
عرض المشاركات من يونيو, 2019

RT @samirasawlani: Just received - Video from Sudan of today’s millions march. Mass protests across the Country demanding civilian rule https://t.co/8VzLjqnuZM

Mass demonstration against military rule in Sudan takes place https://t.co/Jzw9ixISpO

RT @TaraLSamples: As a progressive and an elected official in Akron, Ohio, I proudly support and endorse @BernieSanders for President of the United States. #Election2020 #progress #MedicareForAll https://t.co/JMqW5FSaIR

RT @BernieSanders: Donald Trump Jr. is a racist too. Shocker. https://t.co/cy0N6fUseX

RT @ewarren: The attacks against @KamalaHarris are racist and ugly. We all have an obligation to speak out and say so. And it’s within the power and obligation of tech companies to stop these vile lies dead in their tracks.

RT @ryanobles: Packed house for the opening of the @BernieSanders office in Nashua. https://t.co/DGtedA0XEG

RT @FOXSoccer: Haiti, you're going to your first-ever Gold Cup semifinal! THIS IS WHAT IT MEANS. 🇭🇹🇭🇹🇭🇹 https://t.co/5RaqqCa3GN

RT @nyclawgrrrl: “Pushing young people into the adult [crmiinal justice] system simply reinforces the likelihood they will engage with future criminal behavior, it costs more, and doesn’t help public safety." - @krinskymak https://t.co/cmxeKeG7QM

RT @MrMikeBlake: Building a grassroots team for Congress (NY-15). Please #BelieveInTheBx & donate by Sun night https://t.co/sKYzVrBfZA https://t.co/BQ3mA4spdr cc @shaunking @MichaelSkolnik @valeisha @HaileRiveraNYC @harrisonjaime @TamikaDMallory @Mysonne @NathalieMolina @StefBrownJames @QJames

RT @tripgabriel: Cartoonist for a chain of papers in New Brunswick, Canada, reportedly let go for a cartoon that never ran. More: https://t.co/fOlLDawxA4 https://t.co/42VQyFFNHc

RT @Jason_Chatfield: Cartoonist Michael DeAdder was just fired from the newspaper for this cartoon. https://t.co/PhpkH5FbcO

RT @eramshaw: They don’t shower or brush their teeth for days on end. They watch their sick kids cough and cry through the night. And some of them brave toilets so foul, one migrant said, that kids can’t help but throw up inside of them. https://t.co/IMbrPsoka5

RT @corriemac: "They don’t shower or brush their teeth for days on end," says this @byjayroot & @RianeRoldan story in @TexasTribune on conditions at border facilities: https://t.co/t32VBJqMzl

RT @TexasTribune: 8/ But Kevin, a 21-year-old migrant, told us: “If you’re able to sleep two hours, you’re lucky.” https://t.co/tOyyRImHVJ

RT @TexasTribune: 4/ Gary said the stench inside overflowing toilets was so bad it made him gag and caused children to vomit. “The bathrooms are full, they aren’t cleaning them regularly.” https://t.co/tOyyRImHVJ

RT @TexasTribune: 3/ Gary, a 33-year-old migrant from Siguatepeque, Honduras said: “They don’t have the humanitarian conditions for people to be there. There were more than 200 of us in a single cage — seated on the floor, standing, however we could fit.” https://t.co/tOyyRImHVJ

RT @TexasTribune: 2/ We interviewed more than a dozen migrants after their release from U.S. Customs and Border Protection facilities. The conditions they described ranged from livable to horrible. https://t.co/tOyyRImHVJ

RT @TexasTribune: 1/ We spoke to migrants about conditions at border patrol facilities They don’t shower or brush their teeth for days. They watch their sick kids cough & cry through the night. And some of them use toilets so foul that kids can’t help but throw up. https://t.co/tOyyRImHVJ

RT @NACDL: The Appeal Podcast: With Appeal contributors Amir H. Ali and Emily Clark of the MacArthur Justice Center @adamjohnsonNYC @theappealpod https://t.co/FXTF0jmGgk

RT @NACDL: Qualified Immunity: Explained @theamirali @theappeal https://t.co/Z55erzmEtL

RT @chesaboudin: @shaunking talking about law enforcement accountability and why DA’s are so important. https://t.co/yI309abCiS

RT @chesaboudin: . @shaunking spoke to the San Francisco crowd on Thursday about law enforcement accountability and why district attorneys are so important. Video by @Tashflorentino https://t.co/z0PXdhOag9

RT @sbeck2828: “My soul is uncomfortable with where we are” !!!!!!!!! #mustread https://t.co/yZTE1fqRCp

RT @AndrewGillum: I’m not calling DeSantis a racist, but his poll tax sure is... We will fight this every step of the way. https://t.co/V1OTV2aJza

RT @dsam4a: How *not* to campaign on Medicare for All. #DemDebate https://t.co/FaQlh9mR38

RT @theappeal: Joe Biden's inability to apologize for authoring the 1994 Crime Bill is a political liability. But, more important, authoring the bill was not a "mistake" - it was deliberate political strategy designed to defeat the GOP. https://t.co/cLW40fRpSg https://t.co/FuI6gjrYcA

RT @theappeal: Kamala Harris was a tough-on-crime prosecutor in a Black Lives Matter era. “When progressives urged her to embrace criminal justice reforms as a district attorney & then the state’s attorney general, Ms. Harris opposed them or stayed silent.” https://t.co/IBVUDqWn9i https://t.co/EObBtJ3Uko

RT @theappeal: “There comes a point where you really have to ask yourself if we have achieved a societal end in keeping these people in prison for so long" - Cory Booker, 2016. Is this a real commitment to giving people "second chances" or rhetoric, asks @vgullap? https://t.co/RQZptzyweh https://t.co/BPigb4V1qa

RT @theappeal: Julián Castro has the most comprehensive immigration policy plan of all the Democratic presidential candidates. In it, he challenges the distinction between ‘deserving’ and ‘undeserving’ immigrants - a little, writes @SarahLustbader. https://t.co/72MbvDD3U8 https://t.co/zAKgXMzqkQ

RT @theappeal: Amy Klobuchar will not be a criminal justice ally until she reckons with her past career as a prosecutor when she ramped up incarceration in ways that were wrongheaded and cruel, says @SarahLustbader. https://t.co/LMGgI9YiBV https://t.co/OMGjQFqpJX

RT @SerenaMarsh: .@realDonaldTrump @potus use of $2.5b from military funds for his border wall has been blocked by a court. It was part of the president’s national emergency declaration in February. https://t.co/h8wA1CVizi

RT @EJUSA: Reality shows like ‘The First 48,’ ‘Live PD,’ and ‘Cops’ are interfering in legal cases, exploiting people of color, and threatening lives. They also distort how the public thinks about crime, in a harmful way. @theappeal https://t.co/KBXdsgrv76

RT @SomilBTrivedi: Stop me if you’ve heard this one: the Orange County grand jury largely let the DA and Sheriff off the hook for breaking the law. More stellar work from @elizabethweill + @theappeal, this time on the recording scandal. @ACLU_SoCal https://t.co/90sdtJx67e

RT @WangCecillia: The federal district court order blocking Trump’s border wall boondoggle. Hot off the presses! https://t.co/lIUG5KLiKd

RT @ACLU: BREAKING: We just won our lawsuit blocking Trump from abusing emergency powers to begin construction on a border wall Congress denied him.

RT @NACDL: "Jose Montelongo-Morales challenged the jail’s immigration detainer policy. He and some of his family members were arrested months later." @laurenk_gill @theappeal https://t.co/3S9hRlDCIG

RT @shaunking: He’s a fucking murderer. He literally ordered the torture, murder, and mutilation of a beloved Washington Post journalist less than a year ago. https://t.co/i7He0TTsPW

@chelywright We actually know a lot. CC: @KarenAttiah

Listen to me. Bernie and Elizabeth Warren have events like this regularly. Whoever is going to defeat Trump has to have the energy of the people like this. Period. Biden just doesn’t have it. https://t.co/Tsb2pGXZ9q

RT @PrisonReformMvt: Prisoners' phone calls are recorded - except when they speak to their attorneys, under attorney/client privilege. But in Orange County, not only have thousands of these calls been recorded, they may have been listened to by law enforcement & prosecutors. https://t.co/l0OmkCiKTf

WOW! https://t.co/Tsb2pGXZ9q

He’s a fucking murderer. He literally ordered the torture, murder, and mutilation of a beloved Washington Post journalist less than a year ago. https://t.co/i7He0TTsPW

RT @polly: 🚨 NEWS🚨 We got the government documents showing what detained children are being fed. Cold burritos, frozen sandwiches, and applesauce as a rare treat. “Mothers would say, ‘my child can’t drink the water or eat the food, it makes them sick.’’ https://t.co/1669JTw9bB https://t.co/xQ56D8KBK1

@AOC I’m so sorry you are dealing with this harassment. Please continue wearing your dad’s watch without hesitation. Just know that every day and moment they harass you, and ridicule your work, that your supporters see right through it. I was so proud when you went there.

RT @AOC: Pretty awful that the right would make a joke of visiting a child CBP camp - but fitting, given that they don’t seem to care one shred about other people’s lives. PS That watch belonged to my dad. It was the last & only possession he left me. I wear it to mark important moments. https://t.co/b6oXiWUaPj

RT @Kno: @MollyJongFast @KamalaHarris The Robert Mercer playbook on my friend @shaunking -- right down to the bots.

RT @Yamiche: That exchange btwn Joe Biden & Kamala Harris was raw, real, deep, & so important. Kamala Harris offered her personal experience as a kid bused around to make sure integration happen. Joe Biden was on his heels & fiercely defending not supporting federal busing & his record.

RT @Davis_Hammet: Tonight Joe Biden defended the right of local districts to keep schools racially segregated by blocking bussing. Instead of apologizing for his past actions, he got defensive and started yelling. Completely unacceptable. #DemDebate

RT @JulieDiCaro: Yeah, Biden has no answer to his history opposing bussing.

RT @AfricanaCarr: #KamalaHarris asks whether #Biden agrees he was wrong to oppose bussing. He says he opposed ordered bussing, that it should've been a local decision. She got him by the jugular; He'll have to clean this up or he's going to be on a poster. #DemocraticDebate #DemocraticDebates

RT @CharlotteAlter: Still thinking about Kamala confronting Biden as a little girl who was in one of the first classes to experience bussing. It's an elegant attack because it emphasizes her gender and also his relative age: he was in charge when she was a schoolgirl. #DemDebate

RT @nowthisnews: ‘There was a little girl in California who was part of the 2nd class to integrate her public schools & she was bused to school every day. And that little girl was me.’ @KamalaHarris called out @JoeBiden for defending segregationists & his past opposition to busing #DemDebate https://t.co/ZYAtAfP36B

RT @DavidNir: Fair to say Kamala Harris threw Joe Biden under the bussing?

RT @ddale8: Biden's remarks on busing in the 1970s were generally very unequivocal -- "I oppose busing. It's an asinine concept." "A bankrupt concept." "Busing does not work." He expressed pride for making anti-busing sentiment "respectable" among liberals.

RT @ddale8: As recently re-reported by WaPo, Biden said things like this about busing: “What it says is, ‘In order for your child with curly black hair, brown eyes, and dark skin to be able to learn anything, he needs to sit next to my blond-haired, blue-eyed son.’ That’s racist!"

RT @ddale8: Biden's claim tonight that he only opposed federally mandated busing and did not generally oppose "busing in America" was a flagrant misrepresentation of his position in the '70s and '80s. He'd made crystal clear he opposed busing as a concept, as a matter of principle.

RT @MikeDrucker: Kamala is going to have to prosecute herself for murdering Biden

RT @MikeDrucker: Bernie: Nothing will change unless we take on a corrupt system Kamala: We must stand firm and confront Trump Biden: *pulling out phone* I've got a photo here of me with Obama wait *drops phone*

RT @brianefallon: If you are the Biden folks tonight, you have two hopes: 1. The poor reviews convince your principal he needs to listen and come to next debate better prepared 2. Next round of polls dont register a huge drop, and you can try to act like Harris' knock out was a Twitter phenomenon

RT @theappeal: Kamala Harris’s campaign slogan is "For the People.” But, as a prosecutor she represented the state primarily against Black & Brown people. Relying on her history as a prosecutor raises the question of whether she can represent all the people. https://t.co/wMF7mb1hiS https://t.co/7IzQXj5oQ5

RT @theappeal: Kamala Harris was a tough-on-crime prosecutor in a Black Lives Matter era. “When progressives urged her to embrace criminal justice reforms as a district attorney & then the state’s attorney general, Ms. Harris opposed them or stayed silent.” https://t.co/IBVUDrdY0Q https://t.co/Dsag8KL1BY

A mess https://t.co/V1Q79RHmNh

RT @theappeal: In 2015, a judge ordered prison officials to provide Michelle-Lael Norsworthy with sex reassignment surgery, a move Kamala Harris tried unsuccessfully to block in court. That's come under scrutiny now she's seeking the Democratic nomination for president. https://t.co/TgvbgJYjPn

RT @lsarsour: .@BernieSanders supported banning assault weapons since 1988. I was EIGHT years old. What I always appreciate about Bernie is his consistency over decades. #DemDebate2

RT @KhaledBeydoun: Thank you Bernie for bringing up the Saudi led, US aided decimation of Yemen. It’s alarming how foreign policy has been marginalized in the debate discourse. #demdebate2

RT @ChaseMadar: Bernie had the best foreign policy answer: justly touting the passage of his Yemen war resolution, in a deeply divided Senate no less, and dead against war with Iran #DemDebate2

RT @ryanlcooper: good answer from Bernie on the UN and diplomacy. Biden's Iraq defense is ludicrous

RT @briebriejoy: Only Bernie cuts off his own applause to speak more truth. 😂🤣 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 #notmeus #DemDebate #DemDebate2

RT @ErikaAndiola: Shame on you @JoeBiden for not apologizing for the millions of deportation under your and Obama’s watch. You and Obama left a strong deportation machine for Trump to use. #DemDebate

"Yes, I'm with @BernieSanders on Medicare For All." -@ewarren #DemDebate

THANK YOU to @NYCMayor & @Ewarren for being the only two people on the stage to just stand up for Medicare For All. WOW. Everybody else on the stage just bombed. I'll never trust Beto or Booker or others again on Medicare For All. #DemDebate

Debates don't win presidencies, but @ewarren would mop the debate floor with Donald Trump.

We could really afford to cut a few of these folk from the next debate. #DemDebate

My wife said of @JayInslee has "a very earnest face." #DemDebate

I hope that @JohnDelaney is cut from the next #DemDebate. I'm not a fan.

Thank you to @NYCMayor for actually crushing this answer. I give him hell and still wish he was back home working for the city, but he is perhaps the 1st or 2nd most progressive person on this stage. He answered the questions that others on the stage dodged.

I agree w/ @JulianCastro. We need to make sure that ALL women are given equal pay for ALL work. It should be the highest priority for all leaders and must be forced.

Only @Ewarren & @BernieSanders are willing to confront the specific corruption from specific corporations in this country. She just answered Cory's question better than Cory. She's winning.

I actually think Democrats are making a big mistake by not actually answering the questions that are being asked of them. They aren't difficult questions. And I think voters are actually looking for this information. Beto flopped on this one. #DemDebate.

@Smith_JeffreyT @chesaboudin @JulianCastro I like @JulianCastro a lot

Tonight @ewarren goes first and she's KILLING this first answer. Killing it. She's perhaps the smartest, quickest thinker on that stage. #DemDebate

I have 1 favorite candidate debating tonight and 1 underdog that I like a lot. I’m firmly in Bernie’s camp, but some good people are in tonight’s #DemDebate. I’ll offer some critiques and thoughts here. Tomorrow I’m co-hosting a debate party w/ @chesaboudin in San Francisco

RT @MaraGay: A generation that feels the Democratic Party leadership has failed. https://t.co/IxHJlJrMJ2

RT @chrisgeidner: This is an embarrassing framing to come from the NYT. The *argument* made her the target of outrage. The video allowed members of the the public to see what government officials were doing in their names. https://t.co/bwkeVvf2tW

RT @shaunking: UPDATE: Melinda Katz refuses to concede in the Queens DA's race, even telling her supporters she'll call for a recount. Recounts only happen when elections are within 0.5%. @CabanForQueens is ahead by 1.27%. The Democratic Establishment will never walk away respectfully.

RT @MonicaCKlein: Field Matters: Between Saturday and Election Day, @CabanForQueens’ team knocked 120,000 doors 1400 volunteers 3500 volunteer shifts 1600 shifts on Election Day alone

WOW! https://t.co/mGsKFjKCZn

@alexandrasiera @CabanForQueens Absolutely

RT @alexandrasiera: .@CabanForQueens victory is not just a victory for Queens; it is a victory for our entire mvmt. Not only will her leadership save countless lives lost to a racist and classist criminal justice system, she will also be a reminder to a corrupt establishment that the tide is turning https://t.co/D7dvRIaoiD

RT @MonicaCKlein: “I waited over 20 years for a new DA—god bless you!” *very excited voter* meeting @CabanForQueens in Jamaica https://t.co/ELTLcljOuM

RT @ewarren: When women fight, women win. Congratulations, @CabanForQueens! https://t.co/rERCtTE0J0

RT @CabanForQueens: We can’t say: If you’re poor you stay in a cage on Rikers—but if you’re wealthy you can buy your way out. https://t.co/WfJUss9EDo

RT @caro_bart: Final hours!!! Gooo Cában!! @CabanForQueens @AOC @jessicaramos @MonicaCKlein #CÁBANFEVER #CabanForQueens https://t.co/9YSZ7aouBt

RT @jessicaramos: This afternoon I canvassed for @CabanForQueens on the block where I got stopped and frisked as a teenager. I know Tiffany will bring real justice to our community and will stand up for our neighbors instead of criminalizing them. #SeenIn13 https://t.co/dISqFNjOsw

RT @alidaltonsmith: @CabanForQueens we just voted! Could not be more proud! https://t.co/c8ykyAYOEm

RT @CampgnLife: Finished my GOTV turf for @CabanForQueens and got another voter coming off the subway as Im headed bacl to staging. #cabanfever is real.

RT @Alexandra_Sierr: My vote counts! #vote @CabanForQueens https://t.co/xl7metOmcH

RT @MelGagarin: Jamaica station, we swear this was organized 13 hours ago...@CabanForQueens https://t.co/XL1XYKifif

RT @nathanlents: Just voted for @CabanForQueens !! Come on queens, you have 45 minutes to go vote. No lines or waiting anywhere! https://t.co/VbuQkAY1O5

RT @Schnauzer_tude: I'm exhausted from work I'm exhausted from the struggle And with 45min until the polls close and I see this... And back out I go @CabanForQueens https://t.co/diNEqAAl3S

@jehan_chaudhry @CabanForQueens Follow @TheAppeal for good coverage

RT @cmclymer: Hey friends in Queens, remember that you have until 9pm to cast a vote for @CabanForQueens for District Attorney. As long as you're in line by then, you get to vote, no matter what. Here's where to look up your polling place: https://t.co/cSpj7Fsq25 #CabanForQueens

RT @rurikab: .@eliza_mitnick and the whole @CabanForQueens team working hard for every last vote before the polls close at 9. https://t.co/0ie8MDx8Al

Trump's economy continues to falter. Consumer confidence drops to lowest levels since September of 2017. https://t.co/LJcLeKZwwU

Joe Biden continues to refuse to release his tax returns - flat out struggling to give a reason why he won't release any of them from 2016 - 2018 https://t.co/00Qt837BiB

Now just about an hour left to vote in QUEENS for @CabanForQueens to be the next District Attorney. Don't give up! Tell everybody you know! Every vote is going to count because it's going to be super close. PUSH! Thank you to all of the volunteers working so hard!

RT @MelGagarin: 58 mins left at the polls, if you haven't voted @CabanForQueens yet, what are you waiting for?!

RT @KathleenDelva: @CabanForQueens you got my vote!! https://t.co/tbnsx9VuqO

@LuisSepulvedaNY @CabanForQueens Let's win! It's going to be so close.

RT @LuisSepulvedaNY: Here in Jackson Heights getting some Election Day family time in with my nephew David. He’s voting for @CabanForQueens! https://t.co/D8agjrgZVk

RT @SallyQYates: “She’s not my type.” Our country’s president defends against an allegation of sexual assault by essentially saying that his accuser is not attractive enough for him to rape. Let that sink in. President Trump, you’re not America’s type.

@SallyGold @GregLasak @MelindaKatz @CabanForQueens What are you seeing in Southeast Queens?

RT @SenSanders: Cancel all of it. https://t.co/0gyMBUEhgX

RT @sunrisemvmt: “If you believe climate change is an existential threat to our planet, then it has to be a priority... I’m going to email @TomPerez tonight and tell him we need a #ClimateDebate.”—@RoKhanna https://t.co/p0qdcBAC77

RT @MaketheRoadAct: Familia on the streets of Jackson Heights canvassing for the ONLY public defender in the race—@CabanForQueens! ✅@NYWFP ✅@SalazarSenate ✅@CPDAction w/ 1-hour left to vote: ¡Sí se puede! https://t.co/O70thGuJ63

@Taniel @theappeal Indeed bro. We're just getting started.

RT @Taniel: Queens will likely choose its next DA tomorrow, & the results could change A TON in the borough of 2.4 million. @TheAppeal has done a ton of reporting on the stakes & contrasts for months. Check it all out in this great thread: a window into what's shaking the legal system today. https://t.co/iEGnSq1cCd

RT @JordanUhl: Pretty shameful to frame a video of a man who is tased and arrested as "interfering" then deliberately omit the part where another cop rushes up and shoves him. Fuck this. https://t.co/Te9FRyzy9O

RT @JordanUhl: Here’s the full video. Watch as the the cop enters from the right at :23 and unnecessarily escalates the situation, which ends with the young man being tased and arrested. Shameful for @ABCWorldNews to omit that part when it’s related to the outcome https://t.co/DgvM7m3x4u

RT @JordanUhl: Whoa Pay attention to the video at the 5 second mark Notice anything? The dip-to-white transition and suddenly the officer is there. @ABCWorldNews removed the part where the officer ran up on the young man from the side and started shoving him https://t.co/FS6iJ6HqHu

RT @MichaelBloch15: “National political figures who want to end mass incarceration should follow Warren and Sanders’ lead: support county-level reformers who can take a sledgehammer to America’s oppressive and unjust criminal justice system.” VOTE @CabanForQueens TOMORROW! https://t.co/ysKdqFQCXI

RT @TexasTribune: 11/ Immigrants were living in overcrowded spaces and sometimes were forced to sleep outside a building where the water "tastes like bleach." "It was so bad that the mothers would save any bottled water they could get and use that to mix the baby formula." https://t.co/1UVTG1O03L

RT @TexasTribune: 10/ We spoke to one lawyer about the conditions inside an immigrant detention center in South Texas. Here’s what she told us. "Basic hygiene just doesn't exist there." https://t.co/1UVTG1O03L

RT @RAICESTEXAS: The American people know what's what. Despite being bombarded with hateful comments on Fox TV everyday, we know there's no 'other'. We are SO GRATEFUL to the people who are taking it upon themselves to say "NOT IN MY NAME". Keep refusing to stand idly by. Keep pushing. https://t.co/vdG1OxI6ZS

RT @RealJusticePAC: We have a chance to make history tomorrow. Vote for @CabanForQueens! https://t.co/Hsq3C5y7I8

RT @kylegriffin1: Breaking from WaPo: The White House moves to bar Kellyanne Conway from testifying to Congress about alleged violations of the Hatch Act. https://t.co/gPYHHJjbTL

RT @RealJusticePAC: "The reason why I became a public defender is because the work felt tied to not just my own survival but the survival of my family, my friends, my neighbors, my community. And so this is an opportunity to continue that work.” - @CabanForQueens https://t.co/rOhfIIVGZ8

RT @AMDanQuart: 🚨Tomorrow is Election Day🚨 Polls open: 6:00am - 9:00pm Don’t forget to vote @CabanForQueens! https://t.co/pXjObshXYl

@HartleySawyer What I am saying is that if a video of a shelter meant for 150 dogs, instead had 950 dogs, literally crammed on top of each other, dying, it would be a national scandal. That actually happened to human beings.

@JoshuaMZeitz I think so too bro.

What I know about the Holocaust is that it TOOK WAY TOO LONG for concentration camps to ever be called what they truly were. They were fully fucking underway before people accepted their painful truth. The language to describe oppressive systems ALWAYS lags behind the oppression

RT @JoshuaMZeitz: Agreed. https://t.co/DEGRDs3unq

This much I know. We will all look back on this age and remember very clearly: 1. Who fought against oppression and injustice 2. Who fought for it and funded it 3. We will remember the bulk of the silent masses who watched it all go by and did absolutely nothing.

What living under the Trump administration has taught me perhaps more than anything else is that the presence of Trump, and his inhumane policies, reveals who's who, who cares about who, what the battle lines really are, etc. in a very painful way. 3/

RT @MeetYourDA: "Unfair and discriminatory...That’s the legacy of District Attorney Lacey’s death penalty in #LosAngeles." @theappeal #DAAccountability https://t.co/wZHgMObFbx

Nobody has experienced the depths and horrors of slavery quite like the tens of millions of Africans forced into the slave trade over the past 400 years. But Black people don't object to other people using the word "slavery." Forced bondage is forced bondage. 2/

I have to admit it is a strange thing to see some people staking claim to the phrase "concentration camps" as if only the actual camps and the words used to describe such camps can be attributed to Jewish suffering from during the Holocaust. 1/

RT @PattySuppes: It's unsanitary, it's cruel, it's inhumane, and it's against US and international law. The doctor described it as being "tantamount to intentionally causing the spread of disease." #migrantchildrenarechildren #TrumpCamps #NoKidsInCages https://t.co/C9vQjimq4C

RT @louiseelisabet: Historic win for Imamoğlu in re-do of Istanbul mayoral elections. Historic party outside Zara on Istiklal street. https://t.co/o5Pg1YtsLU

RT @davidminpdx: "A town hall featuring Mayor Pete Buttigieg broke into near chaos Sunday afternoon as the Democratic presidential candidate tried to respond to community anger over a white police officer’s killing of a black man." https://t.co/w41ixYGkuv

RT @davidminpdx: Terrific journalism. @mattdpearce reporting from South Bend where mayor @PeteButtigieg offers little more than bromides in the face of black residents’ seething anger towards the violent, racist police force that the mayor has been running for years. https://t.co/w41ixYGkuv

RT @mattdpearce: Buttigieg is pretty somber and solemn and serious as he explains protocols, procedures, state laws, safety boards... and meanwhile, the crowd is mad as hell because another community member is dead and they suspect the government is not gonna do a damn thing they want it to do.

RT @mattdpearce: Here’s my story from South Bend, where black community members unloaded on Mayor Pete Buttigieg after a police shooting. https://t.co/qseWQrj2kp

RT @mattdpearce: Updated story from South Bend. Today, Pete Buttigieg looked a lot like a lot of other white politicians who have been in his position after a police shooting: struggling to connect with black residents who are fed up with the violence. https://t.co/qseWQrj2kp

RT @IlhanMN: We should not be giving one more dollar to support this President’s deportation force that openly commits human rights abuses and refuses to be held accountable to the American people. Kids and families can’t continue to die & be terrorized. We have an obligation to speak up! https://t.co/y42W4bFLWn

RT @neal_katyal: Everyone should read this article. It's our country. "the older children are trying to take care of the younger...Guards are asking the younger children...'Who wants to take care of this little boy?'& they bring in a 2-year-old,a 3-year-old,a 4-year-old" https://t.co/K46A8ZyQSi

RT @shaunking: A woman comes forward with a detailed, credible personal account of being raped by the President of the United States. Multiple people corroborated her story. Here are the front pages of 4 of the nation’s leading newspapers the next day. NOTHING. That’s normalization. https://t.co/W0oQsssfSs

RT @MeekMill: The trailer for #FreeMeek premieres during the @BETAwards. Thank you @amazon @PrimeVideo for helping tell a story that’s way too familiar for so many across the country and around the world https://t.co/bfS1cBWIK8

RT @maggieNYT: "Tennessee has lost 14 percent of its rural physicians and 18 percent of its rural hospitals in the past decade, leaving an estimated 2.5 million residents with insufficient access to medical care." https://t.co/IL4ueHHWLe

RT @sethmeyers: Gonna have this played at my funeral. Thanks, @sommerstace https://t.co/HMh7XaRnv7

RT @sommerstace: here's a supercut of Rihanna and Seth day drinking except only the Rihanna laughing parts https://t.co/0SuoqfVeqW

RT @gracerauh: Mayor de Blasio says the @NYPDnews will investigate the allegation that @realDonaldTrump raped writer E. Jean Carroll as soon as the NYPD receives a complaint. “We will find out the truth,” de Blasio says. https://t.co/elCYsZk69e

RT @Ventuckyspaz: "He was just doing a limited strike" says the 'Face the nation' host “Oh…just a limited strike!" @BernieSanders quipped, "Oh, I’m sorry, I just didn't know that it's okay to simply attack another country with bombs. That’s a limited strike? That’s an act of warfare,” https://t.co/JgbLkkakX7

RT @GMPaiella: Bernie absolutely laps every other candidate on foreign policy and that’s why he’ll have my vote https://t.co/NH1LOCZPBq

RT @robdelaney: Haha get ready to like @BernieSanders https://t.co/CjrKYsOWKT

RT @CabanForQueens: If it wasn’t already glaringly obvious, the election is in TWO DAYS! We’re going to need all hands on deck to bring home a win. Head to https://t.co/tNufuF3kop and then let’s: KNOCK 👏🏽 ON 👏🏽 DOORS 👏🏽 https://t.co/v0jt3lmY83

@TheTraeYoung You proved them all wrong homie

RT @TheTraeYoung: Wow. Never forgot. Just crazy hearing it again. 😤❄️💯 https://t.co/Zr0rTZFDSh

RT @abgutman: EDITORIAL: “When do ‘a few bad apples’ finally become a worm-infested bushel? The 72 police removed from the streets by Police Commissioner Richard Ross last week for their racist and offensive social media posts is well more than a few.” https://t.co/eSn9xdqzdU

RT @KristenClarkeJD: In Flowers v Mississippi, the prosecutor struck 41 out of 42 African-American prospective jurors. The prosecutor questioned Black prospective jurors a great deal more than whites. 7 out of 9 Justices saw the racism. But not Justice Thomas. https://t.co/IOI0vSh655

RT @altochulo: .@AOC: I’ve endorsed @CabanForQueens because she has a holistic understanding of community safety: it is freedom from fear—fear of ICE knocking on our door, fear of being unjustly arrested, fear of not being able to get out of jail because we can’t afford bail. #CabanForQueens https://t.co/NbrztcC6YY

RT @ilvat97: Hey @TheBreakdown, At least the Barbie Doll was safe 😅. God help us all if these people are the ones to protect us. Not even American - nor do I want to be, especially after shit like this, but wow "the land of freedom" 👍🏼. https://t.co/WkX1lyliCL

RT @Jon_Peters3: Catching up on @TheBreakdown with @shaunking. Loved this one! Overall, we need to be better people. As white people, we need to check our privilege and use it to inspire, not to bring others down. https://t.co/y8r2fxGiXC

RT @MALACH999: The @TheBreakdown and the @TheNorthStar should be followed and listen by every person, seeking justice, truth in the America we live in. The impact this show will have on the next generations if carried and adopted by everyone is beyond words. We need to support THIS

RT @DavidLammy: When I called out @BorisJohnson's links with hard right, white supremacist Steve Bannon in April, Johnson branded it a "Lefty delusion". Here is proof on tape. Steve Bannon helped write your resignation speech. You are a pathological liar, unfit to serve. https://t.co/0FHtxykRHT

RT @aliklay: "In a London hotel, the far-right activist told how he had exchanged texts with the former foreign secretary on his big resignation speech." Bannon told me abt his communication w #BorisJohnson while I filmed The Brink. Watch clips + @carolecadwalla report-https://t.co/EiRH6h7tfc

RT @carolecadwalla: NEW: Boris Johnson denied & denied & denied any relationship with Steve Bannon & called it ‘a lefty delusion’. So how to explain new video of Bannon describing ‘back & forth’ over key Brexit speech?? My piece with @aliklay footage in @ObserverUK https://t.co/Oc8fkKgONF

RT @matthewferner: An Arizona man challenged a jail’s immigration detainer policy. He and some of his family members were arrested months later. https://t.co/QrMdvkZGSW great one from @laurenk_gill

RT @matthewferner: The case against Kevin Cooper is notoriously racist and corrupt, it exemplifies so much that is wrong with our system. What Cooper has endured since his arrest in 1983 has exposed one systemic failure after another https://t.co/xvJfbBSkTu via @SarahLustbader

RT @theappeal: A national study undertaken last month by The Plainview Project found one in five current police officers, and two in five retired officers, had posted racist and violent content publicly on Facebook. https://t.co/on0RpsWRnm

RT @theappeal: St Louis Prosecutor Kim Gardner has put 22 cops who posted racist & violent content on Facebook on her office's banned list, meaning she won't file charges based on their investigations or call them to testify in court. Will other DAs follow suit? @vgullap https://t.co/yyAp0AJQUq

RT @AOC: The GOP has supported building mass concentration camps on the southern border. Kids & families are dying. Now they want money for more - w/ ZERO negotiation on how $ is spent. We can’t do that. They‘ve shown that when they get more money, they build more camps. #CloseTheCamps https://t.co/DYhXuU9Crz

RT @zachdcarter: It needs to be said. https://t.co/pkvb4FsVPd

RT @ErikaAndiola: #ClosetheCamps #CloseTheCamps #CloseTheCamps #CloseTheCamps #CloseTheCamps #CloseTheCamps #CloseTheCamps #CloseTheCamps https://t.co/mbWDxSs6NI

RT @kylegriffin1: You should read this whole New Yorker piece about the conditions at Border Patrol facilities in Texas, but if you can't read the whole thing, at least read this paragraph: https://t.co/xWwHYvIMjb https://t.co/Iujo3Pi2av

RT @RAICESTEXAS: The border agents got so mad about a lost lice comb that they took away the children's blankets and mats. Children had to sleep on the floor as a punishment for losing the comb. When are we going to #CloseTheCamps? https://t.co/2XaFIMbi7j

RT @GeorgeTakei: When we were put into internment camps, no one stood up to say it was wrong. We felt alone. Abandoned. Forgotten. That was perhaps the hardest part of our imprisonment. Don’t let today’s migrant children suffer that. Stand up for them. Call your Representative: (202) 224-3121

RT @daveweigel: Detecting this more and more — D voters have discovered six or seven candidates they take seriously and are annoyed by the bottom tier. If that doesn’t change after the debates, field’s going to start thinning. https://t.co/iPYqTjHuuU

@KerriHarrisDE @CabanForQueens Sooooo glad to see you today!!

RT @KerriHarrisDE: We win together. There are no state borders when it comes to putting people first. If you're within driving distance of Queens, NY we could use your help. @CabanForQueens https://t.co/7tRqlJMxuH

RT @RealJusticePAC: In her seven years as public defender, @CabanForQueens understands how the justice system marginalizes and oppresses communities of color. More than that, she is a product of it. Now she’s running for DA to bring transformative justice to Queens. https://t.co/sffNZX4eA4

RT @AOC: When a powerful entity is trying to grow a system of human rights abuse (which is what this is) it’s on ALL of us, from smallest to biggest, to throw sand in the gears and stop it. We cannot be compliant with child abuse. These judges are astounded at the argument for it ⬇️ https://t.co/8oYxndP9OA

RT @avabenezra: You know, I considered getting annoyed at the @MelindaKatz van with a loud speaker driving circles around @CabanForQueens’ rally with @AkeemBrowderNYC + @shaunking. Then I remembered their pettiness was keeping them from talking to actual undecided voters. 🤷🏻‍♀️

RT @playercoalition: To think that $1000 was what Mississippi felt an autistic teenager's life was worth for 9 months. #EndMoneyBail https://t.co/0a5xhETJvb

@MelindaKatz You literally never tried a case in court your entire life. I’m genuinely stumped.

RT @Taniel: Alabama sheriffs were allowed to just PERSONALLY pocket public funds that were meant to feed people in county jails. One sheriff pocketed $750,000 in 3 years, and bought a beach house. A new law finally bars that practice. https://t.co/4kcHh8xpBK

RT @BernieSanders: If you experience an ICE raid, regardless of your immigration status, know that you have rights. Please share and see here for more information: https://t.co/IQgtOgZzZY https://t.co/OofPgZ3Aib

RT @matthewferner: Georgia consistently reveals the ugly truth about who we we condemn to die: a war vet w/ PTSD, a man w/ an IQ of 70, a woman who became a theologian & mentor to incarcerated women, & a man who credibly insisted until his last breath that he was innocent https://t.co/a9YfyVeX0t

RT @RealJusticePAC: Every day in court, @CabanForQueens was reminded that the justice system is the single most powerful driver of the continued oppression of Black and brown, low-income, immigrant, and LGBTQIA+ communities. Help us transform that system on June 25th: https://t.co/UAbphUhd2Z https://t.co/MkP3JTS58M

RT @bobbytweetz: Lastly, and this is the most breathtaking display of why the QNS machine is panicking and making deals, this chart by @nasrenehaj shows momentum using total unique individual QNS contribs across both datasets. @CabanForQueens's numbers blow the rest of the field out of the water. https://t.co/vICtFuRzAB

RT @TheJewishVote: Born out of @JFREJNYC's 30 years of organizing on streets and through halls of power against mass incarceration, we at @TheJewishVote have never seen the office of District Attorney look this good for New Yorkers. That is why we endorse @CabanForQueens. Vote Tuesday #QueensDA https://t.co/OgYrBM0ojK

RT @nasrenehaj: This is very exciting to see but now it’s time to GOTV for @CabanForQueens if this momentum in donations (which dramatically outpaces the rest of the pack!) will translate into a primary win. The @CabanForQueens team has tons of GOTV opportunities thru Tuesday - let’s do this! https://t.co/QhFXziI8Vz

RT @BianeyDlaO: Tiffany Cabán Could Become the First-Ever Queer-Latina District Attorney of QNS & you can make it possible by voting for her this coming Tuesday June 25th. QNS deserves a change, QNS deserves @CabanForQueens. We need jobs not jails, we need opportunities not criminalization. https://t.co/lN3ArBXzWE

RT @ZackFinkNews: NEW: @SenGianaris⁩ to endorse ⁦@CabanForQueens⁩ in DA race. ⁦@GloriaPazmino⁩ coming up with the details at 7 on ⁦@InsideCityHall⁩ https://t.co/YjsZNmdNIT

RT @Lin_Manuel: The monster-in-chief never stopped separating families. @RAICESTEXAS is on the front lines. https://t.co/fp7LDGk073

RT @TXCivilRights: This is the human cost of ICE raids, like the upcoming one the administration has scheduled. There are countless people living with trauma because ICE ripped their loved ones from them. This is another form of family separation that must be stopped. https://t.co/ucOcj21hqi

RT @drrjkavanagh: LA DA Jackie Lacey presides over the most liberal jurisdiction in the US, but also the one with the largest jail population. She sends people to state prison at a rate four times that of San Francisco. She’s also up for re-election next year. Vote her out. https://t.co/LTrdX6yrpo

RT @ScottHech: @RAICESTEXAS If ICE is outside your door, don’t panic, and remember: YOU HAVE RIGHTS. Even if you do everything right, they still may enter. View & share #WeHaveRights to be prepared. 4 scenarios, 7 languages https://t.co/jn3Tn3LcB3 https://t.co/ZIAWka2it6

Jackie Lacey has failed as LA District Attorney. She sends people to jail at 4 times the rate of San Francisco & she's still seeking the death penalty, despite the moratorium in CA. San Francisco shows us it can be done differently. Let's vote her out. https://t.co/s2CDwz7tt5

RT @shaunking: Friends. Do you feel it? Our nation has slipped into a disgusting & dangerous place. We aren't going there. We are ALREADY THERE. The President was just credibly accused of rape and his administration just argued that children they've put in cages don't need sleep or soap.

RT @IndivisibleTeam: This. Thank you, @shaunking. https://t.co/Z86S10Ru1m

RIGHT NOW we are in one of the most disturbing points, one of the most disturbing eras, in the history of this nation. Who are you? What are you doing? Now is the time to be your best self. Now is the time to be your most courageous self. It's right now my friends.

But if you ever wanted to know who you'd be, or what you'd do, during the most disturbing, most problematic points in the history of the world, let me tell you the hard truth. The greatest indication of who you'd be in the hardest points of world history is WHO YOU ARE RIGHT NOW

If you've ever heard me speak publicly, you've heard me say this. It's hard to know a moment in history when you are in it. It's hard to know the era of history that you are in when you are in that era. It's hard to discern the historical trend you are in.

What I have come to learn is that long before EXTERMINATION came widespread DEHUMANIZATION. And after Jews were widely dehumanized, the Nazis began to criminalize them - which was used for justification for the daily destruction of norms on how they would be treated.

As a boy, I was so grieved when I first learned of the Holocaust. For the life of me, I could not understand how so many people in so many nations watched millions of Jews be rounded up and taken to taken to camps.

Friends. Do you feel it? Our nation has slipped into a disgusting & dangerous place. We aren't going there. We are ALREADY THERE. The President was just credibly accused of rape and his administration just argued that children they've put in cages don't need sleep or soap.

RT @AdyBarkan: This feels like the kind of comment that can force all of her advertisers off the show. @ColorOfChange, standing by for marching orders if you've got them. https://t.co/oCnfkZK1BG

RT @theappeal: Tiffany Caban speaks to @theappeal about a case she handled as a public defender that convinced her she should run for Queens District Attorney. By @aaronlmorrison. https://t.co/3TUxuLQmOr

RT @theappeal: When Kevin Cooper was on trial, a man brought a stuffed gorilla with a noose around its neck to court. Mr. Cooper has served 35 years in prison for a murder he says he didn't commit, his case exemplifying the systemic failures of the criminal legal system. https://t.co/6DfPWNq6O3

RT @brianefallon: Justice Sonia Sotomayor in recent years has criticized the Supreme Court’s qualified immunity case law, describing it as "sanctioning a ‘shoot first, think later’ approach to policing” that hollows constitutional protection. @theappeal https://t.co/TFPzRbNAw3

RT @CNN: "It's not a matter of being pure or pristine, it's a matter of conquering it every day." @CornelWest reacts to former VP Joe Biden saying he is not racist after touting bipartisan work with segregationist senators. https://t.co/Mp3JtYPkEk https://t.co/8ZIzH2xEcn

RT @chrisgeidner: BIDEN TO EASTLAND, 1978: "I want to personally ask your continued support [for their anti-busing bill] .... Your participation in floor debate would be welcomed." https://t.co/KTJCvF2h7q https://t.co/y1Ld2om6Bk

RT @chrisgeidner: BIDEN TO EASTLAND, 1977: "I very much appreciate your help during this week’s Committee meeting in attempting to bring my antibusing legislation to a vote. ... Again, many thanks for your help." https://t.co/KTJCvF2h7q https://t.co/W8bZXZrCsS

RT @RebeccaKKatz: Don’t look away. https://t.co/qhYKyxvrQ5

“Joe Biden shouldn’t be president. If he ends up being the nominee, better him than Trump, but I think that’s a really, really low standard.” — Ta-Nehisi Coates https://t.co/zr1toiKsvh

RT @iamceci: “Jo Biden shouldn’t be president. If he ends up being the nominee, better him than Trump, but I think that’s a really really low standard.” Ta-Nehisi Coates reflects on Biden, who keeps showing his true colors throughout his political career. We can do so much better y’all. https://t.co/oYbfBLwJhr

RT @MSNBC: Ta-Nehisi Coates discusses Joe Biden's comments on segregationists: "Those very polite relationships were premised on the fact that those people's deeply deplorable views actually disenfranchised an entire sector of the electorate." https://t.co/R3m8sZ6PR4

RT @franifio: "Joe Biden owes his very presence in the race to the first black president. And if it were up to Eastland or Talmadge, Barack Obama wouldn't just not be in the White House, he would not exist." -Ta-Naheisi Coates on @democracynow https://t.co/jB3hUKU27b

RT @ZeeshanAleem: Ta-Nehisi Coates tells Amy Goodman: "Joe Biden shouldn't be president." https://t.co/BwAiuahF1x https://t.co/7S7Su8dANY

RT @allinwithchris: WATCH: Ta-Nehisi Coates discusses Joe Biden's comments on segregationists: "Those very polite relationships were premised on the fact that those people's deeply deplorable views actually disenfranchised an entire sector of the electorate." https://t.co/TbddBCknil

RT @democracynow: "This is who Joe Biden is," says Ta-Nehisi Coates on Biden celebrating segregationists James Eastland and Herman Talmadge for their civility. "When somebody tells you who they are, believe them." https://t.co/f0ppdzKcH8

RT @ScottHech: Some math: 500 new cops X $42,500 starting NYPD salary =$21,250,000 more to arrest people for inability to afford subway fare. If Governor instead redirected that budget to the 50k people arrested/ticketed in 2018, each could get $425 to afford subway.https://t.co/1rCPBOvaoG

RT @CabanForQueens: I am so grateful for this team of volunteer field organizers who are devoting so much time and energy to our campaign. GOTV starts THIS WEEKEND and we’re going to need all hands on deck to win this race. Visit https://t.co/tNufuF3kop to sign up for some shifts! https://t.co/Gu36puK2fi

RT @AOC: This administration needs to put down its saber and pick up a phone. Diplomacy is what grants us peace and stability - not war. #NoWarOnIran https://t.co/NZtifF3eki

RT @chrisgeidner: BREAKING: #SCOTUS has denied a stay of execution to Marion Wilson in Georgia, allowing the 1,500th execution to proceed in the US since the death penalty was allowed to go back into effect in 1976. https://t.co/IO2EC7Xekq

RT @_waleedshahid: Ta-Nehisi Coates: "Biden shouldn’t be president...Biden says that he’s been involved with civil rights his entire career. It’s worth remembering Joe Biden opposed busing and bragged about it." "When somebody shows you who they are, believe them. This is who Joe Biden is." https://t.co/y41a5zK1pv

RT @IlhanMN: Just as in Iraq, aggressors are using illegitimate pretexts to beat the drums of war. Just as in Iraq, our media is taking these claims at face value. Just as in Iraq, children will die, American lives will be lost, and the world will be less safe. #NoWarWithIran

RT @CabanForQueens: Cash bail is wrong. Period. https://t.co/EapjSR1R9u

@TweetBenMax @RoryLancman @MelindaKatz @CabanForQueens I can’t even explain the logic there

RT @KFILE: This is the statement Biden said Booker should apologize for. https://t.co/LoBa3ylrD1

RT @AnandWrites: Biden’s pithy summary of Bidenism. “You beat them. Without changing the system.” https://t.co/a9iPjoPf4f

RT @alexburnsNYT: More Biden news: Mark Putnam, cinematic Dem admaker who signed on early, splits with ex-VP’s campaign “I wish the vice president well,” Mr. Putnam said. https://t.co/Qkdhuf894c

RT @tressiemcphd: What is wrong with Joe Biden

@KeeangaYamahtta @JoeBiden A few hours ago the campaign said it made them “nauseous” that I said Biden was mentored Eastland. I was literally just citing multiple sources that far pre-date this current debacle.

RT @JuddLegum: 5. UPDATE: InfoWars host Owen Shroyer has responded to this thread (which is still in progress) by advocating for the lynching of Obama So now he's calling for Obama to be lynched directly on Twitter https://t.co/lr4s99EkvN https://t.co/Rr6kmR6v01

RT @JuddLegum: 4. It's not just Twitter. The video of the InfoWars host calling for Obama to be lynched was on YouTube earlier today. That's how I found it. I contacted YouTube and they responded to me by taking the video down and suspending the account https://t.co/lr4s99EkvN https://t.co/nrX9PIZYCW

RT @JuddLegum: 3. I contacted Twitter 8 hrs ago and asked them about Shroyer. No response Twitter says it won't tolerate threats or racism but actions speak louder I'm using my newsletter, Popular Information, to do the work the social media giants won't do Sign up at https://t.co/Gl6evXRDcZ

RT @JuddLegum: 2. The host, Alex Jones' sidekick Owen Shroyer (@allidoisowen) , used his verified Twitter account to promote the show where he advocated the lynching of Barack Obama https://t.co/lr4s99EkvN https://t.co/LMkO6pGo9K

RT @JuddLegum: 1. An InfoWars host with a VERIFIED TWITTER ACCOUNT advocated lynching Obama on his show yesterday "He belongs in jail. He belongs in Guantanamo Bay. I mean look - I'm not saying this should happen - but Barack Obama, find the tallest tree and a rope" https://t.co/lr4s99EkvN

Here’s one of many sources detailing how the white supremacist Big Jim Eastland was a mentor to @JoeBiden. Biden sought him out. He carefully guided Biden through the process of it all. To now deny that Eastland mentored Biden is ahistorical. It’s a fact. https://t.co/zY77XqGeME

RT @diane_o_lucas: A tru travesty of Justice in so called liberal LA. @ladaoffice In Los Angeles, only people of color are sentenced to death | US news | The Guardian https://t.co/FYWnJReRfN

@SymoneDSanders @JoeBiden Here’s the part where it details how Eastland served as a mentor to junior members. It details how Biden sought him out for this very reason. He helped Biden rise up through the ranks. Coached him along the way. https://t.co/0eN39sGcOw

RT @rolandsmartin: This Black DA better expect a major challenge when she’s up for Re-Election https://t.co/IOJ39ZfxXg

RT @RebeccaBuck: WOW. Asked by CNN outside a fundraiser in Chevy Chase, MD, if he should apologize for his comments, Biden said “apologize for what?”, adding “Cory should apologize”, referring to criticism today from Cory Booker. via @carolinerkenny

Big Jim Eastland was one of the most vicious bigots of the 20th century. He was also a mentor to @JoeBiden. Tonight the Biden campaign objected to that classification. The biography of Eastland has a whole section on his mentoring of Biden. Start here. https://t.co/wFWnDnbCtK

RT @DarshunKendrick: Hope Georgia can make the map in 2020 as I introduce legislation to expunge the records of those with marijuana possession convictions. https://t.co/kOFDtnpu0b

@SymoneDSanders @JoeBiden Read the biography on Eastland. Written long before this dust up. It has a whole section on how Big Jim mentored and guided Biden. On how he coached him through his assignments and committees. It speaks on Biden’s respect for him. Start here: https://t.co/wFWnDnbCtK

RT @theappeal: From Illinois legalizing marijuana to New Hampshire abolishing the death penalty, the past month has been huge for criminal justice reform. @theappeal brings it all together in an interactive map that tracks reform where it matters: state legislatures. https://t.co/CAgEBsiXrh

RT @theappeal: From Illinois legalizing marijuana to New Hampshire abolishing the death penalty, the past month has been huge for criminal justice reform. @theappeall brings it all together in an interactive map that tracks reform where it matters: state legislatures. https://t.co/CAgEBsiXrh

RT @KFILE: 👀👀 https://t.co/p9CJvULkdk

RT @carolinerkenny: Outside a fundraiser in Chevy Chase, Maryland, I asked @JoeBiden if he should apologize for his comments. He said “apologize for what?”, adding “Cory should apologize,” referring to criticism today from rival Cory Booker.

RT @matthewferner: Orange County cops clearly violated a man’s rights & were caught lying about it, have failed to disclose all evidence, and new DA Todd Spitzer has done nothing about it, just like what disgraced ex-DA Rackauckas would do. https://t.co/JZOQo843mF powerful one from @elizabethweill

RT @BernieSanders: Let me make a prediction. When he begins his re-election campaign tonight, Trump won't mention that he tried to throw 32 million off health care, or that he proposed massive cuts to Medicare, Medicaid & Social Security, or that he gave huge tax breaks to the top 1%. Just a guess.

RT @BernieSanders: Donald Trump just launched his 2020 campaign. This is how we will beat him. https://t.co/qfnqIsz1ad

RT @davidcicilline: This is no campaign rally. It’s a hate rally. Hate the media. Hate immigrants. Hate Hillary. Hate Democrats. Hate. Hate. Hate.

RT @NYCMayor: The abuse the Central Park Five suffered was a shameful moment in our city's history — one @realDonaldTrump fueled. There’s no “both sides” here. We settled the Central Park Five case because they were innocent. Donald Trump is lying.

RT @theintercept: The fact that Mohammed bin Salman has been embraced closely by everyone from Donald Trump to Emmanuel Macron to Theresa May should be a source of shame for those of us living in the West, writes @mehdirhasan. https://t.co/unhT52gQPx

RT @mehdirhasan: "Things can be concentration camps without being Dachau or Auschwitz. Concentration camps in general have always been designed...to separate one group of people from another group." - Waitman Wade Beorn, Holocaust and genocide studies historian at the University of Virginia https://t.co/1gaFpj0pwK

RT @daveweigel: Not going any deeper into Concentration Camp Twitter today, but the term originated to describe British tactics in the Boer War, and was later applied to Nazi tactics. Problem with saying “internment camp” instead is that you remind people that Americans had them before.

@DivyaPSundaram @CityAndStateNY @nytimes @CabanForQueens What month was that?

RT @abgutman: Hi. Jew here. Descendant of the Holocaust. The breaking down of communities, taring families apart, and dehumanization of Jews started well before the Final Solution. Staying silent in the face of atrocities is how we demean the memory of the Holocaust. Never Again is now. https://t.co/eEqsyIlhhE

RT @shaunking: This is a very BIG deal. The @NYTimes Editorial Board just endorsed @CabanForQueens to be District Attorney of Queens. She can win. We can win. But we all have to come out and VOTE for her on June 25th! https://t.co/fK1ap33zVz

RT @shaunking: Reports of the legalization of marijuana being dead in the New York legislature are premature. It’s alive and being worked on at this very moment.

RT @es_indivisible: Shout out to all the @NYSA_Majority and @NYSenDems who are legitimately engaging to get this done tonight! We appreciate you! #MarijuanaJustice https://t.co/9jQ1NaAqYG

RT @DavidALee0: That's our next DA @CabanForQueens in the fking NYTimes! 😭 KNOCK ALL THOSE DOORS https://t.co/s191pWZCL5 And contribute because we are powered BY THE PEOPLE BABY! https://t.co/sQYcneD2uX https://t.co/8ukPjFctyM

RT @GregJKrieg: NYT endorses @CabanForQueens -- the former public defender, who's also backed by AOC, DSA, the WFP, many other progressive groups -- in her run for Queens Co. DA: https://t.co/w1viWCzu3Y

RT @ciphersankofa: We can make history! If you’ve been on the sidelines it’s time to join the @CabanForQueens movement and be a part of something transformative. Read this huge endorsement from @nytimes and see why. https://t.co/q3Wt63lR2F

RT @jbenmenachem: Wow - is there an endorsement that @CabanForQueens *hasn't* gotten? "Cabán would come into office unencumbered by ties to the borough power structure & free to pursue her commitment to serve the community by doing more than just winning convictions." https://t.co/MpNwBDKqTk

RT @NYWFP: BREAKING: New York Times endorses @CabanForQueens https://t.co/UWePUDCMbq

This is a very BIG deal. The @NYTimes Editorial Board just endorsed @CabanForQueens to be District Attorney of Queens. She can win. We can win. But we all have to come out and VOTE for her on June 25th! https://t.co/fK1ap33zVz

RT @CabanForQueens: Proud to announce @nytimes just endorsed our grassroots campaign to bring real justice to Queens: “An ambitious young public defender offers overdue change.” https://t.co/8j12FwfpSP

RT @davidminpdx: The New York Times Editorial Board ENDORSES TIFFANY CABAN for Queens District Attorney. "Her seven years as a public defender have given her insight into how the system works, and how it ought to be changed." https://t.co/Z0lIXd6CBW

Reports of the legalization of marijuana being dead in the New York legislature are premature. It’s alive and being worked on at this very moment.

RT @DA_LarryKrasner: A playground. A deli. A graduation party. Dozens of victims. This weekend's tragic, alarming gun violence underscores why we must address the root causes of this public health crisis: Poverty, hopelessness, and a lack of gun control at state/ fed levels: https://t.co/gTdCuhst2u

RT @PFJ_USA: Supporting communities with the resources they need instead of policing they don't isn't just a smart move, it's a much-needed act of bravery. https://t.co/32GroFB6Fz

RT @JoyceWhiteVance: Calling this highly unusual doesn’t even begin to capture how strange it is for the no. 2 official at DOJ to intervene in a state custody issue. https://t.co/oX8gXwPVs4

RT @eliehonig: It is very unusual - perhaps entirely unprecedented - for such a high-ranking DOJ official to be involved in the specific prison designation for a particular inmate. Anyone else in this situation goes to Rikers and that’s that. https://t.co/wtHrP66hCp

RT @BernieSanders: America's veterinary hospitals should uplift the dignity and well-being of their workers. I call on @VCAPetHealth to listen to the needs of its employees in CA and settle a strong and fair contract with the #VCAunion. https://t.co/dfcNvrrsSH

RT @brianefallon: If Katie Porter, from a purple district, is brave enough to do the right thing, what are House Dems from safe blue districts doing?

RT @SenGianaris: Passing #GreenLightNY is the right thing to do for safer streets, for economic justice and for compassion https://t.co/K78qDGyD3g

RT @ScottHech: Is this a tacit admission by the DOJ & AG Barr that Rikers is not fit to house human beings? Because there are thousands of human beings currently caged there, who need immediate federal intervention too. https://t.co/QtUrUux72Z

RT @chrissyteigen: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT https://t.co/tLEl5BtQr3

Wow. Dude is weird hype. https://t.co/McQPIkD16f

RT @YousraElbagir: Those in Khartoum aren't just mourning the lives that have been lost over the last two weeks, but the loss of a space that became the heart of the revolution. The capital was orbiting around the sit-in, and then it was snatched away.

RT @SNYtv: "We're gonna hit a lot of homers and win a lot of games too" - Edwin Encarnacion is excited to join the Yankees as they're on the verge of getting their healthy lineup back https://t.co/L8rC072dYr

After hundreds of protestors have been slaughtered across Sudan, and the Internet has been cut off across the country, people are still coming together, defiantly, to organize and demand justice. https://t.co/whrzrboJm7

RT @YousraElbagir: Protests in Alsahafa, Khartoum tonight calling for the end of the TMC & Janjaweed. Seeing other pictures from night protests in Omdurman this evening. https://t.co/THGg57ivVp

People who pose no threat to public safety shouldn't be jailed, especially when they’re only there because they can’t afford bail. @AudiaForDA will end cash bail, deprioritize low level offenses, expand no-fee diversion programs & treat drug possession as a public health issue. https://t.co/R0nbXNMMQJ

RT @monaeltahawy: '#Sudan's revolutionaries offline but not silenced' https://t.co/66pdrqjrfx #SudanUprising

RT @SalMukhDirar: 🔴 Hi guys Anyone that could help us document the massacre in the HQ sit-in would be helpful We know you’ve been through so so much, but if you could share with us your story; where I were when the attack started, where u ran to, what happened to u & u saw...etc It’ll all help https://t.co/SdYkx6fiEl

RT @BSonblast: YAAAAASSSSS!!! 🙌🏾 Protest in Omdurman Monday evening local time, along with an accompanying street awareness session. #SudanUprising #IAmTheSudanRevolution https://t.co/ebJIHeyAns

RT @BSonblast: SPA announces schedule of resistance activities for the week, including: - neighborhood committee meetings to explain political situation & prepare for activities - neighborhood mobilizing activities; formation of civil disobedience committees Contd below #SudanUprising https://t.co/k6YHmEm2yx

RT @espn: "I'm trying to be the No. 1 pick for the 2020 draft." LaMelo Ball announces on The Jump with @Rachel__Nichols that he will play in Australia's NBL for the Illawarra Hawks next season. https://t.co/G9z4bCl4E5

RT @Police_Acc_Proj: We have never advocated for body worn cameras for reasons explained in this article. As @VictoriaPolice roll them out we will continue our scrutiny of how they are used. #vicpolwatch #IBAC https://t.co/8oKGYQqaWD

RT @johnewetzel: In Pennsylvania, Detention as a First Option - another insightful article by @Sentinel_Vaughn regarding the cost of PA not having an effective bail system (or no system at all) - MORE COSTS, WORSE OUTCOMES https://t.co/teJAAg4uo3

RT @Galsworthycjr: Crime sells. It creates award-winning shows and drives most of the content of local newscasts. Yet, the way crime is covered fans the flames of fear that crime is getting worse. This is false, and the media's rhetoric must be challenged. Via:@theappeal https://t.co/GuPxvBvfCY

RT @vgullap: As #HALTsolitary campaigners, led by survivors of solitary, in NY enter the fifth day of a hunger strike. https://t.co/8lTt0tYLs8

RT @theappeal: Prosecutors dropping all remaining charges against officials indicted in relation to Flint Michigan’s water crisis is a slap in the face to Flint residents, but also no surprise, says @vgullap. @theappeal Spotlight. https://t.co/UNti6dynD3

RT @NYDailyNews: A black employee who works for Boeing is suing the company for a “racially hostile” work environment and alleged retaliation. He reported co-workers urinated on his workspace, used racial slurs and even left a noose on his desk. https://t.co/8BGn0oIfIC

RT @adamjohnsonNYC: America can overthrow Iran with ease says guy who totally got Iraq right https://t.co/YSmfrbgH03

RT @Taniel: this is so ubiquitous. as is the ease with which war cheerleaders are getting to repeat their old arguments while the country/media performs collective amnesia on Iraq. https://t.co/gHfl9effcc

RT @tchimurenga: More please. https://t.co/Re2QexHduG

RT @theappeal: "In much the same way that a previous generation of Americans countenanced legalized segregation, ours has countenanced legalized torture," says @Atul_Gawande, of American prisons' routine use of solitary confinement. In @theappeal Spotlight by @vgullap. https://t.co/w7S3qz6EE1

RT @VOCALNewYork: How many NY dads have been criminalized & separated from kids bc of broken pot laws? We’re outside @NYGovCuomo’s office on Father’s Day to demand action. One week left in session - #MarijuanaJustice now!! https://t.co/KTuCHvIGsf

RT @es_indivisible: HAPPENING NOW: Rallying with allies urging @CarlHeastie and @AndreaSCousins to hold the line, and deliver #MarijuanaJustice to New York before the session ends! https://t.co/XeQfCHoppu

RT @Jawanza: Let’s hope we can keep the restorative justice elements of the #MRTA in tact. #MarijuanaJustice requires contending with the damaging legacy of prohibition on black, brown, and poor communities. @NYGovCuomo @AndreaSCousins @CarlHeastie https://t.co/jhNW4eisDf

RT @shaunking: Dear New York Legislature, You have 5 days left to get this right. The Governor has already said he’ll sign the bill. It’s now up to you to legalize and decriminalize cannabis in our state and end this discrimination once and for all. #MarijuanaJustice https://t.co/xYmPNz9Krq

RT @NACDL: The criminalization of poverty in Franklin County, Pennsylvania, has led to a staggering increase in incarcerated people, all at a huge cost for defendants and taxpayers alike. @Sentinel_Vaughn @theappeal https://t.co/psBAwoyTJy

RT @NACDL: Spotlight: ‘A New Wave of Prosecutorial Transparency’ @SarahLustbader @theappeal https://t.co/HCRh4uv4Lw

RT @NickReisman: New: Attorney General Tish James urges lawmakers in a letter to include expungement of marijuana arrests and convictions in legalization deal https://t.co/frELrcIZde

RT @JaxAlemany: Text from former 2016 Trump campaign staffer: “I was told by multiple people when I came aboard to never cough or sneeze while in the presence of Trump. He thinks it’s a sign of weakness and lack of control. Nobody ever recovers.” https://t.co/9CmKeoH1iu

RT @maggieNYT: Trump hustled Mulvaney out of the Oval Officr for coughing during the interview. #leavetheroom #mulvaneycough https://t.co/kE8oRBJY70

RT @diane_o_lucas: Yes! Exactly what’ve been saying for years https://t.co/2jlihk5e26

Dear @NYGovCuomo, Is it true that you won’t sign a bill to legalize money if any tax revenue goes back to impact communities ravaged by the war on drugs? I keep hearing this, but that can’t be true. Surely you know the toll the War on Drugs took on these communities?

RT @GunnelsWarren: For the record, @BernieSanders has 25 policy proposals on his website including: 1. Medicare for All https://t.co/Jfv3NOyIUJ 2. $15 minimum wage https://t.co/qz2RkSZ1Re 3. Expanding Social Security https://t.co/ECdMo41zU9 4. Slashing Drug Prices https://t.co/QbeYBYs8IH Thread https://t.co/Idx0iNxRRa

RT @ScottHech: Right now, NY lawmakers are talking w/ @NYGovCuomo about marijuana legalization. But there's one issue holding it up: "Where revenue from legalization would go." **THIS SHOULDN'T BE A QUESTION FOLKS!** Revenue MUST go back to communities of color ravaged by the war on drugs. https://t.co/AdXUVcHAnq

RT @MrMikeBlake: Why do they still have jobs??? cc @NYjusticeleague @shaunking https://t.co/6tBuMrbu83

RT @WaywardWinifred: 100% https://t.co/DoD7Z3PhNf

RT @ZackFinkNews: Marijuana Update: Talks continue in Albany at this hour, with one insider describing it’s chances as “50/50.” At issue is where the revenue from legalization would go. Source says @NYGovCuomo and legislature disagree on who is most in need. Others say Cuomo wants his bill only.

RT @shomaristone: Vallejo police fired 55 shots at #WillieMcCoy in 3.5 seconds. Report finds it 'reasonable.' The 20 y/o California rapper’s family attorney says he was hit around 25 times. Police were responding to a call about a man slumped over, unresponsive, in his car. https://t.co/5NYutLwgB2

RT @davidsirota: These poll results are consistent, which indicates that the support is durable. That is very important for all of us who want to see Trump defeated in 2020. https://t.co/oLrnFQb0pJ

Trump is literally calling journalists “fake news” and “the enemy of the people” right now on Twitter https://t.co/xzud7A733c

RT @katelinthicum: A 7-year-old girl from India just died crossing the U.S. border. Her body was found in the same region where Scott Warren and No More Deaths has provided food and water to migrants to avoid tragedies like these. https://t.co/5FgFs7GF2i

RT @SarahKSilverman: Life is precious or no?? Who is allowing this? Where does the buck stop?? https://t.co/boZaIvD9mI

RT @matthewamiller: Honestly the kind of thing that should get you kicked off the Intelligence Committee. https://t.co/p9W2hEjyrl

RT @LittleMissFlint: Notre Dame was fixed faster than Flint https://t.co/vfnI2O2LUN

@bsonenstein @nwmalinowski Yep

RT @michael_hendrix: In Los Angeles, it takes 43 years to save up a 20% down payment by setting aside 5% a year on the city’s median income. In San Francisco, it takes 40 years. In New York City, 36 years. In 1975, it took just 9 years. https://t.co/jKZt7Rr5RF https://t.co/MYzzRFIkIy

RT @nwmalinowski: HUNGER STRIKE DAY 4 — 72 hours without food. I’m doing this in solidarity w/ Victor Pate, @NYCAIC campaign & thousands of people currently suffering in solitary confinement in NYS prisons & jails. @AndreaSCousins @CarlHeastie & @NYGovCuomo can end this torture #HALTSolitaryNOW https://t.co/RLkNX8k2Zt

RT @saikatc: Cuellar votes with Trump more than some Republicans. And he votes most with big oil, private prison corps, and the gun lobby. He says he knows Texas. When I lived in TX, I don't recall people wanting their reps to be bought out by big corps. Donate: https://t.co/CZLl1pdYlO https://t.co/M1TvTmbQWT

RT @pattonoswalt: This is VERY VERY important and I hope you tune in to the stream Monday. A Poor People’s Campaign is desperately needed right now, and the candidates need to LISTEN. Thank you, @RevDrBarber #PPCMoralCongress #PoorPeoplesCampaign @UniteThePoor https://t.co/0SE1slnhaT

RT @mrdannyglover: Mark your calendars & RSVP for this Monday’s presidential forum hosted by #PoorPeoplesCampaign - the 1st presidential forum on poverty, w/ candidates answering questions from poor and impacted people. MSNBC will livestream https://t.co/gQQ5nQMFnW #PPCMoralCongress @UniteThePoor

RT @_waleedshahid: I just spent some time in South Texas. Our car was stopped a few times at checkpoints where border patrol asked whether or not we were US citizens. People say it’s now a normalized part of life that makes many immigrants afraid of things like picking their kids up from school.

@ciphersankofa Absolutely.

RT @ciphersankofa: The strategists & organizers I most respect have 100's of followers #OnHere yet been critical to securing real material victories for working and poor folk. Don't get gassed by our culture of spectacle and celebrity. @ The dopest organizers you know and acknowledge their service.

RT @shaunking: I need their names. I need the names of every single officer involved in this bigoted, violent, traumatic case of police terrorism. What are their names? SHAME on the @phoenixpolice for not firing these officers already. Just give me their names. https://t.co/WO6ZICEpy7

RT @slpng_giants: This is an absolute travesty. There is zero justification or excuse for this. These officers should be fired. https://t.co/FYEf50YOgr

RT @douglasblackmon: There is something so terribly wrong in our country. https://t.co/fnSco3fUEP

RT @BillyCrystal: FIRE THEM NOW https://t.co/Cr0qqOHSfv

RT @uplcchicago: "People don’t go to jail to die. People don’t go to jail and expect they won’t be coming out." @elizabethweill for @theappeal. https://t.co/YNG6pa0YHx

RT @VOCALNewYork: Solitary confinement is no place for anybody. We have to end this practice — defined by the UN as torture. In NY we are almost there, but need @AndreaSCousins and @CarlHeastie to bring the bill to a vote. Some of our staff & members have joined the #HALTSolitaryNOW hunger strike. https://t.co/y1CI33mVeq

RT @MarissaEsque: Letting us into the ranks is easy enough as long as we uphold the status quo. The St. Louis Prosecutor Went After the Establishment. Now the Tables Are Turned. https://t.co/DgP4kgJePB

RT @RoKhanna: Countries that have stopped selling weapons to Saudi Arabia: ❌ Denmark ❌ Germany ❌ The Netherlands ❌ Finland ❌ Austria ❌ Belgium ❌ Switzerland ❌ Norway We must work together to add the United States to this list.

RT @CatsCommentary: I just signed this petition to demand @xavierbeccera launch an investigation into the VPD. Will you join me? #O4 https://t.co/PZj1PTGXCf via @ColorOfChange #EnoughIsEnough #timetoactinvallejo

RT @RealJusticePAC: Who do you trust to transform the justice system in Queens: @CabanForQueens who has always held these positions and is shaping the conversation, or someone who just decided three to four months ago that these are the positions they hold? https://t.co/60MqXc50D7

@JimmyVanBramer @CoreyinNYC @maawallace @QPLNYC @BKLYNlibrary @NYPL_GovAffairs YES!! Great work!!

RT @VOCALNewYork: Organizing works! So proud to be in Albany to celebrate this historic rent law victory with our allies in the fight for housing justice. 🔥🔥🔥 https://t.co/W8XlIQW9tH

RT @yuhline: 😭❤️ https://t.co/2sYRZ2UBxy

RT @yuhline: The advocates. The advocates. The advocates. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. https://t.co/hMibrKOPF4

RT @MrMikeBlake: Historic day for New York tenants as we passed the strongest rent control package we have ever had. #HousingJusticeForAll #Housingisahumanright #BelieveInTheBx cc @shaunking https://t.co/ORTnJ8WjxR

So proud. https://t.co/AlVRNrQhMz

RT @JaxAlemany: Reminder: the confidential memo dug up by @jdawsey1 & @JStein_WaPo says the disclosure of Trump’s tax returns for Ways & Means “is mandatory, requiring the Secretary to disclose returns, and return information, requested by the tax-writing Chairs.” https://t.co/fc7l1rK9bX

RT @lisaabramowicz1: The U.S. Treasury saw a 31% drop in corporate tax revenues last year, almost twice the decline official budget forecasters had predicted. Receipts were projected to rebound sharply this year, but so far they’ve only continued to fall. https://t.co/QYZow5vnEL

RT @KFILE: “The drop comes even as some Republicans, such as Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, have claimed, dubiously, that the law will pay for itself.” https://t.co/nuofil06ag

RT @KyleNeubeck: Oakland cop: Masai Ujiri didn't produce a credential and struck our officer Masai Ujiri: Quite literally holding his credential during videotaped incident in question and seconds later on the court https://t.co/xtJIb0GZaw

RT @pdmcleod: Since I’ve decided to spend today being mad online about the coverage of this Masai Ujiri thing, here’s an eye witness giving a far more plausible account than Ujiri just deciding to celebrate his team’s win by provoking a fight with a cop. https://t.co/L9jexntkrq https://t.co/YMmoL3d2z8

RT @rgilliescanada: Wiener said he read what police are saying about Masai and said he felt he had to speak out. "I read it saying 'Wait the cops are not telling the truth.' This looks like somebody trying to embellish what happened to protect what they did, what the policeman did."

RT @rgilliescanada: Greg Wiener, a season ticket holder who was standing next to the officer, told The Associated Press the police are not telling the truth and are trying to cover up for what the officer did. He said Masai Ujiri never struck the officer in the face or asked for a credential.

RT @DanWolken: Update to the Masai Ujiri story: Warriors season ticket holder who witnessed incident disputes part of the policeman’s account https://t.co/H4AkdghORL via @usatoday

RT @robrousseau: alternate headline: glorified mall cop has his precious feelings hurt after attempting to racially profile a powerful nba executive https://t.co/JtabHKagm5

RT @AmhaMatt: Imagine CARDING the most high profile exec in professional sports, seconds after his team wins a championship. Can’t even make history without the police reminding you where you stand. https://t.co/Tkn64zLjyL

RT @idontlikemunday: These headlines are embarrassing. Why is nobody writing "Oakland area cops card Raptors president at own celebration." https://t.co/Bf6d53TxCo

RT @vmochama: HE WAS CARDED ON THE WAY TO PICKING UP HIS TEAM'S TROPHY. delete and start again. https://t.co/rqKyfscQl1

RT @ESOP_STL: Sgt. Ethan needs to be booked for false arrest and fired. Not “knowing how to act” isn’t a charge, and if it was a charge Sgt. Ethan should be the first person ever booked on the charge for the way he acted. https://t.co/ZQODv7KNud

RT @matttbastard: @pdmcleod Once you read about the Alameda County Sherrif's Office it makes more sense (tl;dr corruption and civil rights violations are the norm) https://t.co/gMgprzOKPY

RT @pdmcleod: I can’t express enough how insane it is that the Alameda County Sheriff’s Department is pursuing charges against Ujiri. By their own account this supposed assault was in response to the officer shoving Ujiri away from the floor. https://t.co/nSbxad1jPI

RT @theappeal: Colorado’s state legislature wanted to limit its counties abilities to cooperate with ICE under 287(g), which deputizes local officials to act as federal immigration agents, but the Democratic governor threatened to veto. Now, lawmakers are asking why. https://t.co/dzYeqAZqvD

RT @GirlTrek: .@TheNorthStar ICYMI: #GirlTrek the largest health movement for Black women + girls was featured on @CNN "Black women start a walking movement to battle the obesity epidemic" https://t.co/pe8lWODE79

RT @rontkim: Economic agency must become an inalienable right for every one. @BernieSanders has the vision & plan to lead us there. For that reason, I put my entire, 100% support, behind his presidential candidacy. #bernie2020 https://t.co/SOZiGf8vQe

RT @DarthAmin: I don’t have answers for how to fix Sudan. But I know the 1st step is to have the world be aware that something terrible is going on. So while I try to find out what WE can do, do me a favor & help me get this msg out. #SudanUprising #IAmSudanRevolution https://t.co/HCTBdBk6kf

Watch and listen. https://t.co/majAJvGbwf

RT @muazimus: @DarthAmin If anyone is wondering why this blue: https://t.co/6uqjvICyCp

RT @FCOIrfan: If there weren't strong enough arguments for ending the violence in #Sudan, the killing of 19 children in the last 9 days should make all those responsible for the ongoing violence think long and hard about their actions. We need a political agreement and an end to violence now. https://t.co/kAEGCDOYMo

RT @KaamilAhmed: Sudanese Doctors Syndicate releases list naming 112 people killed since the 3 June attack on the sit-in, not including the 40 counted by @Sd_Doctors pulled from the Nile by the RSF Of injuries they gave causes for, majority from gun fire 15 from stab wounds

RT @errfnern: Everyone taking part in #TurnTheWorldBlue for #BlueForSudan should know where the colour came from. Mohammed Hashim Mattar, one of the martyrs killed on the 3rd of June used to love this colour. This is Mattar's blue! Pray for him and his friends & family! https://t.co/3vMqvVGJNz

RT @WritesRights: .@YousraElbagir took over @amnesty's 📸Instagram today to spell out what's happening in Sudan right now. Head over there to find out 👇 #SudanUprising #EncampRSF #WeAreSudan #Internet_Blackout_in_Sudan https://t.co/1PSUcOXKqE

They just admitted war crimes. https://t.co/eXnIx191lQ

RT @ReemWrites: Kabbashi denying that RSF raped women on June 3rd is ridiculous. It was not only rape, some women were gang-rapped and they specifically targeted women @ the clinic area. RSF soldiers documented their crimes as there are at least two videos circulating 1

Everyone please follow @YousraElbagir for accurate news and information on/about Sudan. I know and trust her work. She is from Khartoum and has family there now. She's a world class journalist.

It would be great if we could get an official English translated version of the @AssociationSd account.

RT @shaunking: URGENT. Today's brand new episode of @TheBreakdown, our special 50th episode, is on the #SudanUprising & the #SudanMassacre. Listen NOW on @ApplePodcasts: https://t.co/RwHLBVHGs4 Listen NOW on @Spotify: https://t.co/UwGbZYt5zC LISTEN, SHARE, and TAKE OUR ACTION STEPS now! https://t.co/k3eO70Qo5F

RT @Ms_GeNeSSa: If you aren't listening to @TheBreakdown to get your news, you're missing out. I listen everyday! #TheBreakdown #ActionSteps

RT @AngelicaJonae: If you're not following @TheBreakdown. Please do. Why? Shaun not only shares stories of injustice, racism & corruption, but he also provides PRACTICAL, ACTIONABLE steps we can do to help & support our communities. Follow then head over to your fav podcast app & follow there, too.

RT @missmichellemai: Just listened to a great podcast from @TheBreakdown that gives a synopsis of the current humanitarian crisis in Sudan. We can’t sit idly and allow this to happen. I stand with the people of Sudan. 🇸🇩🙏🏽 https://t.co/aRUtRTUqAD #SudanMassacre #SudanUprising #TheBreakdown https://t.co/XinIiOcoIj

RT @anitalgray: Everyone needs to listen to episode 50 of @TheBreakdown on their podcast provider. It tells the story of the revolution happening in Sudan where hundreds have been massacred and raped as they fight for democracy. Please share #SudanMassacre #SudanUprising https://t.co/OluB7xqTAb

RT @GregInRevolt: The #SudanUprising is a lesson on real courage & solidarity. #PowerToThePeople of #Sudan in their quest for decency, dignity, and #democracy. Thanks to @shaunking & @TheBreakdown for an in-depth analysis & for popping my little 2020 bubble for a hot minute. https://t.co/JoQSwrhoGz

RT @A_Golden_Girl: YESTERDAY was the 1st I heard about what's going on in Sudan. @TheBreakdown offers a helpful + simple explanation of: 1) the history of war crimes in Sudan, 2) what's happening right now, + 3) simple action items. Listen in: #sudanuprising #thebreakdown https://t.co/SfOVDHsQ1z

RT @jeannienuclear: Listen to this important episode of the excellent podcast @TheBreakdown and take action steps! #SudanMassacre https://t.co/RMNhZfpyVL

RT @TheBreakdown: Help us with this please. https://t.co/o9mziQYsBq

RT @shaunking: Friends, Who are the best people to follow IN SUDAN right now? Who are the people & organizations IN SUDAN right now that need our help? I am going to compile and share these on @TheBreakdown tomorrow. Let's GO! Please retweet & tag people who know this issue well. THX

RT @sarahkendzior: No, the inaction of the House is what's shocking. It's been nearly three years since Trump asked Russia for HRC's emails. Three years of brazen betrayal, and you won't even open an impeachment inquiry. Shame on all of you. https://t.co/ulUj2F0oyl

RT @jonfavs: The House Judiciary Committee should vote to begin impeachment proceedings immediately. https://t.co/l7LPuim1KB

RT @ron_fournier: Trump’s interview with @GStephanopoulos crystallizes what’s at stake: Unless Democrats and Republicans in Congress impeach him, every future president has grounds to ask foreign adversaries to launch covert operations against political rivals in the U.S. #existential

RT @TheRickWilson: If you're wondering if the President of the goddamn United States just invited foreign intelligence agencies to hack and spy on his political opponents, he did.

RT @joshscampbell: Asked by CNN about the President’s remarks, the FBI declined to comment. https://t.co/1H3Mbeew9g

RT @JuddLegum: Trump is INVITING FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS to collect dirt on his political opponents and get in touch with him https://t.co/eog7Ra94gz

RT @andrewperezdc: Sanders is getting his best press since launching his 2020 campaign and smart people can’t believe he’d debase himself by talking about “Democratic socialism” lol https://t.co/G7Oe9rziXu

RT @DemSocialists: Wow, same. https://t.co/PQ8fEpdeYv

RT @Kanew: Horrifying VIDEO of @knoxsheriffs Detective Grayson Fritts - also a pastor - calling for the government to arrest and execute LGBTQ People. He's on paid sick leave until July 19, and no longer on active duty. Here's the original @KnoxNews article: https://t.co/bhRUxgDSEZ https://t.co/B4bEquVPe8

RT @Charles_Loring: #UnderHisEye https://t.co/WXc2a72vjo

RT @jayrosen_nyu: Two facts are in evidence here. One is he would not alert. Damning and important. The other: he’s declaring this out loud. That is a challenge to the entire system by which we try to hold the powerful accountable. Including the press, and the person who asked the question. https://t.co/jKerCOqimR

RT @brianefallon: I used to think Trump could shoot a man on Fifth Avenue and the Republicans would let him get away with it. Now I think the Democrats would, too.

RT @JStein_WaPo: Bernie Sanders’ enemies list, from his speech today: — Wall Street — Health insurance companies — Drug companies — Fossil fuel industry — “Military industrial complex” — “Prison industrial complex” — Giant agribusiness

RT @peterdaou: WHY, WHY, WHY DEMS? I'm watching @RepJeffries twist himself into knots avoiding #impeachment, as @SRuhle looks at him with amazement. The same double-talk is coming from @RepJerryNadler, @RepAdamSchiff, @SpeakerPelosi and other Dem leaders. What is wrong with them??? ENOUGH!

RT @joshscampbell: Just incredible. The President says "the FBI Director is wrong" in claiming that a campaign approached by a foreign government should notify authorities. https://t.co/1S8xjoi2EV

RT @matthewferner: This is scandalous. The AZ Daily Star deleted an op-ed from a PD criticizing prosecutors for blocking crim justice reform because a prosecutor said it was inaccurate - it wasn't. Deeply troubling & not the first time a prosecutor has pressured a newspaper to bend to their will https://t.co/w9pwfpkOzk

RT @michelleinbklyn: The failure to impeach leads directly to this https://t.co/Yj4Vbf6jjW

RT @RepRoKhanna: Today's hearing on #MedicareForAll is a high-water mark in the movement for health care as a human right. https://t.co/aAKp4xnZn2

New York!! Having a special birthday party for all of my local friends and family! Saturday, June 22nd! Can’t wait to see you there! RSVP NOW @ https://t.co/B6oTu8VTYj https://t.co/lIfL6twRkM

RT @davidsirota: Every journalist should ask every single 2020 Democrat quoted in this story a simple set of questions: what specific part of @BernieSanders’ policy agenda do you disagree with, and why are you laughing at the idea of guaranteeing Americans basic economic rights? https://t.co/rAfF0DNf3y

RT @RepDonBeyer: Trump just blew way past "no collusion," he's broadcasting his willingness to receive help from a hostile foreign power in 2020. He's glad his son didn't call the FBI about Russian help and says he wouldn't call them in 2020. Yes we absolutely need an impeachment inquiry. https://t.co/TeNYEbFE91

RT @SenGillibrand: It’s time for Congress to begin impeachment hearings. https://t.co/yYG6oqHfCm

RT @CharlesPPierce: NOW can we please have an impeachment inquiry???? Pretty please. Otherwise, seriously, what's the fcking point of anything? https://t.co/Px7g41xPMB

RT @shaunking: We did it!!! City by city, county by county, we are going to change the justice system from the inside out! We are going to dismantle the systems of mass incarceration one policy and one person at a time. https://t.co/c7whNNhI9b

RT @chesaboudin: Yes! 🔥🔥🔥 https://t.co/70AlM994KZ

RT @AOC: What a damn shame. We must pass the 9/11 Victim’s Compensation Fund. It’s not just about procedure. It’s about showing up for the heroes who were there for us. I don’t sit on this committee, but if any of the first responders there today would like to meet with me, let me know. https://t.co/PWEfZ5CXxH

@_waleedshahid A bunch of bullshit

RT @ElieNYC: Tomorrow’s @WSJ op-ed is going to be “Black People, They’re Guilty Of Something.” By Dylann Roof.

RT @shomaristone: Mother Cries Foul When Police Are Called on 10 Year Old Son Playing With Toy Money On @MCPS School Bus in Montgomery County, MD. Tiffany Kelly says her son was a victim of "over-policing "of minorities. She says police questioned him w/o notifying her. https://t.co/mjMZZ3RhwX

RT @MaketheRoadAct: Congratulations from our members to the clear winner of tonight’s #NY1Politics Queens DA debate: @CabanForQueens! https://t.co/PcPEyag0at

RT @RealJusticePAC: Congratulations to @Parisa4Justice for her huge victory tonight! Thank you to everyone who worked hard to dismantle the mass incarceration machine in Arlington County and Falls Church, VA. When we organize, we win! https://t.co/XD8piEClIT

We did it!!! City by city, county by county, we are going to change the justice system from the inside out! We are going to dismantle the systems of mass incarceration one policy and one person at a time. https://t.co/c7whNNhI9b

RT @RealJusticePAC: Hundreds of grassroots @Parisa4Justice supporters celebrating her victory tonight over Theo Stamos! This is people power. 🎉🎉🎉 https://t.co/Z8WguWMi7E

On behalf of our entire team @RealJusticePAC - and all of our volunteers and donors - we say THANK YOU!!!! We are so proud of @parisa4justice and her team. They are going to change the justice system from the inside out. Meet the new DA of Arlington, VA!! https://t.co/qbih9b3I77

RT @CabanForQueens: Women like me are not supposed to be on a stage like this. What I represent is a clean, bold break from the status quo. This campaign started with 4 women around a table. We have built a movement. I have built something from nothing. And that is what leadership looks like.

RT @parisa4justice: 3/3 Arlington and Falls Church stand ready to show the Commonwealth and the country what it means to put justice back in the criminal justice system.

RT @parisa4justice: 2/x I thank CA Theo Stamos for her years of service to Arlington and Falls Church and I look forward to working with her as we move forward to the general election in November.

RT @parisa4justice: 1/x I am humbled and honored at the trust the voters of Arlington and the City of Falls Church have placed in our campaign. This election wasn’t about me but about the community’s recognition that criminal justice reform is one of the civil rights issues of our time.

RT @MaketheRoadNY: The energy in Albany is off the charts as we demand Albany leaders pass the Climate & Community Protection Act this legislative session! #PassTheCCPA ✅ Move to 100% renewable ✅ Invest 💰 in vulnerable communities ✅ Create good, green jobs https://t.co/MlffYJncHB

RT @NYSenBenjamin: #EndMassIncarceration is a moral movement to put #PeopleOverProfit. W/the support of @RepJerryNadler @RepGregoryMeeks @MaketheRoadNY & others, the NY Senate did the right thing by voting to pass my bill (S5433), which prohibits NYS Chartered Banks from financing private prisons. https://t.co/rx35FXPm1Y

RT @MaketheRoadNY: #BREAKING: NY State Senate passes bill to prohibit banks chartered in the state from financing private prison and immigrant detention companies. Kudos to @NYSenBenjamin for this bill to take on #BackersofHate who profit from the pain in Black and Brown & Immigrant communities! https://t.co/MpBYAfWXNh

RT @FinesandFeesJC: Tomorrow at 3pm EST, FFJC's @jbenmenachem will join @GalvinAlmanza and Ashley Gantt from @JustLeadersUSA for a @Justice_Collab webinar on the national landscape of fines and fees practices & our work to reform them. RSVP: https://t.co/FTVJH6l7NO

RT @MykalsDiamonds: This is one of quite a few reasons I voted for @parisa4justice today. The fact is, if someone who looks like me said that to a cop, there would be nothing more than a verbal warning. Changing our justice system starts at the local level. https://t.co/fyl2h6kvWI

RT @helenprejean: The Pennsylvania Supreme Court is considering a case about the constitutionality of the death penalty. The state’s arguments are due next week. Here’s my message for @PAAttorneyGen @JoshShapiroPA: https://t.co/F94UFBYZun

RT @Taniel: just in: Parisa Dehghani-Tafti OUSTS Arlington's prosecutor Theo Stamos. She said she was running to "dismantle" mass incarceration. She told me she'll never seek death penalty nor prosecute pot, that she'd treat "addiction as a medical problem," & more. https://t.co/txyKaQ0jUp

RT @matthewferner: Parisa Dehghani-Tafti, reformer challenger for Arlington's top prosecutor has ousted incumbent Theo Stamos, on a reform-driven platform: https://t.co/Ed8irSpbCX A platform that bested Stamos, who prosecuted a child for saying "oink oink" to a cop: https://t.co/vQj9HN46Os

RT @iChrisLehman: .@CabanForQueens can reform criminal justice in NYC. In the boro of Rikers, that stole the life of #KaliefBrowder the freedom of #KoreyWise and countless others. I will vote for her on June 25, but she needs $ support. I have, can you also donate to this critical campaign? https://t.co/A7wbQscoKP

RT @leeladaou: .@CabanForQueens "wants to change the system from the inside; she supports decarceration, ending cash bail, decriminalizing sex work, and favors a holistic 'trauma-informed' approach to justice." I'm really excited by her vision. https://t.co/U2ntHMIbxj

@SoyEsquire @WeTheNorth It was so many of them

RT @GSWFastBreak: Still in shock that Toronto fans cheered Durant’s injury. Just disgusting. Literally people standing up and mock waving goodbye to him when he’s on the floor clutching his leg.

RT @marclamonthill: Toronto fans just made one of the most shameful displays I’ve ever seen. And I’m from Philly.

RT @kylegriffin1: Rep. Justin Amash has stepped down from the conservative House Freedom Caucus less than a month after becoming the first Republican member of Congress to say Trump has committed impeachable offenses, @byrdinator reports. https://t.co/zUPitwtdND

That wasn’t a foul from Draymond.

RT @indivisible592: With a single election, we can decriminalize sex work and end cash bail for a quarter of all NYC residents. The moral imperative to vote for @CabanForQueens on 06/25 could not be clearer. https://t.co/UVjEn1IcS9 https://t.co/6F9xTAiw01

RT @JoelEmbiid: Why are they cheering for his injury? Come on man #Disguting

RT @davidsirota: At exactly the moment that many Democrats are suddenly promoting @BernieSanders’ popular progressive agenda, the Koch Brothers are now launching plans to fight back by buying up and taking over the Democratic Party https://t.co/xoeRgip4ta

@birdgangsoldier That’s the point. It took the players to get them to stop.

RT @BernieSanders: The Koch Brothers are preparing to try to buy the Democratic Party and buy the 2020 election. We cannot let them. The only way we will stop them is to build a grassroots progressive campaign that rejects their right-wing ideology. https://t.co/B0bNbLIxnR

Damn. Sucks so bad to see KD hurt. He was making all the difference. And sucks even more to see the Toronto Raptors fans cheer his injury. Classless.

RT @daveweigel: Something I’ve never quite figured out about cable is how Deutsch, a successful ad exec who took over his father’s company, became a go-to commentator on politics. https://t.co/Uvagh1C9Vm

@daveweigel I don’t even understand it either man. Makes no sense

@KFILE What did he even mean to say here?

RT @IlhanMN: "The problems range from shackling patients to beds and not permitting them to use restrooms to pressuring doctors...to certify that they can be held in crowded detention facilities" This is dehumanization. Period. https://t.co/dKhU2ncArP

RT @TheTNHoller: Coffee County D.A. Craig Northcott - special prosecutor on the @GlenCasada-@brotherjones_ case who we reported made Islamophobic comments on Facebook & refuses to recognize the SCOTUS marriage equality ruling - is reportedly under state investigation. https://t.co/YxT2LZ7YkE

RT @RosaGoldensohn: Woman Who Died at Rikers Island Was in Solitary https://t.co/erZDDjs3E0

RT @AOC: No human being should be tortured by or in the United States. That means NO ONE should be kept in solitary confinement. Layleen Polanco was, and now she’s gone - all for $500 bail + low lvl offense. #CloseRikers #AbolishSolitary #EndCashBail #DecriminalizePoverty #EndWarOnDrugs https://t.co/3p9bcXg8HB

RT @chrisconte: “People will die because of this.” Another rural Tennessee hospital on the verge of closing. This time in Jamestown. Ambulances are no longer allowed to bring patients here. The next closest ER is 45 minutes away ... https://t.co/372jzPz8kW

RT @TheTNHoller: While @GovBillLee and the rest of the GOP brag about our fiscal stability ranking, we continue to extend our lead over the nation in rural hospital closures. Unconscionable to continue to deprive these citizens and communities for purely political reasons. #ExpandMedicaid https://t.co/qiTT31XGku

RT @kylegriffin1: Trump told aides to deny that his internal polling showed him trailing Joe Biden in many of the states he needs to win, NYT reports, even though Trump is also trailing in public polls from key states like Texas, Michigan and Pennsylvania. https://t.co/IohVU3QHWC

WHOA! Just wait for it. https://t.co/sW7OhAotn4

Hold on. Justin Bieber challenged Tom Cruise to a fight? Why? It's so weird.

RT @AOC: Yes! ⬇️ https://t.co/9bWZ3XIJM8

RT @jonswaine: New: Company part-owned by Jared Kushner has received $90m from unknown foreign investors via an offshore vehicle since Kushner entered the White House https://t.co/475oBijfxP

RT @jaspscherer: .@AudiaForDA — 2020 primary challenger to @kimoggforda — rolls out a five-point policy platform: #hounews https://t.co/ZjUTLoKaeO

RT @kulkarni_nina: Proud to join @jessicaramos @Krasner4DA @AkeemBrowderNYC @JimmyVanBramer @one_queens @AmplifyHerNYC @WomensActionFH to support @CabanForQueens 🎉 Happy @shaunking liked my homemade Vote4Tiffany fortune cookies 🥠 May more activists+electeds help GOTV on 6/25 👍🏾 #CabanForQueens https://t.co/mieeGrDgdh

RT @theappeal: Teresa Todd is facing up to 20 years in prison. Her crime? Providing life-saving help to three siblings in the Texas desert, who had gone without food or water for three days, one of whom could barely walk. The siblings are undocumented. https://t.co/oFQWeLLEgt

RT @NACDL: Spotlight: In A Study of Cops’ Facebook Accounts, 1 in 5 Had Posted Racist, Violent Content @vgullap @theappeal https://t.co/szlbiqVw3W

RT @GalvinAlmanza: So...can we charge the prosecutor with child abuse? High Schooler Faced 25 Years on the Sex Offender Registry–For Engaging In Oral Sex https://t.co/vCcWdCDNYP

RT @vidabjohnson: Here is an article I wrote a year and a half ago. Unfortunately it is still timely. https://t.co/th8ljUScis

RT @ACLUFL: Prisons and jails are brutal places and there are tens of thousands of inmates in Florida who have legal claims that call out for redress. https://t.co/Wp4J6ENVVe

RT @theappeal: The Democratic prosecutors of two big Virginia counties joined a lawsuit to stop Governor @TerryMcAuliffe from restoring people's right to vote. On Tuesday, they're facing challengers who question whether anyone should be disenfranchised at all. https://t.co/r6CwzkZdpM

RT @MLBONFOX: "If you don't want me to watch the ball, you can get it out of the ocean." - Max Muncy on Madison Bumgarner 😲 (via @SportsNetLA) https://t.co/KNOxAyUNgg

RT @FernanFrontera: Bumgarner embodies everything we hate about the old vanguard of baseball “purists”. Muncy just clobbered your pitch 600ft. You don’t get to be “mad” and then chuck it up to “unwritten rules”. You are just a child having a tantrum on the mound. https://t.co/oqiJJvs4Lj

RT @SBNation: Max Muncy telling Madison Bumgarner to ‘go get it out of the ocean’ is the MLB quote of the year 😂 https://t.co/93gwAz3das

RT @Joe_Davis: Muncy: “Bumgarner said ‘don’t watch the ball, run’, and I just told him if he doesn’t want me to watch the ball, go get it out of the ocean.”

RT @BernieSanders: A few years ago we were told a $15 minimum wage was "unrealistic." Then California and New York passed a $15 minimum wage. Then so did Massachusetts, New Jersey, Illinois, Maryland and Connecticut. Imagine what we'll be able to accomplish when we're in the White House.

RT @artistsofcolour: MR. AND MRS. ALBERT THORNTON, MOBILE, ALABAMA, Gordon Parks, 1956 https://t.co/qJtQIPoeWJ

RT @CabanForQueens: Ending mass incarceration is a family affair! Today, my parents talked to voters in Richmond Hill about our people-powered campaign for Queens District Attorney. (check out my dad repping 🇵🇷 for the Puerto Rican Day Parade) https://t.co/0Psmjs8fsk

RT @MrChuckD: It’s fkd up the future of the planet is in the hands of humans who mathematically ain’t got 20 years ahead of them ...this is why millennials are pissed off once they get ‘conscious’ and why governments wanna keep them down and dumbed on bread and circus https://t.co/d2GdNfZX6g

RT @NBCNewYork: Mayor Bill de Blasio was one of just two Democratic presidential candidates to receive zero support in a new poll https://t.co/4r1ovavsJI

RT @MazMHussain: Mohammed, would you like to comment now on the revelations that al-Arabiya published articles about Iran under the byline of a false persona run by a team of MEK operatives in Albania? Articles by Heshmat Alavi were published on al-Arabiya this year. https://t.co/wobaKrZEXg https://t.co/cmRoHVvGZ2

RT @CabanForQueens: 🎉🎉 Yesterday, hundreds of volunteers knocked on over 6,000 doors to tell their neighbors about our vision for the Queens DA’s office. And there are even more volunteers out today! (1/4)

RT @JuddLegum: FACT: The joint US-Mexico declaration, which is less than 500 words long, requires Mexico to do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING it isn't already doing. It is not a "deal." It is a fig leaf to cover up Trump's humiliating diplomatic defeat

RT @business: Mexico never agreed to farm deal with U.S., contradicting Trump's tweets https://t.co/9BMqHZG3Yf

RT @ThePlumLineGS: Trump is so desperate to portray this farce and fiasco as a win that he's now claiming that Mexico made secret concessions that will be announced at some unspecified future moment. https://t.co/m25bHJhwDZ

RT @KFILE: Trump’s $3.6 Million Ireland Detour Brings Taxpayer-Funded Golf Tab To $105.8 million “His for-profit golf course there posted promotional videos of him teeing off and his helicopter's arrival — but deleted them after HuffPost began making inquiries.” https://t.co/fGQp4IZmhp

RT @keithellison: Whenever a wealthy donor threatens to “cut you off” from their cash unless you comply with their selfish greed-driven agenda, you must cut them off first. Your credibility depends on it. https://t.co/boIgVnmwUV

RT @ava: After Korey Wise was exonerated, but before the city settled the lawsuit about its wrongdoing, he could not get a job. Falsely convicted at age 16. No skills from over a decade in NY state prisons. Only one man quietly gave him a job. That was @TheRevAl. Respect. #WhenTheySeeUs https://t.co/yErGV3Bmgi

RT @RoKhanna: It’s no surprise that teachers go on strike when: ➡️ Salaries are 4.5% lower than a decade ago after inflation ➡️ They earn 21% less than similarly educated and experienced professionals Under @BernieSanders' education plan, teachers would earn at least $60,000/year.

RT @nytimes: Breaking News: President Trump hailed his new deal with Mexico to avoid tariffs. But the terms were actually agreed on months ago, officials in both nations said. https://t.co/QkNy5DLkNz

I’m a HUGE fan of @AintTooProud. Wife and I got a chance to see it. It’s spectacular! Rooting so hard for it to win at the #TonyAwards tonight https://t.co/29V6dMPkfm

RT @fshakir: @IsaacDovere Fact check: Bernie shook that woman's hand

RT @fshakir: Me: Where's Bernie? We need to get going. (Go to his room. Find him locked in conversation with service worker) Bernie:...now when you lost your home in the flood, how did you put your life back together? https://t.co/NulAklLbUK

RT @BernieSanders: .@McDonalds made $6 billion in profits last year and paid its CEO $22 million in compensation. It is not a poor company. It damn well can pay all its employees a living wage of $15 an hour.

RT @HuffPost: Joe Biden came under fire this week for more than just his stance on the Hyde Amendment. Here's a look back at what else transpired. https://t.co/3jta9Pd2yy

RT @sahilkapur: Joe Biden’s Bad Week https://t.co/sIRHeB76L3

RT @i24NEWS_EN: 'Joe #Biden has been running for president since 1988 and is still making basic judgment errors, necessitating the most transparent flip-flops,' @themaxburns tells @MichelleMakori: https://t.co/I4TXYDFG8Z

RT @MarkHarrisNYC: Joe Biden emailed me at least 48 times this week so I don't know what all this "I'm actually best friends with somebody else" bullshit is all about. https://t.co/d3G3wxPXWz

RT @shaunking: 1. @RepKatiePorter is a star. 2. She critiqued the flimsiness of @JoeBiden from this past week better in 60 seconds than anybody else did in 60 minutes. https://t.co/jana7owFw9