
عرض المشاركات من أكتوبر, 2019

RT @bradhoylman: New York City is maintaining a rogue DNA database with the private genetic info of over 82K NYers, at least 31,400 of whom may never have even been charged with a crime. @assemblytwright and I have a bill to ban it. Honored to rally with the #Exonerated5 to get this done. https://t.co/kePE3FgnQL

Heather Marlowe is still waiting for her rape kit to be tested. 9 years later. She sued police commissioner Suzy Loftus for her untested rape kit. Now as candidate for DA, Loftus claims she will take sexual assault cases seriously. You can't believe a word she says. https://t.co/2mYkjvPtMq

SF has not held police accountable for as long as we can remember. Not for murder, not for forcing inmates to fight each other for food, not for jail beatings, not for racist & homophobic text messages. We cannot allow this to continue. Vote for @chesaboudin for DA. Vote now.

During a DA candidate forum tonight, protests erupted when Suzy Loftus got on stage. The protests were on behalf all the men & women shot by police with complete impunity. Under her watch. She actually gave medals of honor to officers who were under investigation for shootings. https://t.co/ykwjE3i4CS

RT @chesaboudin: The police union has now spent $238,595.55 just attacking our movement. Hate. Lies. Racism. Fear-mongering. We have our final pre-election fundraising deadline in two hours. Let's show them that our love is stronger than their hate. Please donate now: https://t.co/kKcLCZUC18

RT @RulingSports: Yesterday, Mitt Romney said, "What you can’t have is a couple athletes on campus driving around a Ferrari when everybody else is basically having a hard time making ends meet." How do you support free market economics and care if NCAA athletes earn enough to own a Ferrari?

RT @jemelehill: Conservatives are forever hollering about a free market and capitalism, and yet.... I just think it’s funny how whenever there is something that could possibly benefit black people, suddenly it’s not fair to everybody else. But go off @MittRomney https://t.co/PLlSwjgpr8

RT @SHODesusAndMero: On the next #DESUSandMERO, the guys get together with 2020 Presidential hopeful, @BernieSanders. Thursday 11/10c, only on @Showtime. https://t.co/Zdfj505hcy

RT @fshakir: don't miss it https://t.co/xYKdFp41W1

RT @abbydphillip: Confirmed from @KyungLahCNN: In a memo to staff, Kamala Harris's campaign manager announces HQ staff cuts, pay cuts for himself and consultants and a redeployment of staff from other early states (except SC) to Iowa.

RT @BernieSanders: .@RashidaTlaib represents the third-poorest district in America. This is the wealthiest country on Earth—no one should be going without food or clean water or decent housing. We're going to create a nation that works for all of us. https://t.co/EJVD11JNFW

RT @portugaltheman: Missing Murdered and Exploited Infographic thread. Please share for visibility and awareness. Racism and legal indifference lead to high rates of missing and murdered (and exploited) indigenous women. #mmiw #MMIWG @shaunking https://t.co/cwenVq704z

RT @MrMichaelLee: Joel Embiid & KAT are about to be suspended for a lot of games. Haven't seen two dudes duke it out like that in a while.

RT @BleacherReport: Did Ben Simmons really put KAT in a chokehold? https://t.co/kS5JvT63CY

RT @chesaboudin: @rosaclemente That was $50k in the first DAY. Now, a week later, they are up to about $200k in spending on racist, dishonest attack ads. Let's show them what people power looks like! https://t.co/kKcLCZUC18

RT @NYjusticeleague: We are excited for November 14! Join us for an in-person conversation with @cyntoia_brown and @msladyjustice1 about Cyntoia's new book about her life. Seating is limited, RSVP now! #RadicalReadz https://t.co/UOILf1fOYY https://t.co/Yio0wcgS5H

RT @rosaclemente: The police union just gave $50K into a committee against @chesaboudin $50,000. Guess they are a bit concerned. Let's join to make sure Chesa is the next district attorney of San Francisco. https://t.co/zO80qEToFu

@GiaPeppers Congrats homie

RT @GiaPeppers: 😭😭😭 SOME NEWS 😭😭😭 https://t.co/Iav9IAIKyr

RT @Romanoff2020: #AskMeAnything at our virtual town hall, 7 MT tonight. A few questions have already been taken—like the one we were asked at a #cosen forum: “Has Trump committed an impeachable offense?” I said yes (he’s already admitted as much) but not every candidate was quite as enthusiastic. https://t.co/x2BLJAbN5v

RT @Romanoff2020: Great—let’s have this debate. If CO’s junior senator wants to sacrifice our health & capsize our economy by surrendering clean-energy jobs to other countries & refusing to help oil & gas workers make a transition they can already see coming, we’ll fight him every step of the way. https://t.co/wKWxdEHofO

RT @Romanoff2020: I’m running to represent CO in the US Senate. Together we can enact #MedicareForAll, a #GreenNewDeal, comprehensive immigration reform, and an economy that works for all of us. Join our grassroots campaign at https://t.co/bNWm2RYTUl.

RT @MMFlint: Appearing before a cheering audience of liberal Jewish Democrats, Bernie Sanders says what no candidate has ever said — and is cheered some more. What if we had a president with both courage AND love? And never afraid to speak the truth? Why not now. Especially now. Yes — NOW! https://t.co/HCHRu8U4A9

RT @freddydeknatel: The “transcript,” which wasn’t a transcript, left key (and probably more damning) things out. https://t.co/UbVHNHbag3

RT @dipiteee: Who is whitewashing the transcripts? Eisenberg? At Barr’s direction? This seems very significant. https://t.co/4poHoNkK3o https://t.co/NLAOZVdHhu

RT @AndrewFeinberg: Holy Alexander Butterfield, Batman! https://t.co/xMuj4XOHSE

RT @bradleyrsimpson: Anyone who has worked with declassified documents knew there was something funny about a memorandum of a Presidential phone call with ellipses. This is not how MemCons are written. Turns out we were right. Trump doctored the phone call transcript: https://t.co/j7Paz0H2m7.

RT @CREWcrew: BREAKING: Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman, who heard President Trump’s July phone call with Ukraine’s president and was alarmed, testified that he tried and failed to add key details to the rough transcript. https://t.co/RaoB49d4XF

RT @dcpoll: @dannyhakim NEW: Lt. Col. Vindman testified that he tried and failed to add key omissions to the rough call transcript, including Trump’s claim that there were recordings of Biden discussing Ukraine corruption and an explicit mention by Zelensky of Burisma. #Maddow https://t.co/OcE98YEUUn https://t.co/NFLS2n5Re9

RT @TimOBrien: Now we know what went missing from the synopsis of Trump’s call with Zelensky that the White House released. And some clues to why the White House covered it up. https://t.co/riwW9g4Ors

RT @neal_katyal: Drip...drip...drip Oh my https://t.co/hxze2vaJ6r via @NYTimes

RT @HotlineJosh: !! “Vindman...told House impeachment investigators on Tuesday that the White House transcript of a July call between President Trump and Ukraine’s president omitted crucial words and phrases, and that his attempts to restore them failed...” https://t.co/R5J2Q3DmvQ

RT @danpfeiffer: It’s weird the White House would go to such lengths to cover up a “Perfect Call” https://t.co/HVkJ01LnmE

RT @julianbarnes: NEW: The mystery of at least one set of ellipses in the July 25 call solved. https://t.co/8BC84eGOQl

RT @matthewamiller: The extortion, the cover up - every charge against the president has proven true as the investigation has progressed, and not a single witness so far has provided countervailing evidence. https://t.co/sRurawL5Dc

RT @franklinleonard: The transcript was doctored. Water is wet. https://t.co/D3SjqbwIku

RT @mikercarpenter: LTC Vindman’s efforts to correct the July 25 Zelensky call transcript were rejected. I made such edits many times as part of the NSC process for transcribing calls with foreign leaders and I can’t recall a single time such edits were rejected. https://t.co/xcMZFSneH1

RT @FrankFigliuzzi1: The transcript is wrong: White House Ukraine Expert Sought to Correct Transcript of Trump Call https://t.co/7sQ8hzYxJE

RT @JoyceWhiteVance: This shows consciousness of guilt & a cover up. It’s impossible for the GOP to defend Trump past this point: the WH transcript of a July call between...Trump & Ukraine’s president omitted crucial words & phrases, &...his attempts to restore them failed, https://t.co/PiPN2WY5ll

RT @NatashaBertrand: Interesting. Doesn’t fundamentally change the understanding of the call, but raises questions about why this was taken out and whether Trump’s call records are regularly edited this way. White House Ukraine Expert Sought to Correct Transcript of Trump Call https://t.co/bGfluFmo7R https://t.co/72avPEXhz6

RT @Ilhan: Here’s the standard that will be included in Medicare For All: 👓Vision 🦷Dental ❤️Long term care This means every single American will have better access to healthcare.

RT @ChuckRocha: Tonight Jeff and I took the entire @BernieSanders political dept to dinner to celebrate their hard work of getting 100 endorsements! #NotMeUs https://t.co/IT2XnVcT2w

RT @MeritLaw: Folks so committed to the plantation mentality the concept of black teens/young adults not being exploited is triggering. As long as you’re taxing education consider legislation to provide healthcare to these athletes whose bodies will never recover from their college experience. https://t.co/Dr0F26KHZ8

RT @votevets: BREAKING: House Republicans on the Veterans Affairs Committee just WALKED OUT of a hearing about how the VA can better meet the needs of women veterans -- refusing to vote on bipartisan legislation. #Shameful https://t.co/Bw6FP7gvaq

RT @RashidaTlaib: If they don't want to do their job anymore, then maybe they should consider resigning. https://t.co/Cjk4vNjpX5

RT @AbshirDSM: Guess who won the Iowa Youth Straw Poll? @BernieSanders that’s who! 97 days till the caucus. We 👏🏽 got 👏🏽 this. #Bernie2020 https://t.co/ANnOrbUbU7

RT @ScottHech: When/if they are released, they won’t be allowed to become firemen. https://t.co/Dl4bdU9Dd8

RT @DavidBegnaud: Chileans aren't backing down despite their President's claim that he hears them. They don't feel heard, yet, & so they continue to rally across the country, by the hundreds of thousands. Those protesting violently are outnumbered by peaceful demonstrators.https://t.co/AJrbriFkz7

RT @ava: A black nineteen year old made this. Wrote it. Shot it. Edited it. Directed it. Submitted to @Tribeca. Got in. Won its three top prizes. He’s now Gotham Award nominated. His film is a NYT Critics Pick. And its now playing in select cities via black woman owned/operated @ARRAYNow. https://t.co/MQXaW3s13u

RT @ARRAYNow: "What good is it for a man to gain the whole world but lose his soul?!" @WendellPierce. @PhillipYoumans' @BurningCane is now playing in select theaters in New York, Chicago and New Orleans: https://t.co/TpSlmvBVW5 https://t.co/O6W5WYQScq

RT @nytimes: In an open letter aimed at Mark Zuckerberg and his top lieutenants, Facebook employees decried the company’s policy of allowing politicians to post any claim, even false ones, in ads, saying it was “a threat to what FB stands for” https://t.co/6wbCbYYk3N

RT @jjz1600: Wow! ⁦@BernieSanders⁩ says some of US aid to Israel should go “right now” to Gaza “We cannot give [aid] carte blanche to the Israeli gov’t, or for that matter to any government. We have a right to demand respect for human rights & democracy.” Truth! https://t.co/RcocqGQOe9

RT @_waleedshahid: It's really hard to explain to non-Americans why there is no answer to the question: "What is the Democratic Party's stance on X?" People find it absurd that candidates up-and-down the ballot can receive the endorsement of a party without adhering to a party's policy platform.

RT @JoaquinCastrotx: Based on all the testimony so far, I believe that Ambassador Gordon Sondland committed perjury. https://t.co/lOGRj8s1yP

RT @davidminpdx: Prisoners head off to fight California's massive wildfires. These are the people who we write off, don't allow to vote, don't allow to become firemen once released. https://t.co/FOulanEaQY

RT @eorlins: THIS IS ENRAGING. In spite of the new bail reform in NY, DAs are being trained on how to keep people in jail. Prosecutors are seeking to find ways to continue to hold people pretrial. Innocent until proven guilty? Not in NY. #criminalinjusticesystem https://t.co/Ch67pHZ4oO

RT @ScottHech: In addition to preparing to undermine the law, NY prosecutors & police are coordinating to weaponize tragedies & blame future violence on the bail changes. Using the same cynical tactics that pro-carceral forces used to create mass incarceration through 60s-90s to perpeatuate it.

RT @ScottHech: LEAKED TAPE: NY passed historic, common sense bail reform last year. Instead of preparing to comply w/ the new law, prosecutors around the state are getting trained on tricks & loopholes “to jail people that otherwise would be released under the new law.”https://t.co/Zq2Vz16lQ0

RT @chesaboudin: Who can join us to vote early in city hall tomorrow? We are meeting at 4pm at the Polk street steps of city hall. https://t.co/EcQY1MOZKV

RT @chesaboudin: We have two very fun events tomorrow! At 4pm we are meeting in front of city hall to vote together! Right after that we will meet at Team Boudin headquarters to knock on doors or lit drop together! We can win this! Let’s go! https://t.co/oigS7EhWJN https://t.co/Vm6UJ9vCOt

RT @chesaboudin: Confused about ranked choice voting? All you have to remember is to put Chesa Boudin as your #1! https://t.co/oqBQuIjtG1

RT @JuddLegum: 1. This is absolutely ludicrous. The lengths to which Facebook is going to justify The Daily Wire's obvious violations of their rules is astounding. Facebook is banking on people not caring but I think people will care. Let's review. https://t.co/Rdhzbt4V4B https://t.co/ZfTAcV1WD7

RT @marceelias: BREAKING: In major victory, Court throws out NC Congressional Map for 2020. https://t.co/lmdDxEywp8

Devin Nunes' aide Derek Harvey reportedly shared misinformation about Ukraine whistleblower https://t.co/PnrUWdiNqB

RT @CabanForQueens: In 2018, @theappeal published a story exposing how ADA's in the Bronx were being trained to subvert speedy trial laws. Check out this slide used in the training likening playing with speedy trial rules to "the poker game." https://t.co/GUsxVsVo18 https://t.co/8NaxUmu21W

RT @BernieSanders: Powerful people who say that Medicare for All is an "impossible" idea usually stand to profit from defending our corrupt, corporate-run health care system.

Spot on https://t.co/NbeqUrICVM

RT @ryangrim: A working class Emily's List... https://t.co/1hLSmoUxms

RT @shaunking: San Francisco!!! @BernieSanders just endorsed @ChesaBoudin to be the next District Attorney, but now you have to VOTE! You can vote early today!! We need you! We need all hands on deck! I’ve never believed more in somebody’s power to change the system from the inside out! https://t.co/9E2Uwy5Wyk

RT @jmillerlewis: Detroit is feeling the Bern! https://t.co/dW6vbuXPz9

RT @davidminpdx: If you live in Virginia there are a whole bunch of important, contested District Attorney races just a week and a half away. Here is everything you need to know. https://t.co/LvXLukLl0P

RT @ChrisFrancis54: Detroit is one of my favorite rallies so far... Very involved, very loud, makes me wanna fight even harder.. Bernie’s on🔥 of course! https://t.co/weOjYgy23F

RT @skenigsberg: Ilhan, AOC and now Rashida‼️ #BernieSquad https://t.co/NWwa7Tyejv

I agree with this. @GavinNewsom - this is a chance to radically change this system from the inside out. https://t.co/qUp1vTARNw

RT @jackcalifano: I trust Bernie.

RT @JulianCastro: I haven’t been shy about discussing issues many Democrats run away from, including police violence. I’ll continue to say the names of the lives lost to police violence—and continue fighting to fix a broken system that takes the lives of too many Black and Brown Americans. https://t.co/SkuJ2DqxjX

RT @skenigsberg: Trump just got booed at the Nationals game 😂👏 #FINISHTHEFIGHT https://t.co/0Do5BCIlBc

RT @BernieSanders: Thank you @chancetherapper for standing with the Chicago Teachers Union. The brave teachers and support staff on strike are leading a movement for justice for their students and all Chicagoans. https://t.co/KprnhLilDg

RT @albamonica: Full on “LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP!” chants heard throughout the crowd at Nats Park after President Trump was announced and shown on screen here #WorldSeries https://t.co/1ktVXkHYFy

RT @dcpoll: The crowd chants “LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP!” at Nats Park after Trump was announced and shown on screen. 🙌 #WorldSeries https://t.co/ggbuBNoalk

RT @lsarsour: Today was a GREAT DAY. #Detroit #NotMeUs #Bernie2020 https://t.co/QAQ4GPueyK

This is an absolute disaster for @JoeBiden. Everyday people aren’t giving to his campaign so he has to break his pledge to not be funded by billionaires and superPACs. And can’t explain to save his life. https://t.co/tnqoL7l1et

RT @fshakir: ‘But see what had happened was...’ https://t.co/XBppYDz6ED

RT @AnnieGrayerCNN: WATCH: the moment ⁦@BernieSanders⁩ joined ⁦@RashidaTlaib⁩ on stage after Tlaib endorsed Sanders at their joint rally in Detroit. https://t.co/kZCQ5GNKLF

RT @BreatheNewWinds: Detroit, you stole my heart tonight! More than 4,700 of y’all came and blew the doors off for Jack White, @BernieSanders, and @RepRashida! Check back in this thread soon, there’s a whole BUNCH of amazing shots of your beautiful faces! If you were there, share your shots below! https://t.co/IA4MFPZtgi

RT @swalker06: Let’s gooooooo! https://t.co/4NkKCewcTL

RT @TayAnderson2019: We are excited to kick off the final days of the election with a video about why it is important to have representation on the Denver School Board. This is a poem by a DPS Student Jaden Anderson and it is called "Just Because I am Black!" #ForTheStudents https://t.co/nR07AuHPVn

RT @theappeal: In 9 days, Virginia elects its prosecutors, lawmakers, & sheriffs. Criminal justice reform, mass incarceration, immigrants' rights, and voting rights have been central to state and local debates. So what is happening, exactly, and what to expect? A thread on our coverage.

RT @mollyhc: Katie Hill is resigning amid allegations of inappropriate relationships with staffers *and* after a campaign of harassment, including revenge porn, allegedly from an ex-husband who she calls "abusive." Reporters should mention both those things!

RT @ryangrim: This is an impulse many rich people have — nervousness that if everyone is able to get the treatment they need, rich people won’t have privileged access to the best doctors and specialists, etc. It’s as cold-hearted a calculus as conceivable, but we’ll likely see more of it https://t.co/ANZG539qfz

ACTION NEEDED: @chesaboudin isn't facing a fair race. The mayor unethically appointed his opponent, & the police union is spreading lies about him. But we can win this. I need you to share this with as many people as possible. Tell everyone you know in SF about him. https://t.co/2MRLg46n6r

URGENT - CALL TO ACTION NEEDED: Sincere citizens are believing the lies spread by the police association's attack mailers. I need you to share this and call up every person you know in SF & tell them @chesaboudin is the real deal, and this mailer contains complete lies. https://t.co/7RgSjBnDJc

RT @mistyrebik: Today in Iowa... We don't stop the work when the Senator isn't in Iowa - we have tough, vulnerable conversations w/ voters every. day. This movement never stops. #BerniesBack #BernieSanders #IACaucus #Iowa https://t.co/CsISzvTHlw

RT @BleacherReport: Harden hit himself in the face and Josh Hart couldn't believe it 😅 https://t.co/MeNR5qleJL

RT @shaunking: I need to know the names and badge numbers of all of these officers who are punching these young Black boys in the face. They are teenagers. None of this brutality is OK. See this @JumaaneWilliams? https://t.co/VGu0C8OOvm

RT @BreatheNewWinds: Over 1,300 beautiful humans came out to hear Iowa’s own rising star Democrat, @swalker06 formally endorse @BernieSanders! We are proud to call him an ally, and lucky to have him on our side! https://t.co/DjGJcu1BNw

RT @kylegriffin1: Breaking via WSJ: Gordon Sondland told House committees last week that efforts by Trump and his allies to press Kyiv to open investigations in exchange for a White House meeting with Ukraine's president amounted to a quid pro quo, his lawyer said. https://t.co/XyHdB7baM0

RT @DrRJKavanagh: Six people have been killed by the NYPD in the last month. One of them was an NYPD officer. None of the people killed are alleged to have fired guns, even if police say they later found guns on them. It is not anti-cop to point out that this is a problem. https://t.co/6XPk4PO9nH

This is my stop in Brooklyn. Jay Street/Metrotech. https://t.co/WjPtLBmaHp

I need to know the names and badge numbers of all of these officers who are punching these young Black boys in the face. They are teenagers. None of this brutality is OK. See this @JumaaneWilliams? https://t.co/VGu0C8OOvm

RT @MMFlint: Yes! Finally someone says the truth! https://t.co/GixPQzjYFf

RT @DavidBegnaud: Police abuse caught on tape in Chile: This video was broadcast on national TV in Chile. It apparently happened in Valparaiso. https://t.co/xn23wq8C40

RT @NaderDIssa: Here's @chancetherapper on the @CTULocal1 strike: "Honestly to the teachers in Chicago, I know you are on strike right now. I fully support you. I just wish when I was in school my teachers had gone on strike." https://t.co/os9M8gTqtW

RT @christinevans: HUGE TURNOUT!!! Today’s mobilization for @DeanPreston & @chesaboudin brought out healthcare workers, teachers, berniecrats, socialists & more — so much positive energy for these two progressive campaigns for change!!! REMIND your roommates, neighbors & co-workers to vote!!!! https://t.co/g6xXnANx2o

RT @NaomiAKlein: The people of Chile have all my love and support. Their courage is awe-inspiring. We need advice from Chile, not vice versa. https://t.co/8jACSCG6oJ

RT @BreatheNewWinds: Babies. LOVE. Bernie! Friends, the future is telling us something. #Bernie2020 https://t.co/iyuC2XG4fE

RT @davidsirota: “Things have been looking up for the Vermont senator since the start of October...he’s managed to convert the last month into one of the most successful in his 2020 Democratic presidential campaign so far.” https://t.co/VYerLQlb1p

RT @swalker06: It was so nice to see my friend ⁦@KimberlyforIowa⁩ yesterday at the rally for ⁦@BernieSanders⁩! She’s a bold progressive running for #iasen to unseat Joni Ernst and she needs our help! I’m happy to stand with her! https://t.co/yZMfskyPyq

RT @abbydphillip: This is a real quote from the White House press secretary on former Chief of Staff John Kelly: “I worked with John Kelly, and he was totally unequipped to handle the genius of our great President.”

RT @Romanoff2020: You oppose the #GreenNewDeal, sued communities that tried to restrict fracking, & scratched your name off the #NoFossilFuelMoney pledge. We owe Coloradans a real debate on the #ClimateCrisis—but you skipped the only one we’ve held. Here’s my plan: https://t.co/a7wVO2LJgb. #cosen https://t.co/uxci6hTTfV

RT @GaryGrumbach: Per WH radio pooler @lexieschapitl, today Pres. Trump played golf with Major League Baseball Commissioner Rob Manfred and Senators Lindsey Graham and David Perdue

RT @shaunking: ANNOUNCEMENT: Let’s stop calling it the “criminal justice system.” It has very little justice. Millions caught up in it are not criminals. Not even convicted of a crime. We’re calling it “The American Legal System.”

RT @JuddLegum: Top Facebook executive doesn’t understand that deciding Breitbart is a “trusted” news source IS embracing a political ideology https://t.co/dUGB46FBRR

RT @RashidaTlaib: It's about us.* *Not paid for by billionaires. Welcome to #13thDistrictStrong @BernieSanders! https://t.co/D6zs83vpwm

RT @CabanForQueens: In a District Attorney race, if you’re the beneficiary of a police funded PAC or accepting $ from police unions/associations, you ain’t it! San Fran, help get @chesaboudin’s vision for justice & plan to end state sanctioned violence over the finish line! https://t.co/Gh5zxIIwZ4 https://t.co/bEjNoCZYA2

RT @AndreaSCousins: Tomorrow begins the first election in New York State history where you can vote early! Thank you to my colleagues who advocated this year to make sure New Yorkers voices are heard! You can vote from Oct.26 - Nov. 5! Find your early voting site here: https://t.co/AklbK69FD2 https://t.co/lbEropDKu8

RT @JuddLegum: “It’s telling that Facebook would look to Mr. Carlson or Breitbart and interpret a large audience and influence as a stand-in for authority and credibility.” https://t.co/dfop1lgqEV

RT @CountOnVic: Lakers undefeated this season when Rihanna at the game

RT @chesaboudin: Actor Jimmie Fails and filmmaker Joe Talbot from the movie “The Last Black Man in San Francisco” share why they support Chesa for SF district attorney. https://t.co/vqJPVPdDvF

RT @theappeal: As the opioid crisis has grown, some prosecutors have turned to a punitive practice: They treat overdoses as homicides. Pennsylvania DAs are the most aggressive in the nation in doing this, a core issue in the state's DA elections this November. https://t.co/zq0ki7IyhQ

RT @jangelooff: In Brownsville, where police fatally shot a man inside a nail salon earlier tonight. Neighbors say he was quiet guy who sold tshirts. “He was out all day, trying to start a business. Never bothered nobody.” https://t.co/oeYYVgHxek

The 4th person shot and killed by the NYPD in the past 10 days. https://t.co/nu02zBdYBX

RT @Noah__Goldberg: BREAKING: A cop shot and killed a man selling t-shirts outside an East New York nail salon after workers at the salon called cops to remove him, according to staffers for CM Alicka Ampry-Samuel.

RT @shaunking: Since 2014 State of Tennessee has received $732 million from the federal government to give to poor and needy families. But it has just kept the money and refused to distribute it. Just sitting in an account as people struggle. Shame on you @GovBillLee. https://t.co/R9AjYl3LXE

RT @zachdcarter: Elizabeth Warren is making a mistake by trying to appease the how-will-you-pay-for-it scolds on Medicare for All. If what she's already laid out isn't good enough for TV moderators, nothing will be. https://t.co/xYbhudJaMg

RT @mehdirhasan: As ever, @zachdcarter puts on paper what I’ve been angrily thinking to myself for a while: https://t.co/LoNTv89iPy

RT @DavidBegnaud: Wow. As the helicopter flys over Santiago, Chile, people appear to stretch for more than a mile. https://t.co/SQ9NoMQC33

RT @BernieSanders: We must legalize marijuana, but that is not all. We will also ensure that revenue from legal marijuana is reinvested in communities hit hardest by the War on Drugs, especially African-American and other communities of color.

RT @mariasacchetti: NEW ACLU says the Trump admin separated far more "tender age" kids than it disclosed. We know ~100 kids < age 5 were separated last year. Now we know 207 more kids < 5 were also separated, not counting 101 five-year-olds. No comment yet from DOJ. https://t.co/4f4Kc4H93E

RT @SenJeffMerkley: While Kirstjen Nielsen tries to rewrite history as the hero of her own story, and Trump considers promoting her fmr Chief of Staff to run DHS… a reminder that we are still just now discovering how many kids they traumatized and tore from their families to make a political point. https://t.co/SnZKTR0mia

RT @CoreyinNYC: I just took the 14th Street busway from 2nd Avenue to 7th Avenue and it took a little less than 10 minutes. People on the bus were happy with the speed! https://t.co/jlIhrdfN8D

RT @JuddLegum: UPDATE: A Facebook spokesperson confirmed to me that the company is not releasing a list of publications that are approved for inclusion in the new News Tab It’s hard to understand how this can be a trusted source of news if Facebook won’t be transparent about what’s included

RT @MikePMoffatt: That’s $1286 billion Canadian, almost 100x the size of Canada’s federal budget deficit. https://t.co/RrP8GhL78Y

RT @HumOnTheMarkets: One BIG number... If the federal deficit were a stock, it would be the 3rd biggest in the $SPX https://t.co/JCJB7JVkmJ

RT @CNBC: The U.S. federal deficit increased 26% in the 2019 fiscal year and could hit $1 trillion next year. https://t.co/6QegnROlcK https://t.co/aDpVmAPuXO

RT @CNBCnow: BREAKING: The federal deficit for fiscal 2019 was $984 billion, a 26% increase from 2018. https://t.co/xOUcnP2krZ

Republicans never cared about this. After years of them bitching about it, now it balloons year after year /// The federal deficit increased by 26% to $984 billion in 2019 https://t.co/cXHHCLa6De

RT @VancityReynolds: R-Rated box office congratulatory posts aren’t like the ones you’re used to... https://t.co/OTy2BqIP4f

RT @briebriejoy: "Mary Jane? I already did!" -Bernie in my head 😂 Check out our new Marijuana policy. We're legalizing it, expunging records, & making sure the communities that have been most impacted by the war on weed benefit from its long overdue legalization. https://t.co/P7KcnaE55Q

RT @RevDrBarber: I appreciate Mark Meadows’ tearful reference to Elijah Cummings’ mansion in heaven, but as a preacher let me say in love that Cummings fought for people to have homes & healthcare down here. If he was your friend, pass legislation that would honor what he fought for in life.

RT @akajd31: I think this brother right here walked right past McConnell and did NOT shake his hand!!! Wow! @DrJasonJohnson @Bakari_Sellers @angela_rye @CNN @rolandsmartin https://t.co/dkSyeLjPtp

RT @Grace_Segers: Me, writing an email: I'm using an exclamation point so you know I'm friendly and excited! But now I'm using a period so that you know I'm not crazy. Here's another sentence with a period as a buffer, proving my normalness. Thanks so much!

RT @GeoffRBennett: NEW: The moment that shocked the room during Taylor's Ukraine testimony https://t.co/UMn6dIEXjj

RT @NicholsUprising: Quinnipiac Poll: 83% of Ds don’t agree D Party has moved too far left 52% of independents don’t agree D Party has moved too far left 63% of women don’t agree D Party has moved too far left 83% of African Americans don’t agree D Party has moved too far left They’re right.

Since 2014 State of Tennessee has received $732 million from the federal government to give to poor and needy families. But it has just kept the money and refused to distribute it. Just sitting in an account as people struggle. Shame on you @GovBillLee. https://t.co/R9AjYl3LXE

RT @BernieSanders: When we said four years ago that we needed to legalize marijuana, it was considered a "radical" idea. Today, 11 states plus DC have legalized it. Not so radical anymore. When we're in the White House we will do so nationwide.

RT @BernieSanders: I don't need a super PAC. I am not going to be controlled by a handful of wealthy people. I will be controlled by the working people of this country. https://t.co/kOGjm088qD

RT @BernieSanders: You read it in the newspapers every day, “A group of donors said A, B and C.” Who the hell cares what a group of rich donors say?

RT @fshakir: Bernie Sanders released a plan to legalize marijuana (at 4:20 pm) https://t.co/j43X0oLKCN via @voxdotcom

RT @chesaboudin: I will never use evidence obtained by an officer with a history of misconduct I will prosecute officers just like anybody else when they break the law That’s why the police officers association is spending $55,000 to spread misinformation about me and this movement. https://t.co/RvVby7sA4y

RT @BleacherReport: Shaq's sister, Ayesha Harrison-Jex, died of cancer at 40 years old this morning. The Inside crew send their condolences 🙏 (via @NBAonTNT) https://t.co/FgjewOQp72

RT @richarddeitsch: This is a really poignant segment for sports television. Watch it. https://t.co/Dp3Lg4EC02

RT @SHAQ: @NBAonTNT Thanks for the condolences and the love. If I had older brothers, it would be you 3. Love y’all and love you more Candice.

RT @TitusNation: To paraphrase Chis Rock, “the bear didn’t go crazy, the bear went bear” https://t.co/HSXUF3jlXu

RT @Williams4TN: I think they meant to say captive humiliated wild animal has more than he can take. https://t.co/cdCe0h1ypw

RT @rickygervais: Beautiful, abused bear finally defends itself. https://t.co/LFIwWq4RZl

RT @AnnieGrayerCNN: .@BernieSanders when asked about @JoeBiden’s decision to signal that he is open to a Super PAC: “I don't need a Super PAC. I am not going to be controlled by a handful of wealthy people. I will be controlled by the working people of this country.”

RT @briebriejoy: Alternate title: Most Americans don't think Democrats have moved too far to the left. https://t.co/xDNXq5w6wX

RT @davidminpdx: “A picture is worth a thousand words, and this video is worth a million words.” Fresno Police said shooting an unarmed teen in the back of the head was justified. Now video has emerged. https://t.co/HPSqlw3T6x

RT @CNN: Sen. Bernie Sanders released a comprehensive plan afternoon to legalize marijuana, begin a process to expunge old pot-related convictions and take steps to shape the emerging legal sales industry. https://t.co/cUkFTVkXMl

RT @daviddinenberg: Bernie has been at the forefront of #cannabis legalization before it became mainstream! I applaud @SenSanders for helping freeing the plant! @shaunking https://t.co/xOpsUCNGc7

Kyrie has had one of the best games of his life tonight. https://t.co/uKbiwH2kmi

RT @chesaboudin: San Francisco mothers wrote this article in our support to ensure we end racial disparities and make this city safe for EVERYONE. As San Francisco mothers raising the next generation of San Franciscans, we will vote for Chesa Boudin for District Attorney https://t.co/cFTiry6VHt

RT @shaunking: Spot on from @AOC. The Daily Caller is widely known to be tied to white supremacists. https://t.co/SuXRn5N9ea

RT @BrooklynNets: KYRI3 IRVING.

RT @AP_Politics: AP sources: More than two months before the phone call that launched the impeachment inquiry into President Trump, Ukraine's newly elected leader told advisers he was worried about pressure from the U.S. president to investigate Democrat Joe Biden. https://t.co/AGuKuMqpnd

RT @jonfavs: Down goes another Trump talking point. https://t.co/Wcpi5vQiQn

RT @BrooklynNets: The highest-scoring debut in Nets history belongs to @KyrieIrving 🙌 https://t.co/WokMxZfnx4

RT @aishaismad: Bernie's campaign: Bernie, we know you want justice for all but we've got to be pragmatic Bernie: Yeah, no. Abortion is healthcare Campaign: One thing at a time Ber.. Bernie: fuck you, prisoners should be able to vote Campaign: for gods sake man... Bernie: FREE ED SNOWDEN

RT @GeoffRBennett: “President Obama will attend the funeral service for Rep. Elijah Cummings on Friday, where, at the request of Mrs. Cummings, he will deliver remarks about the remarkable life and legacy of one of this country’s finest public servants.” - Katie Hill, Obama spokesperson

RT @WorldWideWob: Kyrie counting off all the dudes he just torched https://t.co/FcM3qObxCu

RT @DTGoteraKHOU: .@Simone_Biles adding her own twist and turns for tonight's 1st pitch before Game 2 of the World Series. #Astros https://t.co/0ftW76JUe8

RT @BernieSanders: Millions of people in this country are disenfranchised and their voices left out of our political process. If you have the ability to get involved, I am asking you to fight for those who do not.

RT @briebriejoy: Holy smokes this is good. #BerniesBack! https://t.co/CBqMcBwyUR

RT @ESOP_STL: “Officer Ray Villalvazo reported Murrietta looked at him and reached for his waistband, so he feared for his life.” This is an officer with a warrior mentality that murdered a 16-year-old because he lost a foot pursuit. Running from the police shouldn’t be a death sentence. https://t.co/ON5bzyolW3

RT @jonfavs: Trump directed Republicans to physically obstruct the impeachment inquiry https://t.co/FW35PYvPNF

RT @cristinafortx: Texans have an opportunity in this election to change the political outcome of our country for a generation. I'm working to bring people together, not only to see their common interests but to exercise their collective power.

RT @BrookeOnAir: This is a WILD exchange. The last two questions at the end made me gasp. @AOC: "So you would say that white supremacist tied publications meet a rigorous standard for fact checking?" Watch how Mark Zuckerberg responds. https://t.co/tHKKu7VTVU

RT @AmandiOnAir: .@SpeakerPelosi, for the love of American democracy & national security you MUST call for the arrest of @mattgaetz No one is above the law. #ArrestGaetz https://t.co/6S9CARvPqA

RT @JumaaneWilliams: Its fascinating the unadulterated, insane, & absurd shit that comes out the mouths of those in power when power of privilege & supremacist beliefs are challenged even & maybe especially when for simple competency. Ever seen something wounded flail around? What about bigots? https://t.co/m5pd4BRO4O https://t.co/eNaIkX62xv

RT @CollinsWilmot: Kier from Lincoln County, Montana endorses Wilmot Collins for Senate. "Wilmot has dedicated his entire life to serving the people of his community, his state, and his nation and that's why I heartily endorse Wilmot Collins for Senate." #mtpol #FlipTheSenate https://t.co/w1f8EXVjG6

RT @cristinafortx: We win in Texas when we speak to a broad coalition. I know that what brings us together is much greater than what divides us. I'm going to win by speaking to our common interests, and to the issues that have often been ignored by both political parties.

RT @BernieSanders: I know what side I'm on. I stand with the 30,000 Chicago teachers and school staff on strike. https://t.co/U2BaLO8Pn8

RT @AdyBarkan: Thank you for your willingness to come to my home, @PeteButtigieg, and for your openness to debate even though we don't agree. I enjoyed the back-and-forth. https://t.co/sQ8xSo15LJ

RT @TheBeatWithAri: BREAKING: Diplomat Bill Taylor has revealed new details of an incriminating 'quid pro quo' plot between the Trump administration and Ukraine. Taylor recounts Gordon Sondland defending the premise of a transnational foreign policy, because Trump is 'a businessman.' https://t.co/5vFoTFhxqp

RT @Zac_Petkanas: Lindsey Graham: "If you could show me that Trump actually was engaging in a quid pro quo, outside the phone call, that would be very disturbing." cc Ambassador Bill Taylor https://t.co/DpZhohheFO

RT @MSNBC: "It shows the fact that there were two quid pro quos. That Ukraine had to not only investigate the Bidens, they also had to make it public." - Rep. Lieu on Ambassador Bill Taylor's testimony in the impeachment inquiry. https://t.co/zHjZO2h6RF

RT @RBReich: Today Bill Taylor, top U.S. diplomat in Ukraine, said Trump held up security aid and withheld a meeting until Ukrainian pres Zelensky agreed to publicly announce he would investigate Trump’s political rivals. Smoking gun quid pro quo. #impeachment https://t.co/A8wWbhhuLB

RT @mkraju: “President Trump did insist that President Zelensky go to a microphone and say he is opening investigations of Biden and 2016 election interference, and that President Zelensky should want to do this himself,” Taylor says of a Trump-Sondland call https://t.co/Si2gXP6neO

RT @mkraju: “I definitely do not think it’s a good thing. ... The behavior is obviously not good. Mulvaney confirmed some bad behaviors - as did Bill Taylor today. I don’t understand this rub amateur diplomacy running parallel to our dedicated State Department employees,” Rooney added

RT @mkraju: Asked GOP Rep. Francis Rooney about Taylor testifying he was told Trump sought to withhold Ukraine aid til probes into Biden and 2016 were announced. “It concerns me a great deal. Does it rise to the level of an impeachable offense? I don’t know. I got a lot more research to do”

RT @mkraju: Bill Taylor is done testifying after nearly 10 hours

RT @AaronBlake: List of people who have confirmed a Ukraine quid pro quo: 1) Ron Johnson 2) Gordon Sondland (per RonJohn) 3) Mick Mulvaney (later walked back) 4) Bill Taylor https://t.co/knJYf4Xoov

RT @GeoffRBennett: Amb. Bill Taylor has departed Capitol Hill after roughly 9.5 hours of closed door testimony.

RT @brianstelter: Per @mkraju, Bill Taylor just finished his testimony before the impeachment inquiry. He started at 9:30am. Nearly 10 hours.

RT @DeadlineWH: "Donald Trump's impeachment may have been turbo charged today by the testimony of career diplomat Bill Taylor, who NBC News is reporting, draws a direct line to President Trump demanding an investigation in exchange for military aid for Ukraine..." - @NicolleDWallace https://t.co/Ndz0BW5iJ4

RT @DanRather: Bill Taylor’s opening statement is what is commonly referred to in the news business as a Big Deal (albeit usually with an, er, colorful word in the middle).

RT @RepSwalwell: “Anonymous” could learn a thing or two about courage from Ambassador Bill Taylor.

RT @tedlieu: Dear Senator @LindseyGrahamSC: Based on your statement on national TV, thank you for keeping an open mind on impeachment. You and the American people will have the opportunity to see the entire transcript of Ambassador Bill Taylor. You should reserve judgment until you read it. https://t.co/P8nxiEL0Rv

RT @eliehonig: When a trial witness gives testimony like Bill Taylor gave today, that's usually when the defense lawyer sidles over at a break and asks if there's any plea offer still on the table.

RT @mateagold: BREAKING: U.S. envoy says he was told release of Ukraine aid was contingent on public declaration to investigate Bidens, 2016 election https://t.co/CxsF5uBJNG

RT @jonfavs: There is now sworn testimony that the President solicited election interference from a foreign government by trading arms for political dirt on his opponents. He needs to be impeached and removed from office. https://t.co/t7m2ZLmHpg

RT @DrRJKavanagh: Cuyahoga County - the county that refused to prosecute the police officers who killed 12-year-old Tamir Rice - prosecutes more children as adults than any other in Ohio. And almost 100% of the children sent to adult court are Black. https://t.co/uzxhSLSdbK

RT @stephapstein: During the Astros’ ALCS celebration, assistant GM Brandon Taubman yelled, half a dozen times, to three female reporters, “Thank God we got Osuna! I’m so f——— glad we got Osuna!” On a systemic problem, in Houston and across the league: https://t.co/8zyVwG2Lpo

RT @pdmcleod: Torn on who to root for in the World Series? Consider: — The @astros bought low on a closer suspended for domestic abuse — The assistant GM taunted three female reporters over this after their last game — When this was reported, the team lied and said the reporter made it up

Astros front office debacle gives casual baseball fans a team to root for in the World Series https://t.co/JOxU3qECda

RT @ariannaijones: "if you are willing to love, to fight for a government of compassion & justice & decency, to stand up to Trump’s desire to divide us up… there is no doubt in my mind that not only will we win this election, but together we will transform this country." https://t.co/qknFB7wy6v

RT @TalibKweli: Considering the actual history of lynching in America and the fact that your father Fred Trump was arrested at a KKK rally you REALLY shouldn’t have wrote “lynching.” @realdonaldtrump https://t.co/YXlzmSOCdk

My God. This man just said that he’s being lynched. How dare he compare any political opposition he is experiencing to a lynching. Shameful. https://t.co/qXwk0oPAVH

RT @CJMcCollum: MJ was loaded 🤣😂 https://t.co/28JJn6n9KL

Clown. https://t.co/hJYQZJZRcV

RT @TheTNHoller: NEW: “We got a QUEER running for President... the white man has very few rights.” Watch @SevierCounty Commissioner Warren Hurst’s homophobic, bigoted outburst Monday, telling folks to “wake up”. Mayor’s office: 865-453-6136 Hurst: 865-453-8513 WVLT: https://t.co/GFwJLqehUf https://t.co/bfXrAACfPh

Watch this. https://t.co/NSLfslbO73

RT @shomaristone: Police ID 2 Students Arrested in Connection to Racial Slur Incident at UConn. Police say 21 y/o Jarred Karal & 21 y/o Ryan Mucaj were arrested & are facing charges including ridicule on account of creed, religion, color, denomination, nationality or race. https://t.co/HYSyEqaKfY https://t.co/AgDGTp06rV

RT @JamesHGannon: HBO's #Watchmen starts with the worst mass shooting and hate crime in America's history, Tulsa's 1921 Black Wallstreet Massacre. @ShaunKing breaks down why this tragically important moment is left out of history books. #BlackWallStreet #TulsaRaceMassacre https://t.co/WKVVh6qlC3

RT @JimmyVanBramer: As a closeted gay kid, I knew darkness. Now Trump immigrant attacks threaten us all. But #QueensValues inspire me #QueensBP #Resist. Pls watch: https://t.co/Ri81zi7s0K

RT @RAICESTEXAS: Google’s new “head of national security policy” was chief of staff at DHS to Nielsen, who separated families & oversaw concentration camps full of kids. He defended the Muslim travel ban & called it “tough.” @Google where do you stand? https://t.co/r3rCgGaNNC

RT @IlhanMN: This is pure propaganda designed to stir up hate and violence coming from a GOP state rep. Facebook's unwillingness to crack down on hate speech and misinformation is not just threatening my life, but our democracy. https://t.co/InzMY5gvKw

RT @mrphs: I’m willing to fight for someone I don’t know. Someone I disagree with. Our fight is not a fight where anyone loses their rights in. This is what I learned in 2009 from Mousavi and I’m now seeing it in Bernie’s campaign. Are you willing to fight? #NotMeUs https://t.co/Tp0vX5ljfM

RT @DrRJKavanagh: Not just that - but words like "allegedly" "knowingly" and "arson."

RT @DrRJKavanagh: A 9-year-old boy charged with murder in the deaths of 5 of his family members appeared in court this morning. The judge read the indictment & asked if he understood. The boy shook his head no. “What don’t you understand?” “What I did,” the child replied.https://t.co/IshFxRzABF

RT @GurratanSingh: Dear Jagmeet, I want you to know how proud you've made us. You ran a campaign like no other Your energy was contagious, you spoke truth to power, your moral clarity was inspiring You gave us hope that a better Canada is possible & for that no matter what happens You've won https://t.co/9zoZ0nHW5q

RT @theJagmeetSingh: As the polls start to close, I want to speak directly to our team of volunteers across Canada: You poured your hearts into this. You've helped make a difference in the lives of people – and I want to say thank you. I couldn't do any of this without you. #ElectionDay #ELXN43 https://t.co/KOfH7P2u1T

RT @CynthiaNixon: Seems not a lot of Engel’s constituents can say what he stands for. It’s time to elect a public school educator and champion to Congress - @JamaalBowmanNY!!! https://t.co/nY88qHZxnr

@JumaaneWilliams @NYGovCuomo @MTA Absolutely

RT @JumaaneWilliams: This is outrageous and unacceptable. Not only is the state response criminalizing Blk/Bwn New Yorkers in a way we've never done with Bridge/Tunnel fare evasion or Placard Abuse. It's being done with decidedly worse police transparency. @NYGovCuomo @MTA please fix this NOW! https://t.co/XuAM9HOL2b

RT @chesaboudin: Here they go... https://t.co/ogLXJuK1Jw

RT @ninaturner: .@BernieSanders has been straight with the American people per usual. #Receipts. I don’t understand this contortion against #MedicareForAll. The cost for health care will go down period. People will get the care they need & deserve. That’s it! That’s all! https://t.co/kZRvrghTk5

RT @DrRJKavanagh: Oral arguments begin tomorrow before the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals to decide whether to unseal grand jury transcripts in the killing of George and Mae Dorsey and Dorothy and Roger Malcom - in what has become known as the Moore's Ford Lynching case. https://t.co/VTwssZL5ET https://t.co/jOYC4Vvud3

RT @ethanbrown72: PA Police officer hit with civil rights lawsuit is a former school resource officer who allegedly knocked out a 14-year-old’s tooth. “I don’t ever want to see Stephen Shaulis working as a police officer or any other law enforcement capacity ever again." https://t.co/jI6i9xkTmA

RT @DylanBurns1776: I am willing to fight for someone I don't know https://t.co/GZz1dwNsfJ

RT @adrielhampton: I am willing to fight for someone I don't know https://t.co/CZmaTbWDjs

RT @chesaboudin: I am willing to fight for someone I don’t know https://t.co/tRIZ9obHCN

RT @IsaacHayes3: The first 10 minutes of #WatchmenHBO is a flashback to the Tulsa Race Riots Massacre. Hard to watch knowing this actually happened in 1921. Less than 100 years ago. One of the main reasons I’m so pro Black Atlanta. This city is the closest thing to #BlackWallstreet since. https://t.co/hqVzKSzMTi

Watchmen recreates the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre in series premiere #WatchmenHBO https://t.co/JtA7ZfV1qH

RT @cheo_coker: With one fell swoop, people are now googling Bass Reeves and the Tulsa/Black Wall Street riots and finding out that...yes...these are based on real events.

RT @shaunking: Watch this video. When an unhoused woman in SF left her belongings momentarily to use the bathroom, the police claimed it was abandoned & seized it. She has no place to stay. Sleeping outside. Now without even a tent to shelter her from the weather. https://t.co/4jwGlmeIlU

RT @BrandonHarami: Look @chesaboudin is winning! But 40% of voters are undecided! ALL HANDS ON DECK! https://t.co/D2SFwVC298

RT @chesaboudin: We are winning. Any way you spin it. We are winning. Poll: Chesa Boudin, Suzy Loftus lead district attorney race in SF - https://t.co/ATjgJSDZ0k https://t.co/gushso5F7O

Watch this video. When an unhoused woman in SF left her belongings momentarily to use the bathroom, the police claimed it was abandoned & seized it. She has no place to stay. Sleeping outside. Now without even a tent to shelter her from the weather. https://t.co/4jwGlmeIlU

RT @Bobbin_Singh: We have 5,000 plus jails and prisons in the U.S. This is the most comprehensive and elaborate infrastructure of incarceration and punishment the world has known. #massincarceration #masscriminalization #masspunishment #BlackLivesMatter #civilrights #racialjustice. 1/ https://t.co/2NyCr2ZQyk

RT @shaunking: This is why we must elect @Romanoff2020 for Senate in Colorado. @Hickenlooper has no guts in a moment than demands a leader with plenty. https://t.co/sDigofaZa3

RT @ninaturner: @GunnelsWarren @BernieSanders Come on, Somebody! Make it plain WG!

RT @GunnelsWarren: @BernieSanders Here are the damn receipts (Part 2): https://t.co/OJ5VfZZOUx https://t.co/YZjJVulunw https://t.co/DhCaZsNGdG https://t.co/HgIkNJV9dE https://t.co/XnFic8QTxW https://t.co/oK9hin78kg https://t.co/wZGCii0ylx

RT @GunnelsWarren: @BernieSanders And here are the damn receipts (Part 1): https://t.co/qzsjysUpY1 https://t.co/2jmzGiq7Su https://t.co/TSRGgSGLtT https://t.co/9Dkfpx0OuU https://t.co/hRlXicrKiw https://t.co/15y64QGzj5 https://t.co/8rZaCq5S6x https://t.co/U4ztrh28mM https://t.co/vP8Nh5S7qR

RT @GunnelsWarren: @BernieSanders “Bernie Sanders & Paul Wellstone want to require detailed disclosure 45 days in advance if companies plan to reduce benefits. In addition, they want companies to offer all employees a choice between old and new pension plans or face financial sanctions.” https://t.co/TSRGgSGLtT

RT @GunnelsWarren: @BernieSanders In other words, Bernie’s very essence is about building or joining grassroots efforts against: Segregation Starvation Wages Social Security Cuts Pension Cuts Outsourcing ⬆️Drug Prices Climate Change Endless Wars Wall Street Greed Postal Service Cuts Cuts to Veterans Benefits

RT @GunnelsWarren: @BernieSanders The first thing Bernie taught me was that it was not good enough to write a good bill, amendment or speech. If we were going to improve the lives of the working class, we had to rally the American people against corporate greed and corruption. Some major grassroots victories⬇️ https://t.co/nq7QWDTTZi

RT @GunnelsWarren: The tweet below is 1 of the most absurd takes of the campaign. The 1st grassroots campaign I worked on for @BernieSanders was back in 1999: To restore $320 million in pension benefits that IBM had stolen from 130,000 workers. We had 1 major Senate ally: Paul Wellstone. Thread https://t.co/1y0ya9zpsL

This is why we must elect @Romanoff2020 for Senate in Colorado. @Hickenlooper has no guts in a moment than demands a leader with plenty. https://t.co/sDigofaZa3

RT @chesaboudin: A San Francisco resident spells out exactly why the police union spent so much money on a PAC specifically to oppose our campaign. #boudin4da https://t.co/THISE424ZJ

RT @EvidenceProf: @chesaboudin @DA_LarryKrasner If you've followed @Undisclosedpod for the past few years, you've seen how much of a difference a real-deal progressive DA can make, including the exoneration of the wrongfully conviction. @chesaboudin is the real deal.

RT @EvidenceProf: San Franciscans: I'm as excited about @chesaboudin as I was about @DA_LarryKrasner. He has a compelling personal story & a BEAUTIFUL criminal justices reform platform. Please spread the word & consider voting for him on 11/5. He's EXACTLY the type of progressive DA we need! https://t.co/Y4u3mvq65K

Wow. What a stark difference between Bernie and Biden https://t.co/8GbMcqDzds

RT @JStein_WaPo: Back to back emails today: on Sanders’ NYC rally with 25,000 people, & Biden’s private NYC fundraiser with 85 people https://t.co/hp1AeZIGan

RT @lsarsour: Folks who were unable to get in to #BerniesBack rally due to capacity. https://t.co/M1OZNAOSmS

RT @shaunking: #BerniesBack. Wow. Just wow. https://t.co/FL02aXryz9

RT @briebriejoy: Hanging with my family at the #BerniesBack rally! My mom is the OG Bernie Bro in the fam! https://t.co/SELWEQcH62

RT @DrDooleyMD: So many Queens in Queens today! #BerniesBack #BernieInQueens https://t.co/QDShtqWk7A

RT @RoseAnnDeMoro: ⁦@NomikiKonst⁩ just got this shot of people outside of the #BerniesBack rally! #Bernie2020 https://t.co/Siw9n39ys3

RT @JordanUhl: @AOC Here's @AOC's endorsement video for Bernie Sanders. #BerniesBack https://t.co/vmBajkREOX

RT @GunnelsWarren: Wanna talk about what's too damn old? ✅A $7.25 minimum wage ✅87M without decent healthcare ✅18M paying over 50% of their income on housing ✅553,000 homeless every night ✅530,000 medical bankruptcies a year ✅Over 50% living paycheck to paycheck ✅Billionaires #BerniesBack

RT @BernieSanders: We're not only going to win. We're going to transform the country. Thank you to the more than 25,000 people in Queens who made this an incredible day. #BerniesBack https://t.co/4mWRoPeZcd

RT @_michaelbrooks: Let’s win this with ⁦@briebriejoy⁩ #BerniesBack https://t.co/UvWr4vilky

RT @ariannaijones: 25k+ of our close friends welcoming @AOC to the #BerniesBack rally today ❤️ https://t.co/YI0ALOmCS9

RT @AriRabinHavt: Hung out with a small group of friends and @BernieSanders in New York today. #BerniesBack #BerniesBack https://t.co/xTQNiEnU1U

RT @BernieSanders: Are you ready to win the Democratic primary, defeat Donald Trump, and transform the country into one that works for all of us? Text BERNIE to 67760. #BerniesBack

RT @sunrisemvmt: “Together we will pass a #GreenNewDeal that will end the environmental racism we see in Queens and in communities all across this country.“ — @BernieSanders @ the #BerniesBack rally in Queens with @AOC https://t.co/yzfaNAuASf

RT @TerrelDreamer: I bet Wall Street and the corporations can hear us now! 25,000+ @AOC @BernieSanders #BerniesBack #NotMeUs https://t.co/MHdr0gAkAP

RT @anne_demi_song: LOOK. AT. THIS. CROWD. #BerniesBack https://t.co/0JV46zLLuQ

RT @IlhanMN: Together, we are going to cancel student debt. Together, we are going to guarantee housing as a human right. Together, we are going to pass Medicare for All and a Green New Deal. Together, we are going to create the America we deserve. #BerniesBack https://t.co/sK4qJgq4aA

RT @KeithARubino: “To Put It Bluntly— I am back.” #BerniesBackRally #BernieIsBack #BerniesBack @ninaturner @janeosanders @IlhanMN @AOC @MMFlint Full Song: https://t.co/FR1YuxMG8Y https://t.co/DUoa5Q8s3o

RT @JoshForNY: You know how I can tell 33000 people showed up? I could see Bernie signs for miles away from LIC after the event. Also, this is greater than the ~27000 that we put up at our Washington Square Park rally in 2016. #BerniesBack #BerniesBackRally #BernieInQueens https://t.co/XAOEeyEQkD

Our new estimate is that nearly 33,000 people showed up today - counting everyone in the park and outside of the park. https://t.co/7HgXCuP0lH

RT @rubycramer: .@BernieSanders has a crowd of 25,872 this afternoon at his Queens rally, according to the security company handling the event, Contemporary Services Corp. That would make this event, his first since his heart attack 18 days ago, the largest crowd drawn by any candidate.

RT @abeetley: Chesa is ready to fight for us, not for the powerful and wealthy who have controlled the justice system for so long in this country, and not for those who pull the strings in local politics either. Vote Chesa Boudin for SF District Attorney! @chesaboudin @__Raoh__ @theRBHs https://t.co/LM7TdLP8bn

RT @Elsablaine: Watched 'Murder in the Bayou'. Looks like a massive coverup of murder and corruption. Small towns can be very scary places. People obviously know stuff but they're to afraid to talk.

RT @MrChuckD: This is the footage that many deny ever happened and try to hide it like a MF today.... well the World Wide Web brings the noise again https://t.co/0rvzDLBojv

RT @NYDailyNews: William Schreck, the oldest living retired FDNY firefighter, has died at 104. He spent his entire FDNY career at Engine Company 218 in Brooklyn, known as the "Bushwick Bomberos." https://t.co/5Ps33ciYMm

RT @aterkel: Hillary Clinton has now dropped out of the Fortune Most Powerful Women Summit bc Kirstjen Nielsen will be speaking at it. She joins filmmaker dream hampton, who also withdrew her participation today https://t.co/6z4gY29RY9

A message from our dear brother @AdyBarkan for all of us going to see @BernieSanders & @AOC tomorrow! https://t.co/CmXwiAQvnK

@AdyBarkan Absolutely brother. Will be thinking of you.

RT @NicholsUprising: @policyspacexyz @shaunking https://t.co/TIv8RWB2TC

RT @_kwilkins: Dear @AOC @ninaturner @BernieSanders @IlhanMN @RashidaTlaib @RoKhanna @AbdulElSayed @KanielaIng, please watch @chesaboudin's newest campaign video and consider endorsing him. 😊 https://t.co/om0bkO2XVH

@AdyBarkan 😂😂😂 //My wife and I sat this: 0 to 1 is hard. 1 to 2 is hard. After 2 it’s all a blur!! Love you bro!

An out of control white student called this Black man, who is school security guard, a nigger. He told the student, “Don’t call me a nigger.” The school fired the security guard for violating school rules. The rule? Using the word “nigger.” Really. https://t.co/WJWN4Sb3iR

RT @hollyotterbein: Bernie Sanders says in a call tonight with supporters that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar “are generating enormous support” among young people, people of color, the working class. He also hints that more progressives “you’re familiar with” will likely be endorsing him.

RT @ScottHech: I just can’t believe Kirstjen Nielsen is being honored as a “powerful woman” by @FortuneMPW. She used her power to kidnap Nilda’s baby & detain her for two months w/ no information on his whereabouts. Nielsen literally tortured this family & thousands more.https://t.co/SfbKJpRv0z

RT @ScottHech: At the exact time Nielsen wrote this lie, a young mother was detained in Texas, her 2-year-old son ripped from her arms at the border. “This is what happens when you come to my country,” border agent told Nilda as she begged to keep them together. But @FortuneMPW is honoring her? https://t.co/KDoPjVc3dD

RT @DrRJKavanagh: Why? A reason was not given, but it is worth noting that the dissenting opinion in the Court of Appeals was based on "reputational harm" that may be done to living relatives of the perpetrators and witnesses to the lynching. https://t.co/8OO9d78tid

RT @DrRJKavanagh: A three-judge panel of the Court of Appeals had already ruled that the grand jury testimony be unsealed, but the full court vacated that opinion, ordering that the case be heard as a full court. https://t.co/na0JJHcHGV

RT @DrRJKavanagh: In 1946 Monroe Georgia, a mob of 30 White men lynched 4 young African American men and women. Despite a grand jury hearing evidence from more than 100 witnesses, no one was ever indicted. Now, a court may rule that those grand jury transcripts be unsealed. https://t.co/3FyNJSzggX

RT @cristinafortx: We have a message as progressive Texans to send to Donald Trump and all his supporters: If they want to cling to the past they can have it. But the future will belong to us. https://t.co/FHOmjqrk6Q

@AdyBarkan Beautiful!!!

RT @AdyBarkan: My (in utero) baby girl just stretched her legs and gave my hand a solid kick. I can't wait to meet her in a few short weeks.

Bernie Sanders https://t.co/sbGpB7jM3e

RT @justicedems: "Biden's opted for a needlessly reactionary mode of attack that will damage Warren or Sanders electorally, should they win the nomination, and undermine any future Democratic president legislatively, should the party regain the chance to govern." https://t.co/v7Lilzptq7

RT @shaunking: DA Kim Ogg has broken her promises to the residents of Houston ever since being elected, and now she’s opposing historic bail reforms. @AudiaForDA will bring the real justice and reform that Houston deserves. Chip in today: https://t.co/HTiUdc9Jg8 https://t.co/mwmeZym47F

RT @revthomasjr: You can always tell a Morehouse Man! Represent @GeoffRBennett https://t.co/aAUPxGoXST

RT @GunnelsWarren: Tired: "We need this website to verify your income to confirm your eligibility for partial student debt forgiveness. Fill out these forms." Wired: "All of your student debt is cancelled. Period. End of discussion." Everything is impossible until it happens #NotMeUs #Bernie2020

RT @michvel_angelo: Did a voiceover for a @BernieSanders ad 🤞🏾 out now. Thanks a lot to @JM_Damato for casting me! https://t.co/ijNP0DOiks

RT @MeetMichael_: .@BernieSanders Iowa Team is ready for a revolution with @AOC and @IlhanMN! https://t.co/oOtOOa5C5s

RT @WalkerBragman: Across multiple outlets, one of Bernie Sanders' best quotes from the October debate has been misattributed to Elizabeth Warren.

RT @jonfavs: I did not say what the entire world heard me say https://t.co/S9mZFXVNNl

RT @SawyerHackett: Mayor Pete goes from making an empassioned case for decriminalizing border crossings (which he says is the “basis for family separation”) in debate one, to adding it to his list of policies he calls “purity tests” in debate four. Who’s the real Pete? https://t.co/Tyfp7nwcRt

RT @_waleedshahid: I'm so angry this shit is happening in broad daylight and meanwhile hundreds of thousands of people are sitting in jails for crimes they have not even been convicted of -- simply because they're too poor to afford bail. No accountability. No justice. https://t.co/WPrFHjDCnx

RT @AyannaPressley: As I was paying my respects to our forever Chairman, his staff told me that in his final hours he signed subpoenas to USCIS and ICE, pursuing justice for immigrants in my district & across the country with chronic medical conditions. A man of his word every moment of his life. https://t.co/igzUPl1yPF

RT @WoobieTuesday: Omigod. The new @BernieSanders ad is FIERCE https://t.co/aFOFPYXFGz

RT @JordanChariton: SHOCKING— @thehill leaves out @BernieSanders is the only one beating Trump in Iowa https://t.co/suZ0UR0f4X

RT @WalkerBragman: New poll shows Bernie Sanders is the only leading 2020 Democrat who beats Donald Trump in Iowa. https://t.co/uJ49lO2tw7

RT @MomForProgress: @ninaturner @NBCNews @BernieSanders As @briebriejoy has found out since this first circulated -- THREE outlets have reported this, stemming from a WaPo transcript. @NYMag has yet to correct, and this now has been floating around for 24 hours as Warren's moment. Something has to be done. This is obscene!

RT @BernieSanders: Jailing people for the “crime” of getting sick is immoral, unconscionable, and un-American. Together, we will eliminate past-due medical debt, stop the predatory tactics of debt collectors, and end this barbaric practice once and for all. https://t.co/ywrG8cE42I

RT @BernieSanders: I hope you can join me and @AOC at our rally in New York this weekend and help us show the strength of our movement. RSVP here: https://t.co/nyqtMVEcXQ

RT @ninaturner: Hello @NBCNews the quote you reference under Sen. Warren’s picture was said by @BernieSanders during the #DemDebate4. Please fix this. #Medicare4All https://t.co/04tvjXSg9G

RT @danielmarans: I hope these outlets undo this mistake right away. It reinforces the sometimes founded claim that "the media" is biased against Bernie. https://t.co/x9cDcLTyZW

RT @briebriejoy: Alternative headline: Only Bernie Beats Trump in Iowa. #OnlyBernie #Bernie2020 https://t.co/scnNcqyinn

RT @BernieSanders: I get a little bit tired of Democrats who defend a cruel, dysfunctional health care system that leaves 87 million Americans uninsured or underinsured.

RT @SenSanders: Jane and I are deeply saddened by the loss of our good friend, Rep. Elijah Cummings. I was honored to work closely with him over the years. His integrity and moral vision for his community and the country were extraordinary.

RT @_waleedshahid: "Single-payer, which is very much a compromise position between nationalized medicine and fully private payer and provider...that's the middle ground. Only now are we even beginning to talk about it as something Democrats can embrace." -@PeteButtigieg on Medicare for All and ACA https://t.co/tmeG3WFyqa

RT @danielmarans: Chesa Boudin is a public defender running for San Francisco DA against the wishes of the city's establishment, including the mayor who seated an ex-cop as placeholder DA ahead of the Nov. 5 election. This ad, produced by @lwoodhouse, is something like his closing argument. https://t.co/Fzp0hsdvY8

RT @ryangrim: This is good stuff https://t.co/8hn5uXvAp9

RT @theappeal: The 2019 elections are upon us! Next month, many voters choose their prosecutor, sheriff, or governor, with crucial stakes for criminal justice reform and mass incarceration. Use our new interactive tool to explore the 2019 criminal justice battlegrounds: https://t.co/2neobeTLrP

RT @JuddLegum: 1. Major policy decisions at Facebook are being driven by three Republican political operatives who work out of its powerful DC office, former Facebook employees tell https://t.co/JhoV1QDaTS https://t.co/5mBoi8301s

RT @JuddLegum: My first job in politics was as an intern for Cummings in 1997. He was not a powerful committee chair then but he was a passionate advocate for the people of his district. Watching him work had a profound impact on me. #RIP https://t.co/FqlHwhhen7

RT @Jasmyne: Ed Buck was known for his abrasive behavior. But politicians still took his money https://t.co/pchPB3BOws #EdBuck #Democrats

RT @jheil: Simply devastated by news of the passing of @RepCummings -- a figure of enormous political and moral dignity and gravity. It's been a couple years since the last time we talked on camera. When it aired, this scene moved people hugely. Watching it now brings me to tears. https://t.co/L4Qnr6Xk6S

RT @Taniel: NEW: We've covered local elections all year: Criminal justice & mass incarceration are on 2019 ballot in many states. And elections now weeks away. Now, rolling out a new interactive tool to explore these criminal justice battlegrounds. Explore (& share)! https://t.co/04zdm0uDY0

RT @DrRJKavanagh: In 2017, Robert Wayne Johnson was sentenced to two days jail for failing to pay $2,500 in court fines. But instead of being released on the second day, a Mississippi sheriff continued to detain him until - 54 days after he was admitted - he killed himself. https://t.co/aV1bUBChR2

RT @BernieSanders: It was my honor to work closely with Rep. Elijah Cummings over the years. His integrity and moral vision for his community and the country were extraordinary. He will be sorely missed. Jane and I are deeply saddened by the loss of our friend. Our thoughts are with his family.

RT @iPhilSomething: We're now officially the only campaign to receive more donations than Trump in the third quarter. we are the only movement prepared to beat Donald Trump and give this country back to the people who built it. big facts. #NotMeUS #Bernie2020

RT @jelani9: Rest In Peace, Elijah Cummings. His passing would be a huge loss to his family, his district and his country under any circumstances. But this particular moment puts his absence into even sharper relief.

RT @CoryBooker: Today our country lost a true leader. Congressman Elijah Cummings was a friend, a passionate fighter for justice, and a powerful voice of moral conscience in our government who served his country for decades with dignity and integrity. I’m blessed to have known him. #RIPElijah

RT @AyannaPressley: Our Chairman leaves behind a beautiful and powerful legacy. I am already feeling the impact of a little less grace in the world. Deep gratitude to have spent these early months in Congress guided by his wisdom. Rest in power @RepCummings https://t.co/n4ekGvhAVx

RT @AOC: A devastating loss for our country. Chairman Cummings was a giant: a universally respected leader who brought profound insight, commitment, and moral fortitude to Congress. His guidance and vision was an enormous gift. I will forever cherish his example. May he rest in power. https://t.co/D0RsKsM5fh

RT @esglaude: 1. Some quick thoughts: The death of Rep. Elijah Cummings brings home that we don’t have many statesmen/women in our politics these days. Selfish and cowardly partisans dominate our current moment. Decency is rare. We’ve lost another giant in a time when we need his shoulders

RT @shaunking: Did you know that only 2 Senators have committed to impeaching @realDonaldTrump & removing him from office? We just built a brand new tool for you to track the Senate vote count and to call/tweet those who aren't on board. We need #67Senators. Go NOW to https://t.co/lYrDAymlrK https://t.co/4W8KtA8jpX

RT @shaunking: Woke up this morning to learn of the painful loss of our dear brother, our defender, our advocate, Congressman Elijah Cummings. He was a mentor and friend to more people than I could ever name. He loved Baltimore with his whole heart. What a loss. https://t.co/ZY4hjI2RM6

@ryangrim @emilyslist RIGHT!

Woke up this morning to learn of the painful loss of our dear brother, our defender, our advocate, Congressman Elijah Cummings. He was a mentor and friend to more people than I could ever name. He loved Baltimore with his whole heart. What a loss. https://t.co/ZY4hjI2RM6

RT @NewYorkStateAG: Our country has lost a giant. Congressman Elijah Cummings was a true leader in our fight for a more fair and just society. A civil rights activist, a dedicated public servant, and a powerful force for good - he left his mark on our communities. Rest in power, my friend.

RT @thandienewton: #WhitePrivilege So true. Desperately and horribly true... https://t.co/wjbAcX5Dcb

RT @Twitlertwit: Wow this is an absolute truth telling ad If you live in #SanFrancisco #BayArea please send to your friends and family. >> https://t.co/SsELiFxGx3

RT @DrRJKavanagh: As a public defender, you bear witness to the horrors of the criminal legal system, but you know the people you work for are actually living it. One reason I believe in @chesaboudin is because I know he sees what it is to be incarcerated in a way other DA candidates just don't. https://t.co/YuXbUQZJgl

RT @kristindom: Wow... https://t.co/2kz5x2x0lS

RT @theappeal: At last night's debate, the conversation about judges centered on Roe v Wade. But federal courts touch all aspects of life, including local criminal systems, and true progressives have been excluded from the bench by dems and republicans alike. https://t.co/mQBLE3CQRx

RT @NewYorker: Bernie Sanders on healthcare. #DemDebate https://t.co/ttOrJsMfOn

RT @BernieSanders: This is the issue: Does the Democratic Party have the guts to stand up to corrupt and greedy insurance companies that bankrupt 500,000 people every year? If we don’t have the guts to do that, if all we can do is take their money, we should be ashamed of ourselves. #DemDebate https://t.co/WFOsT7GJUT

Spot on. https://t.co/wdXt8sZexL

RT @jmillerlewis: Special guest at Bernie’s first rally back this Saturday in Queens! https://t.co/D71gNhnj4I

RT @AdyBarkan: What’s truly expensive is the status quo. It’s bankrupting millions across this country who struggle with medical debt and out-of-pocket costs.

Bernie won the debate.

RT @RebeccaforWA: Bernie is the only person on stage talking about the real problems and being bold, clear, direct, and honest. #DemDebate

RT @johniadarola: For those wondering if the surgery will leave Bernie with lower energy... yeah, it didn't.

RT @the_vello: 🚨NEWS🚨 BERNIE IS BACK

RT @ChuckRocha: @BernieSanders tonight before the debate for all of you who like to see behind the scenes. #NotMeUs https://t.co/QWQsamGaUK

RT @_michaelbrooks: This is fucking bleak, jesus christ just vote Bernie

RT @johniadarola: Bernie reminding the audience why he's the best on all of these issues. #DemocraticDebate

RT @BernieSanders: Let's be clear. Under Medicare for All: ✅ Premiums are gone ✅ Deductibles are gone ✅ Copayments are gone #DemDebate

@_waleedshahid It said special

@_waleedshahid 😂

RT @briebriejoy: Bernie, at the first opportunity, is the first to bring up climate change. He has his priorities straight. #DemDebate

RT @Ilhan: It's true! @SenSanders and I just introduced sweeping legislation to make school meals universal. In the richest country in the world, no child should go to school hungry. https://t.co/NxTa34oSxw

RT @JamaalBowmanNY: It’s not that hard for white people to avoid using the n-word. It’s really not. https://t.co/Bp3BdaQWa6

RT @AdyBarkan: .@JoeBiden, my invitation to sit down still stands. When it comes to healthcare, voters deserve more than debate stage quips. Let’s talk. https://t.co/hmjJujiAbf

RT @People4Bernie: "It isn't just that Trump has obsctructed justice. The House will find Trump worthy of impeachment because of the emoluments clause, this is a president who is enriching himself, and that is outrageous" @BernieSanders #DemDebate https://t.co/Al0nQJ9cll

RT @chrisharris101: “I think it’s really important for people to understand that those people that they see on the street, there could be a vast history of violence and trauma that impacts their ability to access that safe stable housing...” https://t.co/NbeNHOOG9z

RT @chrisharris101: Childhood trauma & domestic abuse are leading factors contributing to homelessness. When we criminalize sitting, lying & sleeping outside, it's crucial to understand who all we're punishing for being unable to access housing. https://t.co/fCpGuZAkbT

What? https://t.co/2DdkrqNUXk

RT @KristenClarkeJD: BREAKING: Aaron Dean has been charged with murder for the killing of #AtatianaJefferson. While there is a long road ahead for the family, this is an important development tonight. Pressure must still be applied to ensure a thorough investigation of the Fort Worth Police Dept. https://t.co/txfZSc8Mkq

@KingJames Lots of agendas floating around with critiques of LeBron. I just need conservatives and Trump supporters to be honest that your hatred of that man isn't because you are some deep lover of human rights around the globe. That's not your lane and you know it.

Oh! It is genuinely GREAT to know just how much conservatives who are now bashing @KingJames care about human rights in...checks notes...let me see... Hong Kong. Because I damn sure haven't known you to give two shits about human rights and civil rights in the United States.

RT @altochulo: 🚨WHOA🚨 Private prison giant @geogroup sponsored the American Priority conference where the mock video of Trump mass killing journalists was shown. All financial & govt institutions must stop financing these #backersofhate NOW. H/t @MotherJones @PubInterest https://t.co/iQRUFaWrHD

Atatiana Jefferson was the baby of the family. We decided to share these family photos to help you understand precisely whose life was stolen when this murderer shot and killed her through her bedroom window. She was their baby sister, not a hashtag or trending topic. https://t.co/DzkB0O3Qy4

@Freemindedblac1 Dues

That’s little Atatiana Jefferson on the left. This is a close knit family. She was their baby and the whole family adored her. https://t.co/BV77vMWctn

Mugshot of Aaron Dean. Charged with murder of #AtatianaJefferson. He is in the Tarrant County jail right now on a $200,000 bond but is expected to be bailed out by his police union any minute now. https://t.co/EYTlj8z6U6

RT @PastorDreHill: @shomaristone @shomaristone why can’t @cookcountysao act this quick and file charges against #Midlothian Officer Ian Covey for killing Security Officer #JemelRoberson ??

RT @shomaristone: BREAKING: Texas Officer Aaron Dean is Arrested and Charged With Murder. Police say Dean fatally shot Atatiana Jefferson in her home. Dean's bond is set at $200,000, jail records show. #AtatianaJefferson https://t.co/qRqfBCOpZv https://t.co/5KmdNIfKef

RT @Frederc10: THIS. 👇🏿 https://t.co/2V9XiSlseU

RT @MeritLaw: Aaron Dean has been arrested. It’s a good start. He’s a bad apple. But don’t forget the bunch ... it’s bad too (7 fatal police shootings in under 6 months) And who are picking these apples. There’s blood on their hands too. Accountability in Fort Worth is the long game. https://t.co/mj9evvrk2t

RT @MeritLaw: The family of Atatiana Jefferson is relieved that Aaron Dean has been arrested & charged with murder. We need to see this through to a vigorous prosecution & appropriate sentencing. The City of Fort Worth has much work to do to reform a brutal culture of policing. https://t.co/IG1nZLo1T5

Let me be unmistakably clear here. What the family of #AtatianaJefferson wants right now is for her to be alive, at home, with her doors open, feeling a cool breeze, playing video games with her nephew, looking after her mother. That's what they want. https://t.co/9t0lalAo81

RT @shaunking: This nation needs to understand that Black folk are nearing an eye for an eye on the issue of police brutality. Folk are sick and tired of it. I hear it several times a day. I have had calm, cool people tell me they feel like being violent over this shit. It's too much. https://t.co/9t0lalAo81

RT @shaunking: The @FortWorthPD has murdered people not just all year this year, but for decades on end. This case is the tip of the iceberg and they know it. The @TarrantCountyDA has refused to hold this department accountable at every turn. We approach this news with healthy skepticism. https://t.co/9t0lalAo81

RT @CornellWBrooks: Right. NOT enough. Not NEARLY enough. #TayJefferson #tatianajefferson https://t.co/uD24YkFlju

RT @AttorneyGriggs: The Family and activists are demanding justice and requesting people to #packthecourthouse on November 1, 2019 to get a Max Sentence. #OlsenTrial #AnthonyHill https://t.co/dDZOIqz6Rj

This nation needs to understand that Black folk are nearing an eye for an eye on the issue of police brutality. Folk are sick and tired of it. I hear it several times a day. I have had calm, cool people tell me they feel like being violent over this shit. It's too much. https://t.co/9t0lalAo81

RT @shaunking: BREAKING: Fort Worth Police Officer Aaron Dean has just been handcuffed, arrested and charged with the murder of #AtatianaJefferson. This is a tiny measure of progress. This arrest is not justice. It's a half-step toward it, but this county has so many wrongs to get right. https://t.co/1y58VyWgi6

RT @JamaalBowmanNY: Step 1 https://t.co/oQ0sDqBNhY

The @FortWorthPD has murdered people not just all year this year, but for decades on end. This case is the tip of the iceberg and they know it. The @TarrantCountyDA has refused to hold this department accountable at every turn. We approach this news with healthy skepticism. https://t.co/9t0lalAo81

BREAKING: Fort Worth Police Officer Aaron Dean has just been handcuffed, arrested and charged with the murder of #AtatianaJefferson. This is a tiny measure of progress. This arrest is not justice. It's a half-step toward it, but this county has so many wrongs to get right. https://t.co/1y58VyWgi6

Grateful to see a conservative speak out on the police murder of #AtatianaJefferson. https://t.co/W7URk9qLdv

RT @maggieNYT: At a conference of pro-Trump conservatives held at his property in Miami last week, a gruesome internet meme of Trump murdering members of the media was shown as part of an exhibit https://t.co/NiSoroGEgG via @NYTimes

RT @nytmike: NEW: The video showed the president as a mass shooter executing members of the media and his political opponents in a church. It was played at a pro Trump conference at the Trump resort in Miami last week. w/@maggieNYT https://t.co/e5XlmZ74Sx

RT @maggieNYT: In the video “Mr. Trump stops in the middle of the church, pulls a gun out of his suit jacket pocket and begins a graphic rampage. As the parishioners try to flee, the president fires at them. He shoots Black Lives Matter in the head...” ⁦@nytmike⁩ https://t.co/r6g789xkuR

RT @albamonica: WHCA statement from @jonkarl on the horrific video @nytimes reported on tonight: https://t.co/nBXjpv2LSN

RT @yashar: 1. NEW: A video depicting a macabre scene of a fake President Trump shooting, stabbing & brutally assaulting members of the news media & his political opponents was shown at a conference for his supporters at his Miami resort @maggieNYT @nytmike scoop https://t.co/PdXLkcSYLO

RT @abbydphillip: This is despicable https://t.co/iWilJOHFGX

RT @DrRJKavanagh: A Texas jury has found prison guard Lou Joffrion not guilty in the killing of David Witt, who was incarcerated at Darrington Unit. The DA charged Joffrion after video showed he slammed Witt, who was handcuffed, into the concrete floor so hard it killed him.https://t.co/1jCObTIlya

RT @ClaytonGuse: BREAKING: A cyclist was struck and killed by a driver on Broad Channel in Queens this afternoon. That's 23 cyclist deaths on the year -- 25 including those on e-bikes. https://t.co/G1XgVLpTv1

RT @NYCComptroller: Just devastating. Far too many families are living this nightmare. We need safer streets and we need them now. https://t.co/RgV4TsSfkP

RT @NYDailyNews: A new California law is banning lunch shaming in schools. Even if meal fees haven't been paid, students should receive a standard lunch, according to the new bill. https://t.co/MuMWNs2S6b

RT @LegalAidNYC: #BREAKING: ⁦@LegalAidNYC⁩ Files Lawsuit Against NYPD Officer Who Tased, Used Banned Chokehold On Client During Violent Arrest In Washington Heights https://t.co/ufMyCyfuTA

RT @davidhogg111: It doesn't matter how much sensitivity or bias training cops have when the system they are using was created and built to enforce white supremacy.

RT @BernieSanders: Happy birthday @AOC! You are changing this country by having the courage to stand up to the rich and powerful. Together we'll make health care a right and ensure a thriving planet for future generations. https://t.co/Ye1C9fXwin

RT @shaunking: We’ve been told that the @FortWorthPD has been deliberately hiding the name of the officer who murdered #AtatianaJefferson so that he can wipe all of his social media clean. Not one single justifiable reason exists for hiding his identity.

@Liz_Cheney You fully enabled this.

We’ve been told that the @FortWorthPD has been deliberately hiding the name of the officer who murdered #AtatianaJefferson so that he can wipe all of his social media clean. Not one single justifiable reason exists for hiding his identity.

RT @AlvinBraggNYC: @DrRJKavanagh A special prosecutor should be appointed. https://t.co/QdBhhBCEHc

RT @CollinsWilmot: Welcome to Montana Greta! Feel free to stop in Helena where as mayor I've pledged to transition our city to 100% clean energy by 2030. https://t.co/KWKuGZBgZn

Friends. We’re going to start a scholarship fund/trust fund for the young children in the family of #AtatianaJefferson. She loved and looked after them. Hope to launch it tomorrow or the next day. I’m also going to need to call in all favors for her nephew, Zion, ok?

RT @JulieScelfo: Say her name: #AtatianaJefferson. Her family called her Tay. She was inside her own home, playing w her nephew, when a @fortworthpd officer shouted at her through a closed window and then fired his gun— 0.6 seconds later. Watch the video. Horrific. Unacceptable. #sayhername https://t.co/tOG2BGLS69

RT @TamikaDMallory: #AtatianaKoquiceJefferson was MURDERED in her home last night by Fort Worth, Texas police. We must support local leadership and bring international attention to this case. We need your support. Details to be announced today! Are you with us? @untilfreedom

RT @shaunking: . @MeritLaw :: I’ve known you since we were kids - for 20 years now. You are my best friend, but you are also my hero. I love you homie. EVERYBODY READ THIS. Smile, cry, be angry. But I hope this helps you feel. #AtatianaJefferson https://t.co/pNokhW1pxo

RT @franvarjagstar: How is stand your ground law going to be applied in this one? https://t.co/U218TUiJ60

RT @GarionJohnson: This is sad when will the murders stop https://t.co/9EVPt6jQ1o

RT @NadjejdaC: Enough already, WTH??? 😡💔 #BlackLivesMatter https://t.co/IuRh1UZTzG

RT @lsatag14: This makes me sick. In her own home. WTH!!! Unlawful and illegal. Watch how they'll try and spin it. https://t.co/YDGWpO6OuV

RT @BrandyDonaldson: 🤯🤯🤯🤯 Our lives don’t matter. Our lives are at danger. If you’re black, you’ll be shot first, questions asked later. But we’re supposed to forgive and hug it out? That’s not my feeling, never will be until black bodies stop falling like this. https://t.co/jBuH7aQWpT

RT @hilzzz04: This is heart breaking! If this police officer is charged and found guilty is the judge going to hug him too. This State is messed up! https://t.co/b6oexlBlty

RT @NoseyRen: My state and city are taking some HUGE Ls right now. WTF. https://t.co/XtpV9SblKc

RT @_JessicaFaithh: She was a Xavierite... Another innocent life taken. Prayers for her family❤️ https://t.co/CgEIUThVQZ


RT @HuttonDAndre: The Malcolm X in us about to start coming out https://t.co/Fkv7eVKZhh

RT @blenhoff1: WTF!!! How how HOW can this keep happening!? The police are out of control. We must hold them accountable. No one this irresponsible should carry a weapon. EVER! First thought...call the person whose welfare you've been asked to check on? NOT PULL OUT A DAMN GUN AND KILL THEM! https://t.co/2UzqSimhmw

RT @THunter01: Stop killing us!! #BlackLivesMatter #PoliceBrutality #SayHerName #amerikka https://t.co/Rjm1ZdsZmY

RT @GaryLineker: How awful. https://t.co/5gjkC5bD3r

RT @jeneps: Sounds like Sondland’s backing away from a literal interpretation Trump’s “no quid pro quo” claim to him: “It’s only true that the president said it, not that it was the truth,” source tells the Post. https://t.co/yNAiIy3BUj https://t.co/Uw9ZzJPsUp

RT @jennfranconews: #BREAKING: The U.S. ambassador to the European Union, Gordon Sondland, intends to tell Congress this week that the content of a text message he wrote denying a quid pro quo with Ukraine was relayed to him directly by President Trump in a phone call. https://t.co/WSFN2vJUzc

US ambassador who denied 'quid pro quo' in text messages isn't certain anymore, Washington Post reports https://t.co/a9fUUm7MBW

RT @shaunking: This is #TayJefferson. She was a kind, beautiful, generous soul. She was playing video games IN HER OWN HOME when the Fort Worth Police Department walked right up to the window of her bedroom and shot and killed her through her window. She committed no crime and broke no law. https://t.co/qr5x2GfoIY

This is #TayJefferson. She was a kind, beautiful, generous soul. She was playing video games IN HER OWN HOME when the Fort Worth Police Department walked right up to the window of her bedroom and shot and killed her through her window. She committed no crime and broke no law. https://t.co/qr5x2GfoIY

RT @shaunking: We are demanding justice RIGHT NOW. https://t.co/CLzUjtIzEQ

RT @shaunking: MY BLOOD IS BOILING. The Fort Worth Police shot and killed 28 year old Atatiana Jefferson in her own home. They shot her through her bedroom window. She broke no laws and did nothing wrong! Police were called to investigate an open door. We are demanding justice RIGHT NOW. https://t.co/FvrspEXdeZ

MY BLOOD IS BOILING. The Fort Worth Police shot and killed 28 year old Atatiana Jefferson in her own home. They shot her through her bedroom window. She broke no laws and did nothing wrong! Police were called to investigate an open door. We are demanding justice RIGHT NOW. https://t.co/FvrspEXdeZ

RT @MeritLaw: A North Texas cop just murdered another law abiding citizen in their home. Her name was #AtatianaJefferson “Tay”. She was playing video games with her 8y/o nephew, when they heard a noise in the backyard. When Tay went to investigate, she was shot to death. https://t.co/mFJ1O2TNMK

We are demanding justice RIGHT NOW. https://t.co/CLzUjtIzEQ

RT @abgutman: Homicides get much more attention than shootings. But new research shows that often the difference between fatal & nonfatal is the distance to a hospital. That’s bad news to Philadelphia since the city lost a trauma center last summer to corporate greed. https://t.co/tGWqTd47Lh

RT @briebriejoy: It takes political courage to endorse someone when it's not the popular consensus. Today, I talked with Donna Brazile about how Bernie Sanders was one of only 4 white politicians to endorse Jessie Jackson in 88. We don't need more fence sitters. #integritybeatsTrump. #Bernie2020

RT @MarkRuffalo: The secret way of stopping Dr. Banner from turning into the Hulk 🤫💚 https://t.co/4ZuYG5nEgs

5 different courts ruled against Trump yesterday. https://t.co/tR5goSucJi

RT @CynthiaNixon: Instead of investing in 5 bored cops to catch poor turnstile jumpers let’s invest in fixing the subway! https://t.co/DpfK4sFocP

RT @AfroStateOfMind: Do you know how many train rides the city could sponsor with all the money they’re paying for cops to stand there? https://t.co/YZ5ivza5Tv

RT @AbshirDSM: Guess what @realDonaldTrump, this Somali refugee is working tirelessly to ensure that my boss @BernieSanders becomes the 46th president of the United States. I ain’t afraid of you. #BernieBeatsTrump #IACaucus https://t.co/c44gUQ8gPn

RT @DrRJKavanagh: A 9-year-old boy has been charged with 5 counts of 1st-degree murder after 3 adults & 2 children died in a fire in an Illinois trailer park home. He is the youngest child to be charged with murder in the recent history of the United States. https://t.co/93Y5f7IJxb

RT @pamelacolloff: Based on @ethanbrown72's incredible investigative work, MURDER IN THE BAYOU examines the unsolved killings of 8 women in a small Louisiana town. "'There was an effort to not only dehumanize but erase the eight women,' Brown said." This show bears witness. https://t.co/xe2bC7BJIf

RT @GloBerry: I don't do much twittering but if you know anyone in San Francisco tell them to vote for @chesaboudin. I am the only elected Delegate in San Francisco not supported by the establishment and I say be a part of history!! https://t.co/AueRaJ1AMZ

RT @juliacarriew: I wrote about Facebook's decision to let politicians lie in advertisements – and what it reveals about the company's and Mark Zuckerberg's basic political programming – here: https://t.co/Sko1a4RiI3

RT @juliacarriew: Elizabeth Warren is now running FB ads with a false statement about Mark Zuckerberg and FB endorsing Trump for president, to draw attention to FB's controversial policy allowing politicians to make false statements in ads. https://t.co/hulwrb3cc3 https://t.co/6zsPwXESKR

RT @JuddLegum: This is pretty clever. https://t.co/CoG1qcBwAW

@HispanicCaucus @RobBontaCA Great work

RT @RobBontaCA: History Made! The strongest-in-the-nation bill banning for-profit, #privateprisons and detention centers in California has been signed into law by Governor @GavinNewsom! Read more: https://t.co/Jj2LgybDMl #caleg #AB32 https://t.co/7cagemjNhv

RT @DrRJKavanagh: The jury in the Robert Olsen murder trial are now in their 5th day of deliberations. Olsen, a White cop, killed Anthony Hill, a 25-year-old Black Air Force veteran, while he was unarmed and naked, in an Atlanta apartment building parking lot. https://t.co/AB1VSl05M5

RT @GiffordsCourage: This is big! @GavinNewsom just signed a huge package of gun safety bills that will prevent mass shootings, gun suicides, and daily community violence. We applaud the Governor, State Legislature & local groups for showing the nation how to lead the way. https://t.co/XKTKIaXt86

RT @MHackman: California's governor has just signed a new law banning private prisons and immigration detention centers. Will have a big impact on ICE's ability to detain people in California W/@Alejandrolazo https://t.co/4hl68zQSqW

RT @DarwinBondGraha: California Gov. Gavin Newsom just signed #AB32. The state's ban on private prisons is now officially law. It applies to all private detention centers, including those used by ICE to hold immigrants facing deportation. Assemblymember Rob Bonta just issued a statement (see below) https://t.co/dijwOHSUSX

@RobBontaCA @GavinNewsom So proud!

RT @RobBontaCA: History made! Thx @GavinNewsom for signing my #AB32 to make CA the 1st state to ban for-profit, private prisons AND civil detention facilities! We say NO to Wall Street corps treating people as commodities & NO to profiteering on the backs of Californians! https://t.co/Jj2LgybDMl https://t.co/0HisGh3SCf

RT @tarantulaarms: Just Now: @GavinNewsom signs AB32 to stop private, for-profit prisons and immigration detention facilities in California. https://t.co/4ZejFyCMXo

RT @chesaboudin: Tomorrow!! Come by to pick up turf anytime between 10am - 6pm and let’s go knock on some doors! We need to reach every SF voter to let them know what’s at stake in this election. Let’s go! https://t.co/uD7DSSZEk7

RT @abgutman: EDITORIAL: There is no way for the state to reverse the clock and give back the years taken away from people who have been wrongfully convicted. The bare minimum is for the state to expunge all records related to the case and provide monetary compensation. https://t.co/qZhZrD790F

RT @Taniel: going into a city and holding a rally for white people to have them to boo at the mention of a large & ethnically different part of the local population is unapologetic & open white supremacy https://t.co/6WD3GYVjge

RT @DrRJKavanagh: Police in Johnson County, Kansas, have arrested a 12-year-old girl for shaping her fingers like a gun during class at her school. She was hauled out of class in handcuffs, booked and charged with a felony. She faces court on Tuesday. https://t.co/BYER4SuqvF

RT @danimargo: DA candidate Loftus represents the Sheriff, wrong or right. If she cannot be honest with voters about that, how can we trust her about anything else? https://t.co/Bt6wWIKPwr

RT @petercalloway: Their claim: We can't leave the office open for 3 months while waiting for whoever is elected Nov. 5 to take over. The reality: We wouldn't have to. Let Gascon's #2 guide office for 18 days. Then appoint the winner of a free/fair election. 2/5

RT @petercalloway: SF DA election thread: @suzyloftus and @LondonBreed continue to push false narrative to justify their attempt to steal the election from voters. (Breed appointed her preferred candidate Loftus interim DA after incumbent DA Gascon announced he would resign before election.) 1/5

RT @petercalloway: I was for @chesaboudin all the way regardless, because he's a transformative candidate at a time when SF needs transformative change. But this outrageous powergrab--and esp what it reveals about Loftus--makes his election even more important. And, I think, even more likely. 5/5

RT @DefyMasters: No matter what horrific things I have heard about American policing, they constantly find new ways to surprise me. This is unreal. https://t.co/NU5gDIcf86

RT @chesaboudin: I commit to closing down county jail #4 and replacing it with comprehensive mental health care. #WorldMentalHealthDay https://t.co/1tNk4V7wg0

RT @petercalloway: Loftus repeats the claim "voters will decide this election" as if she isn't trying to undermine that. Of course they will. The idea was that they would do it without the improper influence of SF's establishment. 3/5

RT @GalvinAlmanza: .@chesaboudin's position makes sense. It's not just that these enhancements are wildly unfair, destroy families, only apply to POC, and don't make anyone safer. Sentences longer than a few years have no deterrent effect. https://t.co/PLxRTQPdVP

RT @GalvinAlmanza: It's not unheard of. DA Candidate @chesaboudin has already said he wouldn't use gang enhancements if elected. https://t.co/M2K0qcysJg

RT @sfbayview: Make anti-racist Chesa Boudin our SF DA | "Black San Franciscans are over seven times more likely to be arrested than their White counterparts, & are 11 times more likely to be booked into county jail." @chesaboudin @johnlegend @Jon_Jacobo @shamannwalton https://t.co/ZadP3Ymhyk

RT @SFGreenParty: This is why we need to elect @chesaboudin here in SF! https://t.co/rrowD2ge00

RT @RickieBansbach: I just donated to @ChesaBoudin! https://t.co/MF7hj2qe78

RT @Mateoinsf: @shaunking @chesaboudin Similar to what happened to @CabanForQueens, the political machine in SF is doing whatever it can to control the election of the new DA. Progressives who want to push back can support @chesaboudin - even a few bucks helps! https://t.co/G4wdqEzw3Q

RT @melinaphotos: San Francisco friends! If you don't know about @chesaboudin please check him out. And vote for him on November 5th. https://t.co/s2l96U9t81

Listen to me: The establishment is shocked at how much support @chesaboudin has. They didn't expect so much uproar about their election interference. He is winning. We need to help him. Please tell everyone you know about him, post, donate, volunteer. Also watch this. https://t.co/tMIfvRZHv4

RT @chesaboudin: "The same institutions that tried to keep Harvey out of office r doing their damnedest to deny Chesa a fair shot bc they are scared ... & they should be scared bc when Chesa wins, it is going to be a victory for Us ... over the powers that be." https://t.co/x3eEJ0PQlu

Look at this article showing @chesaboudin's opponent intentionally misleading the public in the ballots right now. https://t.co/cpZdoP8Tg8

The ACLU condemned the appointment of @chesaboudin's opponent. The community protested against it. Local officials called it an abuse of power. We are no longer dealing with a fair race. We've seen this before. The establishment tipping the scales to influence an election. https://t.co/UwQoz5AK1s

IMPORTANT: I need you to know what is at stake in San Francisco right now. SF was supposed to have the first open DA race in 110 years. The SF mayor, fearing @chesaboudin might win, gave his opponent a boost by appointing her weeks before election day https://t.co/s6LIgTPpr7

By bringing communities together and restoring public trust, the DA’s office can address the root causes of crime — instead of simply relying on incarceration. @Shanic4DA is running to bring restorative justice to Rochester’s DA office. Contribute today: https://t.co/fu2TXW42tp https://t.co/JTiC3BAfR0

RT @RepKinzinger: Through the fight. They never imagined the toll (over 10,000) lives lost but they willingly fought. They defended their lands and the lands of Christians and Muslims alike. They faced ISIS directly 2/3

RT @RepKinzinger: I was among the first Congressmen in Kurdish areas of Iraq after the #peshmerga beat back initial ISIS onslaughts. I saw brave men and women determined to see the fight through... and their determination to fight with our support. I promised them that we would be there... 1/2

RT @ChrisMurphyCT: The U.S. convinced the Kurds to destroy ISIS for us, causing massive Kurd casualties. Then we conned the Kurds into dismantling their defenses, promising to protect them. Now Trump invites the Turks into Syria, green lighting them to wipe out the Kurds. Positively sinister.

RT @NerdVet: Through all its ups & downs, I can’t ever remember a time where such large amounts of service members used the exact same word on the same day to describe their feelings of military service: “Ashamed.” https://t.co/CAEwMgy7tY

RT @JenGriffinFNC: This US Special Forces soldier wanted me to know: "The Kurds are sticking by us. No other partner I have ever dealt with would stand by us." Disappointed in the decisions coming from their senior leaders.

RT @JenGriffinFNC: Acc to this US soldier on the ground tonight in Syria: "The Kurds are as close to Western thinking in the Middle East as anyone. "It's a shame. It's horrible." "This is not helping the ISIS fight." Re: ISIS prisoners: "Many of them will be free in the coming days and weeks."

RT @JenGriffinFNC: Troops on the ground in Syria and their commanders were "surprised" by the decision Sunday night. Of the President's decision: "He doesn't understand the problem. He doesn't understand the repercussions of this. Erdogan is an Islamist, not a level headed actor."

RT @JenGriffinFNC: This American soldier told me the Kurds have not left their positions guarding the ISIS prisoners. In fact "they prevented a prison break last night without us." "They are not abandoning our side (yet)." The Kurds are "pleading for our support." We are doing "nothing."

RT @JenGriffinFNC: "We met every single security agreement. The Kurds met every single agreement. There was NO threat to the Turks - NONE - from this side of the border." "This is insanity," the concerned US service member told me. ""I don't know what they call atrocities but they are happening."

RT @JenGriffinFNC: This veteran US Special forces soldier has trained indigenous forces on multiple continents. He is on the frontlines tonight and said they are witnessing Turkish atrocities. "Turkey is not doing what it agreed to. It's horrible," this military source on the ground told me.

RT @JenGriffinFNC: I just spoke to a distraught US Special Forces soldier who is among the 1000 or so US troops in Syria tonight who is serving alongside the SDF Kurdish forces. It was one of the hardest phone calls I have ever taken. "I am ashamed for the first time in my career."

RT @shaunking: Whoa! Have you seen this? 8 dead women in 1 tiny town. No justice. No answers. Some people say it's a serial killer. Others say a pimp. Even more say it's actually the police doing the killing. Best new documentary series out. "Murder in the Bayou" on @Showtime. https://t.co/icvTdviOqS

RT @theintercept: George W. Bush should be treated as a pariah not because he is a Republican or a conservative, but because he caused the deaths of thousands of innocent people and tortured hundreds of others, writes @mehdirhasan. https://t.co/x8BUZErHvQ

RT @bpolitics: EXCLUSIVE: Trump urged Tillerson to help Giuliani client facing DOJ charges https://t.co/Dxm9yj9uFM https://t.co/bByB8RgnMm

RT @chesaboudin: One of my priorities as District Attorney will be testing EVERY rape kit. We must hold rapists accountable and treat sexual assault survivors with dignity. https://t.co/NFrQl8nRAM

RT @JenniferJJacobs: Bloomberg News scoop: Trump pressed Rex Tillerson to help persuade the DOJ to drop a criminal case against a client of Rudy Giuliani’s, according to three people familiar with the 2017 meeting in the Oval Office. https://t.co/fPwaEkPoUb

RT @JuddLegum: You are a United States Senator. What do you plan to do about, besides tweet? https://t.co/dGSTe2OVFK