerhoorn, 28. In trial, prosecutors relied on eyewitness testimony from *SIX* people, who testified they were between six and 10 feet away from Grant at the time of the killing. https://t.co/VwD6UqXVzL

RT @innocence: Bobbie Jean Johnson, her family, and community at @InnocenceProjNO are in our hearts: https://t.co/o7hRtvEPRu

RT @mjs_DC: Tonight's order is essentially a punt. The Supreme Court must now decide whether to take the case. It seems extremely likely that the court will do so. This term was already filled with blockbusters. It could become one of the most explosive in history.

RT @DerrickNAACP: Excited to announce the #NAACPImageAwards, will take place Saturday, Feb. 22 in Pasadena. We’re proud to partner with @BET to showcase the incredible breadth of Black excellence across entertainment and activism. @NAACP @naacpimageaward https://t.co/hjxMrDgTVU https://t.co/rlSoQthndN

RT @usatodayDC: The federal judge's ruling could be used to force Trump's closest aides to testify in the impeachment inquiry and other House investigations. https://t.co/1rwZ5J2OLo

RT @seungminkim: From the ruling: "the Court holds only that [McGahn] (and other senior presidential advisers) do not have absolute immunity from compelled congressional process in the context of this particular subpoena dispute." https://t.co/DpcM6c86Jq

RT @NatashaBertrand: BREAKING: Federal judge rules former White House counsel Don McGahn must testify, rejecting all 3 of DOJ’s arguments and finding that “the claim that a President’s senior-level aides have absolute testimonial immunity is meritless.” https://t.co/YNFZR9W98d

RT @hsu_spencer: BREAKING Judge rules ex-White House counsel Donald McGahn must comply with House subpoena in impeachment inquiry, as Trump's claim that top aides have 'absolute immunity' against testifying triggers a historic separation-of-powers confrontation. Bkgrd: https://t.co/9KeWGbW6CQ

RT @NBCPolitics: BREAKING: Federal judge rules that former White House Counsel Don McGahn must comply with congressional subpoena. https://t.co/XSLe33DfAG

مطلوب ارضيه https://t.co/6itwJxMHERمطلوب-ارضيه

مطلوب ارضيه https://t.co/6itwJxMHERمطلوب-ارضيه

RT @jelani9: Holy shit @watchmen is amazing.

RT @lsarsour: Rest In Peace, Melissa. You were the embodiment of a true white ally. https://t.co/aSmvC24hDD

RT @davidsirota: Me: Bloomberg’s candidacy puts good journalists in a tough spot Media Twitter: That’s an outrageous statement! Bloomberg: https://t.co/DSuIldY4g3

RT @ryanobles: There is no question @BernieSanders has hammered @MikeBloomberg's entry into the race- but make no mistake.. his campaign welcomes the opportunity the Bloomberg candidacy provides. Our report from New Hampshire: https://t.co/fAVRSc42Ux

RT @adamjohnsonNYC: I, for one, trust the owner of Bloomberg Terminal, Bloomberg News, Bloomberg TV, Bloomberg Radio, Bloomberg Businessweek, Bloomberg Markets. Bloomberg Pursuits, Bloomberg Law, Open Bloomberg, Bloomberg Energy Exchange, and The Bloomberg Foundation to not be a petty narcissist.

RT @davidsirota: Some facts: Bezos asked Bloomberg to run for president: https://t.co/LUN5XWSImr Bob Iger runs the company that owns ABC News & is on the Bloomberg Foundation's board: https://t.co/jNZmPy1zGQ @BernieSanders pushed Bezos & Iger to raise workers' wages: https://t.co/zpjomhJjSE

RT @shaunking: He was not exonerated. He is a violent, vicious war criminal. He brutally murdered a teenage boy, posed with his body, bragged about it. Virtually every Navy Seal he served with testified against him. https://t.co/Nc2qQS0iKt

RT @shaunking: LISTEN TO ME. The United States is in a far more fragile, dangerous place than most of us want to admit. This is the US Navy Secretary resigning, saying he and the Commander in Chief fell out over the idea of "good order and discipline." https://t.co/19A5zGrDPy

RT @shaunking: I mean this sincerely. If Colin Kaepernick endorsed Donald Trump and made a public statement saying he regretted ever taking a knee or speaking out against police brutality, I believe he'd be signed by a team before the end of the night. This is all about politics & power.

RT @ShahidForChange: We’re glad that so many San Franciscans supporting @chesaboudin also favor our #ShahidVsPelosi campaign to win SF a new voice in Congress. We’ve both been endorsed by @shaunking, and we’re eager to continue the momentum! #NotMeUs https://t.co/HhvTeRVIBj #ShahidVsPelosi

RT @thrasherxy: In Chomsky & Herman’s Five Filters of Mass Media, Kaepernick is being removed from sports via the fourth filter of the propaganda model: Flak. https://t.co/hCVGQisTpB https://t.co/6pMzn1Jf0V

I mean this sincerely. If Colin Kaepernick endorsed Donald Trump and made a public statement saying he regretted ever taking a knee or speaking out against police brutality, I believe he'd be signed by a team before the end of the night. This is all about politics & power.

“I cannot in good conscience obey an order that I believe violates the sacred oath I took in the presence of my family, my flag and my faith to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.” THE RESIGNATION LETTER OF THE US NAVY SECRETARY RE: Donald Trump https://t.co/bxXQZKfmkh

@jelani9 Agree

LISTEN TO ME. The United States is in a far more fragile, dangerous place than most of us want to admit. This is the US Navy Secretary resigning, saying he and the Commander in Chief fell out over the idea of "good order and discipline." https://t.co/19A5zGrDPy

RT @smotus: “The rule of law is what sets us apart from our adversaries.” https://t.co/c0wrIIiIKG

بيت بوس https://t.co/bEfqcSbymgبيت-بوس

بيت بوس https://t.co/bEfqcSbymgبيت-بوس

RT @Fubu2x: Niggas dropped tha top off a school bus 😭 https://t.co/OjW1KymTod

RT @lieberrian: One of my favorite @sesamestreet moments of all time... https://t.co/WnHgjTQWkb

RT @SocialRosy: Omg what a beautiful surprise at the end 😭😭😭😭 https://t.co/7CGKEkjtIL

He was not exonerated. He is a violent, vicious war criminal. He brutally murdered a teenage boy, posed with his body, bragged about it. Virtually every Navy Seal he served with testified against him. https://t.co/Nc2qQS0iKt

RT @shaunking: Dear @IsaacDovere, Seems like you should’ve disclosed that @MikeBloomberg was cutting your employer million dollar checks when you wrote this glowing op-ed of him. I clearly remember you raising this issue with progressives like @davidsirota over this past year. https://t.co/KeJ37riMYG

RT @emrata: ! https://t.co/wSJaspmAa3

فيلا دورين وبدروم وملحق وطيرمانه في قمة الروعة https://t.co/T3fMdNTe2Jفيلا-دورين-وبدروم-وملحق-وطيرمانه-في-قمة-الروعة

فيلا دورين وبدروم وملحق وطيرمانه في قمة الروعة https://t.co/T3fMdNTe2Jفيلا-دورين-وبدروم-وملحق-وطيرمانه-في-قمة-الروعة

للبيع : 《 فله 》 قمه في الروعه عمل شخصي درجه أولى   https://t.co/K4gvd518a3للبيع-《-فله-》-قمه-في-الروعه-عمل-شخصي-درجه-أولى

للبيع : 《 فله 》 قمه في الروعه عمل شخصي درجه أولى   https://t.co/K4gvd518a3للبيع-《-فله-》-قمه-في-الروعه-عمل-شخصي-درجه-أولى

ارض كبيرة https://t.co/xHn8LN2JkNارض-كبيرة

ارض كبيرة https://t.co/xHn8LN2JkNارض-كبيرة

@MsMaheenAhmed Thanks my friend

RT @MsMaheenAhmed: So appreciative of @shaunking for being truly progressive on all issues, which includes Palestine. I wish more of our “progressive” leaders did the same — it is a matter of human rights. Thank you for your leadership and allyship. ✊🏽 https://t.co/hJWa8lO6z1

ارض كبيرة https://t.co/dDz3Diartfارض-كبيرة

ارض كبيرة https://t.co/dDz3Diartfارض-كبيرة

عمارة للبيع https://t.co/H0ZGicETHWعمارة-للبيع

عمارة للبيع https://t.co/H0ZGicETHWعمارة-للبيع

Bernie is going to win.

RT @adamkelsey: More @BernieSanders dancing! https://t.co/IxVenXQBCY

RT @adamkelsey: BREAKING: @BernieSanders is dancing. https://t.co/y1QAirEeJj

RT @BernieSanders: Having the time of my life https://t.co/Jl2z5zX39T

RT @BernieSanders: If you're curious as to why massive, greedy corporations like Amazon and Walmart try to bust unions, remember that union workers earn 22% more, on average, than non-union workers.

بيت للبيع https://t.co/kcmZG8ZXYHبيت-للبيع

بيت للبيع https://t.co/kcmZG8ZXYHبيت-للبيع

RT @chesaboudin: Here is a clip of @shaunking speaking to the crowd at our victory party. He is right. This wasn’t about just winning an election. This was about propelling a decarceral, victim-centered movement forward to change this city and make it safe and just for everyone. Let’s do this. https://t.co/aTerkwUHli

مطلوب لبنتين https://t.co/EhLpGrIx5Tمطلوب-لبنتين

مطلوب لبنتين https://t.co/EhLpGrIx5Tمطلوب-لبنتين

RT @shaunking: Wow. Just wow. This is the single best, most insightful, most inspirational campaign ad of the 2020 presidential election. Thank you to @0rf for not only showing the world how kind and compassionate @BernieSanders is, but showing just how far off base coverage about him can be. https://t.co/ygUiE7Vf98

RT @wojespn: Early indications are that Boston’s Kemba Walker did not suffer a significant injury in collision tonight, league source tells ESPN. Team has diagnosed him with concussion-like symptoms. https://t.co/Qu2LMTDwaW

RT @BR_NBA: Celtics believe Kemba did not suffer a significant injury in collision tonight, per @wojespn https://t.co/XG95Ki73Kf

ش صخر https://t.co/sQDVXFop0Qش-صخر

RT @JaneKim: Proud of our 1st two CA legislators who endorsed @BernieSanders this week- CA Assembymembers @KansenChu + @Ash_Kalra! Chu was 1st Chinese American elected to San Jose City Council + Kalra is 1st Indian American elected to CA legislature. Let’s show them our ♥️!#BayAreaRepresent https://t.co/NH2RsaLUFT

RT @harrisonjaime: This Iraq War veteran is calmly and civilly trying to have a conversation with Senator Graham. Graham *literally* turns his back on him and runs away. This is not what public service looks like. https://t.co/58nBVe6Udq

RT @commondefense: Marine Corps Iraq Vet @JeffKey tried to have a civil conversation with Senator Lindsay Graham about our oath to defend the Constitution. Lindsay Graham chose Donald Trump over loyalty to our democracy. @NoOneIsAboveLaw #VetsForImpeachment https://t.co/95LeMZKT2T

RT @IlhanMN: Bolivia is a full-blown humanitarian emergency. In the wake of a coup, Bolivian security forces are continuing to violently suppress opposition. Especially given U.S. history in Latin America, we must stand firmly on the side of democracy and human rights in Bolivia. https://t.co/5aTidYbEgD

RT @CosechaMovement: "YOU SHOULD VOTE FOR TRUMP" - @JoeBiden. An immigrant leader confronted Biden in Greenwood, SC about her fear of ICE. She said it's hard for the community to trust him because he defends Obama's deportations. Then Biden told the Cosecha organizer translating to vote for Trump. https://t.co/A410FSKdiu

RT @HeerJeet: This is -- and I'm not saying this lightly -- straight out Nazi shit. https://t.co/VoIiYQlri5

RT @LaraFriedmanDC: Ninth member of family hit in Gaza strike dies of wounds Mohammed al-Sawarka becomes the latest of the Sawarka family to die from an Israeli airstrike that has been called into question during fighting with Islamic Jihad https://t.co/Re22OnnsP6

RT @AOC: In an usual departure from the rest of the primary field, Bloomberg’s running on putting money *into* politics 😉 https://t.co/2XBTWbTOxu

RT @fshakir: It’s going to be difficult enough to beat Trump. Let’s not make it harder by telling our friends and allies to vote for him. Thanks https://t.co/7sTDmVnzoE

RT @Bobbin_Singh: Oregon Supreme Court Bans Police Officers From Asking Random Questions During Traffic Stops . News | OPB https://t.co/Yo917Y6uGa

@mollycrabapple Good.

ش صخر https://t.co/sQDVXFop0Qش-صخر

RT @MMFlint: Please. Let’s all think about this. Lots of good Dem candidates. But one who I believe will beat Trump where we need to beat him most — in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania (and for the last many weeks, Bernie’s beating Trump nationwide!). https://t.co/0HUjRmCYSM

Bernie Sanders 'disgusted' by billionaire Michael Bloomberg's $31 million dollar ad buy for 2020. The most in any week ever for a politician. https://t.co/OhwJtJxsQV

@BernieSanders Damn right

RT @BernieSanders: I’m disgusted by the idea that Michael Bloomberg or any billionaire thinks they can circumvent the political process and spend tens of millions of dollars to buy elections. If you can’t build grassroots support for your candidacy, you have no business running for president. https://t.co/jyIBVXUToj

خدمة الدلال الإلكتروني https://t.co/Enjpygmky5خدمة-الدلال-الإلكتروني

RT @familiatqlm: We stand w Carlos & @CosechaMovement. “At the very least, Joe Biden must publicly apologize to Carlos and he must condemn the 3 million deportations under Obama. Biden must also agree to institute a full moratorium on deportations...”. Migrant Justice: https://t.co/OlHMecIawo https://t.co/tT1Wihb7GO

خدمة الدلال الإلكتروني https://t.co/Enjpygmky5خدمة-الدلال-الإلكتروني

RT @jacobinmag: Michael Bloomberg could personally eliminate half the medical debt in the United States – and still have $14 billion left over. Instead he's spending his money on a vanity presidential run.

RT @shaunking: BREAKING: Texas is now breaking the law in the Rodney Reed case. Last judge retired. Law says that when a judge retires, the locally elected judge takes over. Texas ignored the law, and brought another judge out of retirement from a different county. https://t.co/RZl4To4lkD

RT @tedterry1: @sogagirl39 @BernieSanders I was the only Mayor in Georgia to endorse Bernie in 2016. 🤨

RT @tedterry1: I’m proud to endorse, @BernieSanders ! The original progressive. #Medicare4All #GreenNewDeal #FightFor15 #debtfreecollege #LegalizeMarijuana https://t.co/r5Q2chmF7A

MY DUDE!!! This man needs to be the next United States Senator for the State of Georgia! https://t.co/T6k5uE82cM

عماره استثمارية للبيع https://t.co/HR5AWAgvcGعماره-استثمارية-للبيع

عماره استثمارية للبيع https://t.co/HR5AWAgvcGعماره-استثمارية-للبيع

بيت مسلح هردي قواعد وعمدان ركنيه سعر 36مليون https://t.co/USD0CJB8pmبيت-مسلح-هردي-قواعد-وعمدان-ركنيه-سعر-36مليون

بيت مسلح هردي قواعد وعمدان ركنيه سعر 36مليون https://t.co/USD0CJB8pmبيت-مسلح-هردي-قواعد-وعمدان-ركنيه-سعر-36مليون

While other DAs are refusing to prosecute a whole group of cases where people pose no safety threat, Ogg continues to perpetuate the death penalty and the war on drugs. Help @AudiaForDA bring real justice to Harris County: https://t.co/IJPpM2lexP https://t.co/tUBxyoJ7Sd

RT @BernieSanders: We're going to win. Chip in $27 now: https://t.co/ZU47VJsOn0 https://t.co/x2ZUwWC26z

RT @helenprejean: One in 10 people serving life without the possibility of parole in the U.S. is incarcerated in Pennsylvania. This month, @theappeal went inside one prison that helps provide end-of-life care for men. https://t.co/LM7kFVU7zO

RT @Bobbin_Singh: We shouldn’t have to wait for a “Plan B” to end racist policies and mass incarceration. We need electeds who understand the fierce urgency of now and take actions accordingly. This op-ed and position is a muddled mess. https://t.co/1Dp0sJ3m0l

RT @davidsirota: Read this thread. Democratic Senate candidate @Hickenlooper is saying that if elected, he will help the GOP block a Green New Deal, college debt cancellation & Medicare for All. Colorado Dems: we can choose a different Senate nominee - one who will not help the GOP. #copolitics https://t.co/oKkmFLSBI0

RT @krystalball: Imagine if Bernie faked black endorsements, said supporters of his plan for black America were black when they were actually white, and used a stock photo from Kenya. Absolutely embarrassing that Pete didn’t get one q. Sometimes the bias is just so absurdly obvious.

RT @BernieSanders: I learned about racism in a very personal way and at a very young age. I am Jewish and the son of an immigrant who came here to escape anti-Semitism. And I am committed to rooting out racism and bigotry everywhere it exists. https://t.co/PdJ8qdvLct

RT @theappeal: A new lawsuit accuses Alameda County Sheriff Gregory Ahern and Aramark Correctional Services of violating the 13th amendment by forcing some pre-trial prisoners to work without pay. https://t.co/gKTiWb35AV

RT @shaunking: BREAKING: Texas is now breaking the law in the Rodney Reed case. Last judge retired. Law says that when a judge retires, the locally elected judge takes over. Texas ignored the law, and brought another judge out of retirement from a different county. https://t.co/RZl4To4lkD

عمارة للإيجار بالكامل بسيئون حي الوحدة https://t.co/9YvT0lVT2Bعمارة-للإيجار-بالكامل-بسيئون-حي-الوحدة

RT @cenkuygur: .@PeteButtigieg keeps saying he is against Washington & establishment but then states very standard establishment policies. Change on the outside, continuity on the inside. Policies matter more than rhetoric. No one pretends to be more progressive & acts less like it than him.

RT @BernieSanders: We are launching our Muslims for Bernie organizing program! Join us for our first strategy webinar this Sunday, November 24 at 1 p.m. ET/ 10 a.m. PT by registering at https://t.co/UuDG0EhQwe https://t.co/i9vXjAjPtT

RT @chesaboudin: I will end the policy of asking for money bail because we shouldn't put a price tag on freedom and determine incarceration based on wealth. Hear more in this NPR interview: San Francisco Elects Chesa Boudin As New District Attorney https://t.co/XxdOaWmjoY

عمارة للإيجار بالكامل بسيئون حي الوحدة https://t.co/9YvT0lVT2Bعمارة-للإيجار-بالكامل-بسيئون-حي-الوحدة

RT @ChuckModi1: Julian Castro was right about Joe Biden #DemDebate https://t.co/uc7nJ4HJHh

RT @JessicaValenti: I've said it before and I'll say it again: Biden is not up for this. #DemDebate

RT @cenkuygur: Uh oh, is @JoeBiden ok? #DemDebate

Painful to watch. I earnestly wonder if something was happening to him there. Several times it seemed hard to get the words out. https://t.co/lJm7ZBDgDS

RT @JordanChariton: Journalists should stop talking about it behind-the-scenes and start stating the obvious---@JoeBiden is sharply declining cognitively #DemDebate https://t.co/oa0iIgYh8k

RT @helenprejean: .@RepPressley hopes the U.S. can reduce its prison population by over 80 percent: https://t.co/epF4si6fSR

RT @BernieSanders: We must deal with Trump's corruption, but we also have to stand up for the working people of this country. #DemDebate https://t.co/oCPG2gIaMx

RT @RepAdams: More than 35,000 people won’t be coming home for the holidays this year due to gun violence. Enough is enough - @senatemajldr, pass gun safety reform now. https://t.co/7GEbKHsT61

RT @NBAonTNT: Ben Simmons hits his first career 3! 🚨 (via @NBATV) https://t.co/j41iqOlR8J

RT @Saltwatertattoo: I’ve never donated to any candidate’s campaign in my entire life before Bernie Sanders. I donated to Bernie. Twice.

RT @bourgeoisalien: Bernie Sanders received more donations from the military than any other candidate. If you want to support our troops, then vote for the candidate that our troop support. Bernie 2020🔥 #DemDebate https://t.co/c5dnZj9x7c

Including Trump. https://t.co/eV9Dz5mPoQ

RT @davidsirota: "Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont has the highest percentage of 'strong supporters' among all the 2020 presidential candidates, according to our October CBS News Battleground Tracker poll." https://t.co/dHdeswwwS3

RT @JordanUhl: NEW: Bernie Sanders releases choreography for his campaign's OFFICIAL dance https://t.co/c6QcNKojHX

RT @RollingStone: Ariana Grande endorses Bernie for president — and shares that she's registered 20,000 people to vote at her concerts https://t.co/RA0uP3st3l https://t.co/HYGsyUWg7p

RT @CaraKorte: The #1 Trending video on YouTube is @IAMCardiB's @VogueMagazine "73 Questions". She took some time to talk politics, including her support for @BernieSanders, whom she calls a "natural humanitarian". https://t.co/dfYroSFEuo

RT @NationalNurses: NNU, the nation’s largest union of RNs, is proud to endorse @BernieSanders! From workers' rights, to the Green New Deal, to Medicare for All -- Bernie's values are nurses' values. Follow @NationalNurses & @NNUBonnie as we livetweet the #DemDebate! #NursesForBernie 🇺🇸 https://t.co/4cbDTRtM1c

RT @GaryGrumbach: Some candidates participate in mock debates to prepare for the big night. Sen. @BernieSanders shoots hoops, holds conversations about topics and strategy w/ advisors, and last night attended an @ArianaGrande concert. The senator shared his ideal #DemDebate format with @NBCNews https://t.co/FRyujurnZc

RT @davidminpdx: Mass incarceration is a choice. There is nothing inevitable about it. What human beings make, human beings can unmake and make anew. https://t.co/GZO7MainCE

RT @C_Espina_21: Today, one of my friends is finally being released from the South Texas ICE Detention Complex thanks to @RAICESTEXAS paying his $5000 bond. Here is a drawing he sent me while detained that highlights the loneliness and suffering refugees experience while in immigration detention. https://t.co/S5VAaYRcpS

RT @leedsgarcia: We spent 2018 kidnapping children, & are now spending 2019 fueling the cartels & kidnappers in Mexico w/ children because of our policy choices. We are sick. MPP must end. Asylum must be reinstated. Due process must be a core value & right for all people. https://t.co/j5upxDm4HI

RT @kai_newkirk: The candidates at tonight's #DemDebate5 MUST follow @staceyabrams and speak on the urgent issue of #votersuppression & the fight to defend voting rights. If the GOP repeats/expands their arguably-decisive voter suppression of 2016 & GA '18 in 2020, all of them––and us––may lose. https://t.co/GR1ZmyvMOp

RT @abgutman: The PA Department of Corrections permitted @Sentinel_Vaughn of @theappeal to photograph inside SCI Laurel Highlands, a prison in the southwestern part of the state that houses a large population of people who require long-term and personal care. No words. https://t.co/gPmqeilMai

RT @jduffyrice: Yesterday evening my friend heard that a 17-year-old boy was scheduled to be deported at 2 AM. She promptly canceled plans with her visiting family and went to the jail where he was being detained. Turns out the boy’s dad was there, too, and was also hours from removal.

RT @jackcalifano: Fantastic article by @meaganmday which highlights an undeniable fact: We are building the largest, most deeply committed grassroots volunteer army in a generation. And it’s why we’re going to win 🔥 https://t.co/mRc9iage9w

@matthewferner Wow. This has been going on FOREVER.

RT @matthewferner: Dan Wagner & Scott Simmons, the two veteran prosecutors at center of Orange County jailhouse informant scandal, resign following questioning about their actions by federal civil rights investigators. https://t.co/rDziuKlJrB

RT @davidminpdx: Excellent thread about a massive scandal you should be paying attention to. https://t.co/yOUVOxKSRw

RT @wideofthepost: We already provide tuition "free" public k-12 education, even "for the children of millionaires and billionaires." Seems much more coherent to just extend that by 2-4 years (to college) than to pretend this has anything to do with the children of rich people. https://t.co/qXkbL50mXi

RT @SenSanders: All people have the right to protest for a better future. I call on the Iranian government to end the internet blackout and stop violence against demonstrators. https://t.co/mB45vFDNy5

RT @chesaboudin: The xenophobic immigration policies set out by the Trump administration have torn families apart, undermined trust in law enforcement, resulted in deaths, miscarriages & sexual assault, and have not made this country any safer. We will protect our immigrant neighbors. https://t.co/weqJPdhVgT

RT @thisisrobsmith: Imagine being @john_mcnesby, head of the Philly FOP. Philly police officers are facing a community trust crisis. The department fails to solve most of the city's shootings. Yet, you prioritize writing an unhinged press release attacking the newspaper & a beloved football player. https://t.co/rVEtTptBtW

RT @cncep: In this week’s @NewYorker, I reviewed a brilliant new biography of William Monroe Trotter, which offers a fascinating portrait of Boston’s black radicalism. https://t.co/hSmIaRHtOG

RT @PSheppardTV: .@shaunking https://t.co/7AIIaUMCk3

فله للبيع روعه https://t.co/uyFDcUmIPQفله-للبيع-روعه

عماره للبيع https://t.co/mEkTsIdtTRعماره-للبيع

فله للبيع روعه https://t.co/uyFDcUmIPQفله-للبيع-روعه

عماره للبيع https://t.co/mEkTsIdtTRعماره-للبيع

@PSheppardTV Thx

RT @DrRJKavanagh: So one of the cops who participated in this violence against teenagers on the subway, Tommy Martinovic, is apparently scheduled to be given a cop of the month award at Brooklyn Boro Hall (according to sources within the NYPD). Unclear for what. https://t.co/UyMtGBD9hg

RT @Taniel: This HARROWING @elizabethweill article is about Orange County, CA. https://t.co/Aal8xztq4A But it's the just-horrifying situation in jails around country. @ZachWritesStuff just wrote about NC deaths: https://t.co/OctU4LSFBm Too often, all about sheriffs. https://t.co/T9MKrM3PBC https://t.co/JwhubP4Bqn

@JordanUhl @strayfromdapath It actually helps.

RT @IlhanMN: Sharing my full letter on the the sentencing of Patrick W. Carlineo, a man convicted of threatening my life. We must apply a system of compassion to criminal justice. Who are we as a nation if we respond to threats of political retribution with retribution ourselves? https://t.co/O6ooPx5aL6 https://t.co/RUik17VfnZ

RT @MiekeEoyang: THIS. Whatever you think of the two candidates, that @CoryBooker's Rhodes Scholarship is mentioned less frequently is not ok. The man also went to Yale Law School, but you don't hear about that. https://t.co/ip3e9jUNr4

RT @innocence: .@KimKardashian, we are grateful for your support + partnership on #RodneyReed’s case — from raising awareness on his fight for justice + motivating so many to take action — to your dedication as a legal apprentice to the legal team. https://t.co/8LcM3ghEBn

RT @innocence: A huge thank you to @DrPhil for being one of the first to take a deep-dive into #RodneyReed's case with two on-air episodes, interviewing him + sharing his story over the past few months. Your support and commitment to this case have been instrumental. https://t.co/xxize9a9SK

ارضيه للبيع https://t.co/XkuEP50ExTارضيه-للبيع

شارع هايل https://t.co/vtY6UC3vnqشارع-هايل

@mehdirhasan It’s one of the most disgusting things to happen in our lifetime. But we’re so overwhelmed with disgusting info that it’s hard to keep up.

RT @mehdirhasan: Prior to being pardoned by Trump, this man was found guilty of 2 counts of second-degree murder, obstruction of justice, and other charges "related to a pattern of threatening and intimidating actions toward Afghans." 9 members of his own US Army platoon testified against him. https://t.co/xIktIuWvmt

RT @GaryGrumbach: The @BernieSanders campaign is out with news this morning that they’ve received four million individual donations, a number they didn’t reach in 2016 until after the New Hampshire primary. Sanders is the first 2020 candidate to hit this number.

شارع هايل https://t.co/vtY6UC3vnqشارع-هايل

RT @shaunking: You don’t have to believe anything I’ve ever said about Rodney Reed. Believe The Innocence Project. Believe The Texas Board of Pardons & Paroles which just voted unanimously to stop his execution. Believe the Texas Criminal Court of Appeals which just granted an appeal.

RT @DGreen_14: Catch one dunk and get drug tested 🤣 #surprisesurprise

RT @nihal201: ISLAMOPHOBIA IN CONNECTICUT: My friend Inaam Khan's sisters and mother were verbally accosted and harassed for wearing hijab at a mall in Manchester. The woman in question is a LAWYER supposedly! Let's find out who she is and let her employer know. https://t.co/WrXGX3CXiE

RT @EdgeofSports: You heard Stephen A.’s perspective. This is mine. https://t.co/tPL3lxukDM

RT @AdyBarkan: My brother @AbdulElSayed knows EXACTLY what patients and families need to fix our health care system: #MedicareForAll. Listen to his pod #AmericaDissected to learn why, of all the plans, M4A is a cut above. Spoiler: I make a special appearance. https://t.co/3JQY1zqIfA

RT @E_Reid35: Exactly. It was all an elaborate facade to get Colin to sign a waiver that forfeited his rights. But isn’t it interesting that when the league said it was ok, supposedly 25 teams showed up in ATL. Reeks of collusion https://t.co/WxkSjivdeL

RT @IlhanMN: Israeli settlements violate intl law, decades of U.S. foreign policy, and the human rights of Palestinians. All who believe in the possibility of peace must speak up in this moment. “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” https://t.co/SVl3MH2zLh

RT @GeoffRBennett: Lost in impeachment news: Senate Republicans today blocked from a government funding measure the inclusion of $255M in funding for #HBCUs and other institutions historically serving people of color. @SpeakerPelosi calling it “profoundly disappointing and deeply shameful.”

RT @BernieSanders: Amazon made $11,200,000,000 in profits last year. Its federal income tax bill: ZERO. It is simply not true that we cannot afford to invest in housing or health care or education. We will make massive corporations finally pay their fair share.

RT @KevGordy: They legit mic’d up this dudes asshole like he’s on Monday Night Football #FartGate https://t.co/j7TArYWWrG

@CovHousePrez @helenprejean Thanks brother

RT @ChuckModi1: Max Kellerman NAILS it on Kaepernick: —Who cares if he’s wearing a Kunte Kinte t-shirt! —Is he supposed to be so thankful of opportunity when he’s been denied? —My understanding is it was NOT a standard waiver. This whole dog & pony show was to smuggle it in under the radar!!! https://t.co/TRrjZibagM

RT @NicholsUprising: Pro Tip: The best time to move into a leading position is when the race is entering its critical stage. For instance: on the eve of the fifth debate, and with the Iowa caucuses a little more than 2 months away, new CBS poll puts @BernieSanders in a tie for first in Iowa. https://t.co/Tzlz4w8Api

RT @lsarsour: UMASS Amherst doesn’t disappoint. Thank you for showing up for a deep conversation on criminalization of dissent and how we stay focused. I thought I would never get invited back but here I am 🙌🏼🇵🇸🙌🏼 https://t.co/PKc1Uvg2iY

RT @pal_legal: Last week Dima Khalidi joined a dynamic panel discussing backlash against the movement for Palestinian rights. Roughly 1,600 people attended the sold-out event at UMass Amherst, which also featured @CornelWest, @lsarsour, Omar Barghouti, @shaunking, and @timjacobwise. https://t.co/uqJDWieZof

يبحث عن بيت https://t.co/yMbgW2cQBkيبحث-عن-بيت

يبحث عن بيت https://t.co/yMbgW2cQBkيبحث-عن-بيت

RT @MarkRuffalo: .@BernieSanders, your message of “Us, not Me” is the one that resonates with me most. Your willingness to always fight for what’s right and fair is what‘s leading the progressive shift in this election. You are the original progressive. You are the one. https://t.co/pb9tAQrCAS

RT @BernieSanders: In just the past week our campaign has been endorsed by @UTLAnow, @NationalNurses, @CAYoungDems, @RightsNH and @RightsVT along with dozens of elected officials. This is what a multiracial, multigenerational, working-class movement looks like. Together, we are going to win.

RT @cascamike: it was a busy week for @BernieSanders, so let’s do a quick recap. endorsements? ☑️@NationalNurses ☑️@UTLAnow ☑️@RightsNH & @RightsVT ☑️@CAYoungDems yuuge rallies? ☑️ fresno ☑️ east la green new deal? ☑️possible & necessary what’s happening in bolivia? ☑️ a coup

RT @JordanChariton: Makes sense from the guy who wrote the crime bill who imprisoned black men over things like weed https://t.co/t3ddKs34rh

RT @chrisgeidner: Joe Biden, ready to run strong in the 1988 presidential race. https://t.co/O1CTHwr1lf

RT @exavierpope: The NFL tried to play Colin Kaepernick by trying to round about extinguish any future claims against it using a workout as bait like he doesn’t have some of best lawyers money can buy: https://t.co/zocFy5R7Oa https://t.co/Kf2axbKGe7

RT @EdgeofSports: This part of the story is not getting nearly enough play and it has gotten NO PLAY from today's network talking heads. https://t.co/XKONA5dekA

RT @ryangrim: Evo Morales’ party, MAS, controls 2/3 of the legislature. The new self-declared ruler is promising to arrest those democratically elected lawmakers. US media utterly silent. https://t.co/2YCjI4zrmD

RT @MarceloFreixo: Spike Lee também quer saber. Quem mandou matar Marielle? https://t.co/Wc9UVaUfYe

RT @ggreenwald: Spike Lee with the question that will never stop being asked until it's finally answered: https://t.co/FvP6ZSW0Z2

RT @wideofthepost: NBA players gonna flock to Yang, seeing this baskets machine automate their jobs away. https://t.co/SqckhGzNkK

RT @janeosanders: @BernieSanders warming up for a Townhall in Las Vegas! @drscll @faiz @AriRabinHavt https://t.co/XsmvbSGueJ

RT @BernieSanders: The criminalization of marijuana has been a disaster. We are going to legalize it, expunge past convictions and invest in communities of color that have been devastated by the War on Drugs. https://t.co/0xQSHn6F3U

RT @Booker4KY: The folks on my team told me we're $5,639 short of where we need to be as we close out our first week. We've got to meet this goal to afford the resources to build a movement to defeat Mitch. If you're in, RT and chip in: https://t.co/NczcOUNgIg. https://t.co/fplOyEXwPQ

RT @ryangrim: The Buttigieg campaign using a stock photo of a Kenyan woman for its Douglass Plan for Black America is now news in Kenya. The woman in the photo reached out to me very confused. One story here: https://t.co/H217w3QXdw

RT @CabanForQueens: With all due respect to you Mr. Mayor, you’re also in favor of adding 500 cops to our subways so they can stop, arrest and search poor black & brown folks. You denounce stop & frisk, but support broken windows policing that criminalizes poverty? A bit hypocritical, no? https://t.co/AtlNqlaaR8

RT @fshakir: 3 for 3 https://t.co/NP2W9y3dex

RT @IlhanMN: This is not ok or necessary 🤦🏽‍♀️ https://t.co/H9hvQkVWxp

RT @EdgeofSports: It’s Jay-Z and the NFL that organized a publicity stunt. They’re furious Kaepernick wouldn’t play their game. https://t.co/kJVCsSQ79B

RT @IlhanMN: No one with a proven hatred of immigrants should be shaping immigration policy. It’s time for Stephen Miller -- and the president who hired him -- to step down. https://t.co/MGWVQ65zhY

RT @shaunking: BULLSHIT. After years of running the Apartheid-like policy of stopping and frisking millions of people of color throughout New York City, and then defending it every day in office, then every day he was out of office up until this week, @MikeBloomberg now admits he was wrong.

RT @rashadrobinson: I grew up on Eastern Long Island my great grandparents & grandparents arrived in the 30’s & 40’s — part of the “great migration” from VA, my family still lives on LI and face(d) redlining, realestate & bank discrimination & so much more —the geographic segregation is manufactured https://t.co/ZMOVQlkpLb

RT @ScottHech: 🔥 from @NYTimes Ed Board. Calls on prosecutors & police to stop fearmongering on bail reform: “Panic from NY’s law & order crowd is nothing new. Those trying to undermine public trust in long-overdue reforms should instead get to work making the change.”https://t.co/HpDPJqJyOs

RT @wideofthepost: (of bankers) https://t.co/KvdwyPkKo6

RT @MichaelSkolnik: The man has stayed ready for 3 years. NFL, let him play! #StillWithKap https://t.co/pRGeo4uEsY

RT @JulianCastro: Horrific evidence of the atrocities being committed against the Uighur people. President Trump’s silence on this human rights abuse is shameful. We must speak out and restore America’s moral leadership. https://t.co/4Y27PaM3yS

RT @davidsirota: This is a mass movement. The billionaire class is right to be scared, because it’s true: when @BernieSanders wins, this movement is going to fundamentally change everything. https://t.co/pCyTo9vft9

RT @BernieSanders: We’re going to win California. We’re going to win the Democratic primary. We’re going to defeat Trump. And we’re going to build a nation based on justice and dignity for all. Thank you Eastside Los Angeles! https://t.co/KD95DycHKs

RT @sairasameerarao: There was another school shooting last night - this time at a New Jersey high school football game. That’s 45 school shootings in 46 weeks. There is minimal media coverage indicating we’ve gone beyond normalization. We EXPECT kids to die at school.

RT @DavidMulugheta: “We’ve never seen anything so egregious.” / “The worst thing in NFL History.” / “He should be criminally charged.” / “He should be suspended indefinitely.” —> All I ask is you guys keep the same energy. This play actually caused injury & Gronk was suspended 1 game. https://t.co/WCpJrT92Gm

RT @E_Reid35: https://t.co/SdQOtfHmtD https://t.co/7FlxOiF24O

RT @ConorOrr: Here’s Kaepernick’s short statement following today’s workout, via the livestream: https://t.co/H4OeIVwOGo

RT @LeftSentThis: Before I hear ANY OF of the pundits or pretend-pundits say anything about, “Sure Kaepernick can throw during workouts, but there’s nothing like live defenders coming your way...” WHAT KAEPERNICK DID WAS A QB WORKOUT. THE KIND THAT ALL OB’S GO THROUGH TO BE EVALUATED.

RT @E_Reid35: 55 yards in the air with ease https://t.co/SOFW1VwLqF

All college players should be paid and have high risk insurance policies https://t.co/36G0mDBsAg

RT @iPhilSomething: ✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾 https://t.co/J6mEDRoLc8

RT @People4Bernie: ┏┓ ┃┃╱╲ in this ┃╱╱╲╲ house ╱╱╭╮╲╲ there ▔▏┗┛▕▔ is a ╱▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔╲ political revolution ╱╱┏┳┓╭╮┏┳┓ ╲╲ ▔▏┗┻┛┃┃┗┻┛▕▔ - @iPhilSomething #BernieInLA https://t.co/WRSmGVhLbm

RT @iPhilSomething: 🌊🌊 https://t.co/PJCvuRdtp5

RT @ava: His arm. And his conscience. And his voice. If they want the arm, they have to take the rest. They don’t want that. They want silence and profits. https://t.co/a0W0YimpOE

RT @Booker4KY: Mitch ran ads trying to attack me this week. He's already scared. And he should be. We're building a movement to retire him. But as I consider this run, I need your support to fight back against his corporate money. Chip in here: https://t.co/NczcOUNgIg. https://t.co/bxHlBKlM1A

RT @E_Reid35: We already knew Colin’s arm talent was elite. Some doubted and now you have proof. Also, transparency is important. There’s no way we would allow the @NFL to control the narrative of Colin’s workout by not allowing media presence! Not to mention that dubious waiver

RT @adamcbest: Look at this deep bomb. Question answered. Kaepernick still has his arm. https://t.co/EkYO05Uk3C

RT @JasonLaCanfora: Colin Kaepernick got some very positive feedback from the scouts in attendance about his elite arm strength and ability to throw the deep ball.

Elite but somehow unemployed. https://t.co/F2i5rBX9RO

RT @AdamSchefter: After today’s workout in Atlanta, an NFL executive at Colin Kaepernick’s throwing session said his arm talent is “elite” and is the same as when he came out of college. He said that Kaepernick threw the ball well.

RT @DanWolken: Colin Kaepernick made a 90 second statement before leaving https://t.co/QlH2RTnLp5

RT @ryangrim: Look for Miller to become an increasingly prominent focus. Every day he shows up to the White House is a scandal. https://t.co/ShVubjkEPp

RT @davidsirota: At this YUGE rally in Fresno, @BernieSanders reiterates that when he’s elected, he’s not delaying Medicare for All legislation — he’s introducing it in the first week of his presidency. #NoMiddleGround https://t.co/0m0IHUU3GO

RT @VickyPJWard: EXCLUSIVE: At last year's WH Hanukkah party, Lev Parnas & Igor Fruman had a private meeting w Trump & Giuliani during which Trump tasked the two men with “a secret mission” to pressure the Ukrainian gov't to investigate Joe & Hunter Biden, sources say. https://t.co/LoeQ7msJIA

RT @BillNeelyNBC: Israel's army admits killing 8 civilians from one family in an airstrike in #Gaza on Wednesday, including 5 children. "We thought the house was empty" says the Army. The family were sheep herders, not Islamic Jihad militants. https://t.co/HMitQeKEMV

RT @SusanSarandon: God bless #RodneyReed. May you find justice now. And thank you to @helenprejean, @shaunking and all who called and demanded justice for Mr. Reed. We are powerful when we act together. https://t.co/QAB6vKh6F2

A mess. https://t.co/QTQBgYTDJu

RT @helenprejean: MORE #RodneyReed NEWS: The TX Court of Criminal Appeals has granted a stay of execution until further notice. The CCA sent Rodney’s case back to the trial court in Bastrop for further hearings on several different issues. We will continue fighting alongside Rodney and his family.

RT @innocence: BREAKING NEWS: Texas Court of Criminal Appeals has granted #RodneyReed an indefinite stay of execution, meaning he no longer has an execution date! Stay tuned for more info.

RT @helenprejean: I'm so grateful that the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals acted decisively to stop the execution of #RodneyReed. Rodney, his family, and his legal team have been fighting for exoneration since 1998. These new hearings mean that Rodney has a real chance to prove his innocence.

RT @helenprejean: Our collective work to free #RodneyReed is not over. We all need to remain invested in fairness and justice for Rodney. His legal team will continue to fight hard for exoneration. Follow @BringRodneyHome to stay up to date with what’s going on in Rodney’s case.

RT @JAVosters: WE DID IT. Now let’s stay on this, y’all; it’s not over yet. https://t.co/1MKYj37ert

RT @helenprejean: THANK YOU to the millions of people who signed petitions, made phone calls, wrote letters, and advocated for #RodneyReed! You helped save an innocent man’s life!

RT @innocence: Meet the Reed family: Sandra Reed, Rodrick Reed, RJ, Wana Akpan, and their team. They have been on the frontlines for #RodneyReed for over two decades. Follow and support them @BringRodneyHome as they keep pushing. https://t.co/NILXdE36mi https://t.co/BI1VO6wWp0

RT @KimKardashian: So grateful for the commitment and passion of everyone who voiced their support, the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles for their recommendation to issue a 120 day reprieve, and the courts for issuing a stay!

RT @KimKardashian: Today, I had the honor of meeting #RodneyReed in person and the privilege of sitting with him when he got the news that the highest court in Texas had issued a stay of execution and remanded the case back to the trial court for further consideration.

RT @innocence: Thank you to all who called, tweeted, and spoke out against the execution of an innocent person. Today, we rejoice. Tomorrow, we keep working to prove #RodneyReed's innocence. Stay involved. https://t.co/X0UIaZZzZ3

RT @JulianCastro: Good. This is a small step towards justice. Now, let's ensure #RodneyReed gets a fair chance at exoneration and abolish the death penalty. https://t.co/RFzhBirVfw

RT @RepPressley: The #trauma, the pain, & the injustice that #RodneyReed has experienced at the hands of the criminal legal system is inhumane. While this is a victory for Rodney & his family, #justice delayed is justice denied. The death penalty has no place is a just society. #FreeRodney https://t.co/tE0JQD5m6f

RT @helenprejean: #RodneyReed STATUS UPDATE: Rodney will NOT be executed next week. The execution has been legally blocked by the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals. Rodney's case will go back to the trial court in Bastrop for hearings on hidden evidence, false testimony, and actual innocence.

Thank all of you for your hard work. Deeply grateful. https://t.co/OVhn1uvRj3

RT @kai_newkirk: Halleluiah! Thank you to everyone who raised your voice for Rodney, to @shaunking for game-changing, tenacious leadership, to the @innocence project for their long, devoted service. Far to go still to #FreeRodneyReed, but this is a great win for organizing, justice & humanity. https://t.co/yfrZcGkHqQ

@BerniceKing @innocence @helenprejean Thanks my friend

RT @BerniceKing: @shaunking Thank you, Shaun. Powerful, humane and just what @innocence, you, @helenprejean, etc did.

RT @shaunking: This video is the single most important video you could ever watch about Rodney Reed. It's 8 brilliant, meticulous minutes from Pulitzer Prize winning journalist @TrymaineLee on a segment hosted by @ChrislHayes. Watch it now then take ACTION @ https://t.co/7Ty1Wyu29n https://t.co/7UxwMpJrSI

@rachael_scar @AdyBarkan Soooooooooo beautiful!

RT @bradlander: I am weeping with love & joy at the birth of @rachael_scar & @AdyBarkan’s daughter Willow. Somehow, in a way that surpasses understanding, they are turning the heartrending pain of the cruelest fate into the brightest inspiration that life & love & solidarity can win out. https://t.co/YH1XIn4aS2

RT @dabeard: Stephen Miller and the president, behind the detention of 70,000 immigrant kids, were behind a plan to fast-track other immigrants—as long as those immigrants were from Europe. One diplomat said it looked like the US was "fishing for white people." https://t.co/XxeDo3IJgm https://t.co/dnYb9VVFhp

RT @ArashKolahi: Bijan was a kind, loving young man who was unarmed & posed no threat to anyone when he was shot 9 times execution-style by US Park Police. Officers violated multiple protocols & yet 2 years later(!!!) we learn no charges will be filed by the cowardly DOJ. https://t.co/1bEhcKJ1kV

@AdyBarkan @rachael_scar Just beautiful!!! Congrats!!

RT @AdyBarkan: Our daughter, Willow Simone. Thank you for this joy, @rachael_scar. https://t.co/IQOahHIbP0

So beautiful!!! https://t.co/AyfdPs66hq

RT @NBAonTNT: Chuck is happy Melo got signed 😂 https://t.co/PIygvotDog

RT @NBA2K: You can play with Melo on the Blazers starting tomorrow 🙏 https://t.co/rkQUB2Rwcp

RT @JCrossover: Congrats Melo!!!!!!!!!!

RT @ChrisBHaynes: Damian Lillard was notified on the potential of adding Carmelo Anthony last night and he made it clear that he’s always been supportive of bringing in the future Hall-of-Famer, league sources tell Yahoo Sports. Portland searching for a boost to what has been a slow start.

RT @ESPNStatsInfo: Carmelo Anthony is heading to Portland. It’s been over a year since he last played in a game (Nov. 8, 2018). Anthony has the 2nd-most career points among active players, trailing only LeBron James. https://t.co/mByhOQghhX

RT @wojespn: Portland is signing Carmelo Anthony, league source tells ESPN.

RT @shaunking: 2,908,971 of you have now signed the petition @ https://t.co/7Ty1Wyu29n. It's the single largest petition ever created to save a man from being executed. It's bi-partisan. It's from all 50 states. Sign it. Take our ACTION STEPS. And let's stop this horrible execution. https://t.co/H1Y3pr2HfB

RT @WTIUSA: Kirk Bloodsworth, first person exonerated from death row by DNA testing, speaks out on the scheduled execution of Rodney Reed: "DON'T LET IT HAPPEN." @FreeRodneyReed @BringRodneyHome @werepjustice #nodeathpenalty @KimKardashian @shaunking https://t.co/4NDUt7Ak4G

RT @jamiedupree: Re: subpoena for his tax returns, Trump legal team files 179 page brief arguing that "he is absolutely immune from all stages of state criminal process while in office" https://t.co/jqazNpkk4g https://t.co/wsqFFUAQeb

RT @keribla: The Harris County DA fired a high-ranking prosecutor she said lied to the court. But the prosecutor said no, it was the DA who lied to the court. Then the defense lawyer said no actually the DA lied to the court about something else entirely. https://t.co/yZT0IenQPf

RT @cenkuygur: I’m running for Congress to represent CA-25. If we fight together for this seat, it will be the People’s seat. Fight with me by donating now https://t.co/D3n29zo3rt #cenk2020

RT @sandylocks: SURPRISE ya’ll. You asked for it and here it is—the premiere of our second season of Intersectional Matters! I’m so excited about this episode with my amazing sister-in-the-law @DorothyERoberts. https://t.co/VzQ6OSSNqi

RT @JosephNSanberg: You know what’s fucking disgraceful, Leon? That 8 out of 10 Americans live paycheck to paycheck. That Americans die because they are too poor to live. That lifespan for everyday Americans is shrinking. That Americans died of gun violence TODAY. That all is fucking disgraceful. https://t.co/S5CIl91JlO

RT @Taniel: I talked to two San Francisco advocates about what @ChesaBoudin's win means: the organizing that went into this, and what's next for mass incarceration & social justice in the city. Some fascinating stuff, I invite you to check it out: https://t.co/dWBTAJZyAN

RT @shaunking: Rodney Reed's case does not have a judge. https://t.co/6UqvUlPS5D

RT @RealByronAllen: Together we will stop Comcast from challenging our Civil Rights. @BernieSanders @ninaturner @CoryBooker @KamalaHarris @SenWarren @tonetalks @DerrickNAACP @rashadrobinson https://t.co/3vg1yDa5eV

RT @Sheena_Marie3: Eric Reid on Colin Kaepernick workout: “He’s ready.” Reid also says he feels it’s a publicity stunt. https://t.co/dLeHiqu0PT

RT @KeepBlitzin: I asked Eric Reid if upcoming Colin Kaepernick workout is progress. This was his reply: https://t.co/pDFs8gG4gk

RT @exavierpope: "I’ll quote Malcolm X: If you stick a knife in my back nine inches and pull it out six, that's not progress. That’s still a knife in my back, so we’ll see what happens” - Eric Reid - Eric Reid is unconvinced by the NFL workout for Colin Kaepernick https://t.co/cmQBgg5oaW

RT @SportsCenter: "I'll believe it when I see it," Eric Reid said of Colin Kaepernick's scheduled workout for NFL teams Saturday. "At this point, it feels like a PR stunt." https://t.co/5uNz8psDlC

RT @LeftSentThis: Eric Reid on the Kaepernick “situation.” https://t.co/83YKCUEoT0

RT @davidminpdx: 17. The fact that we have *normalized this behavior is unconscionable – it is a great blot on us all. We have let these power-mad prosecutors have their way for too long. The public must step in, engage in an urgent politics of now, and vote these motherfuckers out of office.

RT @davidminpdx: 16. Any public official who denies a man a cheap and relatively quick means of proving his innocence BEFORE EXECUTING HIM is not fit to hold public office. To act this way is a MORAL ABOMINATION.

RT @davidminpdx: 15. Through decades of exonerations, prosecutors have learned nothing. They are overwhelmingly arrogant, self-satisfied people. They are careless, cruel and dismissive of the lives of others.

RT @davidminpdx: 14. I wish I could say these cases are outliers, but there are dozens, perhaps 100s around the country just like these, where prosecutors are seeking to EXECUTE people without testing the DNA. (Not to mention all the non-death row cases where prosecutors oppose DNA testing.)

RT @davidminpdx: 13. Reed seeks DNA testing on a braided leather belt that prosecutors say was used to strangle the victim. Ligatures frequently retain the DNA of the people who use them. Prosecutors refuse to allow the belt to be tested. https://t.co/at2O8b03xT

RT @davidminpdx: 12. At the same time, in Texas, next week, prosecutors plan to execute a man Rodney Reed amid a "flood of new evidence pointing to his innocence." https://t.co/at2O8b03xT

RT @davidminpdx: 11. Cromartie seeks DNA testing on evidence from the crime scene that could demonstrate his innocence. Prosecutors oppose the testing. https://t.co/Uszed7ocXk

RT @davidminpdx: 10. Tonight, Georgia is seeking to execute a man Ray Cromartie who has always maintained his innocent. HE REJECTED A PLEA DEAL TO 7 YEARS prior to eligibility for release, because he thought he would be vindicated at trial. https://t.co/tJVEoZUtnP

RT @davidminpdx: 9. Here we are a decade and a half later. 156 people have been exonerated from death row. Many 100s have been exonerated because of post-conviction DNA testing. And in two cases this month prosecutors are seeking to execute people without doing DNA testing.

RT @davidminpdx: 8. It just struck me as the height of arrogance.

RT @davidminpdx: 7. So I just couldn't understand what their opposition was about. Why would prosecutors oppose the testing? Even if, contra my insistent client, prosecutors thought my client was guilty, what was the harm? Before killing a man, wouldn't you want to be sure?

RT @davidminpdx: 6. And of course, if the DNA testing revealed the biological material of another person – who was neither my client nor the victim – on items that were central to the rape/murder – then well jeez. The state would be saved from executing an almost-surely innocent man!

RT @davidminpdx: 5. And if the DNA testing failed to produce a profile (because the biological material was old and degraded), then too, because the case was in a post-conviction posture, the conviction would remain intact, and my client would be executed.

RT @davidminpdx: 4. I mean, from the prosecutors' perspective, what was the worst thing that was going to happen? If the DNA testing showed that my client did the crime, he would be executed.

RT @davidminpdx: 3. And we were willing to pay for the testing, so it wasn't going to cost the state a dime.

RT @davidminpdx: 2. At the time it just astounded me that the prosecutors were opposing the testing. My client had been requesting DNA testing for some time. The case had already spent decades winding its way through the courts. So a delay of a couple of months would hardly have been a big deal.

RT @davidminpdx: 1. A long time ago now, less than two weeks after I was admitted to the bar, I went to court on behalf of a man on death row with an active execution date who said he was innocent who wanted post-conviction DNA testing on items from the crime scene that could prove his innocence.

Bloomberg’s team literally just said he plans on buying his way into the presidential race. https://t.co/Vn9nDzajG4

RT @washingtonpost: Megan Rapinoe won a Woman of the Year award. She thanked Colin Kaepernick. https://t.co/McnVKjFzHA

RT @allinwithchris: WATCH: #FreeRodneyReed: The bipartisan push to prevent an execution in Texas. @trymainelee reports. https://t.co/kmVOh1pv5x #inners

RT @helenprejean: I'm very disturbed by Georgia's plan to execute Ray Cromartie. Ray has always maintained his innocence. A co-defendant says that someone else confessed to the crime. The murder weapon was never tested for DNA. The victim's daughter supports halting the execution. More tomorrow.

RT @shaunking: Nurses are basically the salt of the Earth. Best people on the planet. And the largest union for nurses in the nation, @NationalNurses, just endorsed @BernieSanders. A huge deal. https://t.co/WwukhnJUbD

RT @BernieSanders: I want to thank @NationalNurses for their strong support of our campaign. Let me be very honest: I love nurses because they are the backbone of American health care. Together we are going to win and finally pass Medicare for All. https://t.co/rUoA1ajksm

@Castro4Congress I agree

RT @hollyotterbein: NEW: Bernie Sanders met privately with about a dozen Latino congressional members tonight. “It was not what I expected. It was pretty impressive,” said one member. “He was very comfortable with us. He impressed the caucus, to be honest.” w/ @lbarronlopez https://t.co/GIdOnyTgaT

RT @Tashflorentino: I loved filming Chesa's election night speech. The energy was⚡️electric⚡️. I've never experienced anything like it in SF. His campaign was so inspiring and energizing with the most intelligent, passionate and dedicated team working collaboratively to make this win possible.🎉🙌🏽 https://t.co/2MhHP4g2FU

If you read one thread today, read this one on Buttigieg. https://t.co/yEHwUrh0aS

RT @theappeal: Supporters had high hopes when Jackie Lacey became district attorney of Los Angeles County. But rather than help address racial disparities and reduce mass incarceration, advocates say, she’s become an obstacle to reform. https://t.co/VHSzA08l0Z

Leaked Stephen Miller emails show what Southern Poverty Law Center calls an ‘affinity for white nationalism’ https://t.co/ytzlyMGl3e

RT @DavidHaugh: Smart move by NFL. Could prompt interest, opportunity. Locally, #Bears must perform due diligence and attend. No downside in exploring any and all alternatives to solve chronic QB problem. Show up, see what he’s got. It’s not like they have short- or long-term solution on roster. https://t.co/iPwSX0RR7t

RT @EliotShorrParks: Howie Roseman has said multiple times it is his job to always check in on available players. He’ll make sure the Eagles are represented at this if so. https://t.co/AUQmL4AuVx

RT @Cianaf: What? This is a PR exercise. 1. Kaepernick doesn't need to prove anything to just get on a roster. 2. You're not going to learn anything you can't glean from his tape. 3. Individual teams are supposed to do workouts, not league-wide. 4. No other free agent QB has to do this. https://t.co/i4FhyWxzKs

RT @AdamSchefter: As Colin Kaepernick tweeted, the NFL didn't inform his reps of Saturday's workout in Atlanta until this morning. Kaepernick's reps asked for workout to be on a Tuesday, the day of most workouts, but NFL said it had to be this Saturday. He asked for a later Saturday; NFL said no.

RT @AdamSchefter: The NFL arranged this workout opportunity for Colin Kaepernick, and teams will have the opportunity to evaluate his readiness and level of interest in resuming his NFL career. His agents have said he wants to return to the NFL, and the league hopes this provides that chance.

RT @AdamSchefter: NFL clubs were informed today that a private workout will be held for Colin Kaepernick on Saturday in Atlanta. Session will include on-field work and an interview. All clubs are invited to attend, and video of both the workout and interview will be made available to clubs.

RT @Kaepernick7: I’m just getting word from my representatives that the NFL league office reached out to them about a workout in Atlanta on Saturday. I’ve been in shape and ready for this for 3 years, can’t wait to see the head coaches and GMs on Saturday.

BREAKING: Texas State Representative Rep. Shawn Thierry (D) @repthierry146 just wrote this emergency letter to @GovAbbott to stop the execution of Rodney Reed. Thank you! We now have just 7 days to save this man’s life. Join us @ https://t.co/7Ty1Wyu29n https://t.co/pjyx3xs2wD

BREAKING: Texas REPUBLICAN State Representative Rep. Ernest Bailes (R) @bailesfortx just wrote this emergency letter to @GovAbbott to stop the execution of Rodney Reed. Thank you! We now have just 7 days to save this man’s life. Join us @ https://t.co/7Ty1Wyu29n https://t.co/LtKU11eJnj

BREAKING: Texas State Senator Jose Menendez (D) @menendez4texas just wrote this emergency letter to @GovAbbott to stop the execution of Rodney Reed. Thank you! We now have just 7 days to save this man’s life. Join us @ https://t.co/7Ty1Wyu29n https://t.co/n13ZnfN2LT

RT @shomaristone: NFL Sets Up Kaepernick Workout, Invites All Teams: Report. #Kaepernick #Kap https://t.co/mSOYOm01Nq

Translation: INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY 1- Lula today received solidarity calls from the Democratic pre-candidate to the US elections, @BernieSanders . "Now you are a free man," said the Democrat in greeting. Lula reaffirmed that he hopes that Sanders will win the elections. https://t.co/CKmLZptke1

RT @meaganmday: Bernie called Lula to congratulate him on his release and express solidarity https://t.co/twiqpEgbuc

RT @NYSenatorRivera: Sir, with all due respect, King is a racist fearmonger who does not deserve to be lauded as some sort of “statesman” as he leaves his perch scared off by the real prospect of being beaten by @liuba4congress He does not deserve adulation. He deserves contempt. https://t.co/XtiubFvA6V

RT @KeeangaYamahtta: From the moment Black people were on the market, to when we were marginalized within the Jim Crow market, to our predatory inclusion into today’s market, when has this market economy worked? Markets reflect all of the racism & inequality in the societies from which they emerge. https://t.co/IYch3TIMKj

RT @thrasherxy: This is the leader of the “opposition” party in the Senate praising the deeply racist Peter King. If you think you have a choice with most politicians, you are lying to yourself. https://t.co/11QBQbm1fN

RT @NaomiAKlein: Friends, pls read this thread from the great historian Greg Grandin. Yes, it's complex. But 1 thing I know from my research for The Shock Doctrine is that it's always easier to understand these dynamics in hindsight - but it's infinitely more important to speak out in the present https://t.co/pEMJUc9tJF

RT @SaraBlazevic: Holy shit this is beautiful. A mustard seed of hope in my week. Can't wait to follow @Booker4KY's run and root for this man! https://t.co/OoAWLEIxEZ

Oh. Deval. https://t.co/vYfHQwDeH0

RT @tictoc: "I'm asking them to see us as Americans." As the Supreme Court takes on Trump's plan to end DACA, we spoke to Bernie Sanders' Latino Press Secretary and Dreamer @belensisaw https://t.co/TShO0AroVd

RT @RevDrBarber: I hear Dems arguing that people don’t want revolution, they want calm. But 140 million poor & low wealth people want living wages, health care, & fully funded public education. They don’t want a calm government; they want a caring government.

RT @YonahLieberman: Peter King was a racist politician who mainstreamed Islamophobia in the halls of Congress. Why is the highest ranking Jewish politician going out of his way to heap praise on him? https://t.co/Waoa6lLzpe

RT @NYTMetro: State Senator Julia Salazar, whose district includes the Broadway Junction subway stop, said the video shows officers “criminalizing” a person who was trying to make a living https://t.co/Zt3XDneCAX

RT @BernieSanders: I am very concerned about what appears to be a coup in Bolivia, where the military, after weeks of political unrest, intervened to remove President Evo Morales. The U.S. must call for an end to violence and support Bolivia’s democratic institutions.

RT @RafaelAnchia: Today I sent a letter urging @GovAbbott and Chair Gutierrez to grant a reprieve for #RodneyReed. The mounting evidence of innocence in this case deserves a full examination, which can only happen with additional time. https://t.co/a3JSJrhWnE

RT @innocence: Walter Reed, #RodneyReed's father, was in the U.S. Air Force for over thirty years. He is one of several Reed family members to serve this country. He lived to see his son's first stay of execution in 2015 but passed away a few weeks later. #veteransday2019 https://t.co/PRrOU50a9Y

RT @ryangrim: ICE and CBP both have toxic, rogue institutional cultures that can be reformed, they need to be broken up and have their duties dispersed, as the Sanders plan does. https://t.co/THJ5J7jO2J

RT @djbenharvey: Trash trucks literally surrounding Madison Square park to protect Trump from boo-ing https://t.co/oEq13oYwd9

RT @Taniel: there's an entire world of politicians with no imagination for political change other than personally conquering the White House, and we hurt ourselves when we play in the world they've invented https://t.co/t7vGSKL2CN

Mexico grants political asylum to Evo Morales https://t.co/5kpXwqkmQH

😂😂😂😂😂😂 https://t.co/nqhY9grKLD

😂😂😂😂😂 https://t.co/jtLPIJGMYN

RT @LukewSavage: I mean https://t.co/5wSarHlJEJ

RT @dabeard: Without telling patients or doctors, Google is collecting and analyzing private health records of tens of millions of Americans in 21 states https://t.co/IILIFGz8r3 @WSJ @realrobcopeland

8 days. We have 8 days until the State of Texas is scheduled to execute Rodney Reed. This week we will do everything we can to stop this. Overwhelming evidence exonerates him and clearly implicates another man. Sign our petition and join our team @ https://t.co/7Ty1Wyu29n https://t.co/xYQPzLgonU

RT @abradacabla: It's ridiculous that IRA sympathiser and Islamophobe Peter King can still be described as "one of the more moderate" GOPers in the House because the party is just that batshit crazy. https://t.co/6bgjaZnrma

RT @nktpnd: Who could forget that weird quirk in Uber's autonomous vehicle algorithm that caused the car to dismember a journalist with a bonesaw? https://t.co/ggV7tbKqal

RT @KarenAttiah: I need everyone to pay attention to what @Uber CEO @dkhos is saying here. Not only is he running cover for the Saudi government by saying the pre-planned murder of a @washingtonpost writer was a "mistake", he compares the murder of a human being to Uber making a tech glitch. https://t.co/qsFJhS6yVy

RT @GerrickKennedy: Seeing lots of video of Drake getting boo’d at Camp Flog. It sucks because Tyler books this festival himself. The lineup reflects his personal tastes and these are artists he usually has relationships with (Tyler asked Drake to do it as a favor). The disrespect is astounding.

RT @mclyons4: Most people know that I am not a pro- OR anti-death penalty advocate - my job was to be an impartial witness for years. But the #RodneyReed case has always bothered me and @chronic_jordan’s story lays out why. I do not see how the state can let this proceed. #Texas @GovAbbott https://t.co/CNE7Ri0gk9

RT @MayorAdler: Today I joined a a diverse, bipartisan crowd urging Gov. Abbott to stop the execution of #rodneyreed and allow a full investigation of all evidence. The people's faith in our justice system demands it. https://t.co/ylxJmQlrsM

RT @OwenJones84: If we let the right wing military coup in Bolivia succeed, then democracy will continue to die everywhere. We have to fight it wherever we are.

RT @EvidenceProf: This is *the* piece you need to read to see why #RodneyReed should not be executed (and should be exonerated). @chronic_jordan has been writing about his case for years and knows it in and out! https://t.co/1VX9ezBofh

RT @radleybalko: This is a critical thread on the Rodney Reed case by the reporter who has been covering it for nearly 20 years. https://t.co/L9R2wiArVz

RT @NYDailyNews: The tormented mother of Ade Prince is pleading for his return. The 13-year-old Brooklyn boy has been missing for nearly a week. “We love you. Just come home.” https://t.co/1DPxF865uh

RT @4NIKKOLAS: Next Wednesday, #RodneyReed is scheduled to be executed, despite overwhelming evidence that he didn’t commit any crime. Help us stop this by signing the petition at https://t.co/gRk1yH8kmj. #FreeRodneyReed https://t.co/dkpn0fCuMK

RT @ScottHech: The young man’s name is Destin Burgess. Represented by @LegalAidNYC in the Bronx. Help join them in calling on @BronxDAClark to dismiss earlier charges related to a near-identical encounter with officers. https://t.co/yyNa3xeuS2

RT @ScottHech: WATCH: The routine casualness of undercover NYPD officers as they stop, approach, & frisk a young black man w/ zero justification. In full violation of constitution. They know they’re on camera. This is why people feel imprisoned in their own communities.https://t.co/bEUQxU6TPx

RT @LegalAidNYC: We are calling on @bronxdaclark to dismiss charges pending against Destin Burgess, a LAS client who is frequently subjected to illegal stop-and-frisk searches by the NYPD. https://t.co/2RYEdjijF0

RT @escapedmatrix: Everyone follow my fellow freedom fighter @shaunking. I've watched & studied his work for years. This is a great man. https://t.co/D2nYTOOtQX

RT @aliciagarza: If you’re paying attention to what’s happening in #Bolivia right now you’ll understand that there’s a global right wing movement that is ready to challenge each and every victory we win. What you’re seeing in Bolivia is a coup—not a deposing of a leader who won’t leave.

RT @BernieSanders: Hahahahaha. That's some real class solidarity. I’m impressed by that grassroots movement. Our campaign on the other hand is a real movement by and for the working class. We are going to take on the billionaire class, and we are going to defeat them. https://t.co/Z9EjXFqwFH

@AbshirDSM @BernieSanders @SteveKingIA We are going to win Iowa

RT @AbshirDSM: Packed house in Orange City, waiting for @BernieSanders. This is Sanders country now, Sorry @SteveKingIA https://t.co/0rvkM8gw4S

RT @QasimRashid: Cop in California legit tried to arrest a black man bc he was “illegally eating.”😳 My mind can’t even begin to comprehend the arrogance needed to justify this nonsense https://t.co/cwlobWkRo2

@jamaltrulove @chesaboudin Glad to know you bro!!

RT @jamaltrulove: These two men help me grow as a man. Thank you @chesaboudin for being a real visionary of change and the voice of the people. Thank you @shaunking for provoking so many thoughts in my mind to help me be my ultimate self. Both of you guys are revolutionaries. #Reform #Change https://t.co/9fGTB5UsMx

RT @EvanSernoffsky: Chesa Boudin is ahead with nearly all the votes counted in SF DA’s race https://t.co/QaXRQ9gunm

RT @adrielhampton: @shaunking @chesaboudin It was great to see you out here stumping for Chesa and celebrating your birthday with SF progressives. And then Bernie coming in with the last-minute endorsement--people showing up for change in San Francisco and in our justice system.

RT @AbshirDSM: The victories of @cmkshama and @chesaboudin is a vindication of the power of grassroots organizing. The billionaire class may have the money, but we the people have the votes. https://t.co/aDgpIt1quA

RT @ekirschenheuter: #BREAKING: Chesa Boudin increases lead in race for San Francisco District Attorney. He's up by 2,439 votes over Suzy Loftus @chesaboudin - 85,950 @suzyloftus - 83,511

@redemmas @chesaboudin YES!

@FreeRodneyReed @NBCNews Love y'all.

RT @NBCNews: WATCH: Protesters gathered in Austin, Texas, on Saturday to urge Gov. Abbott to stop the execution of Rodney Reed. "We're here because we believe that a man who was factually not guilty, factually innocent, was wrongly charged, wrongly arrested, wrongly convicted." https://t.co/uPz7DjTZVi

RT @CynthiaNixon: INCREDIBLE victory here for criminal justice reform, congrats @ChesaBoudin!!! https://t.co/ZkeNFAQSKk

RT @kurtis_wu: congrats to chesa and dean but also all to the badass campaign staff and volunteers. candidates are only as good as their supporters. yall did amazing.

RT @LeeHepner: Here’s the moment outside the Department of Elections of anxiety-laden campaign staff and volunteers seeing @ChesaBoudin for DA up ~2440 votes and @DeanPreston for D5 Supervisor expanding his two-day 35 vote lead to ~170 with nearly all (all?) ballots cast. Amazing. https://t.co/AY1yfTeX33

RT @chrisgeidner: 🚨 Wow. With today’s vote update, it’s pretty clear: @chesaboudin is almost certainly going to be San Francisco’s next district attorney. Congrats, all. https://t.co/7omCuRUG8k

San Francisco! On a plane on my way there right now! The time for change is now. https://t.co/qC2DKY6s2Z

@adrielhampton @chesaboudin MY MAN!!

The local police union poured in nearly $1 million to defeat Chesa. They know he will hold them accountable. The Mayor appointed her friend as interim DA to tip the scale. The Governor endorsed our opponent. Senator Kamala Harris did too. BUT THE PEOPLE SPOKE. https://t.co/qC2DKY6s2Z

Thank you so much to @BernieSanders and the entire @BernieSanders campaign for not only endorsing @ChesaBoudin, but for campaigning for him. Your efforts in the final stretch made all the difference. https://t.co/qC2DKY6s2Z

@GregCasar Let's do this my friend.

RT @GregCasar: We rallied to #FreeRodneyReed today. We rallied to transform our systems of racial injustice, to abolish the death penalty, to free those wrongfully convicted. Thank you to @shaunking for elevating this issue nationwide! https://t.co/020fQUasxz

RT @AbshirDSM: Congratulations @chesaboudin! Your campaign yet again showed that when working class people come together, no amount of corporate pac can stop us. The future belongs to those who show up ✊🏽 https://t.co/jf9Ix4xUGB

RT @shaunking: HUGE NEWS!!! @ChesaBoudin was just elected the new District Attorney of San Francisco!!! With very few votes remaining to be counted, Chesa pulled ahead by 8,465 1st place votes and by 2,568 RCV votes. WE DID IT!!!! A grassroots victory for a truly kind soul. YES! YES! YES! https://t.co/IAaM0QmuRf

Do you want to know how we change this thing we call the justice system? One city, one county, one department, one DA at a time. City by city. County by county. An astounding 50% of all incarcerated people come from just 125 of America's 15,000 counties. https://t.co/qC2DKY6s2Z

Thank you so much to all of the donors, volunteers, and staff of @RealJusticePAC. You all are amazing. One of the most skilled, compassionate teams in the world. Thank you so much to @ChesaBoudin. To his wonderful staff and volunteers. You all are the best. WE DID IT!!!! https://t.co/qC2DKY6s2Z

The entire establishment from the top down was against us in this race, but the grassroots prevailed. It is truly one of the most important grassroots victories of this generation and will change the system there from the inside out. https://t.co/qC2DKY6s2Z

HUGE NEWS!!! @ChesaBoudin was just elected the new District Attorney of San Francisco!!! With very few votes remaining to be counted, Chesa pulled ahead by 8,465 1st place votes and by 2,568 RCV votes. WE DID IT!!!! A grassroots victory for a truly kind soul. YES! YES! YES! https://t.co/IAaM0QmuRf

RT @Vote4Beckford: We the People, must help put a stop to this state sanctioned execution of an innocent Black Man. Join Myself and other Advocates by Signing the Petition to Demand a Stay of Execution, Exoneration and Exoneration of Rodney Reed. #FreeRodneyReed https://t.co/ruMPJYIL5v

RT @escapedmatrix: Time is running out. @GovAbbott must stop the execution of Rodney Reed. Sign the petition, join me on @shaunking's team, and take our ACTION STEPS now @ https://t.co/D2nYTOOtQX https://t.co/rNQDMTeiWT

An amazing 2,411,571 of you have now signed our petition @ https://t.co/7Ty1Wyu29n. Please join us tonight. Sign the petition. Join our team. Take our action steps. https://t.co/7Ty1Wyu29n https://t.co/Bbi050mmzy

RT @etanthomas36: Wait a min.... 1. #JamesWiseman was EIGHT YEARS OLD when Penny allegedly financed his move to Memphis 2. Penny wasn’t the coach of Memphis then 3. Is this retaliation by the #NCAA over losing the fight for players to be able to make money off their likeness & endorsements ? https://t.co/TBft4bhrxZ

RT @shaunking: YES!!!! @ChesaBoudin has now pulled into a commanding lead as votes continue to be counted in San Francisco. He’s ahead by 5,897 first place votes and is the clear choice for District Attorney. https://t.co/2MRLg3OMeT

@BrandonHarami @OurRevolution @BernieSanders @chesaboudin Absolutely

RT @People4Bernie: @chesaboudin Link to results of @chesaboudin taking the lead in the SF District Attorney's race. https://t.co/s19jtfsFfA

RT @KeaneBhatt: A recap: • @LulaOficial freed from jail, @BernieSanders & @jeremycorbyn send support, Lula endorses Bernie • @chesaboudin leads in SF's DA race • @cmkshama leads in Seattle city council • Bernie & @AOC host largest rally in Iowa Overall, a pretty good Friday for the Left.

RT @LulaOficial: Thank you for your solidarity, you have always been my candidate for the US presidency and I hope democrats have the wisdom to nominate a candidate with your worldview. I hope American workers will make you US president. https://t.co/6qFf5DKQY5

RT @fshakir: This is amazing https://t.co/IetznthRO8

RT @ryangrim: Kshama Sawant has taken the lead!!! https://t.co/7szuYNcEf4 https://t.co/tqAQxvKg5J

Standing with you @CAU. https://t.co/SXbISkUbiV

RT @thatsaretha: If you need consoling and support at this time, student leaders and counseling services are available now in the MPR

RT @marii_XOX_: CAU can we please make sure we wrap our arms around her brother 🙏🏼🙏🏼 it’s his freshmen year at CAU and this is saddening. Pray over him and their family 😪

RT @CAU: Panther Family, we are devastated by the tragic reports regarding our own Alexis Crawford. We are here for you! Message from our president, Dr. George T. French Jr. 🐾🐾🐾 https://t.co/tavJVAM1VH

YES!!!! @ChesaBoudin has now pulled into a commanding lead as votes continue to be counted in San Francisco. He’s ahead by 5,897 first place votes and is the clear choice for District Attorney. https://t.co/2MRLg3OMeT

@SenSanders Thank you Senator.