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عرض المشاركات من أغسطس, 2019
RT @CollectivePAC: Sometimes caricatures cross the line. This one clearly did @MemphisMagazine. Join us in electing @tamisawyer as the 1st Black woman Mayor of Memphis. Early voting is less than 2 weeks away...let's laugh ourselves all the way to City Hall. https://t.co/c8xHCjTQeV #wecantwait https://t.co/HOwoUbOv97
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RT @Bobbin_Singh: There is no “fixing” the death penalty. Oregon Democrats who oppose the death penalty should not call a special session and tinker with SB 1013. https://t.co/AdwR5Nq2qO
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RT @rhinosoros: Opioid overdose, alcoholism, suicide so severe that the life expectancy of the United States has decreased 3 years in a row. Should we be judging our country on the stock market or on our health and happiness? https://t.co/L9Uh9tHdSu
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Every presidential candidate was invited to the largest annual gathering of Muslims in the United States. Only two agreed. @BernieSanders & @JulianCastro. Everybody else declined. https://t.co/d6RJYnn0CS
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RT @EricLiptonNYT: How @realDonaldTrump's signature initiative to help poor communities is fueling a once-in-a-generation bonanza for the wealthiest Americans — including Trump's family and advisers. with @JesseDrucker https://t.co/zfZQkP89pA
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RT @shaunking: “Immoral.” That’s what @OregonGovBrown called the death penalty just this month. But instead of using her power to commute death sentences, she’s caving to whiny prosecutors. We need leaders who live their values. https://t.co/Kfqear49DM
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RT @NYDailyNews: The body of a Michigan man, 41, deported to Iraq is on its way to Detroit for burial. Jimmy Al-Daoud was an Iraqi national who came to the U.S. with his refugee family at 6 months old. He grew up American and spoke no Arabic. https://t.co/ICQRpn852S
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RT @NickBaumann: All of these were made in the moments immediately after a time traveler told him about Barack Obama. https://t.co/GQF4rnSx2T
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RT @theappeal: The family of Li Xi Wang has filed a lawsuit after police in Chino, California shot him to death as he hid behind a door during a raid on a marijuana grow house. Wang's family says he emigrated from China in '05+didn't understand the officer's commands. https://t.co/oNEBrSGTPa
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RT @WaywardWinifred: "Ady’s ability to combine strategic organizing with tactical action is extraordinary. He has exemplified social justice work on a national level, showing a path beyond retrenchment that connects a vision of transformative justice with grassroots activism." https://t.co/8moz518tgn
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RT @abgutman: Hi. Jew here. Implicitly comparing the pain of your fragile ego as a Jewish columnist when you read a joke on twitter about you to WARSAW GHETTO BURNING DOWN is peak minimization of the horrors of the Holocaust — and cynical use of its memory. Gross. Go ahead email my boss, Bret. https://t.co/lkRhBAwlSS
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RT @sahilkapur: Flashback to 2010 — John Shimkus said global warming wasn't a policy concern because God promised not to destroy the earth after Noah's flood. Then he became chairman of the House Energy & Commerce subcommittee on the environment. https://t.co/QCdfQbHQTR
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“Immoral.” That’s what @OregonGovBrown called the death penalty just this month. But instead of using her power to commute death sentences, she’s caving to whiny prosecutors. We need leaders who live their values. https://t.co/Kfqear49DM
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RT @ChuckModi1: Dear Kaepenick supporters (aka real football fans who prioritize MERIT): —Never stop with the Kap mentions. —Never allow them to forget —Never normalize collusion —Never let them wear you down —Never be complicit thru silence Cops STILL getting away with murder. https://t.co/pPFJDJwBCp
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RT @theStevenRuiz: The NFL is now profiting off of what Colin Kaepernick started while simultaneously blackballing him. https://t.co/ma7xOml9B3
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RT @Kaepernick7: Reading always gives me clarity. “What [they] seek is not an end to oppression, but the transfer of the oppressive apparatus into their own hands. “ Robert L. Allen, Black Awakening in Capitalist America (1969) https://t.co/Yztn8pAnUi
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RT @gaywonk: YouTube profits off of white supremacy. https://t.co/RW77ol1ISU
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RT @DARollins: Change 👏🏾 isn’t 👏🏾 easy 👏🏾 https://t.co/DIQeIoDKUi
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RT @MauriceWFP: I’m disappointed @KamalaHarris has decided to remove herself from our process. Our members were looking forward to asking her questions about her platform and past record. https://t.co/D6KKmE8z4W
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What? Wild. https://t.co/w2HKLc6fVS
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RT @davidminpdx: 1. I love this piece by Boston DA Rachel Rollins @DARollins so much. It sounds a lot like things that I've been saying here for a long time. "Mass incarceration is not just a set of... policy choices; it is a style of politics." https://t.co/YE5UpSRQxV
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RT @krystalball: Dozens attend Don Jr/Matt Bevin event in Eastern KY 😂😂😂 https://t.co/JIMj5IRbxu
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RT @SikhProf: Woman sits next to Sikh man. Woman posts racist message. Woman's name is Jessica Yaniv. Any messages for Jessica (@trustednerd)? https://t.co/l7gGdoNtMR
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RT @BetoORourke: People are going to die. https://t.co/z7WPRK5QIy
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RT @BernieSanders: This year alone: -Anchorage, Alaska hit 90 degrees for the first time -Greenland lost 250 billion tons of ice -A city of 9 million in India is running out of water -Fires in the Amazon threaten a major source of the world’s oxygen This is why we need a #GreenNewDeal.
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RT @HamptonThink: Happy born day to Fred Hampton (1948). Taken from us too soon. Forever alive in the struggle for black liberation & working-class emancipation. "If you dare to struggle, you dare to win. If you dare not struggle then damn it, you don't deserve to win!" All power to the people. https://t.co/xQFWI1upq6
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RT @carterforva: Murdered by the state at age 21. He'd have been 71 today. RIP. https://t.co/MS7ODuDWKJ
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RT @chesaboudin: Flashback to 1985 on one of countless prison visits to my dad. In this one I'm rocking the homemade Rosa Parks t-shirt! her legacy is a testament to the fact that racial justice will never be achieved unless we have the courage to rock the boat. #TeamBoudin #Boudin4DA https://t.co/CdRZ3h0nRX
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RT @theappeal: BREAKING: The New Orleans money bail system is unconstitutional, per a 5th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling today. In Louisiana, when judges set monetary bond they keep a % of the $ for judicial expenses, creating an impermissible conflict of interest. https://t.co/Hg3YV1Qqcl
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Powerful op-ed from reformer @DARollins https://t.co/bomwO2p8Wq
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RT @RealJusticePAC: Marijuana is legal in Illinois but that didn’t stop DeKalb Police from tackling Elonte McDowell, putting him in a chokehold, and tasing him because he had weed on him. We don't see white mass murderers treated with this much brutality. Justice for Elonte McDowell. https://t.co/TdH3NBPICw
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RT @NYDailyNews: SEE THEM | Mugshots of White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham after not one but TWO drunk driving arrests In 2013 she drove with a suspended license, then lied about having been drinking. In 2015, she was busted behind the wheel again. https://t.co/5Ho1I346yw
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RT @RylandKY: Organizers have asked the audience to move out of the seats and closer to the stage ahead of Trump Jr/ Gov. Bevin event in Pikeville. I think it's fair to say this is sparsely attended. https://t.co/JghTohDROS
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RT @shomaristone: Alabama Governor Apologizes for Wearing Blackface in College. @GovernorKayIvey is the latest politician to face scrutiny over racially insensitive photos and actions from their university days. https://t.co/nIOeKWBKTC
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RT @jeffbernat: It was a beautiful surprise to witness @justinbieber lead worship and share his testimony at church tonight. https://t.co/4nQDGQ09PN
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RT @kai_newkirk: In *1 week* Trump moves to open up our largest national forest, the Tongass, to logging AND rolls back the minimal existing regulations on surging methane emissions. It's as if he's *trying* to heat up the planet, destabilize the climate & destroy life on earth as we know it. https://t.co/CL2nUHqyfr
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If you read one thing today, make it this brilliant vision for how we can have more safety AND more justice. Listening to nonsense from public safety dinosaurs like Attorney General Barr is exhausting, but this piece makes it clear why their approach is so dangerously wrong. https://t.co/ImnhTfgx4D
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RT @stjbs: BREAKING: Texas prisoner files appeal accusing ex-HPD officer Gerald Goines of framing him in '06 -- the latest from @keribla and me https://t.co/XUaz6xXZF2
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RT @akela_lacy: SCOOP: Senate Democrats' campaign arm is pressuring consultants not to work with leading progressive candidate in Colorado https://t.co/INlQMu5Ttk by me & @aidachavez
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RT @bshelburne: I just witnessed the most extraordinary moment. Judge David Carpenter in Bessemer, AL has resentenced Alvin Kennard to time served after he got life without parole for robbing a bakery of $50 in 1983. He is now 58 & was 22 when he committed the robbery. https://t.co/CYeWsnHmVG
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RT @keribla: FIFTY. DOLLARS. https://t.co/qEmDxGvQ1u
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RT @VarshPrakash: Honored to be joining @ueunion for their convention as they discuss the #GreenNewDeal. Our fates are linked — we must tackle the climate crisis by elevating working people and building prosperity for all. #ue76th https://t.co/LP38Qy53EE
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Trump’s Press Secretary literally just said he’s NEVER lied as President. He lied 48 times the past 6 days alone. https://t.co/zxJ0tW8udw
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RT @CollinsWilmot: Service members deserve better than to be abandoned by the Commander-in-Chief they serve. The silence of @SteveDaines on this matter is deafening. Montana veterans are watching. #FlipTheSenate #mtpol #mtnews https://t.co/TyF3o6qnX5
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RT @NYCComptroller: Welcome to New York, @GretaThunberg! With 520 miles of coastline, our city sits on the front lines of climate change, and we know we only have one planet—and one shot to save it. Thank you for your climate activism. Let's win this fight together. https://t.co/J35HMnZzUq
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RT @AdamSerwer: “And as speaker of the house, I will do absolutely nothing about it.” https://t.co/o8fgVkw65q
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RT @iPhilSomething: we knocking on doors this Saturday in Columbia. this is how we win south Carolina. #shocktheworld @BernieSanders #bernie2020 https://t.co/gUNUQHGYTl
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RT @KristenClarkeJD: BREAKING: We secured a historic win in Georgia! Federal judge bars use of hackable DRE voting machines after 2019. New system MUST be put in place for #2020Elections. This is a major victory for Georgia voters and is an important step forward in the fight for election integrity. https://t.co/8L1ZHPaVCm
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RT @ddale8: To the beginning of June, I counted 5,276 false. (WaPo count is higher because they include "misleading.") I've counted more than 350 in 7 weeks at CNN. But I don't have a current total because I gotta catch up on five weeks I skipped while moving to CNN. https://t.co/k7ha4YS8ue
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RT @BernieSanders: Every kid in this country should be able to get a higher education if they desire one. We must follow the lead of cities like Birmingham and make higher education accessible to all by making public colleges, universities and trade schools tuition-free. https://t.co/KKVKFUavmP
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RT @es_snipes: We've been here before... I say fire the cops that refuse to do their jobs... Like everyone else. https://t.co/mPH30TdkvA
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RT @Romanoff2020: To those who favor the status quo or prefer incremental reform: here’s a fundamental flaw in your logic. For millions of families, health care is far from secure. In 1965, seniors gained coverage that could never be taken away. Don’t all Americans deserve the same peace of mind? https://t.co/p2r3yQy0Ds
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RT @RexChapman: holy sh*t💪😏🔥 https://t.co/O0QLHjrX6t
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RT @nationalparke: some personal news https://t.co/Gmkpj9KI9s
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RT @theappeal: An NYPD detective sued for making false DWI arrests has been returned to full duty. The detective also has a long misconduct history that includes an incident that resulted in him being stripped of his gun and shield. https://t.co/2UDiq9MKGy
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@FaerieWhings That’s how I save tweets I want to go back and see later. I shared it as well. Disgusting.
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RT @CollinsWilmot: This is unconscionable, shocking, and beyond belief. Our service members deserve far better. What say you @SteveDaines? #BirthrightCitizenship #mtpol #mtnews #FlipTheSenate https://t.co/UT2RxTUqW9
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RT @Romanoff2020: This is what happens when the president of the United States demonizes immigrants and refugees, disparages women of color, and stokes crowds to “send her back.” Democracy dies when we don’t defend it. Reject this 👇 https://t.co/E8WcazNRpJ
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RT @cristinafortx: (1/6) As Hurricane Dorian neared Puerto Rico, at the height of hurricane season, the Trump administration diverted millions of dollars away from disaster preparedness, putting Americans at risk just to fund their inhumane border policing. https://t.co/TO1Uz9Ri5B
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RT @CoryBooker: This is not how you treat the heroes and their families serving our country. https://t.co/NdHRlFOQot
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RT @HackedOffHugh: You will not fuck with my children’s future. You will not destroy the freedoms my grandfather fought two world wars to defend. Fuck off you over-promoted rubber bath toy. Britain is revolted by you and you little gang of masturbatory prefects. https://t.co/Oc0xwLI6dI
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@RobertJPeters @BernieSanders Let’s GO!
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RT @Romanoff2020: Here’s a better plan: Let’s keep the @dscc OUT and the #GreenNewDeal & #MedicareForAll IN. I’m running to combat the climate crisis, secure health care for all, and build an economy that works for everyone. If that makes some party bosses & powerbrokers uncomfortable, so be it. https://t.co/Ff57krXZlQ
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RT @EricaforUSSen20: I am incredibly excited to announce that former Mayor Bill Bell of Durham has endorsed my candidacy for the US Senate! Mayor Bell’s service to Durham and NC is without parallel & we could not be more excited to have his trust and support in this race. #e4us #ncpol https://t.co/LOaRAlko77
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RT @JaredSHopkins: From me n @sara_randazzo: Purdue Pharma and Sacklers in talks to resolve opioid cases through a bankruptcy deal that would direct $10B -$12B to municipalities that sued -- and that family would cede ownership https://t.co/6lL7FCfioW
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RT @KateAronoff: ExxonMobil's climate plans in a nutshell https://t.co/6D5nGvC7GX
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RT @Justice_Collab: Our new survey with partner @DataProgress shows prominent bipartisan support for the reduction of court debt such as fines and fees. Read more about our survey and our recommendations to end the policy of criminalizing poverty: https://t.co/cr7LMK6tSi
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RT @davidhogg111: I cried reading this. The joy and excitement of moving into Harvard today was stolen from my classmate Ismail B. Ajjawi. When they arrived in the us and after examination of their social media— was deported for the political beliefs of friends they followed on social media. https://t.co/IJKyWyTFak
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RT @ShibleyTelhami: Awful: AMIDEAST, which places Palestinian students in US colleges shared this: Last night, a new Hope Fund scholar arrived at Logan Airport with valid visa, to be a freshman at Harvard. He grew up in a refugee camp in Lebanon. He was refused entry and put on next plane out. https://t.co/nHrFIab5sy
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RT @braunold: Glad Harvard is stepping up but the power the border officers have at airports is bonkers - valid visa issued by State and clearly he is the person the visa names should be it - horrid https://t.co/9rc9rG3ilB
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This is an abomination. Incoming Harvard freshman says he was deported over political posts from his friends list https://t.co/xmuNi47E6c
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RT @DataProgress: Voters overwhelmingly support ending fines and fees in the criminal justice system. We worked with @Justice_Collab on a new policy platform + model legislation to end the criminalization of poverty. https://t.co/Gs141s2h99
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RT @SarahKSilverman: Jesus H there is a fucking lunatic in the White House https://t.co/VaUi61jPUU
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RT @harrisonjaime: Honored to receive the endorsement of the Congressional Black Caucus. @CBCPAC is known as the "conscience of Congress" and as Senator, I will work to fulfill our joint mission: making sure the American Dream is alive and well for *all* Americans.
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RT @tedterry1: Flashback to July 17, 2015 when I joined @CWAUnion workers picketed outside AT&T HQs in Midtown ATL. I’m behind the camera then as campaign director for the @AFLCIOGeorgia - I’ve carried the #1u in my profile since 2015. And a proud @AFSCME member. https://t.co/heLbPmdyE7
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RT @cristinafortx: Immigration. Climate change. Income inequality. Health care. Mass incarceration. TX is at the epicenter of the most pressing issues facing our nation. I’m running for Senate because changing the politics of TX & tackling these issues head on sparks change for the entire country.
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RT @cristinafortx: Tomorrow, Sen. @JohnCornyn will host a press conference to talk about the “cost” of the Green New Deal. Will they be weighing the cost of doing nothing in the face of global climate catastrophe, or just the cost to the oil and gas industry & their billionaire executives?
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RT @ChuckRocha: What is missing from this article is that we also PAY 100% of our interns health care! Making us head and shoulders above the other campaign in total compensation. @BernieSanders #NotMeUs https://t.co/EMBBJZFPuJ
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RT @krystalball: .@BernieSanders responds to @kamalaharris saying she was "not comfortable" with M4A after co-sponsoring it. "There's only one thing that this is about. Do we have the courage...to take on the health care industry?...Not everyone is prepared to do that." https://t.co/LVc6fkTJOX https://t.co/HYbd5HMOp1
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RT @Romanoff2020: Good news from the opposition: “One GOP operative who has worked on Senate races predicted that Gardner, perhaps the most at-risk GOP incumbent, would lose his seat, saying his fate was all but decided.” https://t.co/BbaFisBsIj Let’s make sure of it: https://t.co/26TyOSRBnL
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RT @_waleedshahid: It’s still baffles me that the leading Democratic presidential candidate voted to allow Bush and Cheney to spend trillions of dollars on an unjust war in Iraq and yet keeps asking how this country can afford Medicare for All and free public colleges.
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RT @BernieSanders: The prison phone industry is a monopoly worth more than $1 billion a year. Corporations are getting rich denying people access to their loved ones. As part of my plan for justice and safety for all, we will make prison phone calls and other communications free of charge.
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RT @IlhanMN: Sorry, @ALGOPHQ, but this is a representative democracy. I was elected with 78% of the vote by the people of Minnesota's 5th District, not the Alabama Republican Party. If you want to clean up politics, maybe don’t nominate an accused child molester as your Senate candidate? https://t.co/r9NvsZKRUw
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RT @randallwoodfin: Starting in 2020, any Birmingham City School student that walks across the graduation stage will have the opportunity to attend any in-state two or four year school tuition free. #BirminghamPromise
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RT @AdyBarkan: The debates aren’t giving us the healthcare conversation we need. So we asked the presidential candidates to talk to me about their plans and their personal stories. Coming soon…. https://t.co/Gvv1nXWBfr
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RT @BernieSanders: We say to Mitch McConnell, Donald Trump and the corporate elite: Your day has come and gone! https://t.co/XD1EZ8kYC7
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RT @TheTNHoller: Welp, that escalated quickly... right-wing “conservative” Tennessee Star CEO Steve Gill is now in jail for not paying child support. #FamilyValues https://t.co/7EvLr03JKq
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RT @pdacosta: “Unorthodox mind” is a new low in press euphemisms for normalizing Trumpian chaos. https://t.co/5mVMnZztc1
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RT @zachjcarter: number of times presidential candidates have tweeted “palestine,” “palestinians,” or “gaza”: bernie sanders: 15 pete buttigieg: 1 elizabeth warren: 0 kamala harris: 0 julian castro: 0 joe biden: 0
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RT @matt_cam: "I can't go back," my client told me as soon as he sat down at the table in ICE detention. "They will kill me." I believed him. The judge agreed that they probably would kill him, just before he denied his asylum claim. He was deported. They did. I just found out today.
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RT @JuddLegum: I've been trying to track down the roll call vote of DNC members regarding the decision to not allow a climate debate My inquiries have been ignored I haven't seen it published elsewhere Seems like they are trying to keep it secret That's a red flag https://t.co/ukyoqbwABd
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RT @Taniel: It's frustrating to think of the controversy over @AOC using "concentration camp," when Joe Arpaio used those words to describe a detention center HE HIMSELF ran, & Trump embraced him & pardoned him, and now Arpaio is running for sheriff again on a promise to reopen that camp.
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RT @zachdcarter: The Democratic Party in Washington has been telling the country it doesn’t want power for years now. The disconnect with the electorate is extraordinary. https://t.co/TFETtfJL9b
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RT @CollinsWilmot: Standing together, as one people, against the forces of division, we will bring sanity & respect back to our country & fulfill our great promise. Stand with me today to #FlipTheSenate Donate $25 now to fight back against Mitch McConnell and Pres. Trump https://t.co/mNAcTpArOa https://t.co/iyh4Xlbm5P
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RT @FlipTheSenate: We support @cristinafortx & @MaggieForSenate in their fight to #FlipTheSenate #EqualityCantWait - Join is in supporting their campaigns for Senate in Texas & New Mexico! #FlipTheSenate https://t.co/4kOZeJsQbK
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RT @FlipTheSenate: New in the @RollingStone: John @Hickenlooper Is the New Joe Lieberman "What Joe Lieberman was to antiwar Democrats, Colorado’s John Hickenlooper is to environmentalists." WE AGREE. That's why we proudly endorsed @Romanoff2020 for Senate in Colorado! https://t.co/sGFTOfT9n2
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RT @FlipTheSenate: 15,000 FOLLOWERS!!!! We are so grateful that you are joining us in #FLIPTHESENATE Please continue to share the word and help us support candidates for Senate in 50 states!! We can certainly do this! Let’s keep growing TOGETHER!! https://t.co/X9Y31hN5pX
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RT @Romanoff2020: Ten months before the people of CO weigh in, the @dscc has already issued its decree: The #GreenNewDeal? Not interested. #MedicareForAll? No thanks. The Democratic primary? Over. That doesn’t sit well with me—or with most of the voters I’ve met. Join us: https://t.co/26TyOSRBnL
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RT @RollingStone: John Hickenlooper is the new Joe Lieberman https://t.co/3n9gt5qHaL https://t.co/9zyM10MZgk
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RT @ryangrim: John Hickenlooper Is the New Joe Lieberman https://t.co/cy48jt7iXN via @RollingStone
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RT @sandylocks: Ok 19 in a row losing only 1 set to Sharapova and they call this a rivalry?! Say what? The madness #SerenaWilliams has to deal with! Can we all channel just a bit of that stuff?
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RT @SimonNarode: @shaunking @GunnelsWarren @BernieSanders Here are some of Bernie’s very comprehensive plans: Criminal Justice Reform: https://t.co/q3Zj103sgD… Workplace Democracy Plan: https://t.co/YRS1YNswrS… Green New Deal: https://t.co/Z1Gdgv34vB… Oh, also he wrote the damn bill... Medicare for All: https://t.co/mbxQeiqVym…
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RT @Jammer2233: Dave Chappelle gives an analogy on how success can become a trap 🤯 https://t.co/6iianMXjSy
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RT @PiperPerabo: Celebs, superstars and rock stars on the #VMAs red carpet. There are activists outside calling for clean water for #Newark. Please speak out about this when you speak to the press, and when you take the stage tonight. Let’s lift each other up. (Hat tip @zellieimani) https://t.co/YKqyAilUWL
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At first I thought this was from last year, or at least last month, but it's actually from today. I am genuinely stumped. I can only conclude that she has literally not watched @BernieSanders for the entire month of August as he dropped THE most comprehensive plans of 2019. https://t.co/EJwTeGujPS
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RT @RealJusticePAC: In Mohave County, if a person can’t pay $400 per month for an ankle monitor, they are held in jail without even being convicted of a crime. Now a lawsuit is challenging this practice of making people pay for their own mandatory GPS monitoring. https://t.co/dCEsLNH5iR
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@mehdirhasan The white supremacist movement in this nation is a youth movement.
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RT @mehdirhasan: Tom Cotton is 42. Matt Gaetz is 37. They don't seem to care either. https://t.co/xlrdK6KSAo
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RT @GunnelsWarren: 10 of the top 25 poorest counties in the U.S. are in Kentucky. Big coal extracted as much wealth as they could from these counties & left them with nothing. If there's gonna be class warfare in America it's about time that the working class won that war, not the billionaire class https://t.co/2MI2jZC5ww
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RT @GunnelsWarren: .@MattBevin, @senatemajldr & Trump abandoned communities left behind by fossil fuel CEOs who couldn't give a damn about workers. In a Bernie Sanders Administration we will no longer abandon rural communities – we will rebuild them & create millions of jobs https://t.co/0hMy1wZdYW
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RT @Romanoff2020: Ambassador Haley— As one of the people of Colorado, I have been looking at Cory’s record. ICYMI, he voted to: 🌏 Gut our environmental laws 🚑 Let insurers resume discrimination 💵 Put his NRA rating ahead of our lives Cory may be “watching out” for someone, but it’s not us. https://t.co/JHUqfPtyIS
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@AdyBarkan @BeAHeroTeam Smart decision
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RT @JeffCMays: Here’s the moment Julianne Hoffenberg, a protestor with @NYjusticeleague, interrupted @BilldeBlasio during his #CNNTownHall, asking why no other officers in the #EricGarner case have been fired. https://t.co/pSbJAEmOoq
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RT @shaqbrewster: In Louisville, Kentucky, @BernieSanders talks up his climate change plan and makes an appeal to coal country. “Coal miners are not my enemy. Workers in the fossil fuel industry are not my enemy. Climate change is my enemy!” https://t.co/zrj8ebJd8Y
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RT @BernieSanders: Over 500,000 workers in Kentucky make less than $15 an hour. @senatemajldr: Why don't they deserve an average raise of $4,300 a year? Stop blocking legislation to raise the current starvation minimum wage to a living wage of $15 an hour.
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@AdyBarkan @SteveGleason @EvergreenCircts I love this so much Ady!!
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RT @AdyBarkan: Liz is right. We shouldn't ever take for granted our power & our privilege. Be grateful for what you've got today & use it in a way that will make you proud tomorrow. Big thanks to @SteveGleason, who has led the way on this technology & on so much more. @EvergreenCircts https://t.co/qjHxxqpjAN
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Young voters in Colorado! Don’t feel pressured to support Hickenlooper because the establishment says so. As Mayor of Denver he was HORRIBLE on police brutality. As Governor he furiously opposed the legalization of marijuana and supported fracking. @Romanoff2020 is WAY better
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RT @Romanoff2020: Proud to join @BoulderSunrise. @SunriseMvmtDen & @sunrisemvmt in backing the #GreenNewDeal & #NoFossilFuelMoney. I’m inspired by the young people in CO & across the world who lead this fight. Their courage should prompt politicians to stiffen their spines or step out of the way. https://t.co/emg8jYlI4C
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RT @Romanoff2020: I’m with @sunrisemvmt on this. Glad we’ll have a climate debate in the Senate race: Oct. 6, CO Springs. Details to follow at https://t.co/k3xx7BTjHX. https://t.co/FUY74y1edk
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RT @BernieSanders: Sen. Mitch McConnell receives huge campaign contributions from: - Wall Street - Health insurance companies - Drug companies - The fossil fuel industry - The NRA It’s time for McConnell to start listening to working people, not his wealthy campaign contributors. https://t.co/l4zD0iGXWo
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RT @fshakir: Bernie's unafraid to name names and explicitly call out the corruption in our political system. You can do that when you are running a grassroots-funded campaign. https://t.co/XHe9Br1Jqz
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RT @JuddLegum: Literally no one asked him this question https://t.co/Fmt1VU26wa
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RT @azcopinions: I don't believe he expects to win. He just craves the attention a campaign will bring. He's addicted to it. https://t.co/MhAnifyd8r
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RT @davidhogg111: I’ve said this before but I’m going to say it again for the record If I die from gun violence I want my photo published, there will be those that say you are politicizing tragedy— They are wrong, not doing anything to stop it this violence is politicizing tragedy. #MyLastShot
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RT @davidhogg111: If you want your photo published if you die from gun violence tweet about it so it’s on the record with #MyLastShot
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RT @davidhogg111: In the event I am killed, organize, mobilize and get the Peace Plan passed and put my body on the NRAs doorstep in Fairfax, VA
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RT @ABC7NY: #BREAKING Police in Newark searching for missing 8-year-old boy with autism https://t.co/EzyfVyX58Z
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RT @Romanoff2020: @hopinon @shaunking @FlipTheSenate Thanks for asking! I authored the largest investment in school construction in state history, put together an economy recovery plan to lift Colorado out of a deep recession, and helped secure $68 million per year for mental health & drug treatment. More at https://t.co/kDxiEKLxr0
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RT @BernieSanders: I am proud to stand with the 20,000 @CWAUnion members who are on strike. AT&T made over $19 billion in profits last year. Executives at AT&T cannot have it all. I call on the management of AT&T to go back to the negotiating table and bargain in good faith with your employees. https://t.co/0KVeVGxReN
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RT @GunnelsWarren: Over the past year, AT&T: ✅Paid its CEO $29 million ✅Eliminated 11,000 U.S. jobs ✅Shipped jobs overseas paying workers $1.60/hr ✅Got a $20 billion windfall from the Trump tax scam ✅Received $900 million in federal contracts Together, we will end AT&T's greed. #NotMeUs https://t.co/HPz4ITcGG5
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RT @ChatfieldKate: You can certainly tell a lot about a candidate by the company he keeps. @chesaboudin, @jamaltrulove, @CabanForQueens https://t.co/yWFZ7NOTWe
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RT @jmillerlewis: 1 or 2 people came out to see @BernieSanders in Minnesota today. https://t.co/pecA6o3Lhu
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RT @Redistrict: Fairly astonishing: in the past decade, white men have fallen from 60% to 39% of all House Democrats. Meanwhile, they've risen from 87% to 90% of all House Republicans.
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RT @NYDailyNews: A Jamaican man was detained for 82 days after bringing honey into the United States that was mistaken for liquid methamphetamine by customs agents. Leon Haughton lost his two jobs as a cleaner and construction worker. “They messed up my life." https://t.co/qTdVt4KIg9
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RT @planetzainab: Just In: A white woman made Islamophobic statements to an EIGHTEEN-YEAR-OLD GIRL on the B6 on Friday and then SPAT at her. She then threw a cup of soda at the girl and left the bus. Cops are looking for this woman: https://t.co/LfPdL1EmNX
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RT @ESOP_STL: Some officers have made up incidents so others would believe they acted with valor. “A Los Angeles Sheriff’s Deputy reported being shot in Lancaster this week made up the incident, authorities announced during a rare Saturday night news conference.”https://t.co/1nNbbShYI9
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RT @DerrickNAACP: Today in Assin Manso, my family and I walked through the Last Bath Slave River - where slaves were washed before their dreadful journey over the Atlantic. https://t.co/IOynEiGufH
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RT @sunrisemvmt: Our generation is taking this crisis seriously — we wish the adults in the room were too. https://t.co/waK6IVbJBG
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RT @shelbyworks: A queer Black elder died in prison last week because she was refused treatment for cancer. @RAPPcampaign —Release Aging People in Prison—held a rally Wednesday to push local govt to pass a bill that allows imprisoned elders an automatic parole hearing. #SayHerName #ValerieGaiter https://t.co/J49r2E6W6k
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RT @BernieSanders: As a nation we must invest in education. We need to raise teacher pay to at least $60,000 a year. We need universal pre-K. We need to cancel student debt. We need to make public colleges, universities and trade schools tuition-free.
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RT @BernieSanders: Tomorrow we are going to Mitch McConnell's backyard to say: the American people are sick and tired of the NRA writing our gun laws. Join us: https://t.co/dPwZ8XRgtE
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RT @the_vello: The revolution is here. The masses are with Bernie. https://t.co/ZDpvXXN7iE
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RT @theappeal: Since early 2018, 9 female Philadelphia police officers have sued the department over sexual harassment or discrimination, a rate of about one lawsuit every other month. Lawsuits allege a "grossly sexist culture" of lewd comments, rape and retaliation. https://t.co/0FSoIKdZzj
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@GottliebShow Are you serious? Have you ever had a serious surgery?
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RT @AOC: A new day, a new friend 🐧✨ https://t.co/1PmPEHP5Yx
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RT @cristinafortx: The last poll right before we entered the race for US Senate showed 7-in-10 Texas Democrats were unsure, or wanted someone else to challenge Sen. @JohnCornyn. I believe I can run on the diversity of ideas that Texas wants and needs. Let’s do this: https://t.co/0JNjwPUPwc https://t.co/CApMlsowkH
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RT @tedterry1: Thanks @YasmineTaeb ! The @DNC is taking the South seriously in 2020. So inspired to hear from all the members of the Southern Caucus and the amazing work they are doing everyday to strengthening the Democratic Party in the South! #BlueWave https://t.co/R9G0FDJraR
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RT @stjbs: NEW: Court documents reveal origins of botched HPD raid that killed 2 in January in Pecan Park (w/ @keribla) https://t.co/p4LB8f4bDS
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RT @nicolesandler: The planet is literally burning, and the #DNC won't allow a #climatedebate https://t.co/S6LHeyS6h9
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RT @leahstokes: Once again, the @DNC has ignored the hopes and dreams of young people in @sunrisemvmt calling for a #ClimateDebate. Sad to see this decision. We need more than 10 minutes of debate on this crisis. We have already lost 4 decades. We cannot waste another. https://t.co/hJLpHH7l3u
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RT @sunrisemvmt: STATEMENT ON #ClimateDebate VOTE. The Democratic Party needs the energy, motivation, and organizing capacity of young people to defeat Trump in 2020. But Tom Perez keeps shooting the party in the foot by rejecting that energy and turning it away. https://t.co/NPoegtRKEu
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RT @benyc: “Failure of leadership!” chants against Perez after he says he plans to vote against a climate debate-related rule. https://t.co/ze041DWmUH
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RT @penningtonkm: Oof. On the day of a controversial DSCC endorsement in a competitive primary, a new poll shows Hickenlooper beats Cory Gardner by the same amount as "a generic Democrat." If we can beat Gardner AND send someone progressive to the U.S. Senate, why not? --> @Romanoff2020 https://t.co/cMXndU1TMD
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RT @RespectableLaw: As more people send me clips, it becomes clear that Andy’s work is plagued by these dishonest edits. For example, in this clip, he edited out some goons stomping a man’s head, and did it with a sloppy looking jump-cut in his own clip. https://t.co/eTRd8QPYc1
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RT @RespectableLaw: This is the same woman who Andy had filmed and identified to his followers. She was knocked unconscious and suffered a broken neck. Andy also published her name while she was in the hospital.
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RT @RespectableLaw: But as @imminentbulb pointed out, a full video shows the woman was attacked immediately prior to the start of Andy’s clip. If you listen to Andy’s clip, you can even hear one Patriot Prayer member frantically apologizing for the attack on her. https://t.co/PpI3K9beHk
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RT @RespectableLaw: And of course, Andy also posted misleading footage after the attack. He shows a woman aggressively approaching Patriot Prayer members in hysterics, and then a Patriot Prayer member hits her with some kind of club. https://t.co/N04WkJCZWq
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RT @RespectableLaw: One of the allegations by the owner of Cider Riot is that his patrons were injured by bricks thrown into the patio. Well, check out these images from the video showing a woman with a brick in her hand. Andy is the guy in blue. Thanks to @ayeleeyan for posting these stills. https://t.co/YP3YUUzCX8
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RT @RespectableLaw: And they accomplish their goal. From the Portland Mercury: https://t.co/Abw6mTRIrw
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RT @RespectableLaw: After several more discussions about weaponry, wind direction for mace, and being outnumbered, the group calls fellow members to recruit backup. They decide to go ahead with their plan to ambush the patrons at Cider Riot and start a brawl. https://t.co/8yG1goil4R
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RT @RespectableLaw: Here is a particularly damning clip, starting around 9 minutes into the video: https://t.co/1c5dBiJith
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RT @RespectableLaw: The twenty-minute video was posted by Portland journalist @alex_zee, and it is astonishing. https://t.co/2pRMRwHKrF
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RT @RespectableLaw: ANDY NGO UPDATE: Amazing new footage emerges from a lawsuit showing Andy Ngo laughing as Patriot Prayer members plan an attack on patrons of a local bar. https://t.co/cLNeTZHxcs
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RT @davidminpdx: @ORDOJ 8. Here are some other groups that filed briefs against the racist practice: Innocence Project, ACLU, ABA, NACDL, NAACP. Even libertarians like Institute for Justice filed briefs against the practice. Not Ellen Rosenblum. @ORDOJ. She embraced the monument to xenophobia.
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RT @davidminpdx: @ORDOJ 7. The Oregon governor as well as most of Oregon's legal elite – former governors, law school deans, judges, etc – signed a brief arguing the practice should be abolished. But not AG Ellen Rosenblum @ORDOJ. She chose to defend the racist practice.
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RT @davidminpdx: @ORDOJ 6. Oregon is now the lone holdout (except for a handful of Louisiana cases still on direct appeal). Supreme Court oral argument is scheduled for October 7. https://t.co/YP5q7JMngQ
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RT @davidminpdx: @ORDOJ 5. At the same time, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to review the constitutionality of the practice. https://t.co/5eWEIJ6yDb
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RT @davidminpdx: @ORDOJ 4. Last year, Louisiana voters, Democrats and Republicans, black and white, overwhelmingly supported a constitutional amendment abolishing the practice. https://t.co/Hi8PTLBuQQ
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RT @davidminpdx: @ORDOJ 3. In both Oregon and Louisiana nonunanimous juries, like Confederate monuments, are relics of past racist episodes – in Louisiana they were instituted as part of the state's embrace of Jim Crow. In Oregon they were part of an anti-immigrant backlash. https://t.co/m5H2CD6pYn
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RT @davidminpdx: @ORDOJ 2. 49 out of 50 states and the federal government require juror unanimity for felony convictions. Until last year, two states – Oregon and Louisiana – allowed nonunanimous juries.
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RT @davidminpdx: 1. This afternoon Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum @ORDOJ broke with Oregon's governor and filed a brief in the United States Supreme Court defending nonunanimous juries, a vestige of Oregon's racist, xenophobic past. https://t.co/HVUZVLtHDX
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RT @vincentdonofrio: Look at this complete DONG DING KILLING AN ELEPHANT. Well that's it for me @jimmyjohns no idea this guy was out there in my opinion behaving horribly toward animals. I've eaten at a store of his once. Never again. You choose. I have. https://t.co/7I3TWxp5mr
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RT @SikhProf: The owner of Jimmy Johns is a repeat offender. Feel free to stop buying his sandwiches and funding his inhumane exploits. https://t.co/nPBWhtHXO0
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RT @peta: Only jerks give two thumbs up after murdering a peaceful animal in their home. This is the CEO of @JimmyJohns over the body of an elephant he killed. Use the viral hashtag #BoycottJimmyJohns to spread the word that KILLING ANIMALS IS NOT A SPORT! https://t.co/wTnWCAC1rE
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RT @HamillHimself: Thumbs up to a boycott of all @jimmyjohns restaurants! (with apologies for posting this obscene photo) 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 https://t.co/IjHuZf647c
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Kim Ogg continues locking up poor people charged with misdemeanors because they can’t afford bail, and is trying to stop historic bail reforms. Houston has had enough broken promises. Help @AudiaForDA bring real justice reform to Houston: https://t.co/6jONJiSlTv https://t.co/0Ye2KidiVx
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RT @sunrisemvmt: "Are we props to be managed, or are we the deciding body of the Party? We have our constituents here asking for a #ClimateDebate. Please pass this resolution" - James Zogby (@DNC Resolutions Committee member)
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RT @LittleMissFlint: Hey @TomPerez @DNC the fact you refuse to hold a climate debate when the amazon is burning, the temperatures are rising and all of our lives is at stake is despicable. Covering your ears and closing your eyes isnt going to make climate change go away
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RT @AnnieGrayerCNN: .@BernieSanders on the $16.3 trillion cost for his GND plan: "Now people are telling me that 'Bernie, the plan you just released to combat climate change is expensive,' and you know what? They are right, it is expensive. But the cost of doing nothing is far more expensive.”
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RT @sunrisemvmt: We are proud to endorse @EdMarkey for U.S. Senate. Markey has been a fierce champion for the #GreenNewDeal. He’s stood with thousands of youth calling for bold climate action & led the charge among elected officials to meet this historic moment with the urgency we need. https://t.co/rk7KSAsdvd
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RT @EricHolthaus: Today, @BernieSanders showed us what it’ll take to emerge on the other side of this crisis with a civilization worth fighting for. Don’t think it’s achievable? Work to make it achievable. Don’t think now is the right time? Work to make it the right time. https://t.co/Y61f3GMAjc
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RT @davidcicilline: The President is not well. https://t.co/o9uhXtDkcc
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RT @RepAlGreen: In 1868, Republicans impeached President Andrew Johnson for racist incitement, harmful to society. What will WE do in 2019 about President Donald Trump inciting hateful bigotry and harming society? #ImpeachNow https://t.co/mKaldpmkMs
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RT @TheBeatWithAri: Meet @DarrickHamilton – the policy guru advising top 2020 Democratic candidates on racial justice policies and progressive reforms that were once deemed 'too bold' for Washington D.C., including slavery reparations. https://t.co/HY2APz5Xju
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RT @TheBeatWithAri: "The fact that if you're a black family, and your head graduated from college, you typically have less wealth than a white family, whose head dropped out of high school." -@DarrickHamilton on race's impact on wealth. https://t.co/4X9odNH9TR
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RT @briebriejoy: This conversation was such a joy to watch in real time and I can’t wait for you all to see it Friday! https://t.co/GuU1Y9fbJv
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RT @KeeangaYamahtta: This past July was the hottest in human history. The temp reached 94 degrees in the Arctic Circle. Temps reached 114 in France. Temps in India reached 120. . The crisis is not coming. We are here. Its the most crucial question facing the human species. What is the DNC afraid of? https://t.co/R2AOEWlH1P
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Last year, @WesleyBell4STL defeated a 27-year incumbent to become St. Louis County Prosecutor. Since then, @DARollins, Joe Gonzales, @Parisa4Justice, & @OwensForDA won their races, and @SteveDescano won his primary. Our movement has momentum. https://t.co/kw5Uu8qWDH
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RT @Yamiche: Wow. An email sent from the DOJ to all immigration court employees this week included a link to an article posted on a white nationalist website that “directly attacks sitting immigration judges with racial and ethnically tinged slurs.” https://t.co/9DeXmZ1HXR via @haleaziz
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RT @maddow: Not much makes me OMG anymore but OMG. https://t.co/60fQBgITtn
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RT @IlhanMN: Why is Trump’s Justice Department sending out literal white nationalist content with attacks on our own immigration judges? There is no bottom. We as a coequal branch of government need to call for an apology and hold them fully accountable. https://t.co/2igiWBA1v4
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RT @Haleaziz: SCOOP: Email sent from the DOJ to all immigration court employees this week included a link to a post on a white nationalist website that “directly attacks sitting immigration judges with racial and ethnically tinged slurs." https://t.co/76sTtVMa4k
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RT @YongJungC: “He declares war on the fossil fuel industry with proposed bans on fracking, drilling on public lands and all imports and exports of oil and gas, and threatens companies with civil and *criminal charges* for pollution and obstructing climate action.” #GreenNewDeal https://t.co/xb5r8t8b50
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RT @sunrisemvmt: .@JayInslee entered the race with the goal of putting the climate crisis at the center of the campaign. He may be leaving the race, but it's clear he and the movements who fought alongside him are succeeding in that mission. https://t.co/R6NUHRgLcH
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RT @fshakir: Bernie Sanders' $16 Trillion Climate Plan Is Nothing Short of a Revolution https://t.co/H8l5aIL8uE via @EARTH3R
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Unbelievable https://t.co/yMXPW01GZ3
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Wow https://t.co/tIFU6PTc3K
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RT @_waleedshahid: "Symone Sanders, a senior adviser of presidential candidate Joe Biden, was among those who urged the DNC committee on Thursday to vote down a climate debate, saying it would be 'dangerous territory in the middle of a Democratic primary process.'" https://t.co/Di9QWhFH4N
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RT @sunrisemvmt: .@SymoneDSanders is trying to shut down the movement for a #ClimateDebate right now at the @DNC meeting. But her boss @JoeBiden has publicly supported it multiple times. So…what’s going on? https://t.co/O3p8OtXd4o
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RT @VarshPrakash: We’ll miss you in this race, @JayInslee. Thank you for setting the pace for our elected leaders on the climate crisis, running a historic campaign and elevating this issue for all of us. We know this isn’t the end of our work together. https://t.co/oqIuSK24jy
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RT @fshakir: Bernie Sanders "outlines easily the most ambitious vision for a Green New Deal to date" https://t.co/3T9VXJktWp via @HuffPostPol
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RT @DrIbram: I did not want to just write a book. I wanted to write a book that could become a movement, the movement of us all to be antiracist and build an antiracist world. To everyone joining this movement, thank you. #HowToBeAnAntiracist debuted #2 @nytimes bestseller list. Thank you. 🙏🏾 https://t.co/XXQqkPdSzO
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RT @BernieSanders: The climate crisis is the greatest challenge facing humanity. It's also our single greatest opportunity to build a just and equitable future. We are going to create 20 million jobs and an economy that works for all. It's time for a #GreenNewDeal. https://t.co/NteQAl2D7M
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RT @People4Bernie: TODAY @BernieSanders has released our plan for a #GreenNewDeal For far too long, it's been easy for fossil fuel bosses to divide the working class over the environment. Not anymore. Together, we will avert climate catastrophe and create 20,000,000 jobs https://t.co/gLpwPeaOhL
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RT @AdrienneLaw: Remember the ICE raids on Aug 7th that seized 680 workers at Koch Foods plants in Mississippi? Those workers had just won a $3.75M settlement against Koch for sexual harassment and race discrimination. These employers ARE violating civil rights, then weaponizing ICE as a cover. https://t.co/ZrDVamuMjD
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RT @MaddowBlog: BREAKING: Washington Governor Jay Inslee tells Rachel #Maddow that he is exiting the 2020 Democratic presidential primary race. https://t.co/u8ZVlTjytM
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RT @theappeal: Nearly 70,000 people in North Carolina could not vote in 2017 because of a state law that prohibits people from voting while on felony probation or post-release supervision, according to a new report released today from the Southern Coalition for Social Justice (@SCSJ). 1/6
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Awful. // Tee Grizzley's car shot at in Detroit killing his manager, reports say https://t.co/KYwKgRQrAp
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RT @shaunking: Had a chance to talk about how we're responsible not just for our intentions, but also the impact of our words/actions. The viral lies about me stealing money from Cyntoia Brown continue to be shared -mainly here on Twitter- when I never raised money for her in the first place. https://t.co/i9rKN3try8
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Even though hemp is legal, Kim Ogg is going to send kids caught with marijuana to a 6 month diversion program while waiting for lab equipment to test it. She continues criminalizing children in Houston. Help @AudiaForDA end the school-to-prison pipeline: https://t.co/qBNdUMQMpK https://t.co/a7puvKXJPK
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I have literally never received a penny, nothing, from a single family impacted by police brutality or white supremacy that I've raised money for. Nothing. Ever. And not a single family says otherwise. Just Twitter. I've literally never even possessed a dime. And wouldn't. https://t.co/dNWbOXgrRR
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Had a young woman come up to me in public recently. She was furious & nervous, & had clearly built up the courage to ask me why in the world I "would steal money from Cyntoia Brown and her family." When I told her I literally never raised a penny, she just didn't believe it. https://t.co/dNWbOXgrRR
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RT @kylekuzma: Congrats! @shaunking https://t.co/ElwScHGm5p
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@kylekuzma Thanks homie!
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Had a chance to talk about how we're responsible not just for our intentions, but also the impact of our words/actions. The viral lies about me stealing money from Cyntoia Brown continue to be shared -mainly here on Twitter- when I never raised money for her in the first place. https://t.co/i9rKN3try8
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RT @Variety: .@Rihanna's Diamond Ball Will Honor Activist @ShaunKing, Barbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley https://t.co/Bo9U4x4IbK
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RT @CNN: The two US athletes who demonstrated during separate National Anthems at a regional sports competition earlier this month have been put on probation for 12 months https://t.co/tLWZasxphH
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RT @ddale8: Trump begins his speech to veterans by repeating, for more than the 85th time as president, his false claim that he got the Veterans Choice program passed after more than 44 years of failure. Obama signed it into law in 2014. "We got it, so congratulations," Trump said to cheers.
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RT @KeeangaYamahtta: My man @iPhilSomething ...Phil Agnew was a founder of the Dream Defenders in Florida in the aftermath of the murder of Trayvon Martin. He is a friend and a comrade and suffers no fools. When he talks you should listen. I know that I do. https://t.co/7b1qgHRUiG
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RT @theappeal: BREAKING: Texas has executed Larry Ray Swearingen. He steadfastly maintained his innocence in a 1999 murder. Swearingen was the 4th person Texas has executed this year. https://t.co/dyT8oGF9LV
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RT @helenprejean: Thomas Merton once said, “When the world ends, it will be legal.”
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RT @keribla: #BREAKING The state has executed Larry Ray Swearingen. He died at 6:47 p.m.
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RT @exonerationlist: Last week in the case of @The_MIP client Lamar Johnson, 43 elected prosecutors filed an amicus brief in support of the @StLouisCityCA's Conviction Integrity Unit's continued work on Johnson's case and for the work of #CIUnits in general. https://t.co/vQ0AaeSnmR
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This is where we now are. Where NFL teams play Jay Z music to diss players who take a knee. //Dolphins play eight Jay-Z songs during practice following Kenny Still's comments https://t.co/WJm67oS0Ka
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RT @theappeal: An ACLU report shows that since Los Angeles County DA Jackie Lacey took office in 2012, she has won death sentences against a total of 22 people, all of them of color, and eight of them represented by lawyers with serious misconduct charges against them. https://t.co/3q7FGJ2dPK
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RT @davidminpdx: 2. "Because Americans tend to view social problems as individual moral failings that can only be solved through punishment, we are predisposed to think that homicides are a far more significant problem than they actually are...." https://t.co/gAS0Z4p0AY
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RT @davidminpdx: 1. Wow. I love this piece. American journalists are obsessed with homicide – even as homicides are near historic lows – yet journalists provide relatively little coverage of other causes of untimely death: suicide, overdose, car accidents, etc. https://t.co/gAS0Z4p0AY
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RT @ProfFerguson: If you are not willing to be transparent and open with #FacialRecognition technology, you shouldn’t be able to use it. If you trust it, prove it by being open. If not, then you have something to hide. @theappeal https://t.co/2VCZlYTXma
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RT @andrewmarantz: If police are going to arm themselves to the teeth with military equipment unknown to most world armies...and then refuse to work if it means taking any career or personal risks, it seems like they should lose the right to [complain]. https://t.co/90RxNYc23l
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RT @davidminpdx: How @nytimes reporter @AliWatkins cherry-picks statistics to portray illusory crime-spikes, keeping readers in fear and justifying mass imprisonment. https://t.co/FB7Ko5eRl5
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RT @cristinafortx: From day 1, @JohnCornyn's team wrote me off. He’ll keep saying that my plans are too ambitious with the intention of scaring us away from dreaming big. With the #powerofus, we can do this: https://t.co/hgksmfEZKM
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RT @FlipTheSenate: Welcome to 13,000 new followers @FlipTheSenate!
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@laurenk_gill @theappeal Congrats!
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RT @the_vello: NEW: @BernieSanders responds to Trump's antisemitic remarks: "Let me say this to the President: I am a proud Jewish person, and I have no concerns about voting Democratic. And in fact, I intend to vote for a Jewish man to become the next president.'
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RT @hamiltonnolan: JOE BIDEN speaking now in Urbande, IA: “When Bobby Kennedy and Dr King were assassinated, in the 70s—in the late 70s.”
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Somebody please tell Joe. https://t.co/NJaUQI1iXc
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RT @Dreamdefenders: We have returned to the beautiful & historic land of Palestine. Black, brown, and indigenous organizers, artists, & dreamers are taking time to study alongside Palestinian people resisting displacement and military occupation. Keep up with updates here + on Instagram #DDPalestine https://t.co/98LmTUlYOX
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RT @hollyotterbein: Bernie Sanders responds to President Trump: “I am a proud Jewish person and I have no concerns about voting Democratic. And, in fact, I intend to vote for a Jewish man to become the next president.” https://t.co/kKKGq1LTHy
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The story of Reginald Wilson highlights why it’s so important for us to demand that the new DA Joyette Holmes implement real justice reform. If you live in Cobb County, GA, add your name before @RealJusticePAC delivers the petitions on Friday: https://t.co/c1Rpq8iyFJ https://t.co/qBlHe6f3Em
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RT @blanip: Born and raised in #Philly and not in the least surprise. Those rare "bad apples" have been coming out of the PPD for as long as I can remember https://t.co/nqj2D5jAMY
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RT @ethanbrown72: In a shoplifting case, a detective texted an image of a match to a loss prevention officer and asked, “Is this the guy?” The man was then arrested. “In order to say our case was not based on facial recognition is to ignore reality,” says his attorney. 2/2 https://t.co/ZzirKUfb06
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RT @ethanbrown72: Police and prosecutors say that facial recognition technology is merely used as a lead—but public defenders counter that cops are using the tech as the sole basis for probable cause to arrest their clients. 1/ by @michaelhayes https://t.co/ZzirKUfb06
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RT @rashadrobinson: “Ultimately, inequality and lack of material security drive America’s rapidly increasing rates of depression, which causes tens of thousands of ‘deaths of despair’ each year.” https://t.co/0Yeb20tXZz
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RT @RenaldoPearson: Literally "walk[ing] it like I talk it." 2 weeks down, 5 to go. Meet me in DC: https://t.co/BiDlsSLhe2 #Democracy911 https://t.co/6eQBy2iiYP
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RT @tedterry1: @jvn @FlipTheSenate Thank you @jvn the @FlipTheSenate effort is directing donations into the endorsed candidates @actblue pages. @shaunking is a man of his word - they are delivering on their promise right now. Supporting progressive Senate candidates who will fight for equity and justice for all.
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RT @theappeal: St Louis prosecutor Kim Gardner has put 22 cops who posted racist & violent content on Facebook on her office's banned list, meaning she won't file charges based on their investigations or call them to testify in court. The police union are not happy. https://t.co/HwNUumDd39
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RT @theappeal: St Louis prosecutor Kim Gardner's Conviction Integrity Unit has been met with pushback. That’s not surprising. She’s been operating in an intensely hostile political climate, facing opposition from the police union & Missouri governor since taking office. https://t.co/rgBRvJPovp
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RT @_waleedshahid: Bernie’s got a plan. What about the rest of the Democrats? https://t.co/9rJnbWO5ZG
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RT @PeterBeinart: with every day that goes by, @BernieSanders grows more confident that challenging unconditional military aid to Israel is a winning issue in the Democratic primary. When will @ewarren realize that too? https://t.co/26AMxvUaen
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RT @PeterBeinart: this is why Bibi was afraid. Because @IlhanMN and @RashidaTlaib would have brought attention to the deep injustice that Tlaib's grandmother and every other W Bank Palestinian endures--paid for in part by our tax dollars https://t.co/H50dPkdJhn
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RT @MiaFarrow: This is how i felt and feel after visiting Gaza and the West Bank. Thank you @PeterBeinart https://t.co/50o8pMLFHH
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RT @_waleedshahid: "Just as National Review (@NRO ) defended apartheid, just as you defended segregation, you now defend Israel's oppression of Palestinians' basic rights. It's a tradition for you guys." - @PeterBeinart to @RichLowry https://t.co/afYrUVsoNs
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RT @DA_LarryKrasner: 👇🏽 https://t.co/X7dgfLbRNu
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@RashidaTlaib Rooting for you every single day.
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RT @NYMag: .@RashidaTlaib on Trump's tweets, her mentor in the House, and being told she needs to “wait her turn” to change things in Congress https://t.co/bvgkxefQT7
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RT @cristinafortx: Today marks one week since our campaign launch and what we’ve accomplished so far is incredible. We crushed our $200,000 fundraising goal & hundreds of people have signed up to volunteer. I’m grateful. Can’t wait to build the largest campaign in TX history alongside you. https://t.co/PtNuJ5CWeb
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Cobb County, GA continues to put people battling mental illness, drug addiction, and poverty in jail. This is our moment to change that. Demand that the new DA Joyette Holmes fight for real justice reform before we deliver these petitions on Friday: https://t.co/k9AM7OGDYi https://t.co/pEJWHWSnec
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RT @ChuckModi1: If Teddy Bridgewater had a bad game like Jimmy G had a bad half, half of Twitter would be talking about the end of his career as a starter instead of a just a bad game. I know this cuz it was yesterday. https://t.co/CVO9G6FyKz
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RT @mikefreemanNFL: I’d move the Jimmy G panic meter from a 2 to a solid 5.
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RT @chesaboudin: SF's response to sexual assaults--whether on the streets or in the jails--is a disgrace. I promise to timely test every rape kit, to keep survivors informed, to investigate drug-facilitated sexual assault, and to prioritize sex crimes over misdemeanors. #TeamBoudin #Boudin4DA https://t.co/yrsYWokXQO
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RT @LegalAidNYC: “They all need to lose their jobs. Pantaleo, you may have lost your job, but I lost a son. You cannot replace that,” - @RealGwenCarr. https://t.co/MMxcu3i75W
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RT @sparrowmedia: In 2017 while helping w/ media relations for Charlottesville community defenders I had the privilege of assisting @KatieCouric & NatGeo. This week one man Katie interviewed, James Reardon (below), was accused of threatening to shoot up a Jewish community center in Youngstown, OH. https://t.co/guy6e9pX6A
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RT @People4Bernie: ⚾️ The crowd goes wild as @BernieSanders runs to first base and @Celentra scores! ⚾️ #FeelTheBern https://t.co/9BuZv6kRvz
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RT @VarshPrakash: Disappointing news from @KamalaHarris' campaign this morning -- she's choosing to attend a mega fundraiser over a scheduled @CNN climate forum. Choosing big donors over our futures is what got us into this mess to begin with. Here are my thoughts -- #DemDebates https://t.co/PIAt2RMvv0
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RT @keithboykin: “When there’s an issue in the Jewish community, you don’t call Barbara Streisand...You reach out to the ADL.” - Clay Cane, critiquing the NFL’s outreach to Jay-Z instead of black civil rights leaders https://t.co/hgfJUlXrlq
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RT @claycane: Here is a clip of me on @kendisgibson's show talking the Jay-Z and NFL controversy. Stop calling on black celebrities to fix your issues with race. --> https://t.co/9JlLGS83ra
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RT @mlcalderone: 59% of Republicans say colleges and universities have a negative effect on the US, up from 37% in 2015: https://t.co/HTi0fb3yLc
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@GangiFromProp I am friends with the family and they echoed that today
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RT @People4Bernie: "Every single day we say to a billionaire who takes a business and completely destroys Detroit, or Akron, or Canton, or South Carolina and we say that's perfectly fine. It is criminal activity to divest in a community that way businesses are doing" @iPhilSomething https://t.co/HqBbZtD7GT
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RT @Analilia_Mejia: For years many like @ACLU @ColorOfChange @BLMNational @Dreamdefenders have called for bold change to ensure a fair justice system. @BernieSanders plan to transform every aspect of a broken &racist system, delivers. https://t.co/b9S33ee95R
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RT @BernieSanders: I'm proud to announce our Justice and Safety for All plan to reform America’s dysfunctional criminal justice system. https://t.co/sZBOzSy9Td
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RT @BernieSanders: The death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment. It is applied disproportionately to people of color. It has been proven not to deter violent crime. The United States must join almost every other advanced country on Earth and abolish the death penalty.
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RT @BernieSanders: Cardi B is exactly right: We've seen too many images of unarmed black men killed by police. When we are in the White House, we are going to have a zero-tolerance policy for police brutality. https://t.co/W92hR3W5xz
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RT @NormOrnstein: @JohnJHarwood “Fiscal conservatives.” LOL
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Is the Tea Party still a thing? https://t.co/KjpAjuYkB1
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RT @ewaymire: @JohnJHarwood The historical data is clear. Dems rescue/expand our economies with sound fiscal/tax policy. Republicans inherit that and use it as an excuse to run up the deficit, give tax breaks to corps, and then hand a ruined economy back to Dems. GOP have never been fiscal conservatives.
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RT @JohnJHarwood: in Jan 2009, the govt Obama inherited was running $1-T budget deficit GOP ripped him throughout his term for running up debt when Obama handed off to Trump, deficit had been cut below $600-B, to 3.2% of GDP now deficit’s back to $1-T, 5.1% of GDP https://t.co/Cd1xqPCYn8
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RT @FlipTheSenate: The primary conservative ethos is fraud. https://t.co/YqPoZba1vI
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RT @laurenk_gill: LaToni Daniel had been incarcerated in Alabama's Coosa Co. jail for a yr when she found out she was pregnant. She doesn't remember having sex; her attorneys believe that she was raped while unconscious from a prescribed sedative. My latest @theappeal: https://t.co/J9A1X2crdv
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LA Sheriff's Deputy Samuel Aldama got a tattoo with a skull, rifle, flames & helmet emblazoned with "CPT" - a police gang tattoo. Two months later, he & another deputy killed Donta Taylor. They said Taylor drew a gun, but Taylor was unarmed. https://t.co/oqh6BJAVvN
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@ericjunior It gets me every time
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RT @FlipTheSenate: Thank you to 11,000 new followers of @FlipTheSenate!
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@aja_monet @BernieSanders RIGHT!
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RT @shaunking: Please follow @FlipTheSenate!
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I agree. https://t.co/7FdEMNbsRb
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RT @IlhanMN: Could we take back our democracy if 1.7 million Americans marched for it? https://t.co/LVVaPrm1pJ
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Please follow @FlipTheSenate!
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RT @RepRoKhanna: Daniel Desnoyers died after he couldn’t afford his mental health meds. His insurance was cancelled for missing a $20 payment to a corporation that made over $60 BILLION in 2018 A health care system that doesn't guarantee care for all people at all times is broken #MedicareforAll https://t.co/xgdlWOA5P8
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RT @BernieSanders: Solitary confinement is a form of torture. It is unconstitutional, plain and simple. We must end solitary confinement in America.
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RT @FlipTheSenate: We agree. https://t.co/gjgOnDd2TC
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RT @FlipTheSenate: We interrupt our scheduled mission to @FlipTheSenate to say that we support and believe in @JDScholten in his campaign to beat the white supremacist Congressman Steve King in Iowa. https://t.co/IqOe6W55ef
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RT @Shanic4da: Progressive policies aren't just popular—they work. We can achieve the same results here in Monroe County. https://t.co/oEBg2A8Qp4
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RT @JeremyR1992: So excited that @CabanForQueens will be in SF next weekend in support of @chesaboudin! I first met @CabanForQueens at the Amazon #HQ2 Public Advocate forum in LIC, Queens when @IfyWorks introduced her. It’s always good to have more Queens kids in the Bay 🌈 👑 ⚖️ 🗽 https://t.co/BBVyieWg7x
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RT @janosmarton: Someone who spent more than a decade as a prosecutor in NYC recently told me she had never been inside a jail. I commend @SarahFairVT for this, and would do the same in Manhattan. (Maybe have ADAs spend the night!) https://t.co/sBpmQ6BdOn
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RT @blanip: This should have been a simple disciplinary case. Instead, NYPD decided to set a precedent of avoiding accountability. “Y’all watched him kill my father,” Emerald Garner said. “Fire him.” https://t.co/8vu6DsoIvu
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RT @theappeal: Jose Bello is celebrating his freedom from ICE detention after NFL players Josh Norman & Demario Davis of @playercoalition helped pay his $50,000 bail. Mr. Bello was arrested after reading a poem he wrote, “Dear America,” critical of US immigration policy.https://t.co/U5EjAc4G6i
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I appreciate this. https://t.co/1IMTbuuTZZ
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RT @tripgabriel: The water is so hot in Alaska it's killing large numbers of salmon - CNN https://t.co/MIszDVRkJQ
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RT @GunnelsWarren: My first video - campaign style. For 20 years, it's been an honor to work for @BernieSanders calling out the faces of greed, fighting with working people to raise wages at Amazon & Disney, protecting pensions at IBM & working everyday to build an economy that works for all of us. https://t.co/sSC7XcDvqB
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RT @EliNSavit: Now! Let's consider all of this in light of AG Barr's speech this week lambasting progressive prosecutors--and claiming that progressive policies create "more crime, more victims." (ICYMI, here's an excellent takedown of that speech by @theappeal). /11 https://t.co/LoOOyFb00r
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RT @MSNBC: Sen. Sanders: "If Israel doesn’t want members of the United States Congress to visit their country...maybe [Netanyahu] can respectfully decline the billions of dollars that we give." https://t.co/6klkO65Ez8
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RT @RashidaTlaib: This was my other #MyPalestinianSitty who no one could mess with. She was proud of being from #BeitHanina and was one fierce woman. https://t.co/6VKUArdekD
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RT @adam_abusalah: #MyPalestinianSitty 🇵🇸 We love you, @RashidaTlaib ❤️ https://t.co/Rtjq0Qq3xO
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RT @lsarsour: These are #MyPalestinianSitty(s) Sarah and Halima. I am who I am today because of the sacrifices and resilience of these two women. (Yes, that cute lil girl is me and that’s my dad, circa 1981) https://t.co/MHaim90Yvl
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RT @IlhanMN: #MyPalestinianSitty is trending and I am overcome with emotions realizing how we are finally humanizing one of the world’s most dehumanized peoples.
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@ajmiles4 It’s true
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RT @JuddLegum: The biggest myth in politics is that Trump is an aberration for the GOP and establishment Republicans secretly oppose him https://t.co/6VNzRsfKJT
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RT @theappeal: In Pennsylvania police arrested 52-year-old Robbie Sanderson for calling them "Nazis" relying on the state's hate crime statute. https://t.co/wn042hGbMD
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RT @theappeal: A 74-year-old Albert Carrillo told Valencia County sheriff's deputy Cole Knight that he was being trained like the "Gestapo." Within a few minutes, Knight arrested Carrillo but never alleged that he broke the law. https://t.co/NnqCpTKGv3
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RT @jeremycorbyn: I send my solidarity to Owen Jones and his friends who were attacked last night. Owen believes it was politically motivated, and we know the far right is on the march in our country. An attack on a journalist is an attack on free speech and our fundamental values.
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RT @mehdirhasan: If far right wing thugs think attacking @OwenJones84 will shut him up, or stop him from calling out their far right bigotry, then they don’t know @OwenJones84. He is stronger & bolder than them, & more committed to his cause of equality than they are to their cause of inequality.
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RT @RealDLHughley: Spotlight: In A Study of Cops’ Facebook Accounts, 1 in 5 Had Posted Racist, Violent Content https://t.co/zEe1UGkJhG
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RT @JonGiftosMD: Important article by @jbenmenachem on the problematic and shortsighted use of sweeps & arrests to address complex health issues like homelessness & public drug use. https://t.co/HTtbjvgMNr
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RT @andersoncooper: one of my favorite excerpts from my interview with @StephenAtHome. This question he embraces left me stunned when i first read it, and i can’t stop thinking about his answer. It has helped me, and i hope it helps others. https://t.co/eQfaGYFzF9
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RT @AC360: You said "what punishment of gods are not gifts. Do you really believe that?" @andersoncooper, choking back tears, asks Stephen Colbert, as they discuss grief. "Yes," replies the comedian. "It's a gift to exist and with existence comes suffering. There's no escaping that." https://t.co/p5rUUhZKxq
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A beautiful, painful, thoughtful conversation. Helped me so much to hear this. https://t.co/XyzW4F3uqD
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RT @MaureennKelly: This document was handed to workers at the Beaver Co Ethane plant in PA. Going wasn’t mandatory but they would lose overtime pay if they didn’t. As you can see, workers were paid and bused to the Trump event. https://t.co/LfFj1VwtLd
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RT @mmpadellan: @realDonaldTrump Still going on about this? Sad. You know, when a person constantly draws attention to the thing they're most insecure about, it shows. That's not winning, Spanky. It's emptiness. It's even more empty than your sad #EmptySeatMAGATour. https://t.co/z1iuiVGQAG
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RT @JustRyCole: The video looks worse than the quotes. Shit. https://t.co/TDt8hQi9Ex
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RT @SInow: Eric Reid continues to speak out against Jay-Z's partnership with the NFL: https://t.co/XHAb91TPNi https://t.co/KwXYhkuwRr
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RT @KeepBlitzin: Eric Reid didn’t mince words when discussing Jay Z’s new partnership with the NFL. https://t.co/NSZ5wFjy6w
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RT @AshNoelleTV: I asked Eric Reid if he thought Jay Z was a sell out and here was his answer. https://t.co/ZZLm0q8bVU
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RT @AshNoelleTV: Eric Reid on Jay Z kneeling statement: “When has Jay Z ever taken a knee? For you get paid to go into a NFL conference and say we are past kneeling is asinine.” https://t.co/BO9RCLUHek
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RT @AshNoelleTV: Eric Reid responds to @stephenasmith comments on Jay Z and Colin Kaepernick. #Panthers https://t.co/hqZHLvtOlM
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RT @SarahKSilverman: So upsetting. Fucking gross. All my Jewish friends texting me in despair. Hoping our friends see that, just like in the US, the administration does not represent the hearts and minds of the majority of the people https://t.co/VxBuwehx3p
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RT @MaraGay: “She was a lady,” he said, “and she was the love of my life https://t.co/plte0wWmfn
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RT @SenJeffMerkley: I'm hearing that @realDonaldTrump is about to make a new push to lock up migrant children indefinitely. Grassroots America: we need to be ready to push back HARD. Trump won't give up on his strategy of traumatizing children—so we can't give up either.
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RT @krinskymak: “Evidence shows that ever-longer sentences simply don’t make us safer, but they do destroy families and communities.” Great piece by @SarahLustbader @theappeal https://t.co/qVSnCdKXLA
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RT @jameskzeigler: Since David, over 10 more juvenile lifers have been released under DC's Incarceration Reduction Amendment Act. None of the men released so far have committed new crimes, but prosecutors have continued to oppose resentencing in every case. https://t.co/6FCrMcjaLx
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RT @RealJusticePAC: Public safety isn’t about prisons and jails. It’s about people in the community having access to human rights and human needs. This huge victory led by @OsopePatrisse, @JusticeLANow, and @ReformLAJails is about reimagining public safety in Los Angeles. https://t.co/UNZcNZNQ2d
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RT @kira_lerner: How Chicago under @SAKimFoxx is rethinking the the link between crime and incarceration. My latest: https://t.co/P7XkSzGGjD
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RT @Justice_Collab: Must-read from @JohnFPfaff —> https://t.co/qRmFyZhtyE
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RT @GalvinAlmanza: This is really cool, meaningful, beautiful leadership in the sports community. Extra hats off to people using their own visibility with courage, and for good. https://t.co/ZZolgK51CU
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RT @theappeal: Our @taniel looks at what’s next on Colorado's criminal justice reform agenda. Possible items for consideration: the death penalty, prison gerrymandering, and ICE. @theappeal Political Report. https://t.co/l02OokjWXi
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RT @theappeal: Sarah Fair George, State's Attorney for Burlington in Vermont, requires her staff to visit prisons. She hopes it gives her prosecutors a perspective that not only fuels shorter sentences, but also persuades them not to seek incarceration in the first place.https://t.co/pHGhibRmVh
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RT @FlipTheSenate: This is awesome!! Congratulations on the success @harrisonjaime https://t.co/jE0qSECuYz
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RT @RealJusticePAC: There is racism in every single step of the criminal justice process. Ending these disparities will take more than having a DA who isn’t racist. We need a DA who is anti-racist. That’s why we are supporting @ChesaBoudin for San Francisco DA. Join us: https://t.co/xfJlmh0ZuL https://t.co/eC85qcwZTw
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RT @NACDL: A huge victory in L.A. represents a shift in thinking about public safety @vgullap @theappeal https://t.co/k5Q7DZG4TF
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RT @JudgeWren: Ohio Governor Wants to Detain Fewer Mentally Ill People Before Trial #TreatmentNotJail @namiohio @OHCircuitRider @BarryMotivates @Grace_Durbin @IntlBipolar @MentalHealthEsq @DrJosh @cgcurie https://t.co/l6fcTFkKvU
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RT @NinjaEconomics: "Marlowe...was drugged and raped. An officer asked her to...arrange a date with a potential suspect." https://t.co/1IcqCCe7vS
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RT @ESOP_STL: In 2017, during the protests over the Stockley verdict, the Interim Chief Colonel O’Toole, said, “Police owned tonight.” We have 18 lawsuits from the protests for the bloody beating of an officer, protestors, and others. HE WAS THE CHIEF! Why do we have him working w/cadets? https://t.co/xrOfwKGAMm
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RT @shaunking: Here’s what I know. If a certain man effectively banned my friend from working in his career for 900 straight days, because my friend had a peaceful protest of police brutality, me and that man couldn’t be friends. We damn sure couldn’t laugh together like besties. https://t.co/66MOjhEA0e
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RT @shaunking: We have 445 days to @FlipTheSenate! Our first 7 candidates are: @cristinafortx for Texas @Romanoff2020 for Colorado @CollinsWilmot for Montana @MaggieForSenate for New Mexico @harrisonjaime for South Carolina @James_Mackler for Tennessee @tedterry1 for Georgia Let's GO!
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RT @tedterry1: Too young. Too soon. Too unrealistic. That's what they said when I ran for mayor of Clarkston, GA. But I didn't listen. And I won. Now I'm running for the U.S. Senate in Georgia to take on David Perdue. Watch our announcement video and join our campaign. https://t.co/N05ZuHZl3Z https://t.co/6exxBKazOY
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RT @FlipTheSenate: One of the many reasons we're supporting @tedterry1 for Senate in Georgia is the innovative ideas he constantly supports as Mayor. This is an affordable path to home ownership! https://t.co/LKFAtTJFD1
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RT @tedterry1: Pay attention Georgians, and nearby Floridians. One of the Southeast’s most treasured wildlife refuges is at risk under an expanded mining operation for titanium dioxide. A heavy mineral used in paint and makeup... public comment period is open now through Sept 12. https://t.co/YvXkSWpJY0 https://t.co/4oIsTov8HC
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RT @timkawakami: * Colin Kaepernick in 2016 for 49ers: 16 TD, 4 INT, 90.7 rating -Hasn't been signed since * Blaine Gabbert in 2016 for 49ers: 5 TD, 6 INT, 68.4 rating -Played for AZ in 2017, TEN in 2018 and is on TB now. -In 2017: 6 TD, 6 INT, 71.9 rating -In 2018: 4 TD, 4 INT, 74.9 rating
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RT @E_Reid35: (2/2) to get Colin’s job back as well. Jay-Z knowingly made a money move with the very people who’ve committed an injustice against Colin and is using social justice to smooth it over with the black community.
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RT @E_Reid35: (1/2) We never advocated for Colin to lose his job while we fought against systemic oppression. That’s unjust, and where the NFL inserted itself into this. Now the NFL is “championing” social justice to cover their own systemic oppression in blackballing Colin. So we will fight https://t.co/J3JISFA3SL
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We have 445 days to @FlipTheSenate! Our first 7 candidates are: @cristinafortx for Texas @Romanoff2020 for Colorado @CollinsWilmot for Montana @MaggieForSenate for New Mexico @harrisonjaime for South Carolina @James_Mackler for Tennessee @tedterry1 for Georgia Let's GO!
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RT @RayricusM: Flipping the Senate is Possible.. and I’ll be giving it my all to especially flip TENNESSEE https://t.co/fSNas0irni
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RT @spencerschutte: excited about @FlipTheSenate! https://t.co/tt3qkMeifJ
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RT @Romanoff2020: The “Partnership for America’s Health Care Future” looks more like a cartel to preserve the past. Let’s be clear: If we don’t run & win on #MedicareForAll, it will never happen. #BigPharma & Big Insurance aren’t going to relinquish power without a fight. https://t.co/vesYPCM9ff
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RT @FlipTheSenate: #FlipTheSenate - LET’S GO!! We are proud to support and stand behind leaders that will create change for our country! SUPPORT THESE CANDIDATES TODAY!!! https://t.co/dQWkxDNfYR https://t.co/FEydPZ1QfK
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RT @shaunking: Follow @FlipTheSenate
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RT @ddale8: ! Trump repeats one of my favorite lies of his, saying that, years before his campaign, "They named me Man of the Year in Michigan. I said, 'How come?' I didn't even understand it myself." There is no Man of the Year in Michigan. Lots of us have looked into it.
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Follow @FlipTheSenate
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RT @sarahkendzior: How members of Congress react to the banning of Omar and Tlaib is a test of integrity. Stand by fellow American elected representatives, or bow uncritically to a foreign country displaying targeted hostility. https://t.co/KHDtR0MtFo
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RT @latimes: Hundreds of native Hawaiians are mobilizing against the construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope, drawing support from figures like Duane “The Rock” Johnson, Jason Momoa, Elizabeth Warren, and Tulsi Gabbard. https://t.co/qz3T0YHMlt
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RT @cristinafortx: Don’t reflect. Act. Courage isn’t sitting silently on the sidelines while Trump put a target on the backs of Latinos and immigrants. You can’t be a leader if you don’t have the guts to stand up to your own party and the white supremacist in the White House. https://t.co/mhZyo15wCF
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RT @JColeNC: Thank you @Kaepernick7 we ain’t forgot. @nfl let the man work. https://t.co/l9Ce9DQ1xD
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RT @Kaepernick7: Today marks the three year anniversary of the first time I protested systemic oppression. I continue to work and stand with the people in our fight for liberation, despite those who are trying to erase the movement! The movement has always lived with the people! ✊🏾 🎥: @REL https://t.co/TAqumRfjbi
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RT @LeftSentThis: National Bourgeoisie: https://t.co/n4ehPnwWdN
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RT @ava: #ImStillWithKap https://t.co/u3TbYWMH8K
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RT @LeftSentThis: Jay-Z coming in, partnering with “The Owners” and saying, “we’ve moved past kneeling,” is a slap in the face of brothas @KSTiLLS and @E_Reid35 . https://t.co/KcuqP6XGmJ
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RT @nytimes: If the NFL commissioner thought that teaming up with Jay-Z would end a perception that Colin Kaepernick had been blackballed by the league, he was mistaken https://t.co/ZXUwghnHWJ
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RT @nessnitty: THIS is a lie. COLIN never spoke to Jay-Z and NFL ahead of that deal being done. They NEVER included him in any discussion 👉🏽 https://t.co/TWmoXS4JVJ https://t.co/2bjSIEtnjQ
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RT @LeftSentThis: Jay-Z NEVER took a knee. The fact that he has the caudacity to to say that, “I think that we’ve moved past kneeling,” is ridiculous. He sacrificed NOTHING. In truth, he is actually capitalizing off of Kaepernick’s loss. https://t.co/qruVgZx5Xo
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RT @E_Reid35: These aren’t mutually exclusive. They can both happen at the same time! It looks like your goal was to make millions and millions of dollars by assisting the NFL in burying Colin’s career. https://t.co/LFBZpbj2tw
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RT @thisisrobsmith: So, this guy is at the very least in the range of TWO different constitutional boundaries PLUS he’s schizophrenic. He’s one of the most impaired people on the planet, and Kim Ogg’s office said in a filing: he’s “a man deserving of the ultimate punishment." https://t.co/4sGxsC42nO
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RT @thisisrobsmith: If the crime happened just a bit earlier so he was under 18, his execution would be unconstitutional. If found intellectually disabled, which is a contested issue and something his 70 IQ strongly points towards, his execution would be unconstitutional.
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RT @thisisrobsmith: If you want to know exactly who @kimoggforda is, know this: she’s desperately fighting to execute a schizophrenic man with a 70 IQ score who was days past his 18th birthday when the crime happened. https://t.co/VZGT5JsoGg
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RT @kai_newkirk: I appreciate the good Jay Z has sought to do w/ his platform, but it looks today like $ is still what comes 1st for him. Doing this deal w/out Kaep's involvement while he's still shut out of the league in retaliation for protesting racial injustice is just wrong. #ImStillWithKaep https://t.co/JExHt05GSB
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RT @RAICESTEXAS: 🗓️Mark your calendars for Sept 7th! As Border Network for Human Rights (@BNHR) hosts #ElPasoFirme Action Against White Supremacy with artists like @Residente, @lasantacecilia, @Icryduringsex, @RebecaLane6 + TBA! Event is FREE & open to the public. RSVP👉🏾https://t.co/GTUu6F1Fbt https://t.co/uMoQ1lGmoQ
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RT @rachelcbrody: “He argued that anything that scaled back mass incarceration would inevitably lead to more crime. It cannot be stressed enough that a wealth of data disproves that." @JohnFPfaff on Bill Barr’s atrocious FOP speech https://t.co/OW9VmVlZRh
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RT @matthewferner: A huge victory in LA represents a shift in thinking about public safety https://t.co/e0RTfTwvmL
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RT @kira_lerner: In the wake of the Dayton shooting, one of Ohio @GovMikeDeWine’s proposals would mean that fewer mentally ill people are detained before trial. My latest: https://t.co/zVM2B6BQWd
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RT @DrRJKavanagh: That shooting took place the same weekend as the mass shooting in Brownsville, Brooklyn, where 11 people were injured and one killed (which also received little media attention) and the Gilroy mass shooting (which received saturation coverage). https://t.co/LVHHDg7pEK
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RT @DrRJKavanagh: I am glad the shooting that has injured six police officers in Philadelphia is drawing national attention. I wish the mass shooting that injured six people, killing one, in a Black neighborhood in the same city two weeks ago had provoked a similar reaction.https://t.co/d4kUvtTVhG
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RT @matthewferner: Every year Ohio detains hundreds of people with mental illness, many of whom are homeless, for low level offenses like public urination or theft -- but Gov. Mike DeWine is trying to change that https://t.co/KVqFSUA0Co via @kira_lerner
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RT @NACDL: A new internal audit shows that officers disproportionately strike, grapple with, and draw guns on Black people but then fail to disclose the incidents in their reports. @DarwinBondGraha @theappeal https://t.co/2bBEJgqVHl
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DA LaWall is continuing the failed “war on drugs” in Pima County by charging children with felonies for marijuana possession. Join @RealJusticePAC at noon on Friday to hand out flyers demanding that she keep families together and communities safe: https://t.co/CsIUSgWwk7 https://t.co/2581Zz1XM9
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RT @jake_sussman: “We’ve spent the last 30 years in the shadow of Willie Horton in Massachusetts, and with reporting like this, I worry it will be how we spend the next 30 years, too.” https://t.co/TrEvGbRopu
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RT @jake_sussman: "Our focus on mass incarceration is critically important. But in many ways our reliance on mass policing demands even more action." @JohnFPfaff @theappeal https://t.co/z17GFfqj8z
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RT @jake_sussman: “The Trump administration has actually cut government resources to fight white supremacy and domestic terrorism.” @Taniel @chrisgeidner annotate & call B.S on AG Barr’s Ode to Mass Incarceration speech @theappeal https://t.co/hJnPOei2Qs
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RT @SarahFairVT: Once a month court is closed for an afternoon. Between this month and next, everyone in my office will spend those afternoons in the St Albans facility. Most prosecutors have never stepped foot in the buildings that they sentence people to spend years in. That needs to change.
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RT @davidminpdx: Burlington, Vermont DA announces that everyone in her office will visit a probation/parole office as part of a larger commitment to visiting the places to which they send those they convict. I find it utterly unconscionable that every DA in America doesn't already do this. https://t.co/8TbbwcBhXs
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RT @chesaboudin: In a racist society, it is not enough to be non-racist, we must be antiracist.” — Angela Davis. This is a clip of me talking about racism in the criminal justice system at a recent SF DA debate. #TeamBoudin #Boudin4DA https://t.co/SbUOqGo4Ez
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RT @maxwelltani: Justice Democrats put out a statement about the NYT demoting Jonathan Weisman https://t.co/aj4gLEmSxS
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RT @MeaganGood: GUYS THIS IS SO IMPORTANT!!! Check this out .. what we do OR “don’t” do now~ will affect us for generations to come. https://t.co/mgahXzNZP6
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RT @THEMOCOLLINS: Get active! @FlipTheSenate 💪🏻 https://t.co/RtF9rTZTol
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RT @FlipTheSenate: Thank you to the 5,000 new followers here @FlipTheSenate! Together we’re going to organize deeply all over the country and do what the “experts” say is impossible. We know it can be done!
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RT @matthewferner: Epstein’s death reveals ‘culture of indifference’ in jails. The only thing unusual about Epstein’s death is the attention it is receiving. The circumstances are painfully familiar to incarcerated people and their families https://t.co/q5M45U98Rb must-read from @elizabethweill
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RT @Prison_Health: Oakland Police Have Been Systematically Under-Reporting Use Of Force. A new internal audit shows that officers disproportionately strike, grapple with, and draw guns on Black people but then fail to disclose the incidents in their reports. https://t.co/g2bLEPGcZN MT @theappeal https://t.co/ntkYx9sZDW
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RT @RAPPcampaign: "Stories about people released from prison or jail who go on to commit heinous crimes play into false perceptions of the legal system, and can make early release reforms for older prisoners that much more difficult to achieve.” @theappeal https://t.co/n3eXCKNiDx
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RT @DecrimNowDC: Not A Cardboard Cutout: Cyntoia Brown and the Framing of a Victim - The Appeal https://t.co/8VhmWdQjWc
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RT @theappeal: When Antar Davidson was ordered to tell young siblings in a DHS shelter they could not sleep hugging each other, he resigned. He’s one of a number of people employed by the administration who have sacrificed their livelihood to protest immigration policy. https://t.co/vDfqakXx21
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RT @ErikaAndiola: So good! #YaBasta https://t.co/dDlu1bqdcS
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RT @AnnieGrayerCNN: At an event in Berlin, NH, @BernieSanders was asked why he doesn’t call out other Democratic candidates for adopting policy positions he ran on in 2016. “why don't I call out people who have adopted my ideas? I'm not going to call them out. I'm proud of them.”
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RT @SarahSmith4WA: Flipping the senate is CRITICAL at this junction. It’s not too big. It’s not too much. We can do it, we can change it, we can flip it. Thank you @shaunking for pushing this movement into thinking bigger with @FlipTheSenate! https://t.co/IjBuewdlXg
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@bobblanddesign @DrIbram @rtimoner @CommunityBkstr @RealJusticePAC @vfarris27 Hope you are well!! Thanks for being there
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RT @chrisgeidner: If you want a look at, more or less, the opposite vision for criminal justice than the one laid out by AG Barr on Monday, check out @Justice_Collab’s blueprint for change. https://t.co/TNuQlap9dd https://t.co/8c2lsTQKGx
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RT @chrisgeidner: After Barr’s speech yesterday, @Taniel and I went through the whole thing. It was all just as shortsighted and inaccurate and not at all reflective of the actual criminal legal system Barr oversees. https://t.co/xMrqQ3IM4K https://t.co/2ZsUYczhOp
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RT @emiliovcnt: on the ground in Mississippi helping with response to aftermath of raids. just learned that over 100 people were just fired at PH Foods thats located in Morton, one of cities targeted by the worksite raids last wk. People r meeting right now to fight back #MississippiResiste https://t.co/mvPpapn3Nq
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RT @bobblanddesign: Packed house tonight for @DrIbram’s new book, "How to Be An Anti-Racist" w/ @shaunking at Congregation Beth Elohim in Brooklyn. Thanks to @rtimoner + @CommunityBkstr for hosting and Dr. Kendi for the talk- there’s no more important work necessary in 2019. #HowToBeAnAntiRacist https://t.co/WJLi9Obn4y
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RT @FlipTheSenate: Welcome to our first 3,000 new followers! We must organize like our lives depend on it.
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RT @DARollins: Better to be a "social justice" prosecutor than a social injustice one. And if being a "social justice" prosecutor means being committed to the fair administration of justice -- for all, not just those who have power, influence, and money -- then I am proud of the title. https://t.co/7WbssahHFu
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RT @DA_LarryKrasner: I'd be happy to discuss the criminal justice system with Attorney General Barr or @realDonaldTrump directly. Come to Philly, let's do this @ConstitutionCtr. Named for a document you might have heard about in law school. https://t.co/0OVyQR3PmA
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RT @ninaturner: North Charleston, SC, here we come: @shaunking @iPhilSomething and South Carolina’s very own @JustinBamberg #Bernie2020 #WithTheseHands🙌🏿🙌🏼🙌🏾🙌 https://t.co/BoLeSwIxSW
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RT @brianschatz: It is a cartoonish level of corruption that the Trump administration puts coal and oil lobbyists in charge of natural resources. This is about crooked people getting rich by destroying the planet’s ability to sustain life as we cherish it.
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RT @voguemagazine: She hasn’t ruled out a presidential run, but @staceyabrams is already on the front lines of a historic political fight. https://t.co/wdnGVpXi0k
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RT @AdamSerwer: This is great work that shows how Fox News’ primetime lineup is hand-feeding white nationalist ideology to white boomers every night for the past few years https://t.co/d2pjdmxFwf
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Follow @FlipTheSenate.
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RT @axios: A 24-year old has admitted to buying body armor, a high-capacity magazine and an accessory for the gun used by the Dayton shooter, who killed 9 people earlier this month. https://t.co/3uHreQ7wTG
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RT @Scout_Finch: "He said he kept the gear at his own house to help hide it from Betts' parents." He also lied about his own conviction on the form when he bought his own gun. https://t.co/RtAhbIYvX2
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@reidepstein @melbournecoal This is literally not true.
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RT @BreatheNewWinds: See the photog directly behind SBS? That’s me. Wanna see some of the 1,144 photos I took of @BernieSanders as he weaved through the swaths of fans at the #IowaStateFair? Because every one of those shots paints a different picture than the one you’re passing as “truth.” https://t.co/c7S4zc07jQ
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RT @Romanoff2020: I’m running to represent CO in the US Senate. Together we can enact #MedicareForAll, a #GreenNewDeal, comprehensive immigration reform, and an economy that works for all of us. Join our grassroots campaign at https://t.co/bNWm2RYTUl.
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RT @RhutaBhayga2: Here's another approach worth discussing. https://t.co/xt3rypjxh2
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RT @cristinafortx: In the coming months, we will build a historic, grassroots campaign to remake Texas into a place where all of us live with dignity. Please chip in to help us build this campaign from the ground up: https://t.co/Q11t32nq7d https://t.co/lzHwbb8Jdb
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RT @Nick_Tripoli: This is a game changer for me, y’all! Our Senate race here in Texas just got even more interesting & competitive! @cristinafortx is running for US Senate! I am so excited!!! #CancelCornyn #CristinaForTX https://t.co/m5krblxJlI
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RT @MustafaTameez: Elections are won by smart, strong, and exciting leaders. @CristinaforTX reflects the energy, ideas, and star power that will move and mobilize Texans — much like @BetoORourke did in 2018. https://t.co/glINPEVmYP
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RT @AdamSerwer: Honestly this story from @kenklippenstein should be getting more attention. The FBI designated white supremacists a "medium threat" while identifying "black identity extremists" a top counterterrorism priority. https://t.co/nSU6D9OCb7
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RT @theappeal: Jeffrey Epstein’s apparent suicide has drawn headlines since it happened. But advocates say the only unusual aspect of his death is how much attention it’s receiving. https://t.co/WG8CcaE9Q1
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RT @chloecockburn: Let the lesson of Cincinnati sink in. Cutting incarceration and arrests can Reduce crime. How? Fewer people cycling through dangerous and debilitating #jail and #prison stays. Fewer kids growing up with missing parents. Less $$ on cops and cages and more on housing and treatment. https://t.co/sbySULqwqB
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RT @BronxDefenders: The U.S. spends over $100 BILLION each year on policing and a vast bulk of it goes to the local level. In cities, the single largest allocation of resources goes to the police. This takes resources away from investing in communities that need it the most. https://t.co/6wNuZhRp8s
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RT @GalvinAlmanza: I'm sure none of you saw this coming and are all as flabbergasted as me. Oakland Police Have Been Systematically Under-Reporting Use Of Force https://t.co/p91xPngcVt
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RT @cenkuygur: Yes, because the unarmed black man he shot in the back (read the autopsy report) as he was running away from him was so close to "harming" him. If you train cops to act like cowards that's exactly what they'll do. Idea that Wilson's life was in danger is ridiculous horseshit. https://t.co/hkTAT9PScA
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@LaraLeaTrump @Trump @IvankaTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr @TrumpNewYork @GOPChairwoman @GOP @VA_GOP @LindseyGrahamSC On the two year anniversary of the public bigotry of Charlottesville, we are STILL offering a $100,000 reward for this man. He is wanted for the brutal assault & hate crime against DeAndre Harris. We must find him ourselves since the Trump administration truly doesn't care. https://t.co/dEzLh8pQm7
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In case this man or his family see this, please know that I will NEVER stop searching for you. EVER. Daily I have team that combs photos and records and mugshots. We will find you. It might be this year, or next year, or 10 years from now, but we will find you. https://t.co/ZA6qxfDzYR
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On the two year anniversary of the public bigotry of Charlottesville, we are STILL offering a $100,000 reward for this man. He is wanted for the brutal assault & hate crime against DeAndre Harris. We must find him ourselves since the Trump administration truly doesn't care. https://t.co/vbsRpJoI6i
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In case this man or his family or friends see this, I will never stop searching for you. Ever. https://t.co/k1tYnVr983
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On the two year anniversary of the public bigotry of Charlottesville, we are STILL offering a $100,000 reward for this man. He is wanted for the brutal assault & hate crime against DeAndrew Harris. We must find him ourselves since the Trump administration truly doesn't care. https://t.co/SCqiZVExxj
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RT @RealJusticePAC: Daniel Pantaleo will never face jail time for murdering Eric Garner. The most serious form of accountability that’s still available is for Pantaleo to be fired from the NYPD but even that is too much for New York’s powerful police unions. https://t.co/CXS13j50ku
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RT @RealJusticePAC: Last year in Chicago: The number of people sent to prison or jail: ⬇️20% Violent crime: ⬇️8% The media could try to link @SAKimFoxx’s decarceration agenda with crime rates but the numbers speak for themselves. https://t.co/89PExMKQMg
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RT @theappeal: An audit shows that Oakland police have been under-reporting their use of force & massive disparity in the use of force against Black people. For instance, Black people accounted for 89% of unreported incidents of people who had guns drawn on them. https://t.co/gYaSweiWv0
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RT @IAStartingLine: .@BernieSanders takes the Soapbox stage to maybe the largest audience yet this State Fair https://t.co/qYrtZuKZ5w
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RT @RealJusticePAC: Paul Cleveland was only in East Baton Rouge jail because he couldn’t afford $300,000 in bail. He wasn’t alone. 88% of those who died in this jail were not convicted of a crime. East Baton Rouge needs a DA who will end cash bail and mass incarceration. https://t.co/B07eOjtBtk
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RT @RealJusticePAC: We've had enough of Mike Satz’s institutional failures of justice. Broward's next State’s Attorney must support: ✅Creation of a Conviction Integrity Unit and Sentence Review Unit ✅End the death penalty ✅End Cash Bail ✅Stop charging children as adults https://t.co/rUooAcmgru
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RT @IntegrityforUSA: Today marks the two-year anniversary of the violence in #Charlottesville, VA. As our suit details, the violence was not spontaneous but, rather, the result of months of online organizing. We’ll recount in real time the key moments of that August 2017 weekend. #SueANazi
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RT @DA_LarryKrasner: Prosecuting integrous cases built on reliable witnesses and strong evidence is critical to a fairer and more equitable justice system. That's why I'm proud to stand with a growing number of chief prosecutors who aren't relying on untrustworthy police: https://t.co/Je9wm6G2vo
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RT @DA_LarryKrasner: “Relying on the word of an officer who cannot be trusted harms both the victim and the accused, destabilizing families, and compromising the integrity of our criminal justice system." https://t.co/Je9wm6G2vo
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RT @DA_LarryKrasner: “As of Oct. 17, 2017, 160 people have been exonerated from the nation’s death rows, and numerous executions have taken place despite strong evidence of innocence." https://t.co/ESZFWSaHfO
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RT @DA_LarryKrasner: The death penalty "really is not about the worst offenders. It really is about poverty. It really is about race.” https://t.co/ESZFWSaHfO
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RT @helenprejean: Two Candidates Run on Reform and Prevail in Mississippi’s DA Elections: https://t.co/tcca33Bq4P
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RT @helenprejean: With a new law, Oregon joins a wave of states restricting or halting the death penalty. Senate Bill 1013 is not retroactive, but @OregonGovBrown has the power to commute death sentences and she should use it. https://t.co/HVDLAu2PI1
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RT @DrRJKavanagh: Maybe when you are asked questions about the city's jail system, you should understand how it works. Maybe you should get that most people are held on Rikers on $500 or $1000 bail for low level offenses for a month or 2 months, just like her. https://t.co/U3AbpKEslK
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RT @DrRJKavanagh: OR maybe you could launch a full investigation into how Layleen Polanco died on Rikers Island 2 months ago? Why she was in solitary confinement despite having a seizure disorder, why she was in jail at all on $500 bail. You know things that are within YOUR JURISDICTION. https://t.co/G7dK5t7gLV
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RT @keribla: I’m at a forum this morning and @kimoggforda is talking abt bond amounts, diversion, and the Maleah Davis case – which ended up in the news again this week when the judge set $45k bail after the DA’s office asked for $100k bond. Background: https://t.co/8eKhUfKH44
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RT @yamphoto: Today @OsopePatrisse, @ReformLAJails & supporters rally as they urge L.A. County Board of Supervisors to cancel a multibillion dollar contract for a centralized jail/mental health facility and rebid the project. More to come from my colleague @stiles. https://t.co/k42ioE4kP1
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RT @nytopinion: To fight mass incarceration, prosecutors need to give extreme sentences a second look, @jformanjr and @SarahLustbader write https://t.co/oMG2VUOHWW
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RT @theappeal: ICE arrested 680 people in the largest single-state raids in history in Mississippi, 3 days ago. 400 remain in detention and those released must wear ankle bracelets. What will be their fate, asks @vgullap? https://t.co/JjeXzLAM3M
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RT @NACDL: Horrific Cases Test Our Commitment To Mercy And Understanding @SarahLustbader @theappeal https://t.co/aykNVa5mAq
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RT @RealJusticePAC: In Travis County, Black people make up only 9% of the general population but are 25% of the jail population. @JosePGarza has a proven track record of building power in disadvantaged communities and we trust him to transform this broken system and reimagine justice in Austin. https://t.co/SoOxBz1XPb
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RT @Elmessidi: Muslim-Americans are raising $100 every 7 minutes to reunite separated migrant families! Paying bail for those who can't afford it. @marclamonthill @shaunking @ananavarro @KhaledBeydoun @AOC @RashidaTlaib @IlhanMN https://t.co/xfkuZlGnXu
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RT @briebriejoy: lol https://t.co/mpzcIMFqyR
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RT @CSGV: How did Philando Castile’s test go? https://t.co/gB6GDYsKxh
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RT @ScottHech: Important context however: Mental health treatment in jails/prisons is abysmal. Committing suicide in jails is far from uncommon. “Suicide, long the leading cause of death in U.S. jails, hit a high of 50 deaths for every 100k in 2014.” Even when on watch. https://t.co/glt6HhH7fy
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RT @shaunking: ANNOUNCEMENT: We are building a 50 state campaign to flip the Senate from conservatives. It's a NATIONAL EMERGENCY. We are formally launching on next Monday, August 12th and will begin announcing our first candidates, our staff, advisors, and more. https://t.co/k6V1sq8EVX
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RT @Jackie_Hinton: Shaun King is launching an initiative with action items to flip the senate which launches on Monday the 12th. If you're feeling hopeless about what is happing to our country, this is a great way to get involved and take meaningful actions. Info... https://t.co/UvwgoRq9kG
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RT @yoyolovemy3kids: Lets Do This! https://t.co/f3AtPOHyM9
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RT @Wm_Gattis: It's Time to Go!!! https://t.co/UecUhcH26G
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RT @davidhogg111: @JoeBiden it’s my fifth time asking this maybe I need to switch up the format Will ❗️ you 😅 be 🚨 at 🧡 our 🔵 presidential 🤷♂️🤷♀️ forum? ❗️
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RT @ProudResister: BIDEN: “Those kids in Parkland came up to see me when I was Vice President.” FACT CHECK: The Parkland shooting happened more than a year *after* Biden was VP. REALITY CHECK: It’s time for Democrats to stop coddling and making excuses for Joe Biden. https://t.co/iZJLzO9jm0
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RT @Gacheeta94: Brand new poll from SurveyUSA: Bernie 50% (+8) Trump 42% This is the FIFTEENTH straight poll that shows Bernie defeating Trump. #BernieBeatsTrump https://t.co/byF1WkjvCS
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RT @mviser: Party activists are increasingly anxious that Joe Biden, the consistent polling leader, has not disposed of persistent questions about whether he is well-equipped to take on Trump. My latest, on the state of play in a very fluid race in Iowa: https://t.co/raOACdhkxe
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RT @fshakir: Yet another poll finds Bernie Sanders would trounce Donald Trump in a head-to-head matchup https://t.co/xPhRO7WWQt
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RT @BernieSanders: Donald Trump believes climate change is a hoax. Donald Trump is an idiot.
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RT @ciphersankofa: I am not a conspiracy theorist.....but this is probably one of this most convenient deaths in the history of elite impunity. https://t.co/p8iOi5PY5p
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RT @peterdaou: One family controls $124.5 BILLION and the Republican Party. https://t.co/oN3Ni4ewbX
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@dan_geldon @ewarren Absolutely Dan.
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RT @BNeidhardt: After a white supremacist shot and killed 22 people in El Paso, @BernieSanders asked to change our schedule and convene members of Des Moines' Latinx community. Its resulted in a moving, tear-filled discussion of how we will overcome hate in America. #UnidosConBernie https://t.co/ZdLqqFYAQ8
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RT @Becauseofthem: This 6-year-old boy singing “Brown Skin Girl” to his baby sister is the best thing on the Internet! 😩❤️ credit+consent: IG _parkerrose_ #becauseofthemwecan https://t.co/nxRILE3NE9
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RT @ciphersankofa: Most compelling strategy to combat gentrification I’ve ever seen. https://t.co/8ylpcJ8Rjg
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RT @J_No24: 1. DONATE: To immigrant bond funds like @RAICESTEXAS https://t.co/SjoSf12gd3 or like https://t.co/0s1Xj93mvu and get those 700 people home 2. CALL: Sheriffs, congressman, senators, all can get it. 3. VOTE: If they don’t do better, vote them out. Give people power who care.
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RT @J_No24: It’s 2019 and we're moving backwards. Imagine being 5 years old wondering if you will ever see your parents again. Is this the America we’ve come to now? Let’s give them the response the victims of El Paso and Mississippi deserve. Here's what you can do and what Imma do:
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RT @J_No24: C’mon man kids in cages wasn't enough? Our government just round up 700 people victimized by ICE’s raids. The interrogation of innocent people and fear mongering must stop.
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RT @WaywardWinifred: My brother in these struggles, Council member @khalidCares from South Fulton, Georgia is endorsing Bernie. Read the whole thing and get inspired. https://t.co/zdZlmTcUHQ
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RT @RealJusticePAC: .@ChesaBoudin has a strong track record of protecting immigrant communities. As DA, he will create an immigration unit that will: ✅ Help immigrant victims get visas ✅ Ensure that we don’t prosecute immigrants more harshly than citizens ✅ Prosecute ICE agents who break laws https://t.co/CAaeys9hYq
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RT @copcrisis: NYPD ransacks man’s home and confiscates $4800 on charges that are eventually dropped a year later. When he tries to retrieve his money, he is told it is too late; it has been deposited into the NYPD pension fund. https://t.co/Fd5uik9URo
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@MazMHussain Makes no sense man
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The day after documents are released implicating so many powerful people....this happens? I am hurt for all of the brave women who came forward. They came forward wanting some semblance of justice. This isn't that. https://t.co/v2bdxJrZtX
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It is utterly shameful that the feds let this happen on their watch. He was in federal custody. 2 things. 1. For the rest of our lives people will always believe he was told to do this or killed. 2. He was needed to bring justice to so many people. https://t.co/HwavFQMYg4
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@ryanjreilly I can hardly believe they let this happen.
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RT @ryanjreilly: Inmate suicides are almost always preventable, and Epstein attempted last month. Huge failure by the feds here. https://t.co/Ns0zqUauh5
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How in the hell did New York let this happen to Jeffrey Epstein? I thought he was on suicide watch or in protective custody to prevent this from happening? He was at the center of a sex trafficking ring and was needed to bring justice to so many people.
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RT @kat_b_fisher: “First there are the smiles, so chipper in the aftermath of mass murder. “ https://t.co/lHDFi8dQRN
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RT @TheAtlantic: "The photograph was released by Melania and could have been taken in the spirit of mourning that the occasion deserved, or it could have been taken not at all," @gcaw writes. https://t.co/Nf343VD29V
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RT @neal_katyal: This @TheAtlantic piece is the best thing I’ve read about The Photo https://t.co/JVXQIPjUKM
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RT @scottjshapiro: Wow. By @gcaw https://t.co/xDB33dulEz
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RT @robmtaub: This infant’s parents were both murdered by a madman using a military weapon. There is nothing to smile about. https://t.co/ocFRlgvcpA
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RT @gcaw: I'm not sure I could produce a photo this twisted if I tried https://t.co/upoj8E9vCg
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RT @_waleedshahid: @RepRichardNeal @AlexBMorse @justicedems You can support @AlexBMorse here: https://t.co/g6oRf9RNAC
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RT @Newsweek: FBI ranks "black identity extremists" bigger threat than Al Qaeda, white supremacists: Leaked documents https://t.co/SeNScf4evg
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RT @DrRJKavanagh: On the fifth anniversary of Mike Brown's death, Jeff Roorda, the head of the St. Louis Police Officers' Association, posted this photo of his killer, Darren Wilson, with the caption "Happy Alive Day, Darren!" on Twitter. https://t.co/88N2KjrBUE
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RT @ESOP_STL: Just when we think we haven’t experienced it all, they do this. How do you bring a community together with cowards like this and with an organization like this? It’s exhausting, and we understand why our community is livid! So are we!
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RT @ESOP_STL: The hell with you, Jeff Roorda, SLPOA, and Darren Wilson! You are racist scum for doing this today, pure evil! This is why we are hated! How about ”Happy Alive Day” for the black officers, PO Green, and PO Hall that your SLPOA officers beat and shot, Jeff?! https://t.co/YSdp01yaLe
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RT @theappeal: A recent @nytimes article about Albert Flick, a 77-year-old man convicted of the murder of his second wife, after serving 20 years in prison for the murder of his first, exemplified a "Willie Horton-type" false narrative of a revolving door legal system. https://t.co/Us8Bt8Z4Dy
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